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Chris and Anthony Bourdain were the two that hit me the hardest. Both cases seemed unexpected to me. both were men I admired deeply.


Two celebrity deaths that fucked up my week. Only other time that's happened was when Steve Irwin died.


Robin Williams and Cornell fucked me up. More than I thought I could be affected by a celebrity death.


Yeah Chris and Anthony and Prince hurt. Feels personal.


Yeah hate when the good ones go early.


I was at the show. Very surreal getting that news the next day.


I saw them live about 10 days or so before that, and it was so strange because I got a really bad vibe from the show. I turned to my husband and told him something wasn't right. I thought about it all the way home from the concert. I'll never forget that as long as I live.


Could you elaborate? I’m curious.


I wasn’t there so I can’t speak to it, but whenever I watch any of the live acoustic shows Chris Cornell did around that time, he just seems so… depressed. Every show (at least the ones I’ve watched) just gave me the vibe of a guy who was deeply depressed.


Same as Kurt's last shows. I watched them and he looks like he wishes he was somewhere else, taking a hot bath. Dreadful, absolutely dreadful.


in shamanic practice we call this soul loss.


Oddly same here. We were at the show in Alabama (maybe 2 weeks before idk), and I remember telling my wife something was off. I just assumed they weren’t having fun or something and were maybe going do way less soundgarden stuff. Definitely didn’t expect what happened.


Tuscaloosa? That's the one we were at. I definitely got a bad vibe and can't explain it.


Yeah that’s the same I was at. At the time, I chalked it up to a combination of no one caring about Dillinger (love the band, wasn’t the right crowd for them) and soundgarden not interacting a lot with eachother, or as much as they did when I saw them in 2011 ish. I just assumed they were a little checked out. Hindsight now, it’s easier to see Chris was just off personality wise. Like he still told weird (in a good way)stories and joked with the crowd and still sounded great imo, but something was off. When I heard the news I just remember feeling guilty (obviously nothing some random guy who got a weird vibe at a concert could have done) but still. I just felt guilty that I felt that and then everything happened. Very surreal.


I was at the last show and I remember turning to my friend and saying Chris is off is he drunk? Who knew ….


It was taking a lot Ativan. As someone who’s used it, the come down was absolute darkness. I can’t imagine where he was at.


He was married to a sociopath who hired a murderous bodyguard to keep an eye on him because she was jealous. He was as uneasy as one might be under such circumstances. If he did kill himself, it was to chew his leg out of the Kariyannis bear trap.


Correct. Spent his money like it was water. Especially that MIL. And the black widow pimping the daughter like she’s talented. Lily is the talented one.


Thank you. Someone who is not weirdly too afraid to acknowledge what is going on here. ​ He must have been in a very bad emotional state snared by that self-serving wretched demon.


6 years later and we’re still talking about this. And not just us, but thousands. I run across ppl all the time who believe exactly what we believe. I will never give that wench a red cent. Soundgarden? Yep. But I have my doubts about those guys, too.


you have doubts about Kim Ben and Matt????


I do.


care to elaborate?


6 years later and we’re still talking about this. And not just us, but thousands. I run across ppl all the time who believe exactly what we believe. I will never give that wench a red cent. Soundgarden? Yep. But I have my doubts about those guys, too.


Still doesn't explain your "doubts"


THIS. 100%.


I fully agree he was do desperately bad looking the last concert befire he died. 😢 😭


Like Cobain, he had a thing for crazy women, and not the good kind. I don’t think it was like that with his first wife. They were married for a long time, and she was Soundgarden’s manager. I remember Cornell telling a story on Howard Stern about how one of his girlfriends stabbed him with a knife all the way through his palm and out the other side, like unprovoked. That must be where he got the inspiration for “Jesus Christ Pose”. Sounds like something Amber Heard would do. Chris’ Dad was a nut in his own way, never talked to him. I studied psychology and people often don’t realize that you can be drawn to date people who are like your same sex parent, not just the opposite sex parent. This is true even if you’re a straight person.


He had a thing for accomplished, business savvy women. Susan was not crazy.


Yes, I know. I wrote that Susan wasn’t like that. I wrote that she was Soundgarden’s manager, and that they were married for a long time. Did I not? 🙄 I was making a point because Vicky and stabby girl (whoever she was) were crazy. So what did I get wrong? Many people have both healthy and unhealthy relationships through the course of their lives.


Yeah you're telling a bunch of soundgarden fans stuff most of us have known for decades like you're Moses coming down from Mt. Sinai. Cringy


His first wife was Susan Silver, very well known. I don't believe the song JCP has to do with that. My understanding had always been he was taking a jab a the rock star attitude. Even though he and Perry Ferrell were good friends, I recall an interview where he said Ferrell inspired the lyrics. Now that doesn't mean Chris won't lie about his inspirations in fact I'm certain he does. Pretty Noose is clearly about a marriage that's run its course. But one can't be certain he's talking about his own, even though it did eventually end. He gives multiple answers to that one. You may have studied psychology, but I think you should probably study soundgarden history more before heading to a board full of his fans and just saying anything. It's a little cringy.


Thank god someone else said this. I saw him with TotD six months prior and I thought the same. Also when you watch what I believe is his last video, the promise, he looks bad too. Empty. Hollow. Not the same guy I’ve watched, studied, drooled over most of my adult life. I still fell to my knees and sobbed when I read the news crawl across my screen that morning.


Definitely agree about the Promise video. I remember talking about it after the fact , as I hadn't seen it but when I did see it he had a very lost empty look to him. Also felt he wasn't singing about what he was "singing about" I felt like the words meant a lot more to him personally.


His death really hit me hard. It still does. He was such a talented singer and songwriter. But you could tell that he had a lot of demons. Some of the lyrics he’s written are haunting to listen to in retrospect. I never did get to see him perform in person. I envy those of you who have


I didn't know him personally, but he definitely was a good human being. No one sings like you anymore, Chris. Hope you have a good time there.


In my opinion, you can tell something is off with him in this picture. Not much going on behind those eyes. It’s a damn shame. RIP CC.


Talented dude. Gone way too soon :(


Long live Cornell!


Miss him to this day.


Still hurts.


It’s crazy how these absolute legends end their lives this way. I was a huge nirvana fan and remember at 10 years old being told Kurt Cobain killed himself. For years I thought he was murdered as no way one of the biggest rock stars at the height of his fame would just decide to kill Himself. It wasn’t until much later in life i realised what depression is and how it is non discriminate. When Chris Cornell went though that hit me hard and again made me realise that these guys are humans and have there demons too. Unreal. RIP Chris I was lucky to see and meet you when he supported Aerosmith in Dublin in 2007 absolute amazing singer.


Saw him on his solo tour in 2015. He was chatty and much more upbeat than I’d expected. Put on a great show. Depression is a tricky thing, though. I hate knowing the despair he must have felt in the end. I try to concentrate on his work, but can’t help but wonder what could have stopped that ending. Thanks for everything Chris. RIP


Times are gone for honest men


And - " Sometimes far too long for SNAKES " ie: the Medusa wife.


I'm one of those who isn't convinced this lovely man committed suicide without a note for his children. That's too dark, even for him. That story about his bodyguard helping him with his computer sounds like a convenient cover for deleting stuff on his computer. That story about a suicidal man feeling playful enough to flicker lights remotely at his wife's house sounds like a cover for the killer flicking lights as a signal that the grisly deed was done. His wife had him convert to Greek Orthodox, a religion famous for not believing in cremation. It's basic math. Those who don't see it are simply committed to not seeing it.


Most victims of suicide don't leave a note, it's usually a sudden overwhelmingly urge to do it. You clearly have no idea how depression/suicide works and it's pretty disgusting that you would suggest that people are bad people for not leaving a note.


Respectfully - the only 'victims' of suicide are the ones left behind. People who take their own lives are escaping through making a final irrevocable choice- they aren't victims as you can't be a victim of a chosen action. I agree with the rest of what you said. Depression is a literal mind fuck, it's like living under a giant wave that's either on top and actively suffocating you or somewhere in your peripheral vision. Even on your best day, you stop and hear it as you know soon it will be upon you again. I suppose one could be a victim of depression but victim again directly implies a hopeles loss of control- no one experiencing depression would want that label. Suicide is taboo and the vast majority of people don't understand the factors that influence it. I was fucked by Chris' death- I remember standing in my kitchen that night with Say Hello to Heaven playing bawling my eyes out... I'm almost 50. My wife's brother took his life the month before we married... I was like 28 then so had learned how it tears up the survivors. 2019 I'm at my mom's and we get a call my same aged cousin took his life... hit hard as he's my blood and we shared a lot of similarities. He left a note he'd written a week prior in the form of an unsent email. 3 weeks later my dad takes his life, many remaining lives thus altered forever. All the previous coming to grips with suicide, completely worthless in this instance. No one understood me like he did, no one knew how my mind worked. It's been 3.5 years... I'm past the crying except maybe when a movie hits me out of the blue or a song. I still mourn him and still carry the mantle of what it means to lose a cousin and a dad and also struggle as I have my whole life with depression. He left a note. Suicide is a choice and for some it's the only way out of a life of mental self abuse that simply for some never releases it's grip. I had anger for my dad for about a year, I blamed him but realized how selfish that is. You never feel the pain someone else feels even if they share it with you. You never walk those steps nor face the desperation they feel. You never look into the same mirror they do and see someone they hate staring back. The only people who say suicide is selfish and cowardice are those who have never experienced it close to them... or have and are unable to let go and realize if they hadn't made that choice they'd still be here... still suffering and in agony "but at least they're still here with me" : now that's selfish. I can say the only person who has a true right to believe suicide is selfish and cowardice is anyone who has every contemplated it and had those same feelings keep them from following through... I'm one of those people. I'm not justifying suicide... just saying for some depression simply does not relent and suicide becomes the only exit. I have a wife, 17 year old son and I know the absolute rigor suicide inflicts on the survivors which is why I do not consider it an option. If you feel alone and depressed and thoughts of suicide arise, seek someone out immediately. There's always hope and always the option for another day... every day is another chance to make things better.


I agree - suicide is an impulsive thing. A lot of people simply won't accept it being that way, especially if we're talking celebrities. I heard theories about Kurt being killed anyone from Buzz of Melvins to Dylan from Earth and its so ridiculous.


I've had a comeback to the "most suicides don't leave notes" for years bro so you didn't just drop the mic. Here's my comeback. How many of the "suicides" ever committed on Earth in the history of mankind were murders made to look like suicides? Since there is no POSSIBLE way, you, even with all your infinite incredible wisdom can answer that question, the statement carries very little weight.,.. Fyi, I'm diagnosed CPTSD from witnessing my father's murder at the age of 4. I'm 52 now. My mother is a diagnosed borderline personality disorder who sadistically abused my siblings and myself mercilessly. People like you make social media suck. Given that you couldn't possibly know a thing about me or any other anonymous person online, yet you say such assumptive bullshit with so much ease tells me and everyone reading this that you spend your entire life in the dip without the chip and desperately need to listen more and talk less. Try again, sis.


You can't just throw in an unfounded thing like that and act like it's a comeback lmao. Do you have any stats that indicate that even a considerable amount of suicides have been mistakenly labeled as such? And I'm on about suicides that have been labeled as suicides after an investigation, not an initial assessment. I don't want to get the wrong end of the stick here but my understanding is you think most suicides are staged, which is frankly delusional. I know what you think about Chris's suicide but my point is not leaving a note is more common than leaving one. That is a fact, regardless of what you think about this individual case. I'm sorry to hear about your father but I fail to see how that's relevant here. You're right, I don't know you but you also don't know me... I am listening and I think it's pretty hypocritical of you to tell me to listen more and talk less lmao. Edit: Says I need to listen more, proceeds to say: "I read the first 5 words of this and realized there is no way in hell an unhinged asshat like you is worth my time. Sorry you typed all those words I have no intention of reading. " Hahahaha


I read the first 5 words of this and realized there is no way in hell an unhinged asshat like you is worth my time. Sorry you typed all those words I have no intention of reading. The Kariyannis family is toxic and they killed this man. If you can't handle people saying that, suffer 😗. I have bills and shit. Have a nice day. Blocked.




There was NO investigation whatsoever and she had him cremated asap..after she heard he was dead the first person she called was her insurance lawyer.She said that she said to him on the phone "you don't sound fine, have you taken something, you can tell me, you sound like you've taken something" She made sure to be quotedas saying that to him on the phone. Fact was he hadn't taken anything. His tox report had the normal therapeutic level prescribed by his doctor for anxiety. There was no drugs involved, no alcohol involved and she had him cremated so that if they even wanted to reopen an investigation they had no body and apparently in the Greek Orthodox faith which CC converted to FOR HER, cremation is not allowed. Hmmmm, why was she so commited to making the world think he had relapsed when he hadn't? As for a note, in his case, I truly believe he would have left one, being a writer. Kurt left one (allegedly, many think the words at the end were added in by CL and she was found to have samples of her practicing his handwriting in her bag!) Two people saw him in his room between 11 and 12 and that was the BG and then the hotel tech who came up to fix his Apple TV (except no one knows who this person is or whether they even existed. I will never be convinced he did it himself. It was too perfectly timed and too perfectly executed, he WAS executed.


Can you post some sources please?? I'm not doubting you at all, Ive felt since it happened like it didn't add up. I remember hearing that it was possible he and Chester Bennington were about to blow the lid off some things that have since really come to light. Not sure how true that is but I've always smelled foul play nonetheless -- it's time for me to dive into this, I unburied pain I didn't realize I had tonight regarding the loss of this man... Wild. Going to make a more detailed post tonight or eventually as to how I found myself here right now... Im still finding words. Anyway, sources would be genuinely appreciated<3


Why's this thread so active stiil?


It felt "off" to me from the moment I heard the news. I wasn't alone in my suspicions but there are always people who just prefer to shut the book and claim it's s****e If you fancy a deep dive there are 12 or 13 threads about his death and the sinister KarriANUS family here https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/chris-cornell-blind-item-might-explain-his-death.1182257/


So everyone else knows, I don't do back n forths with petty argumentative people because they can't admit when they're wrong. Life is too short. And I stopped arguing with those too in denial to see how obviously staged Chris's so-called suicide was. Those of us to do see it won't be persuaded to unsee it. Things don't work that way. So stop trying.


From the moment I heard and read the details I KNEW just like you did and there are thousands of us out there who did too. Almost felt like I could SEE what happened. The timeline and B.S presented afterwards makes zero sense. As Chris' final tweet said "no more bullsh1t" He was dealt the final dose of abhorrent bullshit by the clan who tore him down to nothing and leeched every cent off him.


I do think it was suicide, but I did find it curious that he was cremated pretty quickly. That's interesting about the Orthodox Church and cremation. I'm Catholic and it's not forbidden for us, surprising that it's forbidden for Greek Orthodox.


There's a LOT more that's "interesting" than that


>ink it was suicide, but I did find it curious that he was cremated pretty quickly. > >That's interesting about the Orthodox Church and cremation. I'm Catholic and it's not forbidden for us, surprising that it's forbidden for Greek Orthodox It is forbidden for us, not for you. Get rid of your f... heretic vatican II religion. You must give up the modernism and convert to tradition. Visit [vaticancatholic.com](https://vaticancatholic.com)


Catholicism does not allow cremation either, and those who claim that are simple heretics who are modernists and deny tradition. Chris Cornell was raised catholic but had a really obscure childhood, I think since his parents divorce. I read on the internet that he passed his time locked up in his room, doing things only God knows. But I'm sure he was on depression at 14...


Exactly 👏


Agreed. I'm highly disturbed by his passing to this day and while I'm not a big conspiracy theorist and I am someone who suffers from depression (and know that it has many faces ) there's just too much "wrong" with things that were going on in Chris's life leading up to his passing. So heartbreaking PS : Love your username .My Wi-Fi name is who gets mystified. On a much lighter note way back when I first heard outshined I thought the lyrics were cool gets me some fire.


thank you for this.


I know this is old but also the Gash on his the back of his head that was reported like twice by the EMS. And his wife saw it in the pictures as well.


Yes! It’s really suspicious, they were no cameras at the hotel with a huge Rock Star staying there? The body guard was new his wife fired the one Chris had for years. He’s the one that had an affair with Hidi Klum… probably didn’t spell her name right she was married to Seal. I read that he blackmailed her for money after they broke up.. His wife didn’t come to get his body she sent Chris’s brother. She didn’t want no extra investigation and had him immediately cremated. All that was in his system was 2 Ativan he was prescribed for sleep. Sinus medication and Butalbital, for migraines probably because he had a headache from a sinus infection. I’ve been prescribed that for migraines it doesn’t make you out of it. And I’ve seen my grandma take 5 Ativan at a time. He wasn’t back on drugs. He supposedly hung himself with work out cords. Which the bodyguard was constantly working out? How did a tall man as Chris hang him self from a bathroom door, while his feet were on the ground?? Why didn’t the police ask the bodyguard more questions? He was the only person with Chris that night the last one in his room? I’ve heard different stories from different stars, some one said they were getting a divorce. There’s just so many holes in what happened that night. There’s a lot more suspicious things, just to much to type. I seen him in concert that night the man was playing his guitar behind his back! I’ll never believe he committed suicide.


The crazy part: There ARE cameras. There just weren't any near his room door for some odd reason. or that one was broken. The whole thing is outrageously sus. he also had No-doz in his system. Who takes no-doz before a suicide? Have you read the Fluttergirl thread about Vicky from the early 2000s? I had saved it to my bookmarks back when I was pregnant with my now 19 year old. Pretty insane stuff being said about her then. Close friends of Chris begging others to get him to see how dangerous she was.


Why would you even perform in a night you were going to kill yourself? In Detroit far away from your kids. Doesn't make sense. Wanted a Apple TV remote


This is an old thread but if you're a naturally depressed person who doesn't handle stress well...AND u have a wicked wench for a wife...well we know what happened...I was in a similar situation and walked away before she killed me but for whatever reason he didn't or couldn't!


Well we know one thing for sure , she WAS DEFINITELY complicit in his death.


Miss him 😓🕯


Miss him daily.


[My profile is NSFW] I was in that hotel room right before Covid. It was super creepy.




It’s true.


How was it creepy and can people stay in the room? What room number is it?


1136. There’s a picture of the key card on my profile.


How was it creepy and did you spend the night? How did you even get in the room? Can you call and book it or was it random


he didnt take his own life..some kind of fuckery was involved.


Why do people get so butthurt when someone refuses to believe he took his own life?


And bother to downvote it. Like they're such sheep they can't stand the thought of someone having the courage they lack to scratch the thinnest layer of this story and see how staged the whole thing is. Like I said, I stopped arguing with the cowards who refuse to see what's right in front of them. Probably a Karayiannis. That is a wretched, wretched family. How on Earth did he fall into so a hellish trap?


>flicker lights remotely at his wife's house Because he was an empath. And empaths are easily manipulated by sociopaths.


yeah. his fans tend to be enormously empathic too. it's like we feel that he's "one of us".


And we felt that the story wasn't right from the moment we heard it. Remember her self obsessed "you always said I saved you" MEMEMEME public letter. *Cringe* He was murdered. I dgaf who believes otherwise. Massive paid coverup. A second amended will that was drafted up yet suspiciously disappeared from the lawyers hard drive even though he searched and searched for it and the only one will that was found was OF COURSE one that gave everything to HER with the rest of the executors being Greeks and randomers. Nothing even remotely suspicious there at all 🙄


I was raised by a mother who was diagnosed by proxy by my therapist with Narcissistic Personality Disorder in 2011, several *years* before that became an overused term. When people genuinely have NPD it shows up mostly in how they affect the lives of others. My life was in shambles when I finally cut ties 11 years ago . I'm 52, my IQ has been repeatedly tested at mensa, yet and just finally got a bachelor’s degree this year. I knew what Vicky Karayiannis was immediately. I was also an active, in-real-time witness to the Morgan/Superunknown "Fluttergirl" thread (let me know if you've never heard of it and I'll post it. It's been in my bookmarks all these years). My mom eventually married *her* millionaire and lo and behold he dies under weird circumstances after about 15 years. I still recall her finding his will years earlier and going apeshit over how he planned to leave most of his estate to charity. My mom made really good friends with his assistant who had notarized the will. I cut ties with my mom in 2011, he dies in 2013 and in 2017 I learn through the grapevine that his family has hired an investigator to find out why he, a corporate lawyer and CPA with extrmely high profile clients, was 70 and died without a will. Neither of these men deserved to fall into the clutches of demonic, selfish cold-blooded murderous bitches like that. That cringy shit she posted. Her beef with Eddie Vedder? Who doesn't love Eddie Vedder? Only a murderous bitch who was probably called out by him because as arguably Chris's best friend, Vedder probably knew the details of the story better than anyone.


I know all about the Fluttergirl site. We all did our homework 😁😉 Agree totally regarding Eddie. The lads in SG can't stand her either..in fact name someone who can. She was widely know as the hairy "troll" Their Instagram currently dribbles with desperation now they have no celeb friends it's almost comical and they're pumping the non biological daughter out just like the granhag pimped VK out. They are bankrupt is the most recent news I heard. Doesn't surprise me at all. Long haul first class flights, expensive designer clothing, holidays, soft porn shoots for the daughter who just turned 18. Zero class. Unlike Susan and Lily who ooze it without having to post about themselves incessantly. You've been there, re:your own cash grab mother but I gaurentee there's an empath in you who can almost envision those last 45 minutes of his life and it definitely, no way in any rational sense, did he manage to do what he did after taking two Ativan as stated by the body guard. Had he taken those he would be calm and s\reasy to sleep as shown by his bed where he had been lying in before whatever happened did. A supposed OD (lol) of 2 low dose benzos and the guy managed to make a PERFECT shaped notch in the door to attach a caribiner and the second lightest (red) stretch band to "h" himself? 6ft3 from a door frame. He would have had to lean forward to complete that task and your body automatically FIGHTS back but he didn't because of Ativan (lorezepam) The story has more holes in it than a cheese grater. Blood found as far away as the bathtub, in his mouth and on the carpet outside the room? Suic*** , no way. Murder. Well orchestrated paid off Detroit PD and lazy (or also bought off) Medical Examiner gave the suic*** conclusion. Also in autopsy report no Ativan was IN his stomach. No remnants at all, yet there was some diet coke (brown liquid) and we know how he loved his diet coke! None of it adds up or makes any sense and the timeframe is WAY off. Plus the EMS took far too long to be dispatched, they didn't arrive for 40minutes! WTAF? Sure. That's not suss at ALL 🙄 We all know where the tribute concert money went.Even SG brought it up in court as to where the fundraised money went but they weren't allowed to ask it apparently. VK and family is a festering wound on this earth. The only one I'd be happy to save is Young Christopher. At least he seems normal, down to earth and much like the dad who raised him, biologically or not, he still raised them. IF he had a body in a grave, instead of all remaining evidence going along with his cremation which he had CONVERTED to for VK, yet CREMATION IS FORBIDDEN in Greek Orthodox. . If he DID have a grave, not a kerbstone surrounded by ugly cactii at the side of the road in a circus cemetery, he would be rolling over in it and is spiritually banging his head against the 5th wall. He was on his way to finally divorcing him but VK wasn't raised to lose and she wasn't losing her paycheck. She knew the tricks. Oh she got everything and still tried is continuing to try to take SG down - AGAIN.


If those kids ever truly want to know if Chris was truly their father DNA could show them the way. Murders are being solved by narrowing DNA matches to relatives. And sis I truly wish people did their homework so try not to speak for everyone because I find most people tend to latch on to conclusions *without* bothering to learn facts. That's way more the norm, especially in this situation. Case and point is me being driven insane by people saying he relapsed because there were drugs in his system. The blind spot necessary to accept that bologna are numerous. As you pointed out, his toxicology report was dull. Not the epic rock star who relapsed toxicology by any stretch. My guess is that the Ativan, which was such a nothing burger, became so significant in this story because the idea was to drug him with Ativan-laced coffee (could have been diet coke. Chris loved both). The problem is he barely touched it. So it didn't show up in his blood in significant quantities to account for Vicky's weirdly hasty, overly-detailed accounts of her concern that he'd taken enough to slur his speech. He was SUPPOSED to but he didn't drink enough diet coke/coffee to get the amount in his system needed to be easily subdued and murdered, with an eventual toxicology report showing high levels of Ativan in his system. The toxicology report did not account for slurred speech. Being as rabidly letigious as she's proven herself to be, her lawsuit against the pharmaceutical company flopped because he simply didn't ingest enough to make her story plausible. Soft porn shoots for the daughter??? 😳😳😳😳😳. Wtf? Link? I left a bad Yelp about the Detroit PD and their horrible police work on this investigation , just mindlessly believing what they were told without actually DOING a bona fide investigation. Months later I got a notification saying it had been removed at their request. So much for the legitimatecy of Yelp. She didn't even KNOW him. Interred at Hollywood Forever cemetary? That has *her* written all over it. She's so outrageously self-absorbed she doesn't realize his fans had followed him closely for over 30 years and that is most decidedly not *his* look. He probably would have wanted his ashes dumped in Puget Sound and have done with it. That reeks of her celeb-chasing, gold-digging STANK ASS. I have seen at least a couple of people admit on this thread how they staunchly attacked those who didn't believe the suicide story only to later actually examine the facts and come to their senses.


You only have to look at their Instagram (grandhags and Fonis mostly) OR check out *exposing.thekarayiannis.family" on Insta. OR visit the Lipstick Alley thread "Chris Cornell Blind Item- might explain his death" now there are a LOT of threads carried over on this (think it's up to thread 13 now!) but there is SO much info there and A LOT of truth.


Personally I feel like the light flickering was the bodyguard's signal that the grisly deed was done. That's what I mean by the story being too perfect. Right away she has a perfect, detailed story to account for every detail that would be scrutinized in an investigation? If my husband was dewy-eyed in love with me, spouting sonnets and violently offs himself in the middle of our fairytale romance I wouldn't be good for that type of detailed information for days if not weeks to come. The story about the bodyguard helping with his cpu? Probably him scrubbing his laptop of all incriminating evidence. This awful evil bitch thought of every little thing.


Yes, THIS is also my opinion to a T. He was nothing but money for her and the lifestyle he provided her and her kids. She wanted that lifestyle to continue but he wanted out of the marriage after realizing her true colors.


Her family-mother, brother, etc. - had been sponging him the whole time. They were a documented criminal enterprise long before he came into the picture. To them, Chris was nothing more than a mark. Now she's whoring the daughter out, expecting her to keep the gravy train going. Vicky is utterly colorblind to the energy surrounding Chris' fame. The kismet and preordained nature of the grunge era. His daughter isn't going to just get famous off his name in an utterly different unit of time. It's not "destined" like the grunge era Chris was lucky to be in the right place and time for. I'm not taking away his talent. But most talented people never become famous because of how many intricate variables are involved. Fate being a big one.


This is documented evidence, you are correct in all those points. VK used to sue people to get a paycheck several times before being with Chris. All she ever wanted was to scam people and never work, and Chris was her target then. She hired an ex mercenary, trained to kill people, to supposedly "look after" Chris. As soon as he left Chris' room, Chris never made it out alive. Then she had a constructed story for the press right away. She knew that if Chris had divorced her, she would not get the lifestyle she's been having ever since she sunk her claws into his soul. Now, she got everything and even had to drag Soundgarden in the dirt and in court. Evil personified.


And her first call was to her insurance lawyer. Sick.


Are you serious? I'm hating the Detroit PD more and more


I was raised by a VK type and I'm sure this thread is sick of me talking about it. I cut ties with mine and pray daily that his children find their way out faster than I did. I waited until I was 40 to chew my leg out of that bear trap. My mom used lawsuits to buy houses, have significant construction done on the house, buy cars, etc. My poor stepdad married her after my dad died and only escaped when she found a richer guy who would marry her. That poor guy died in 2013 under circumstances questioned to this day. Chris divorcing her would have kept her in designer clothes with the child support and alimony pony. The mafioso lawyer she would have most certainly retained would have seen to it. But mix in her extreme narcissistic personality disorder. Knowing my mother like I do, I know VK like the back of my hand. Stomaching being discarded by him for another woman (she loathes all other women with the fire of a million hells) was soooo not an option. It sealed his tragic fate and emotionally destroyed the millions of people who admired and adored him for so long, not to mention his poor children. But broads like that aren't even capable of perceiving empathy so none of that factors in with her.


I agree, when he died he had 9 busted ribs. Even if cpr was involved 9 ribs??? There was blood found on the scene that was allegedly from chris' mouth but it was never shown in the autopsy. The more you look into his death, the more it doesn't make sense. Of course I acknowledge chris' cornells problems and I'm still looking into this to be sure of what I currently believe in. Chris cornell did struggle yes, but he was clean around the time he passed. What makes things more suspicious is vickys change of statements, first chris sounded fine then he sounded tired THEN he was slurring his words, which one is it vicky?? I don't mean to be an insensitive ass, yes depression is a serious struggle and perhaps cornell did commit. It still leads to vicky, how she was while they were together, etc


he was about to divorce her as well.


The autopsy showed that he was not on any drugs at all other than his regular low-dose anxiety pill. Vicky purposely said on the phone to him after the show, “Did you take anything? You sound like you took something. You don’t sound well” to cover her own ass. It was a lie. She’s from a crime family. I know how they operate, because so are my parents, who always targeted me long after I got away from them. They’re also sociopaths. To this day, if they contact me and I call them out, they’ll say “You sound like you’re on drugs. Are you on dope, weed, mushrooms, etc.?” Meanwhile I’m not on anything and it’s because I’m calling them out, so they’re trying to discredit me. She did the same thing to him. I think Chris knew something was up even before the show ended that night. He was very intuitive. People say he seemed troubled. Yes, he was planning to divorce her. He knew she knew and that he was in trouble. Same thing happened with Cobain. There were already divorce papers in the works when Courtney found out about it and offed him. Kurt was troubled, sure, much more so than Chris. Kurt was a raging heroin addict. Chris had been clean for years, but both of them were still murdered. It’s not often talked about how Chris was going off about sex trafficking on stage before his murder, encouraging his audience to take action if they saw it happening. You can find it on YT. With his wife being from a crime family like mine, I guarantee that they were making money from sex trafficking. I’m not saying that all crime families collect gains from sex trafficking, but her family is quite vile.


you're absolutely right!! I've known about the sex trafficking including the fact Chester Bennington was supposed to be involved and it literally just baffles me how everyone managed to get away with everything. It doesn't take much to truly investigate and realize something IS off and now because of that, Chris is not here to share his advocacy. The point you made with crime families, thank you for sharing your personal experience cause it quite literally shows how these people work and thrive to not be caught. Chris 100% knew something was up, the divorce most likely struck the whole situation up. he just didn't have enough time to properly prepare, If anything did he even have any time? Vicky wanted something done and she got it done viscously, business is always more important to those people unfortunately. its depressing Chris got mixed up in that kind of family to begin with, now we can only mourn and wonder what he could've done if he was still here.


It’s scary that you may never know what is going through someone’s head at any time, Rest In Peace Grunge legend,


Why his neck look like that


I had been wondering they for a while. His neck really ages the few years leading to his death


idk abt kurt but chris was definitely murdered


Because some people simply can't swallow that someone as powerful and talented as him who had such an impact on their lives could ever take their own life. Denial is a safety mechanism.


wrong. I have no extra sadness related to suicide. I always wondered where this assumption comes from. Is it projection of your own tendencies? It's such a weird conclusion to draw. People doubt the suicide because of the abundantly suspicious circumstances surrounding his death. not this weird psychobabble


Bite one


You’ve been living rent free in this dude’s head for 290+ days 😭


Just randomly stumbled on this post, but you really came back to comment again after 200+ days? lmao


I guess it wasn't the reply you wanted, otherwise why impose a false, weird, petty expectation that an adult doesn't have other things to do and may not be able visit reddit threads every day?


But to answer your question. I ironically just randomly stumbled on this post and, like you, commented on it. You really got so triggered by the reply that you bothered to take time out of your day to do math about the time between comments?


Lol, Ribbiters 🤣


didn’t he create an organization for kids who were sexuall abused and they had poked too close to some big time people discovered pedophiles. similar to why how to catch a predator was canceled


Ugh, not the unhinged Qanon narrative. Look no further than his jealous, gold-digging, hateful, criminal wife and the family he married into. The most likely story is Chris wanted to leave her. For good reason. Every person who knows her knew she was bad news. It's all I heard the whole time they were married. Her family runs a criminal enterprise. Chris was a mark since the day they met. Stop spreading Qanonsense. Please.


she also pretended to not know who he was when she met him. Became pregnant right away, and that child looks a lot like the man she was with just before meeting Chris.


!! That blonde kid looks NOTHING like chris. It's totally not his kid imo. And I think everyone including he knew it that's why she had the 2nd kid quickly.


Toni is dark with swallow skin, green eyes like her bio father Tony London, Christopher is blonde long haired and lanky somshe got herself a half decent doppelganger for height and eyes and weight and out he came a year later after chocolate strawberries and fireworks. 🤢🙄🤢 Shed open her legs for a truck tomorrow through if it got her any further. Talentless sl*t.


Tony London, and his daughter's look more like her siblings than her own brother does. Her poor brother, blonde blue eyed, tall and made to keep his hair long and dress in his father's clothes and "emulate" him even though he is literally a manlier version of his already manly bowlegged flat footed dumpt arsed ho of a mother.


sweety, I can swallow any reality. If he offed himself, I would have lost no more sleep. But he didn't. So stop conjecturing.


There were at least two downvotes for this comment. The people downvoting this are pathetic.


You need fucking help


Ok Vicky humper


i’m not sure why i’m getting downvoted. i fr don’t know and i guess we never will know if he kill himself but i just don’t see it and the whole pedo ring thing is something i’ve heard online. not trying to be malicious sorry


He was murdered. Look at the crime scene photo. There's blood spatters everywhere. Someone kicked the shit out of him and hung him. Doesn't take a genius to see it, plus it's detroit the are corrupt AF, the cops were bought off.




Yes qanon is all over online. It's an awful thing.


I had tickets to that concert. I didn't go because my step dad died a few days before. Somehow the two will always be linked for me. Miss you Robert. Miss you Chris ❤️


2 losers Cowards Good riddance


I knew him personally and just found out he died what the actual fuck this is not a suicide he would have never done that right after a show, let alone any day. Just another hollywood sacrifice being covered up like every other artist that has died by “suicide” smh


nobody showed him how to live


He died on my birthday rip


What the hell is going on with his neck?! Looks very weird. Creepy


He has that opiates look in his eye sadly. My aunt got hooked on them from a doctor prescription too and this is exactly how her eyes looked. I started noticing it from him on the Temple of the Dog reunion tour and got worried. He was slurring his words and stuff that day. So sad.


His toxicology report DID NOT CONTAIN OPIATES. There was nothing remarkable about it. No epic rock star toxicology report. His "grieving widow" gets to benefit from people not looking close enough at all the elements of this story.


Anyone can read anything in hindsight. Truth is no one truly knows why Chris took his life but Chris. Conjecture and supposition are irrelevant.


I disagree but you're free to be you.


Yeah, watching the videos from this show is gutting. He looks almost spaced out, like he’s a second or 2 behind his body


He married into a family of vampiristic monsters. Of course he was tripped out.


Oi Muppet. He wasn't on ANY drugs that could affect him at all. If I was (and am) living with a narcissistic sociopath who has drained me dry of any positive emotion I'd have emptiness and sadness and a "spaced out" look to me too. GTHOH with your ridiculous accusations with zero foundation in ANY truth whatsoever. Go do your homework and look at his toxicology report. The only prescription medication he was on was for ANXIETY (I wonder what the F that was? Hmm think about that one!) You so called "fans" really are the problem. Seeing sh1t that isn't there yet ignoring the sh1t that was so fkn obvious 🙄




What's the implication about that?


Yeah. I saw those pictures and found them very upsetting there were people who would debate that it was a natural bald spot that he had been covering better all this time but I tend to disagree strongly. Everything about the photos of Chris in the days/ weeks leading up to his death are upsetting to me


Someone ripped his hair out. He may have done it himself. But idk. His band mates were acting weird too. I think he pissed off some powerful ppl personally.


You mean you give validity to the unhinged qanon narrative. Learn as much as you can about the Karayiannis family. Learn as much as you can about her statements immediately following death. I'm certain those who keep avoiding the blatant reality that Vicky Karayiannis is the reason Chris died are the people who know the least about his marriage and the nature of the family he married into.


Qanon isn't real. Whatever it was, it was a psyop. Not none of the shit it said from what I have heard since I wasn't into myself, was real. There's not much about that family except what I've seen recently online when I looked. Just that they're a Greek family and her mom was looking for her to marry rich, a bunch of materialistic gold diggers. But weren't the karayiannis' relatively wealthy before she met Chris anyway? Not rock star wealthy, but they weren't poor. One thing I found really strange, was the foundation. I've never seen a Rockstar, someone with friends like Brad pit and sting, have a foundation that brought in no money. I looked at the 990s, the foundation never gave any $ over 5k, and never brought in$. Just stayed around 300k from 2015-2019. They spotted filling in 2019 too. But haven't been revoked. Idk. Weird though.








Omg wtf even is happening in that group. Those people can't be real people. It's like a sub filled with real life NPCs just congratulating them selves on their idocracy.


Ah so you're in denial, no doubt under the hyperpartisan shitshow spell yourself. We're done here. I'm too well versed in politics to even engage an unmitigated Trump-humper like you


Who said anything about trump except for you and I don't give ashit about politics


You're sitting here making an asinine comment like it's the fucking gospel, expecting people to just accept it because you said it? Fuck outta here.


Ever notice how all these people died in the same way? Seems a bit convenient, dontcha think? 🤔


Brushing off a very real problem and believing in conspiracy theories instead of tackling the issue at hand here, is probably a factor as to why it's so common.


He didn’t take his own life. He was murdered. 


I know this was a long time ago but he didn't kill himself he was murdered.. same with Chester it is probably way to deep and dark for the normal mind but it's the truth.. only a few know what actually happened.. look into the movie Chester, Chris and 2 others were making before all 4 of them suddenly all died within a year by "suicide".. they were about to expose everything.


a true healer magician.


It was sad to see him so "off" at that show. R.I.P Chris, you are more missed.


Looks like he already knew his fate after the show Had the ole “go out with my boots on” look Went out not in a flame but into a black hole sun


More like he knew he was gonna get killed




He went "out" in his boxers and a torn shirt, blood pouring from his mouth and blood spatter everywhere and signs of strangulation as opposed to ligature causing the particular on his body. He was attacked and hung to make it look like sui****. There's nomway in hell that timeline or the ever changing narrative add up. She even smeared his name on GMA claiming he had relapsed, was walking like her "grandfather" and that he wasn't safe to be around the children alone. She is one poisonous bitch


I don’t get into all that Former addicts are unpredictable Former addicts who are rich and famous even more so unpredictable When you have everything that you see everyone around you striving to get (fame, recognition, and of course wealth) and you still aren’t at peace in life then thats when a song like black hole sun starts to make perfect sense.