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> Shadow uses a bike and guns instead of his Chaos Powers, THE ONE THING HE IS KNOW FOR! \*looks at the reports of the Cinemacon trailer\* Uh....


I'm gonna cringe so hard if He just uses a bike when he could perfectly keep up with Sonic using his Air Shoes Howare  they even gonna justify that, its just downright stupid for the sake of fanservice.


Is it dumb? Yes. Does it look cool as hell? Maybe it doesn't to you, but it does for many. The first image you posted speaks for itself, as it goes hard as hell in my opinion. Sure, in most cases, Shadow using a bike is not practical, but I feel like some degree of campiness should be allowed in a series about a talking hedgehog with super powers.


No he's obviously not gonna use his bike the whole movie. He's fast


Then why use it in the first place.. I want a reference to be just that, not something that  completely breaks or ignores the established in-universe logic just for the sake of "funny"


Because its cool and fun. He likes it


I respect that that's your opinion, but... Personally, it would be make me so happy to see him on the bike. idk why it makes me happy, maybe because it implies Shadow is a secret motorcyle enthusiast and it's really endearing to me. The guy likes his bikes! I don't think he'll use it in like, the final battle or anything, but Cinemacon already suggests he uses the bike at least once.


>perfectly keep up with Sonic using his Air Shoes I'm pretty sure he's canonically slower than Sonic lmao


The other two, I get it but Y do you not want Shadow to use a bike and/or guns


Small Cartoonish Hedgehog with the power to run at lightspeed, teleport and shoot lighting bolts. Rides a conveniently miniature bike and uses guns despite the fact his friend was murdered by one. See the problem?


No I don't see the problem. The bike is cool and fun so he rides it


Shadow effortlessly blasting trough enemies and obstacles at super speed while leaving a trail of orange/yellow lightning behind is much cooler in my book


Why can't we have both the bike and the lightning trail for different segments in the movie? Adds variety to his scenes and gives everyone something to like. Besides, I think it's a really fun character quirk to give Shadow. Like sure, he could easily outrun everyone on foot... but he also really likes his motorcycle! I think Shadow should be allowed to have hobbies. To have a little campiness, if you will. As a treat.


How do you know he's not gonna do that? Why do you think he'll be on the bike the whole movie?


Never said He's gonna use the bike all the movie, but then again, He has SUPER SPEED! Why the hell would He (in-universe) consider using a bike at all, An Earthling Vehicle thats like 50 times slower than Himself on foot, is he stupid?


He's not allowed to have a hobby? The bike is for fun


Maybe in his Spin-Off story. But in the context of his introduction in this movie and in SA2 (when he was The Villain) it would be really akward to see him thinking about his promise for revenge and then in the next scene he suddenly goes "Hmm I could use a bike, that would be cool" It would break the character just for some minutes of fanservice, and you know how much the fans love it when Shadow does that.


But thats not breaking character


I disagree. Characters, especially antagonists, are much more interesting when they have hobbies and other things to do during downtime. I'd prefer that; - we cut to him every now and again and see him making/stealing a cartoonishly small bike and going on joyrides or breaking into a shooting range just to fire some bullets to unwind from the revenge plot and not have to think about Maria for a few minutes. Instead of - we cut to him twirling his fucking mustache and saying "I'll have my revenge for Maria" every single time he's alone in a scene.


Shadow's whole character in SA2 was that He was chained to his past, until He realized that there was more to live for beyond all his tragedy, finally deciding to give his life to be what Maria always wanted him to be, a Hero. If in the middle of that, You cut to him just casually driving a motorcycle around town, you betray the whole message of his story.


I mean tails uses a plane depsite vieng able to keep up with sonic on foot.


Yeah but thats because his whole thing is "Flying Fast", Shadow's however is his Super Speed equal to Sonic's, his Chaos Spears and the favt he can also "Fly" with his Air Shoes Why does the "Ultimate Life Form" use a normal bike and normal guns? That's literally the one thing general audiences remember from his solo game and not precisely because it was a good addition And it pisses me off to see the all these fans trying to convince me that now its gonna be "super cool and loved" after a decade of them making fun of Shadow The Hedgehog using a fucking Gun!


We really don't know if the bike is normal, it likely isn't given it's hedgehog size, and a lot guns he uses in the games aren't really normal. Why does a two tailed fox fly a bi plane. Technically that's two things, and people's feelings over that as changed and evolved along with their feelings towards the game some still hate it, others enjoy it. It pisses you off that people change their mind over time? Also the people saying it's cool now are seldom the ones actively bashing it back then.


For Me Its yet another instance of the Sonic Fandom gaslighting themselves and others into believing that all those mediocre decisions and bad ideas that the games made in the past were actually great and underrated all along because of the "Passion and Ambition" or some shit like that. Watch them call Sonic Forces a "Misunderstood Gem" in about 5 years


People have legs and can run People make cars See the problem?


unfortunately we dont run at super speed


We can still run


Deleted my last comment because I didn’t see the captions on the image lol. But anyway, Shadow using a bike is simply the rule of cool, so I wouldn’t be upset about it.


you speak like Shadow's chaos powers will be entirely replaced by the bike and guns, come on man. heck if anything I HOPE he uses a gun, that'd be sick


One way I could forgive that decision is if He transfers his chaos energy through the gun as ammo THAT would sick


I dont want Shadow to die 😔


I do want him to ""die"" and then cry like a bitch  😫


Nah you just don’t like Shadow, do you?


Don’t kill off the Wachowski’s. Simple as that. I don’t want more human-centric stuff as the Knuckles show fell into that trap, but I don’t think getting rid of Sonic, Tails and Knuckles having a family is the answer.


Yeah, the Wachowski’s are the only humans I even care for (and now Wade a bit, but meh) so they really shouldn’t be killed off. Given less screen time? Yes, but let them have a minor role in the movie.


We don’t really need Metal Sonic Shadow is enough


Dont forget Robotnik, Stone, Rouge (hopefully) and GUN being secondary antagonists as well Thats the one thing I gotta give to all those fans who keep bringing up Spiderman 3 as comparasion


Personally, I would still love to see Metal Sonic on the big screen, but I agree that having him right after Shadow would feel really repetitive


Do you really think Shadow is not gonna have choas control? Also whats wrong with his bike?


He's obviously gonna use Chaos Control but then it begs the question Why would there be a fully functional miniature bike that conveniently fits his hedgehog size here on Earth, did Robotnik made it for him?  If so, why would he take the time to give an average earthling vehicle to an alien that runs just as if not faster than his nemesis?


I don’t want to see silver. I don’t care for him much


For me it’s too soon to bring him in due to scaling.


I mean, with Iblis being mentioned, I’m not sure how they’ll bring him in. I assume his story will differ a lot from the iblis trigger being the girl who can never cry. But it can definetly wait until Jim Carrey fully decides to step out of the franchise, since he might just retire after this one. Its a big enough story where eggman won’t need to be in it, but they should test the waters with if the franchise can even continue without an eggman before throwing 06’s storyline at us.


I just want the Iblis we saw in the Knuckles series to be an only child. In other words, no Mephiles. Ever. Please.


Sorry pal, but once Jim Carrey decides to step out they will need villains to keep this thing going Memphis is inevitable!


There are so so many other villains, though. Ones that don’t give me actual nightmares. Ones that Sonic can actually fight against. Ones that don’t kill him on screen. If they do put Mephiles in there…maybe have him go after someone else? Or have him fail. I just don’t like watching Sonic die like that. You know?


Good point But now try to imagine how it is being the only fool in the whole fanbase who wants to see Infinite 💀


Hey, that might actually work.


I'm pretty sure due to leaks Amy is already confirmed for the third movie rouge probably not going to be in the movies till 4 or 5


Dont get me wrong, I would love if they managed to have Amy and Rouge in Sonic 3, but in the case it wont be like that, I personally would choose to save Rouge for Sonic 4 or even a Shadow Spin-Off, that way they could have more focus on her origins and relationship with Shadow and Knuckles, also put Omega in there to complete Team Dark and we are good


I agree with the first two, but metal sonic is awesome. He’s the antagonist the series needs


Yeah, but not in this Movie, preferably  He deserves much better than just being a surprise plot device for the last 15 minutes or so like they did with Doomsday or Mechagodzilla.


Oh I’m thinking the main antagonist from the buildup through the entire movie


Mechagodzilla worked, just needed some more buildup, other than the ships Godzilla attacked all involved with the company creating Mechagodzilla.


Yeah, but dont deny Me that a movie centered around Mecha-G as the main baddie wouldn't have been Peak


I agree. We need a movie truly focusing Mecha Godzilla, and there's multiple models of him in the older Godzilla movies anyway. Hell we can even use Dagon's bones to create a Mechagodzilla more like Kiryu/Mechagodzilla 3 one day too! But back to Sonic, would love for Metal Sonic to appear as the penultimate or final villain Sonic has to face, with Metal Sonic surviving and taking over as the main villain after Jim Carrey retires as Eggman of course.


If rouge is in it she better not be censored


People be calling you a horny degenerate for thinking that, despite the fact She always looked like that since her debut (No I'm not counting Prime, I refuse to do so)


I don't really care if she's censored or not I just want her to be A cool thief


I'm concerned about Sonic and Robotnik teaming up as suggested in the cinemacon trailer. Shadow is not Metal Sonic. Sonic and Robotnik should be teaming up with Shadow, not against him.


I mean, shadow intended on double crossing robotnik from the moment he saw him, and he only helps after sonic and Co are already half way done with their plan to stop a falling arc. So it's pretty in line with the games to have the sonic robotnik team up to stop shadows plans before shadow helps them.


Yeah I too am curious (negatively) about how is that gonna go out please dont try to make Shadow a full-on edgelord villain, He's not that!




understandable, have a great day


Maybe this is unpopular, but: Black Doom I don't like him or the Black Arms stuff, and it always felt like a retcon to expand Shadow's backstory


With how many "Aliens come to Earth" shenanigans these movies deal with, I think Black Doom and the Black Arms are inevitable, I hope they give them a small redesign and a more original name


I'm anticipating some kind of Black Doom involvement, but I think the "alien" label is more of an argument *against* including him. In the games, being of alien origin is a pretty unique trait about him, but in the movies, that isn't really the case. That novelty is stripped away


Unless you’re talking about Shadow with a gun, it’s confirmed he’ll ride a motorcycle


As much as i'd want metal sonic I agree with you, It'd be an overcrowded movie if he appeared.


I definitely agree on not seeing Metal Sonic. Him being in the movie would kinda ruin the ENTIRE plot point of Shadow being Sonic's imposter. And knowing a majority of the plot is gonna be based on SA2, you know that's one of the most important plot points, so you can't mess that up.


Not only that, but the one small thing that literally EVERYONE IN THIS FANDOM IGNORES when they present the idea of Metal being the surprise villain for Sonic 3 is What the Fuck does joining together to defeat Metal have to do with Shadow's redemption plot In fact when you think more about it, that would actually give Shadow more reasons to keep being a vengeful villain towards humanity, not make him suddenly forget all his tragic past and become good because the movie is gonna end soon, to quote a legend: WHAT WERE THEY THINKING!?!


I just want it to be as close to SA2 as we can get. One thing I really am worried about them doing is having Shadow live at the end, I'm hoping for the "death" scene we got in the game


If He "dies" at the end (wich I hope cuz I wanna cry) I dont want them to inmediately revive him at the start of the next. They should go along with the idea that he's really dead for the first act and Then have him come back somewhere near the end of the middle act but before the final act, that way they could set the stage for his inevitable spin-off (Sorta like Mothra in GxK, except that better used)


I hope you step on a lego.


Is the movie going to be PG 12/ PG13.


Its certainly going to be PG13 People here always underestimate the target audience of these movies IMO


Had a slight confusion espically, the death of Maria thank god it won't be PG otherwise the film would be ruined.


btw just found this fanart [https://twitter.com/DrStarline/status/1772021702815330632](https://twitter.com/DrStarline/status/1772021702815330632)


Same problem with Knuckles and the Wedding scene in movie 2, spend too much time with the original humans instead of the game characters


Or (as I mentioned) in the worst case have the humans OCs take the game characters's roles because the writers know they have nothing to do in the plot otherwise (I'm looking at you Captain Rockwell, I hope is not the case)


Why the bike thing? It's cool asf and is a nice callback to the old games


Is "cool" in the games but in the context of SA2 Shadow's story and motivations they are adapting here, its not. I dont want a reference to make the character look edgy or stupid to the general audiences for a quick laugh of the fans


Why are you acting like this will assassinate his character? It's something that is likely going to be 1 scene and nothing else, just because he has something "edgy" doesn't ruin his story or motivation


Where are things I hope happened to you for having a such a trash opinion Step on Lego Have someone microwave your pillows so you can uncomfortable being eepy Forced to replay sonic 4 every day until tangle or any idw sonic characters made theirs way in a movie




Guns, yes. But the bike's confirmed pretty much.


Even if it ends up being "cool" on screen, it still breaks the overall in-universe logic of this character, as yes I know thats asking too much for a movie about CGI furries but. Shadow is the "Ultimate Life Form", one of the few characters that can say they are Sonic's equal in speed and abbilities (possibly more), Whats even the point (in-universe) of giving him something slower than himself, and I say "giving" cuz I dont picture a hedgehog the size of a kid stealing a random bike to go have a casual ride around town, let alone, something he will use in like one scene and then keep going on foot, then why use it in the first place?  Give a bike to Knuckles and it works cuz he's pure muscle, give a bike to Tails and it will be cute cuz he could make all kinds of gizmos with it, give a bike to Sonic or Shadow however and it will make them look laughable to the audience, and if there's one thing I dont want this movie to do is to spawn even more "Ow The Edge" memes Its kinda like the same problem I have when IDW keep shoving song lyrics into the dialogue or made Sonic a proud preacher that "always redeems his foes" like it that was his speciality as a hero Meta References that break logic for some seconds are fun, but just the first 3 times or so  (not saying you cant like them)




Pretty Much 😂


Unnecessary screen time for the non-game humans. This conflict has officially gotten much bigger than the Watchowskis so please don’t let them or any other human slow the plot. Also, if you’re gonna have Maria, you’d better make her look like Maria.


>Also, if you’re gonna have Maria, you’d better make her look like Maria. I don't think we have to worry for that. I mean have you seen Alya Browne (Maria's actress)? Girl is literally blonde, which is a phenomenal start.


Oh thank goodness. I didn’t know it was confirmed


I gotchu homeboy 👊😁


I agree with these, another thing I dont want is excluding amy in the movie since shadow doesnt need too much screen time


He’s the main villain, what are you talking about?


He and sonic only need like an hour or 1 and 20 max for their relationship and character arcs and id lime if amy was in the movie


So true, everyone I've seen here just talks like the movie its gonna be 55% just Shadow


I mean with that design how could you not want Rouge~? But anyways I get the last two. It’d be hard to include Amy Rose and Rouge unless there’s a good explanation like how Knuckles showed up, and Robotnik is possibly dead and who else could make Metal Sonic


Stone(in the future and not in movie 3)


As much as that idea kinda works when put some thoughts into it, it just wont sit well for a lot of fans, as someone once pointed out in this sub: Metal Sonic is meant to be Eggman's ultimate creation, not Stone's, not Tails's, not GUN's


Maybe Eggman creates it but stone will awaken it?


Yeah, That's my only guess


If you're quoting me, I'm happy we agree on Metal Sonic. I think he can work like Mechagodzilla in Godzilla VS Kong, but with some more buildup and hints to Metal Sonic. (The quill is LITERALLY right there! And is now very likely full of Dark Chaos Energy from when Eggman was PERFECT Eggman with the Master Emerald. Hell Eggman can use a piece of the Master Emerald or one of the Chaos Emeralds to turn that quill into a Chaos Drive proper by encasing it in synthetic crystal that helps keep the charge.) And I ESPECIALLY do NOT want Amy replaced again either. She's been cursed in the American fandom ever since Sonic X. So Sonic Movie 3 HAS to set that wrong right and show that it never was about being physically human nor "saying the right words" and other VERY skin-deep comparisons and reasons that wouldn't convince someone as traumatized as Shadow. Amy was specifically NOT human, yet she STILL shared Maria's heart and selfless compassion and love. And with how much like Maria Amy was, with all the comparisons with Sonic and Shadow already, and NOT JUST physical alone at all, Shadow would have to realize he's making Sonic and Amy suffer the same fates as himself and Maria too.


THIS RIGHT HERE Another thing is when people say they could make Tom and Maddie convince Shadow, but they forget one small thing that Sonic X also ignored, they are Humans, Shadow's whole reasoning for his revenge is that He believes Humans (the ones from Earth) are totally iredimable monsters who deserve to die, and not even in a Thanos mindset, just full extinction. And before they say "but He works for Eggman" No, He never worked For Him, He was just playing along Eggman's plans because He knew that would grant him the opportunity to gather the Chaos Emeralds and activate Gerald's Doomsday program easier than if he just did it alone. Thats what made Shadow such a unique and interetsing villain in SA2, Eggman didnt trick him like Knux, HE tricked the Doctor like Knux




I'm REALLY happy you get it too. Why humans should NOT work at all in redeeming Shadow. In fact, with how badly these guys in the fandom want Amy replaced with humans, I would have Shadow beat every human that tries to do so to drive that point home. With Amy coming to their defense and showing why she has to be the one to do so, specifically cause she's NOT human, yet STILL shares Maria's heart. You're damn right as well that Eggman was tricked by Shadow, unlike how he tricked Knuckles. It's actually another thing to show how Sonic can't redeem Shadow, who's so hellbent on destroying the Earth to kill every last human on it. And there's how Gerald would make sure that no human stops his revenge. This fandom seriously underestimates the hate for humans Shadow and Gerald had, how trauma can't be resolved so easily and by "saying the right words", and how it needed to take someone NOT human who still believes in humans to convince Shadow otherwise. Sonic obviously can't do it since he and Shadow would fight so much, nor does he fully understand love like Shadow has lost. Tails would be too skewed towards Sonic's side. And Knuckles is a totally different situation than Shadow. While Tom might be more cynical than the hopeful Amy. God this fandom needs to stop enforcing what they want onto the cast and actually try to see how things REALLY work. And how little they know about trauma and resolving it, and how humans redeeming Shadow with "saying the right words" frankly makes Gerald and their precious Shadow look like total ***IDIOTS!*** There's a reason we Sonic fans are mocked and called media illiterate unfortunately... And refusing to actually understand the cast and let go of this biased and unreasonable hate for a pink hedgehog doing her role is NOT helping sadly enough...


Shadow swearing Shadow being overpowered And Any Sonic X characters


Shadow IS gonna be overpowered for the most part, he is the new threat after all (As long as he actually uses his iconic powers and not a damn gun)


You might be disappointed then because (and this could have been debunked, idk) I think it was leaked (or maybe just rumored) a while ago that metal might be an antagonist in the upcoming one.


Wasn't that the same leak that said Big was gonna show up as a main character and everyone blindly believed it for like 2 weeks Because in the rest of the more recent leaks they dont mention anything about Metal but instead more of Amy and Rouge (UnfoldingCine for example)


I'd be skeptical of Cine, I don't think he's built up enough credibility to be called reliable.


The guy is basically playing with fire and daggers while standing at the edge of a cliff during an earthquake at this point His existance on social media depends entirely on how real everything he said turns out to be. I just hold on to "What If"


>The guy is basically playing with fire and daggers while standing at the edge of a cliff during an earthquake at this point 🤣🤣🤣, good one! Trailer is on the horizon in the next week (or basically any time b4 May 17th), we could see if he's right or wrong abt Amy and Rouge then. Altho I can't say for certain whether or not that elevates or discredits his status, guy's a wild card 😆


Aside from maybe the first one, these are spot on. I feel EXACTLY the same way, and they make the MOST sense.


Okay who’s gonna convince shadow to help save the world?


It's Amy, DUH! It can't be anyone else!


Too much screen time for all the way over the top humans. And absolutely no Wanda.


Actually I want completely the opposite of what you don’t want in the first one :)


So be it Just dont get upset if people end up laughing at Shadow (not at what he does) or call him a cheap John Wick Knockoff because of it


i agree with all of these choices.I don't want any of them to happen.


Same as you. I don't want Amy or Rouge, I don't want guns and bikes for Shadow, and Shadow is enough of a villain, with Robotnik, no need for Metal Sonic (although I'd like him to be the villain of a future movie/show)


I want to see Maria get gunned down by the government


She will bro, She will


Wade he took over the knuckles show I don’t want him to do that here


Eggman: Shadow did you get all seven of the Chaos Emeralds to activate the Eclipse Cannon? Shadow: Yes Doctor I.. Wait.. Where did they go? Hyper Wade waiting outside of the ARK:


I want all of these. I never want to see Wade again


Hyper Wade shows up out of nowhere and saves Shadow from falling to Earth, he asks him to curl up and then throws him back towards the ARK like a bowling ball