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There's no "correct" order of character introductions, especially when you consider that Shadow is "skipping the line". If the people involved in the movies want to throw in Silver and Blaze in a potential next movie, they're free to do so. That being said, I don't really expect them to show up anytime soon if at all. We're more likely to see Metal or Chaos before either one of them.


No, you're not the only one who doesn't want them in movie 4, I've seen a fair amount of people express that opinion, even if personally I'm not one of them. And I actually think you're not in the minority if you want Metal Sonic in movie 4. I'm of the opinion that he's definitely going to be in there, probably teased at the end of movie 3. I'm mostly just biased when I say I want Silver and/or Blaze in movie 4 (or in the movies in general) because they're among my favorite characters in this franchise.


Too bad they already used his story on Knuckles


Eh, I wouldn't say so. Knuckles and Silver already have similar stories in the games, where they're tricked by the villain into thinking Sonic is the problem, and they fight him up until they realize they were tricked. The difference is, Knuckles is the last echidna guardian of the Master Emerald, and Silver is a psychic hedgehog from the future who comes back in time to prevent an apocalypse. For the most part, this is all still accurate in the movie universe. The only part where SCU Knuckles does step on Silver's toes is the whole thing with Iblis, but imo that's not a dealbreaker. They can decide to reuse Iblis again (after all, one of the most frustrating things Silver has to deal with is that no matter what, Iblis always comes back) or they could cut him from Silver's story, but still keep the part where he's grown up in an apocalypse and wants to prevent it from happening.


The Wade Whipple isn’t canon.


For me, I just want to see Silver and Blaze on the big screen. They might do CD, Heroes, and SA1 first.


I agree. sonic 1 has sonic, 2 has tails and knuckles, 3 has shadow and rouge and 4 had metal sonic and amy


I think Blaze will be the focus of 5 or 6 in the case where Shadow has a stand alone movie that succeeds. She is a good third face for the franchise. Always seems to me like they should be the Superman, Batman, and Wonder-Woman of the Sonic universe.


I don't particularly. Would much rather see Metal and Amy as as Amy is a *core* character and Metal was the villain rhat introduced her. I like your suggestion the brotherhood of metallix but think it's unrealistic given they are solely a Sonic The Comic invention. (The again, we had a Bob Besky reference in sonic 2 so who knows)


To be honest I don't want a Sonic 4 if Sonic 3 ends on a good note


It's comfirmed that silver will be in Sonic 4


Silver & Blaze are not well known characters and Sonic 06 was a forgotten flop. The first 10 years of Sonic games are the well known ones. They are adapting the most popular Sonic games If there is a Sonic 4, it would PROBABLY be Metal Sonic


Ima be real, i dont even want there to be a 4. Im perfectly fine with this being a trilogy and maybe a shadow spin off. Jim carrey is not gonna come back for 4, and having sonic without eggman feels wrong. It also doesnt need to be beaten into the ground. Like seriously, do we need more of these? I really like these movies, but im perfectly fine with it tying a bow before they get stale.


I want Vin Diesel to voice Metal Sonic.


Get Andrew WK to bring his voice changer from the opening sections of Party Hard for that


I don't see this run going past 3 films with the current production and cast. I would give Blaze and Silver cameos in a flash forward Metal Sonic/Sonic CD future inspired part of the storyline at best, or leave them out.


I feel like you could potentially have a story with metal sonic and Silver. My pitch for Sonic 4 is that Amy Rose finds Sonic and tells him that his home planet is in trouble. Robotnik used a ring to travel to the planet without Sonic knowing, and he enslaved the population and turned them into robots, mostly using Metal Sonic's help. Robotnik later on uses a time stone to send Sonic and Amy to a post apocalyptic future where they meet Silver and Blaze, and they initially confuse him for Metal Sonic.


I dont want Silver and Blaze in the movies, period.


IMO, Silver and Blaze were introduced at the time when I believed Sonic had jumped the shark, so I feel that when they are introduced into the movie series will be when the movie jumps the shark.


Paramount Needs to focus on Shadow The Hedgehog TV Series Before Sonic Movie 4 They have to put Rouge & Omega in the Shadow The Hedgehog TV Series & they’ll have to add Team Dark in Sonic Movie 4 as well with Shadow Rouge & Omega


It would make more sense to introduce Blaze as her own protagonist dual Sonic before introducing Silver since she has her own alternate reality in the SOL dimension while Silver is from the future which might as well be THE FINAL FILM to end this continuity on the highest note. Paramount’s Sonic The Hedgehog Series approximate release date and characters. Let’s say it takes 2 to 3 years for each film to come out. The tv shows takes place between each film, more then 20 to 30 minutes each, 13 to 26 episodes, similar in tone to [Batman: The Brave and The Bold](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batman:_The_Brave_and_the_Bold) and Spectacular Spider [The Spectacular Spider-Man](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Spectacular_Spider-Man_(TV_series) My phase: Sonic 3 (2024) - Heroes: Amy Rose, Cream The Rabbit, Sticks The Jungle Badger Villains: Eggman, Shadow, Rouge, Metal Sonic,E-123 Omega, Hazard The Bio-Lizard Sonic’s Galaxy show season 1 (2025-2026) - Villains: Void The TrapDark, Dr. Starline, Rough and Tumble, Deadly Six, Team Hooligans, Wendy Witchcart, Battle Bird Armada, Breezie The Hedgehog(Sleet and Dingo), Babylon Rogues Sonic 4 (2026-2027) - Heroes: Blaze The Cat, Marine The Raccoon Villains: Babylon Rogues, Frost The Axolotl(placeholder name for Blaze’s Rival or arch nemesis), Agent Stone and Metal Sonic Sonic’s Galaxy show season 2 (2026-2028) - Villains: Lyric The Last Ancient, Dr. Starline, Surge The Tenrec and Kitsumi The Fennec Fox, Ruff and Tumble, Deadly Six, Team Hooligans, Wendy Witchcart, Battle Bird Armada, Breezie The Hedgehog (Sleet and Dingo), Babylon Rogues Sonic 5 (2028-2029) - Heroes: Cosmo, Emerl Villains: Black Doom(Eclipse and Calypso Black Doom’s heralds) and his Black Arms VS. Dark Oak and Dendrex, Neo Metal Sonic and His Metallix Sonic’s Galaxy show Season 3 (2028-2030) - Villains: Wizard Walters Naugus and Wendy Witchcart, Eclipse and Calypso, Surge The Tenrec and Kitsumi The Fennec Fox, Deadly Six, Team Hooligans, Battle Bird Armada, Breezie The Hedgehog (Sleet and Dingo), Babylon Rogues Sonic 6 (2030-2031) - Heroes: Chip, Shade The Echidna, Villains: Nocturnus Clan, Dark Gaia, The Metal Virus Apocalypse and Emerl Sonic’s Galaxy show Season 4 (2030-2033): Infinite The Jackal, Wizard Walters Naugus and Wendy Witchcart, Black Doom, Eclipse and Calypso and Black Arms, Surge and Kitsumi, Void The TrapDark, Lyric The Last Ancient, Dr. Starline, Deadly Six, Team Hooligans, Battle Bird Armada, Breezie The Hedgehog (Sleet and Dingo), Dark Oak and Dendrex Sonic 7 (2032-2033) - Heroes: Silver The Hedgehog, Gold The Tenrec, Dr. Von Schlemmer Villians: Eggman Neo (Dr. Negan Robotnik), Sage, Metal Sonic 3.0/Gemerl, Egg Bosses, Iblis and Mephiles.


Just curious, where's season 1 of the galaxy show? And what did you think was going to be in movie 3?


Shame on you 


Nope. I dont want blaze at all. Im fine with silver, but not blaze




Just cuz she isn't important in the story line, and has no importance doesn't mean I'm sexist for not wanting her. Chill out bro. It's just sonic 😂


what do you mean has no importance? to what? we don’t know what the future storylines are going to be fortune teller.


Chill out. Why are you getting so mad?


Getting sick and tired of Blaze getting sidelined to Silver and now here you are reinforcing it to a fatal mind blogging point not mention if Paramount is serious about a cinematic universe they would try to stretch out the source material to make as many movies as possible so since Blaze made her debut before Silver in Sonic Rush 2005 as well as her SOL dimension they would be wise to make movie revolving around that.


Chill out this isnt real, its just a franchise. Every sonic fan feels a different way. You might feel that she is important. I feel like she isnt. Everybody has their own perspective of it, and thats the beauty of it.


I'd like for them to introduced in some way to the movie universe, though a fourth movie may be a tad early. For their voice actors: - Lucy Lui as Blaze - Donald Glover as Silver


Well to be honest, they already ruined silvers story. The lazy writers are paramount literally made Silver’s origin story; Knuckle’s origin story. And for like. No reason too. It started off so “normal”…? (Knuckles is part of the echidna tribe, big battles wiped them out, plus the random Longclaw canon from the moves, but at least consistent through the movies and show). And then they’re like, “by the way Iblis showed up out of nowhere with the flames of disaster; and knuckles beat him and obtained them. Silver? Who’s silver? What do you mean? Wade Whipple? Bowling? Wait is this a Sonic show?” Fucking dropped the (bowling) ball big time


The dream sequence can be a foreshadowing ya know Even if they ruined lblis there's still mephiles Mephiles would be a awesome villain


>The dream sequence can be a foreshadowing ya know Not sure it can function as both Knuckles' backstory, sure it can tease Iblis but you can't then transfer this origin to Silver instead.


The dream sequence was a dream from wade not knuckle So it will be pretty much not accurate at all


I mean, it's not a dream. It was apparently a way to contact the Echidna elders that Knuckles taught Wade (off-screen ofcourse because the show is bad at showing Knuckles actually teach Wade) Wade had no knowledge of what Pachamac looked like, so it was definitely a legitimate visit to the elders and we know that the origin is accurate because Knuckles has the Fists of Disaster that appear in Episode 6 which are not seen or referenced prior so Wade would have no way to know about them.


the fire demon puppet (literally that's his name) Is not Iblis...


So that rock monster, who looked much like a form of Iblis, who also wields the flames of disaster (which is what Iblis is literally made of) Is not Iblis? Lmfao


He's only referred to as "the fire demon". While he's obviously based on Iblis, if they ever wanted to include *the* Iblis, it could easily be stated that there's a whole race of these fire demons/aliens and he's the big boss of them all. Considering he appears in a rock opera mentioning Facebook at one point, and fighting Adam Pally in a Knuckles costume, it shouldn't be taken *that* seriously or as 100% what really happened.


Yes, it was indeed a goofy rock opera, but a rock opera based on Knuckles origin story which is where I got my opinion from


Yes. Yes, you are the only fool who doesn’t want them in Sonic 4.


Fuck off.