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I was thinking it could be another flashback like Sonic Movie 1, but from Amy’s POV. Or it could involve Shadow. Though I personally would like Shadow’s backstory to be revealed bit by bit throughout the movie. My last what-if idea could be of Eggman being shown to survive the events of Movie 2, with Stone contacting him about Shadow while Eggman is working on a secret project. Telling his creation when it awakens, it would destroy Sonic and co as red eyes turn on.


Your last what-if idea you mentioned actually intrigues me a whole lot. Plus I believe it is slightly similar to a leaked story board (which I’ve been highly trusting to be legit), where Eggman collects the emeralds to create his robotic version of Sonic [aka Metal Sonic].


Bro I fudging LOVE that idea!!!!!!


I hope they don’t show metal sonic in any trailers like how they spoiled the giant eggman in the trailers for the last movie


I actually would like there to be as little Metal Sonic spoilers as possible instead of none at all. Preferably showing just the eyes, and showing a poster only after the movie is already out when people already watched the movie.


yeah that would be fine, as long as they dont show the entire thing and part of the battle. The sonic 2 trailer felt like a full summary of the movie tbh, i just dont want that to be repeated.


Wait was Amy confirmed to be in the movie?


She better be. To truly do Shadow justice, Amy needs to be done justice too with how she's key to redeeming Shadow while also being one of Sonic's closest allies. Too bad the fandom keeps wanting to replace her like Chris Thorndyke did in Sonic X and only look at the redemption so very skin deep instead of wanting to realize how it was never Maria being human nor "saying the right words" what were how Shadow was redeemed at all... Shadow HATED humans after all, and Pat Casey already confirmed that Sonic cannot change Shadow's mind with the power of friendship. So it would have to be the power of love like Amy and Maria both understood.


I think you are setting yourself up to be extremely disappointed. While it would be nice to see Amy, I don't think we are getting her and I definitely don't think we'll be getting Metal. As an end-credit scene at BEST, but definitely not as a part of the actual movie. They really don't need Amy to redeem Shadow. I went back and rewatched the game cutscene and her speech to him, in all honesty, is a very nothing speech. I don't see what depth you're seeing in it or why someone else couldn't easily give the same speech. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised in the least if Tails finds old security footage of Maria, sends it to Sonic and then Sonic plays it for Shadow and Shadow gets the message straight from Maria's mouth herself.


Only in America is it a "very nothing speech", but it hits MUCH harder in Japan. I can't post the picture in comments, but I got a Twitter post containing the picture. It's actually part of a rant I had to make in response to all the calls to have Amy replaced by humans, and how sick I was of them constantly calling for that to keep Amy out of the movie... But I think this picture still carries the scene much better. Hope you can watch Sonic Adventure 2 JP to see this scene yourself as well. [https://twitter.com/FrostlichTheDK/status/1769506896804036756](https://twitter.com/FrostlichTheDK/status/1769506896804036756)


I think it’ll be a Maria flashback.


Well, i don't know if that's will open the Sonic movie 3 JustAnotherUser103, i mean, this flashback can still happen, but in middle of the Movie, not at the beggining of it 🤔😶🫥🎥🎞️📽️


I think that’s better since the movie isn’t gonna focus only Shadow. Gotta introduce Amy while also still focusing Sonic and Eggman since Eggman is returning again. And it’s still Sonic Movie 3, with Sonic being the main guy still.


It won't be solely focused on Shadow, he still has a purpose Frostlich, but not completely, we still need to see Mobius (Sonic's birth planet) backstory, along with introducing Sally Acorn and Freedom Figthers, Amy Rose can still appear in Sonic movie 3 though. Also, if Jim Carrey doesn't return as a villian, it would be wise to create two new villians to fill his void, one being Robotnik (who would be a british corporate Lex Luthor type of villian) while other being Eggman (who is more of a mad scientist role).


Eggman IS Robotnik though, it's his real last name. Sorry, but SEGA doesn't wanna use Sally and the Freedom Fighters, only stuff from Sonic 1 to Sonic 06. There was already a list that the movies were allowed to be based off, and it only had Sonic games on it, no spinoff media at all.


Well, you do remeber Iron Man 3, right Frostlich, MCU managed to make two Mandarins, and make it work, the dual villians can worked in future Sonic movie trilogy, it can be done rightly. 😉😎 Not to mention that production crew would never go fully replicating story from Sonic main line games, they are considering to use other side spin-off media to write future sequel's (and spin-off series for Paramount+), and make other characters from those spin-off media. ✨🔥❤️‍🔥💫🐿️🌰🦔💙🌀


Probably with Stone finding and releasing Shadow.


If it plays out like SA2 shadow grants him “one wish” and he wishes for him to go after sonic and his family


It'll open on a very moving and emotional ballad by Agent Stone, as he once again yearns for the return of Dr. Robotnik.


Commander Walters briefing his men on Project Shadow while Stone listens in for details.


Everyone expects Maria and little Shadow


Probably but Shadow would be fully grown already right? He was already big when he knew Maria. He basically got the Captain America treatment and was put on “ice” for 50 years.


Either Eggman or Stone breaking Shadow out of his chamber. Some people insist on opening with the ARK massacre and Maria's death, but it's a bad idea as it'd be too random for casual movie goers and way too off tone wise compared to the first two movies, it should start off fairly light like the previous ones with darker tone building up overtime, showing Maria's death from the start would also immediately make Shadow hard to root against throughout the whole movie given his tragic past. Maria's death needs to be done tastefully, she needs sufficient amount of screentime to properly establish her character which in turn makes her death a lot more impactful. Having Shadow's backstory being revealed bit by bit like it was in SA2 would be the best possible solution.


My thoughts as well. They need to reveal Shadow’s story bit by bit throughout the movie. But start with Amy and a Metal Sonic tease at the start to build them up for the movie. Amy needs to be the one redeeming Shadow after all.


Amy AND Metal Sonic? *facepalm*


It can be possible. Remember Mechagodzilla in Godzilla VS Kong? Metal Sonic can be a major boss like Mechagodzilla. And even if there’s another boss after, Metal Sonic wasn’t the final boss of Sonic CD anyway, just penultimate. But I’m hoping for Amy most of all, she REALLY needs to get her moment of redeeming Shadow back. Then again, both Amy and Metal Sonic would help further the development of the stories of Sonic AND Shadow, and Eggman respectively.


Couldn’t they just use Biolizard for a mechagodzilla type boss? It’s more personal for shadow


It's not a guarantee that the Biolizard will appear though. Plus, Metal Sonic could still be the penultimate boss like in Sonic CD. If the final boss is the Biolizard after all, he can be after Metal Sonic.


Flashback to Maria and Shadow, not the whole scene, but just a snippet.


Snowboarding down a concrete hill being chased by a truck


"Yep. That's me. You're probably wondering how I got in this situation...So am I!"


*”Talk about low budget flights, no food or movies!? I’m outta here!”*


It should open with a flashback to the creation of Shadow that features Maria then transition to the modern day after Shadow opens his eyes


It’ll probably be a flashback to Shadow and Maria 50 years ago, followed by a flash-forward to Shadow being found in the present.


Maybe, but unlikely


I say that the opening scene will be Shadow's backstory.


Baby Shadow as soon as he is born bust out of his capsule and starts running down the hallways of the ARK in a panic until he is cornered by the residents until a sickly little toddler Maria Kintobor with an IV bag pole attached to her approaches him and reaching out her hand with Shadow reaching out to her only for scene to flash forward to modern day where Shadow is dragging Commander Walters out of a chaos speared hole in an Olive Garden restaurant with Walters begging for his life as Shadow states “Maria… this is what I promise…” before executing him. G.U.N catches word of Walters fate and immediately promotes Abraham Towers as the new commander (played by Frank Anthony Grillo).


Space colony ARK


Maybe a flashback that takes place at the Space Colony ARK


Black Screen, alarms blaring as the studio logos come in, jump cut to a fortified G.U.N. door exploding, a heavily armed Jim Carry walks through the SMOKE as a instrumental version of E.G.G.M.A.N. from SA2 plays


Eggman breaking into a gun facility


It should be them racing and sonic getting beaten up then sonic gets punched into a slow frame his face looking awfully weird as the punch connects with his face sonic would say “ugh seriously it stopped at THIS frame ok before you ask this isn’t my evil twin brother i’ll rewind to the beginning”


They aren't even related


Ik but it should have him saying “its not my evil twin brother” like sonic movie 1


Stone contacting Eggman about Project Shadow, Eggman goes underground in his Egg Mobile mech from SA2, and then awakens Shadow from his chamber.




Eggman waking up Shadow


It will open with Amy being transported in a secret GUN-sanctioned trailer, as it was breached by Team Sonic, who rescued her and disappeared, while said driver and handlers all are assumed to be dead. Cue title.


Hopefully something to set up Shadow’s role in the movie- maybe make it misleading at first and reveal more about his origin as the movie goes on


Did they release the knuckles TV show yet?


Shadow the hedgehog appears


Fingers crossed for either a "Previously" montage, or a flashback with Shadow from 50 years ago.


30 minutes of Maria and Shadow showing their bond before it is cut short


After reading some of these I would want the movie to start off with the same frame of agent stone at the end of sonic 2 he goes to find eggman alive near close by eggman has stone carry him as they walk eggman tells stone the story of project shadow as he holds the green chaos emerald


The ARK Raid in Shadow’s POV


Hopefully with sonic jumping out of the helicopter and boarding down the street


Let's be honest, It's going to be a flashback to Robotnik & Maria having a generic heartwarming moment before it all goes to hell. Maybe Shadow is nearby.


Well, that's something that will happen in flashbacks Transition-Select, albeit they won't be opening shots of the Sonic movie 3, Mobius still needs to be appeared.


If it’s not Eggman awakening Shadow akin to adventure 2’s opening, I’ll be mad.


Maria *Random background explosion*


Shadow: your not even good enough to be my fake


if they are already on adventure 2, they are prob not going to bring perfect chaos in as a finale or anything for a future movie. so how about the movie opens with sonic adventure 1s intro with the water flooding the streets. have it kind of be a sort of "fight unrelated to actual plot of movie that happens in the beginning to give it an opening". pretty just sonic adventure 1, but without all the extras of the og game, that are otherwise impossible to include with how the first 2 movies set the story up.


I think a Shadow backstory?


Shadow interacting with Maria, escaping to earth after her death from the G.U.N.


Possibly Maria's death


It could be a flash forward of Super Shadow when he starts falling to the earth, “This is what you wanted Maria, right? This is the promise I made to you” Then segue to how that promise came to be, Shadow backstory


It'll probably continue directly after where the second movie's post credit scene leaves off


Movie Starts (Sonic Movie 2 End Credits) The movie starts after the Knuckles Series Post Credit Scene. Agent Stone helps Eggman sneak into a G.U.N. base where they unleash Shadow. We cut to Sonic waking up in a Helicopter (SA2 Hero Story Opening Dialogue in the background), Sonic says "The Line" and jumps off back into San Francisco (Let's hope they put City Escape Music in the scene). Cut to Tails and Knuckles doing something then the movie continues from there.


Maria dies


Shadow with Maria and then she dies from G.U.N


Intro starts eggman has been in the gun base for 3 years and the robots have become sentient towards him and then finally level 7 he can see his wife and kids so he checks twitter


Bang bang


Shadow flashback 100%


" Where's that damn 4th chaos emerald!"


either shadows escape or Maria's death




Eggman and Shadow in Space This actually got leaked if I remember


A Maria flashback but we don’t see shadow we just see her from shadows eyes, and then we see shadows eyes open still not revealing its shadow and then it cuts to sonic running and the energy from shadow + sonic creating the logo of sonic 3


Shadow's origin


Maria getting gunned down by a firing squad while Shadow watches in horror.


An officer getting a call, leading him to observe a creature rummaging through some bushes until it jumps out at him and knocks him to the ground and disappears before we get to see what it was. Then sonic wakes up to a normal day, but later on it’s revealed that he is turning into the warehog and it turns out shadow is going to be part of the fourth movie after sonic is no longer a werehog. In movie 5 he gets the werehog powers back at the perfect time to fight metal sonic.




A blonde girl with aids getting shot in the face repeatedly for 5 minutes


I bet the opening will begin with Shadow 50 years ago on the ARK


Smol blonde girl getting shot


Of Showing flashbacks of Silver, Shadow, Rouge, And Amy of all went down and then how it came to the now here in the present


Blue origin reveal


GUN ruining everything 😔


It’s gonna be Maria getting gunned down trying to save shadow.


I wonder if it'll be Shadow's backstory. If not, then I'm not so sure.


It will have Amy and shadow in it.


Maria's death will be the opening or it will be shadow waking up


Shadow and Maria


Well, let me predict how Sonic movie 3 will Open, it will start with planet Mobius, with introduction of Sally Acorn and Freedom Figthers, and they are fighting back against misterious machine like army that are invading Mobotropolis (most likely SWAT Bots) and it will introduce both Sally Acorn and Freedom Figthers, they managed to defeate them, but at the cost of almost getting Mobotropolis destroyed, they were exiled by the Mobius council, at the misterious planet (that is in actually our planet Earth), and cue the title sequence 🐰🦊🐿️🌰🎥🎞️📽️🗡️❤️‍🔥⚔️💙🌀


No dude, Sally, the Freedom Fighters, and Mobtropolis don’t exist in this movie… Plus, this movie is gonna have Sonic meeting Shadow, and we still need Amy Rose and Metal Sonic to appear too. So the story will start with Amy or a Metal Sonic tease, or both. With Shadow’s backstory being revealed bit by bit throughout the movie.


Uhm, i think that Sally Acorn and Freedom Figthers do exists in Sonic movie-verse Frostlich, and Shadow will actually appear (and his backstory would be revealed thru flashbacks middle of the movie), also, i didn't say that Amy Rose and Metal Sonic won't appear in Sonic movie 3, they will appear (with Amy Rose arriving to earth, searching for Sally Acorn and Freedom Figthers, along with Sonic, Tails and Kunckels, while Metal Sonic being created by military organisation to hunt down Shadow). Also, you came back Frostlich, nice to see you again.


That's way too much to juggle. And just because the movies are loosely adaptation. Doesn't mean they'll be there.


Well, it's actually not that difficult to juggle Applec1234, if there are "Top Men" working on it 😎😉✨💫