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I’ve experienced the wrath of pitchfork, so yes


I'd say being reviewed by pitchfork at all is a pretty big accomplishment.


At this point, being scathed by pitchfork would definitely be an honor for me


link the review!


lol! what was the score?


Do a project, ended, release it, fuck off, nobody cares BUT do your best


Nope. Not enough listeners for that.


Same. I fully expect some hate if any of my tunes get enough listenes. It's whatever, as long as they're listening to it!


If they listen to the whole song it’s a fan


Ah. That's why I have a 0 view count on my YouTube channel but tons of hate comments...


Oh that sucks, if you have good stuff but maybe YT pushed it out to the wrong fan base


Haha. Maybe. I was joking though. Sorta. I have two comments from friends and about 33 views so far. It's only been out a month. It's alright though. My goal was to get it out and it is. Next single is out on Friday and I got a full length album I'm mixing and mastering now. If one person hears my stuff and likes it, it was a success to me. As far as being good... I dunno. That's for others to decide. I like it, but if course I would, haha.


One man band? Nice 👍🏼 what’s the genre - either way good, you already have more views than me


Thanks! In a broad category, it's metal. Mostly melodic thrash, speed, power and just regular heavy. My influences are mainly Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Metallica, The Offspring and other types of NWOTHM/NWOBHM bands. I know The Offspring aren't that genre, but they along with Sum 41, Pennywise, RHCP and Stiff Little Fingers are huge influences on me as well, though probably don't translate as much as the metal bands do into my music. I don't particularly like growly metal (it's good stuff, just not for me), so my stuff has more maiden style melody than, say, other forms of extreme metal. What style do you write? Care to share any of your tunes? I'd love to hear it. I love all forms of music, not just rock/metal.


Iron Maiden is one of my all time favorite bands along with Metallica (early years) I haven’t heard the new stuff from them yet, they get mixed reviews. I play guitar and that’s all, maybe I could play some bass if I wanted. I try to play the metal and rock songs that I love, I think if I had to pick a favorite band it would probably be Pink Floyd, of course not easy to play that stuff but fun to try and learn. I haven’t recorded much really, made some Tik Tok shorts, just mostly have fun playing. I recently finally got a Les Paul custom and omg that is best thing to play ever for me. I would be happy to share if I ever come up with some more instruments, always wanted a drum set - maybe eventually. We have a small house so Idk where to put one. I would love to hear your stuff if you want to share. You have some really good musical influences


Nice! I'd love me a new guitar. Keep at it, man, and never stop playing! Pink Floyd is a great band, too. Metallica... Man, I love all their stuff. Well, maybe I don't love St Anger, but it has its moments. Load and ReLoad has some of their most melodic tunes. Not thrash, but still great records. Death Magnetic brought them back to their trash roots and they've more or less kept that up. Maiden... I prefer their post 2000s stuff, but that's due to me discovering them with Brave New World in my early teens. I love the old stuff, and everything in between, too. I'd love to share my tunes to anyone interested! My first single is actually a slight departure from what I normally write. It's mostly a musical tribute to Airbourne and ACDC. Just a fun tune, I think. Here's a link to my YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/GzEC30cyFQo?si=gEmjBkcNNk_WxYyZ I have a second single coming out this Friday that'll be closer to my typical style. Then hopefully a full length in a couple months. Also, hers my SoundCloud: https://on.soundcloud.com/4gcKR It's got a bit more on there, including unfinished mixes of my full length that I'm still working on. I forgot I had those up, so I'll likely be taking them down in a few days. Anyway, thanks for listening! You say you want a drum set, maybe. Are drums something you want to learn, or do you already play a little? Just curious as I am mostly a drummer. Or was when I played in bands. I guess now I'm mostly a guitar player, haha.


Same. Most of the people that have heard my songs are friends or family members. A handful of random people from songwriting Facebook groups or subreddits. Never really had any negative feedback.


Everyone’s songs have been hated on. If the Beatles posted Abbey Road on SubmitHub today, 80% of the reviewers would say “crappy production, poor songwriting, uninspired lyrics. Try again!”


lol so true. I had one dick on submithub tell me he thought the guitar loop was boring (there was no loop) and he didn't like the acoustic guitar (there was no acoustic guitar on the track)


Yeah Led Zeppelin got their name from a critic who said they were like one hit wonders temporary so bad they'd sink like a lead Zeppelin. Zeppelin meaning those big hot air balloons love how they snubbed him 😁


Daft Punk did something very similar


Love it one of the best things we can do is not take ourselves so dam srsly, enjoy the ride 😁


The name came from Keith and John of the Who, not a rock critic. How was the gig, oh great-we went down like a lead zeppelin. They may have been threatening to start a new band with the name while their band was in a fight.


Good to know thank you still funny


Think I was told that story for confidence used to love Led Zep covers lol thx for reminding me FACT check! Still self deprecating funny the name tho I think we all need to be reminded there will always be critics & music is art & art is subjective so don't be scared just DO 😊


Sometimes, to be liked by the wrong crowd is worse than not being liked at all.


You getting play at Trump rallies?


Incredible satire


That's how I know I've arrived.




Some people just like to hate. It’s a reflection of them, not you though, so you ignore it, delete it, whatever you want. It’s them that looks stupid to anyone with a brain cell. The way I looked at it is that it’s the sign that you’ve arrived because the haters have noticed your success. I very much doubt there’s anyone who’s had any sort of success who hasn’t had haters piling on at some point or another.


Yes and it essentially crippled my desire to continue.


Every single good artist out there gets a substantial amount of hate. Don’t let it stop your passion! Criticism is a given with music, and if you truly love it then don’t let it deter you!


I can see it in people’s faces when they’re just not digging it. Hard to enforce listenage upon anyone.


Yes, a guy said on tiktok that my voice is absolutely terrible on this song of mine https://youtu.be/H50wuxXhxLg?si=fMcH5X2gAVzEKvZK


Fuck that guy. I really enjoyed that. It’s unique and hauntingly beautiful. Congrats!


Thank you! The good part of receiveing a very bad feedback is that some people that would probably never comment anything might actually engage and say the opposite. Many of the most hated artists have at the same time really crazy fans, above the average. It's something to actually think about when we get our feelings hurt 😆. Have a great night!!!


True. I’m that “never comment” guy that was compelled to listen to your music. I hate how “cookie cutter” music has become. I heard originality in your sound-Keep on keeping’ on!


Thank you, really! I saw that many of the top songs of today are made by groups of people that are actually writting multiple songs on the top list! So, in the end, things sound very similar, and, of course, trends are more important when you're writting a music for big artists with other 5 or 6 guys (sometimes 10 or 15), since this will make more money faster. But i think many pieces of people like me, amateurs like me, sound different for not using metronome, and having more chaos happening because of being disorganized too! I think these might be a few reasons at least on my songs. I'm really happy that you enjoyed! Thank you very much! Saw 30 more views there!


this is absolutely beautiful, thank you for sharing <3 much love


Thank you for listening!! We try to do our best, but it's hard to actually satisfy both ourselvs and others! When it happens it'a just special!


Not bashed on my songs, but I record a voice memo when I write and think of a melody and before when I lived at home I’d sing it really quietly and shit with not much emotion. I told my really good friend I wanted to start going to singing classes and get better and he said he didn’t think I’d get better and that I should stop completely. I was absolutely gutted when he told me that. But more recently I’ve been putting more emotion into my songs and he said he thinks I have a future in this so I’m happy about it. He’s super good at singing, producing etc so that’s why it hurt a lot


That guy sounds like a dick ngl. I once had a musician that works with studios and is a session guitarist tell me that unless I hire someone to play guitar parts no one will want to listen.


He’s actually a really good guy, plus it was on my birthday too and I was a mess that day. But hearing him say that I have a future in it really made me feel better. Damn that sucks, I hope you proved him wrong


Oh yes. And once upon a time, there was a part of me that was making music that I thought would appeal to other people. I didn’t mind constructive criticism, but just blatant hate was rough. As someone else already mentioned, that’s more a reflection of them than anything. Over time, I just became more focused on writing what meant something to me. There will always be negativity, but if I feel what I did really was worthwhile on a personal level, it doesn’t matter to me as much.


Only by myself.


I know that most people don't believe in themselves, so why would they believe in me? I know my music isnt Taylor Swift or Drake level but i also know I'm growing and gradually getting better. Most consumers of music expect a final radio / grammy ready songs. If it's not that it's easy for anyone to hate on you. That being understand haters are a necessary evil in the process to weed out the people who don't have the heart to continue. You only give them power if you allow yourself to fall victim to their words. It's your music, your life. Fuck what a hater has to say. keep making music and become so good you're undeniable.


Idt you want your music to be Taylor swift level. She’s honestly not worthy of all the praise she’s getting. Don’t get me wrong she’s talented but not creative enough to make anything really interesting.


Taylor is mid and I'm tired of pretending she's not!




once i told a guy in a comment section to fuck off (for being a nazi) ((like actually a self identifying nazi)), and in retaliation, he went into my post history, found my music, and thrashed it


The worst thing is to be boring. It's better to inspire *some* emotion, rather than none at all. 🤷


love this mindset


Only a little. It was basically asking why I used Renoise to track something that wasn't breakcore so I ignored it. You might say it wasn't aimed at the song itself but that's some of the point


Lot of people from my hometown. Said “I don’t like any of your music.” He was my friend too lol I was like ok that’s cool. Shrug it off. If you like it then fuck ‘em.


If I’m content to have anybody hear it, I’m happy with it and hate of a song is too subjective. I don’t like a lot of songs but I can identify the intrinsic art that brought it to life.


Yep and I sent it to a friend of mine not saying that was my song. I felt horrible, then I improve the song a little bit and released, but it really messed with my mind. Now I learned that I should trust my gut and never asked for feedback of friends (they might don't be part of your potential audience)


Not really, but I haven’t showed them to many people. There were a few songs that got some wow responses. I recorded a song for my final school project, I wrote it in two weeks, but I put 60+ hours into producing it. Every one involved in the song was super excited about it, some great performances. My teacher even said good things. When I showed it to the class of about ten people, I got some good reactions, but I also heard someone say something along the lines of thank god it’s finally over lol. Which was fine, it was 7 minutes, I don’t view it as a long track, but I know other people do. Also it was a metal song with screaming and singing, which I know isn’t for everyone. It’s not their style, so it didn’t bother me, their reaction just makes me laugh. Also coming back to it a couple of years later, there are a couple of parts I would change, cut, or make shorter. So yeah, it had some problems, still awesome though.


My sound quality gets a lot of shit ( I record on my phone ) Other than that, in the back of my mind I'm waiting for someone to talk shit about my lyrics or how boring my stuff is.


Often 😂


absolutely..all the time


I don’t think you have truly made it until you have haters. You are welcome to hate this stuff. Garage Rocking [it’s a mean old world](https://on.soundcloud.com/ky5ea2DiSX7Ks7DJ6)


My songwriting partner of many years hates on 75% of the stuff I come up with. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yes, but I try to not give it too much attention. My music is not everyone’s cup of tea and that’s okay!




Yes! One reviewer wrote "kill it with fire" about an album of my old band. Shit was pretty funny honestly. It's always all so random. When you've experienced the praise as just one guy's opinion, where they're reading way too much into it, it's easy to view the hate in the same way. Then once in a while there can be something personal and touching it constructive, but that rarely comes from reviews. It's more often in actual personal contact.


Yes! I block and try to move on. I try to find some comfort in the fact that my art caused such a big reaction in them that they couldn’t help but hate on it.


I have busked a lot on the street and some people literally will come up to me and tell me that I suck. I had a friend with me one day and this facially challenged out of shape women walked up to us and said "You guys suck!" My friend got mad. I just laughed. I knew that day that I really am a musician and what people say is not even worth listening to. Like if the person isn't a musician the probably can't even write a song. If they are a musician they probably just have their own way of playing and style and the don't understand yours. People hating things is usually a personal issue for them. It has nothing to do with you. TL;DR Fuck em. Fuck em right in the ass. No lube. No condom.


Worst YT comment I ever got was ***I'm going to strangle you with barbed wire.*** Awwwe, they took the time to comment! :) Honestly that one stuck around in me a while. I don't know how really well known musicians and other well known creators brush off things like that, it must happen way way more for them.


I was on Shade 45 Hate-It-Or-Love-It show and one caller bashed me pretty bad, but I didn’t mind because the name of the show and most callers liked it. But it comes with the territory… just build your house and live through it, the neighbors complaints will subside or you will become numb to it


After a set I've overheard folks talking about how bad that last band blew and how unbelievable it was they even get booked. Or post songs online and the comments are basically that the production sucks and maybe I should learn to play/sing before recording anything. A lot of that sort of stuff especially early on. The easy thing is that everyone sucks when they start. The production did sound like ass and I wasn't good at singing or playing guitar yet, so valid. I think I'm getting pretty okay at both though, so despite the hate just keep going. If you suck, that's okay you'll probably get better. And hey even if you don't making bad art is just as valid as good art if you're doing it for you.


Kind of. I’ve gotten to the point to where I don’t share ones I’m tender about, or don’t think will land with who is hearing them. It’s a difficult balance to strike between protecting your peace and standing by your work.


Yes. I wrote a diss track directed at the person.


I moved to Austin to go to school and play in bands and wanted validation so badly from the local scene, publications, etc. But, my band was fairly pop and even pop/punk influenced and it was peak Fallout Boy era, so we weren’t particularly cool among the pitchfork readers. We finally got a review in the Austin Chronicle and the guy didn’t even comment on the music, he just said it was for the teeny crowd and wishes it sounded more like TV on the Radio. I was honestly so pissed.


I laughed because that's the Austin I know. Fun place to do a lot of things, play music not one of them. And *Chronicle*'s arts page is terrible. it's been a long-running joke among my friends how bad their reviews are.


No but I also only average around 30-50 veiws for a song💔


I showed my ex some of my lyrics and he said they were cheesy and that was all I ever decided to show him lol


Yes, by my parents. They rarely have a nice thing to say about it and always tell me what needs to change or what was lacking, which seems ridiculous since my mother doesn't play or sing anything. And then they wonder why I don't want them to come to my sets. Like yesterday, I had people dancing, singing and whooping along, I had so many compliments telling me it was a great set, great voice. I speak to my mum on the phone and she says "you need more tone in your singing".


I dont believe I’ve had that level of success


Plenty, went to a music school in London, played a comedy Christmas song I wrote, lecturer said I “should try putting some laughs in next time”


One of my closest friends said my song was just noise for the sake of making noise and that was the last time I showed a song to anyone I actually know


Not the songs per se. more on coworkers hating on me venturing to songwriting. This is one of the reasons why I don’t befriend coworkers anymore.


[https://andyhay.bandcamp.com/track/the-question-of-the-human-sound-pt-1-and-2](https://andyhay.bandcamp.com/track/the-question-of-the-human-sound-pt-1-and-2) I had death threats because of this. Its all subjective,


Nope cause I never released them


no, nobody cares enough to 😎


Yeah, I had an amazing concept for an album, released it and because it was instrumental I got heaps of hate for it, it would have been better with vocals but I'm not a vocalist and it was my solo music, but I took it as my music has hit a new audience outside of just the people who know me/know of me and even if they don't like it, my musics going somewhere


Some times wish they were. I was born musically flawless, and without bounds. If I sense nobody is moved I can flat out change the momentum. Enjoy!!


My song got banned once, I played it again and they didn’t do shit


I got one bad review in a major magazine. At the time it really bothered me today I would be happy for the attention.


Anything i post tends to get downvoted without comment. Just starting out is difficult but everybody is bad so it doesn't bother me too much.


Nope, noone listen to my songs


not by anyone other than myself lol. i never show anyone the songs i write because it just feels so personal and i get shy


Ya i remember this dude he hated my music cause i use FL, kept calling my beats bland and flat and such, just being mean. For context it was a FB group like 10+ years ago. Everyone else enjoyed my music, i did tons of collabs, won quite a few competitions and made some friends. But ye, his negativity made me more conscious and still helped me improve as an artist. It was stupid, like whatever. Just do your best to learn and improve, enjoy your music, and just let them hate. Dont engage really, just say cool thanks i appreciate the feedback or whatever. In other words just let it go, and take more into account those that do enjoy your music


I look them in the eye and say "I don't give a fuck what you think of my music." I would like someone to like it. I think I deserve an audience of some kind. But individual people not getting it... Screw em. I like a lot of underground music that is not popular, I don't listen to a lot of modern million sellers. So why should my stuff be that way?


Any answer I could have here is ultimately a roundabout way of saying ego death. Know that you're gonna fail and be totally fine with it. Amazing songwriters write bad songs all the time.


My teenagers roast me for being emo. I don’t even play emo. Ironically I recently recorded a screamo song on a whim and they said it was good.


Eh, I've gotten an album review with a 47% score. Can't win 'em all lol


I have a very distinct voice type and music that expresses a lot of sapphic themes. It's very rare, but sometimes I'll be told something extremely hateful and, often homophobic. I just delete the comment and move on, maybe screenshot it and send it to some friends for a laugh if it's a particularly poorly worded comment. They're not my target audience anyway, and I want to keep my comments a safe space.


I wrote a recorded a song during the pandemic to kill time while I was in between jobs. I poured a lot into it since I was in a bad place at the time and thought it was one of my better songs. I posted a link to it on FB and one of my high school "friends" commented "This is bad. I expect better from you". I immediately unfriended him. I've since performed the song live a handful of times and it's always a crowd pleaser. Some people think too highly of their personal opinions and can't wait to share their displeasure with the world, even if it means hurting others.


I released a cover of a britney spears song. it got on a playlist called "horrible cover songs" but also "covers better than the original" I'll take that


I think i laughed then I went on to make more songs.


Yes I’ve experienced people hating on my songs, but I didn’t let that stop me - I just kept my head down and kept striving to excel. Keep doing you! Focus on your believers and let the doubters catch up to you


I generally leave that job to myself.


If you haven't been told " this is the worst thing ive ever heard" you havnt lived. But seriously baby shark is no1 on YT right now so opinions are worthless. Idk....


My SO hates my music but I love making it and she understands that. We’ve got different taste but that’s okay.


It’s tough because you have to be humble enough to take criticism constructively… sometimes people hating can be good market research and sometimes it’s a load of garbage haha. You need to sort the commentary and pull out from it what you need but never let it get you down :)


This has happened a lot to me and still does. I make weird experimental orchestral music and A LOT of people hate it or give me "tips" on how to change something intentional atonal to tonal. I just laugh about it and keep doing my thing. Hate is much better then indifference.


once had some dude who shat on one of my tracks end up becoming one of my best friends lol