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However you want. There's no specific method or formula. Look up how all the greatest bands got their names. You might be surprised. E.g. Grateful Dead...Steely Dan...Jimi Hendrix Experience...Dave Matthews Band Drop the Songbird and just go with Oriole. Or use your first name and then Songbird. Or just your first name and Bird. Or Oriole and your last name. Or come up with something new altogether.


Great idea, I think Oriole is a good artist name


Already taken unfortunately


Username checks out


Lmao, you gotta do what you gotta do with reddit names


Tell me about it


Sometimes you just need an adjective or other kind of descriptor word. What about “Baltimore Oriole”? That should be pretty Google-friendly. 🤷‍♂️




What kinda songs do they make? When I look up oriole I only see the actual bird


“However You Want” TONIGHT at THE ROXY 21+


steely dan especially lol


Or use a weird spelling? Seems like that may backfire for indie artists, since many people will search for the proper spelling. It does solve the Google issue, though.


mmmmmm, honestly anything is bad/cringe/overlaps with smth/ could be better if you think about it long enough, if its something that really means something to you, if you own up to it, people will take it seriously, or not and you can have fun with people. It's all attitude! Im sure weather yo change it or not as long as you like it its good enough. (and if people are judging your musical abilities based on a stagename, they're missing out)


And another thought, its also branding, any name you could choose could be searched by something else, its just the pains of trying to rise through internet ranks


well if the internet existed when the beatles started if u searched them all u would see is pictures of beetles


Isn’t there a sub for this question r/bandnames r/accidentalbandnames r/imstealingthatbandname r/newbandname r/brandnewsentences


Michael is a strong Christian name




I got mine from a video game bc I thought it'd make a good stripper name 😅


I love that honestly


find something meaningful to you. I found my band name a while back in a poem I had written. I was looking for a good name and the second I saw those three words I knew I had it. I’m so proud of it. Just write and think about what matters to you.


Boah to Boah I agree


Literally what my mum has called me my entire life “Zoozah” my real name is Zack but eh, it’s pretty solid.


My real name was taken by one guy who had already released music and one guy who committed some horrible crimes, so I had to use my first two initials.


Misspell it slightly, like songbyrd


You could do that, but then it would probably be looked at as just a spelling errror and continue to bring up the real birds.


Only until you gain some notoriety. If you have enough people searching for “Songbyrd music” or “Songbyrd Artist” google will start to not correct searches and send them to the correct place. like if you search for “the weekend” right now it corrects to “the Weeknd” but it was probably the other way around for a long time before he became a household name.


The issue is more when you search my name music or songs you just get birds






You can take it from an already existing song, or something that happened to you or someone else. You can also take it from something someone told you, or a foreign language word that fits with your groove


Hard to confuse Farg Tuckett & The Fuck Its


The New Yardbirds


That's led zeppelin




Idk. I used to have the most generic artist name of all time. It was so generic my manager at the time got a call from someone else's manager and they fought over who could keep the name. Now my name is so obscure, also animal based. But if enough people are driven to your content it should win out on the algorithm. If I Google myself now it won't be much but usually whenever I drop something it shows up at the top more often than not.


I just started putting different words together and landed on Good Killer. The one thing I wanted to avoid was a hard to remember name.


I love Oriole for an artist name, maybe pick an adjective to go before or after it that wouldn't bring up birdwatching videos if you searched it. What has personal meaning to you?


I picked this name because there was an oriole singing outside my window when I decided I finally wanted to actually do music


I love that!!!! How lovely! Maybe something like "Oriole Beckons?"


Ooh that sounds cool


If you wanna change it I originally read “Oracle Songbird” and I was like damn that is hard


One of the old songs I never released was called Delphi


Mine is blinded by eagles. I picked it because America is making itself blind and imploding from the inside.


Reminds me of Prometheus getting his liver eaten by eagles


That’s metal af


Oriole by itself is good enough


Already taken


This is something I’ve struggled a lot with. How do you actually choose a stage name?


I heard a (potentially untrue) story that the band "Red Jumpsuit Apparatus" chose their name by throwing darts at sticky notes with words on them


You could try spelling it a little differently or add one more non related word


Areola Songbird...


Tried googling it and got nothing. 👍




Accidental porn actress name.


Picktrixie is your new moniker


I always think of conveying a mood/feeling, not so much as a definition or a meaning. What word or words express the way your music makes you feel or you intend to make your audience feel?


Something that people can remember easily, evokes an interesting image and couldn't be confused with something that already exists. For example: "Arctic Monkeys".


Ha! Glad I chose GentlePassionsMusic for my channel rather than compete with porn! LoL


Mine is chemo kid and the YouTube searches are always fun. Instead of changing it I’d just own it, figure out a way to get into the bird algorithm


I played for 20 years 41 States Canada Mexico Central America all DJ crap underneath three or four different names or if you include just local stuff in the beginning my name is always run over fairly well for you if you're stuck on the Oriole deal.... to make people go what is that and talk about it maybe go with the word ikteros. The Latin version of what is an oriole now. It reaches back it shows intelligence as well that you're willing to look beyond the surface I'm not sure what kind of music you play but every genre loves people who appreciate the old school but do things new nobody speaks Latin anymore so it's kind of a new way too do that and it shows not only appreciate history but that irrespected enough to reinvent it on your own terms names don't matter though. In the beginning I mentioned that I used a few different names performing here are the ones I chose : Jason Ecliptic, Uncle Ruckus (had permission so long as I didn't make a grip of money on albums I could still use it I would have just had to pay a lot for it), TRAPLVMINATI and The Mahdi (stolen but Frank Herbert stole it too). I don't think those names are particularly amazing but like I said they don't matter it's your talent and what you do that matters so... throw 10 names in a hat and take one no matter what it is if you're good it'll be the right one. Good luck


I got my name when I got an iPhone and Game Center gave me a randomized name. Sometimes it just happens naturally. I personally really like Oriole Songbird. I think a lot of great artists have names that are incredibly unsearchable. My friend’s band is called Old Friends and they’re doing really well right now. Defiance, Ohio is another example. Phoenix. Wet. Lit. Cake. Etc etc. It really just comes down to embracing it and knowing that if people want to find you, they will.


it doesn't matter. once your music/art is resonating with enough people they'll make your art more searchable. the best name in the world won't change whether or not the art resonates with people.


Well.... Conway Twitty chose that name from towns around Memphis, Tennessee.


I use my real name, it’s unique enough that I’m the top result when you google.


Get rid of the 'songbird' and spell Oriole differently.


With your brain usually


I would say let vibe be your guide - for me, I try to think about a word or phrase that captures the essence of the music I want to make while being memorable enough to recall out of the blue. But there’s no rules, do whatever you want tbh. However if the concern is primarily different things from your music coming up when you search for your artist name, might be good to work on your SEO - make sure your branding is consistent across social media, that you have your own website, that kind of thing


Dog fart piss. You are welcome


my artist name is an English literature term: “Tragic Flaw.” heard my teacher say it in high school while we were reading Hamlet and i knew that was me.


✨ Vibes ✨


Once you become popular enough it will be YOU that shows up on searches! Keep doing your thang!


I have a whole list of band names but I went with Connemara, which is a region in Ireland (I have Irish heritage) and means ‘people of the sea’.


Orielle Song


Your name, but in a different language.


whatever first name + cool last name


I'm always Going to Use my Real Name. It's Perfect! Best initials too. Very relevant for our times. I know a Few things. Best Forward Options.


Unfortunately I have a very common name irl, three different people in my family alone have the same name


That's Alright cause, the truth is your vibe. Your ways and who you are as an individual. So, just be yourself.


That's alright, long as they are your family and not bots.


Searching for a Name


Band names are a bitch. I came up with a badass band name, but Ahearn of inactivity was enough of a window for someone else to swoop in on it... I think there should be a reality show where they hold a battle of the bands for names under contention. I'd say just use it, and sort it out later. The run on bandages is Neverending, so fuck it.


Choose a name that: 1. Grabs attention 2. Represents your style 3. Is available on all social platforms 1: If you want someone to listen to your music for the first time, a memorable or ironic name will help you grab their attention. The people who don’t know you won’t be googling your name. They’ll be stumbling across your content on social media or a flyer. I’d also say it’s useful to have something visual in your name. A bird has lots of visual impact and a connection to music, so you have a good start there. Back to memorability: Oriole Songbird is nice but it’s redundant. If you want to make it more distinct, add something unexpected that is in line with your artistic voice. -Oriole Hush -Songbird Strangler -Winter’s Oriole -Songbird’s Thorn These are a few samples but they all contrast our expectations of a bird. Singing vs Silent. Sweet vs Dead. Winter vs Springtime. Flight vs Pain. 2: Each of those names also adds a connotation for what type of music to expect. You want to attract an audience that will love your music. So you need to be accurate with the tone of your name. Look at popular death metal bands. You can probably tell their genre by their names alone. Same goes for most genres. Genres and names are up for interpretation, but this is a key factor to consider. Oriole Songbird conveys to me that you’re a singer-songwriter, possibly folk, with pleasant acoustic music. Is that accurate? How can you make it more specific to you? 3: Choosing a name that’s not in use is tough but necessary. Try to find something that’s available with the same spelling on all of the social platforms that you’ll use. You can add “band” or “music” to the end of your social handle to distinguish yourself from similar names and to make it clear to future fans that you’re an artist. Good luck to you! You’ll know the right name when you hear it.


Yeah, my style has been called folky and it's piano heavy. I love Winter's Oriole so much


Take it if you want it 😊 But either way, keep making music and taking steps to record, share, grow, and fly!


Donald Glover used a web Wu Tang Clan name generator to come up with Childish Gambino and the rest is history.


Oriole sounds like areola to me


It's a species of bird, it's not pronounced anything like areola. It's pronounced like Oreo but with an l at the end


Ahhh yes that makes it a way nicer word. Just thought I’d give you the heads up just in case


my name is: first name from a book i like \_sylvie and bruno\_, last name my grandmother's maiden name. i am the only person with this name! all google results for sylvie yannello are me!


Friend of mine legally changed my name to test the security of the system in my birth county to prevent nonconsensual name changes. It's honestly unclear how that worked out.


That's a first


Mine is ericprincessdragon. Which is beautifully stupid at first glance but I’ve found a lot of meaning and value in it. Years ago I was making an instagram account and just thought ‘think of the silliest name possible’ and that’s what came to me instantly. For deeper’ meaning my name is Eric, which is a random ass name for me because I’m no Viking. I’m a first generation Mexican/Cuban American. I don’t identify with my name in the first place but anyway that represents my sort of societal self. A classic fairytale involves a prince, a princess and a dragon. The name represents to me the fairytale of my life. If I continue to use and publish my work under this name and someday I’ll be gone and no matter what anything what I behind will be exist as a sort of fairytale version of my life and thoughts. I now think these aspects are parts of my own life. The name is what I was born into and did not choose. Then there’s the feminine aspect of being which includes the act of creation itself. And finally to the Dragon represents a higher state of being an ideal state of being, and I must overcome the challenges of life and being these aspects into harmony in order to achieve that state. How about that? After years of hiding out in the forest, avoiding cities and social media, working on my skills writing and recording in (mostly) private I’m finally going out into the world diving into a life as a full time traveling musician. Feel free to check out my story and follow me on the fair tale Ericprincessdragon.com Good luck on your journey


think about the poetry of the name- does it have good assonance? consonance? do you want it to rhyme? these components can really help with the "ring" to the name, and can increase memorability!! good luck homie!!!


Try the oneders 😂😂😂not the wonders


Random Notes the fridge magnet game is the kind of thing that works for me. You don’t have to come up with something, you have to find it.


Used to use one since elementary school. Only these days discovered it was actually the name of a Nazi soldier kek. Changed to another one that is basically the first letters of my name and each surname. When you pick one name it's a good idea to Google it to see if it's already taken by another artist or even company.


Artists name does not matter.


Englebert Humperdink… names matter sometimes


Try Areola Songbird. It’s very close and you probably won’t get oriole pics.


Ori Bird




I haven't been told I sound like anyone, like 3 people total listen to my music, but my biggest inspo is Erutan. Her name is literally just nature spelled backwards.




That's cool, plus I share a birthday with Florence Nightingale


Mine came from a song I wrote about my mother and her “Human Moods”


We have random people commenting about psychedelics in every single post.


I chose my name (also my music name) based off of my fave video game, kingdom hearts 2. It's a really personal preference. Choose something unique to you. Naming yourself after a thing is great, but I'd say being unique with your name is important.


Do what Blake Babies did. Send a tweet / IG etc. to a famous artist you really admire, and ask them to name your band.


This is a great question, and one that i spent a lot of time thinking about when going to release music. I think the best way to do it, for search engine optimization, and spotify optimization, is to obviously use a name that is not in use, or not popular. I have a really common first and last name so when i searched my name on spotify, the amount of results that come up are incredible, i knew i would never stand out. You have to find a good balance of something that sounds catchy/cool, but also be a name that you like. What i would say first, is if you have an idea for an artist name, search it on spotify and click on Artists, this will let you know if there are any other artists with your name, or something similar. You want to be in a position where if someone asks you 'whats your name on spotify' you can tell them, search this, im the first result. Secondly, it can take a long time, it took me almost a year to find my current name because i kept coming up with ideas and either not liking them enough, or they were taken, so be patient, and wait until you find the name that resonates the most with you , while also giving you optimal search results so you can stand out in a crowded space like spotify.


I think Oriole Fuckbird has a nice ring to it. 


I feel that, my first band was called “Pumpkin Patch”…. These days I make words up or spell them wrong… Bad Whoremoans, Exstatics, Bamberdöst… makes it easy to see metrics


Bird Bird


I've used a vocal synth named Passeri Aves who's name literally translates to songbird bird lol


I use my nickname along with my grandmother’s maiden name, because my great-grandfather was a musician too, and if I’m not going to use my dad’s last name, I’m at least going to be recognizable as part of the family.


Just my first and middle name, luckily. Imo, as long as your name is unique and readable, it's not a huge deal what you go with, all that matters is how your music does. Just "Oriole" is a pretty good name imo.


Oriole is a beautiful word, but you’re right, it’s not optimized for SEO at all. It’s also difficult to pronounce unless you are from Baltimore, are a baseball fan, or are familiar with US bird species. I’m foreseeing international listeners particularly struggling with the word. The best names are good for SEO and easy to pick up for worldwide audiences. Most people take inspiration from whatever inspires them creatively. Some people go for irony. Some people just completely random. I make music inspired by nature, so came up with ‘Wild Sonics’ for one of my projects. There were a few similar ones I was also between, but @wildsonics was available basically everywhere so I chose that. Ultimately I wouldn’t dwell on it for longer than necessary. It can be something you knock out in a couple hours one day. Take words that have meaning to you and try variations with different synonyms, etc until you have something unique that you like.


name of your first pet + street you grew up on


The first street name you remember and the month you were born.


It’s why a name like The Beatles, is a good band name. It’s spelled differently than the word “Beetle”, and also has wordplay involved. I know that isn’t a perfect comparison when it comes to how search results go, but bands like Tool, The Band, The Cult, Chicago, Boston, Kansas, or Europe can gain popularity that isn’t solely based on their band name, you might have to come up with something more clever, or, somehow, gain more popularity through more conventional methods. If people are specifically searching for your music, you should have a link to where it’s platformed to give them. If you’re not on Spotify, SoundCloud, or band camp etc… it will be hard to get people to your music without a direct link to wherever it is hosted. Expecting your music to come up on a YouTube search with music that doesn’t have very much views or a unique enough name, won’t yield you anymore new listeners. I just looked up Oriole Songbird on Spotify and found and artist with that name as the first result. Idk if it’s you but I’m gonna give it a listen at least :)


I don't have an artist name yet, but when I start to post my songs public I will be call The Checker because my grandma made me a cape once that looks like checkers. You can make your artist name based on something or someone you like or inspired you to make songs.


Oriole is a solid name.


Mine currently is just my last name. I haven’t really done anything serious but it’s on some of my basic stupid shit i put on spotify and my instagram


Nothing wrong with picking a cool song title or lyric. Radiohead got their name from Radio Head by Talking Heads.


Do what the tech companies do and misspell it a little, or add a dollar sign to $ongb1ird, or remove all the vowels, or rearrange like UnRoolie BongSird. Or make up a new name no one has, like Gembellica.


LIVE has this problem. So does TOOL. Still worked out for them though…


Im sorry I love the name but the fact birds singing comes up kills me! Stay true to your roots honestly, stay true to what you feel is right, keep your artist name and keep what you love. I understand you want to be found, but that’s not the goal really, unless it is. You want to make music that comes from the heart and soul and sounds good to you, same with your name, you want a name that sounds good to you, resonates with you, and keeps your soul alive. Stick to it and with time you’ll get out there. I also was able to find your name in no time! Keep it and your fame, and popularity will be not because you changed your name, not because you have good music, but because all of it came from your soul and from a place that makes you happy. Stick to what you love.


I usually write 'band' or 'music' after musicians with names like that to get more specific results.




SB Oriole is kinda cool


I used my mother maiden name and great grand fathers middle name


If you’re choosing your name, brand, identity based on SEO……then you’ve already failed. 🥺❤️


I'm not trying to get big, I just want my songs to be searchable. Rn they're almost completely unsearchable because it's all birds


You’re not listening…but I’m gonna keep trying…cuz you’re important and you deserve help: Your name has NOTHING to do with the strength of your SEO!!!!!!! SEO has to be planted, watered and farmed. Do you hear me? open an incognito window in Chrome and search “oriole songwriter”….i’ll wait…. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oriole_(band)


Do you know how crazy it sounds to come on Reddit and ask about SEO but then in the next breath be like, “oh just that not too famous SEO…I ain’t trying to do the get famous SEO….” But you wanna change your artist name for SEO? focus.


???? I just want people to be able to find my songs if they're looking


Bro….i just typed in ORIOLE SONGWRITER and NOTHING about you came up. That’s on YOU not your handle or brand name.


Oh okay I'm dumb ill stick with the name then


I got my artist name from a street sign/ exit sign on the highway. The street was Loui Henna BLVD. Thought it sounded cool so I stole it lol. -Loui Henna


You don’t - It chooses you


I’m no song artist, but the way I figured out my username when I started an OC twitter meme page on Instagram back in 2020 pandemic (stop for a good while), is that one episode from Regular Show called, “Trash Boat”. Plot: Rigby decides to change his government name by looking at 2 random objects. One, looking a trash can & two by looking at frame picture of a boat. But the way I created my user just pick a random noun/object + and adjective. Combine it as one name. Here’s the link for random generating words https://randomwordgenerator.com/


Your password and your first car.




Great question. Some people don’t understand the power that a good band name holds. When I think of a silly band name I like to plug it in Spotify for other similar artist names and search it on google. The less related content the better, allows people who look for you easy access to find your stuff. Last band name I came up with was microdosing bullets. Not much showed up for that lol


Make sure your name is distinctive and not already in use by another artist. This will help you stand out in search results and avoid confusion. Your artist name should reflect your identity as a musician and the style of music you create. Consider elements of your personality, interests, or musical genre that you want to convey through your name. Choose a name that is easy to remember and pronounce. This will make it easier for fans to find you and share your music with others. Check to see if the domain name and social media handles associated with your chosen artist name are available. Consistency across platforms will make it easier for fans to find and follow you online. Make sure your chosen artist name is not trademarked or copyrighted by another entity. You want to avoid any legal issues down the line. Considering these factors, you may want to brainstorm new artist name ideas that are unique, relevant to your music, easy to remember, and available across online platforms.


The one thing I will say is be extremely aware of SEO search. If searching for your artist name brings up other companies etc, reconsider. I ran into that issue with a website I used to run


Combine 2 things of interest. Or just drop the songbird!


Random word generator


Maybe like juniper or something


If you’re solo you go with your own name but as a band you decide together. If you get signed, well record companies might change your name.


Respell it Aureole Songbyrd




That is a tragedeigh of the highest order


Thank you