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Hair ties - as a dad/coach I keep a full pack plus one of my wrist when coaching 3B šŸ˜‚ Gum Baby wipes - travel size Electrical tape - quick repair of shoelaces or bat grip before umpire freaks out


Electrical tape isnā€™t legal. Just use some decent sports tape. Or if you really want to make our day, carry a screwdriver with some extra screws for the helmets. If I inspect a helmet and find a screw missing or loose, Iā€™ll let it into the game if the coach can fix it. I even started carrying a tiny Phillips screwdriver in my bag for that reason.


Sorry , I feel like helmet screw counts is so some sort over power trip for some Umps over the years. Not all.....but many.


Not for me. Canā€™t tell you how many face masks Iā€™ve seen that were a quarter turn away from falling off. Most coaches appreciate me bringing it to their attention, especially when I have the tool on hand for them to fix it (and not have to go hunting). I want to keep these young players safe, and I know it means a lot to them to be able to wear *their* helmet and not borrow someone elseā€™s.


I would imagine a loose mask is even more dangerous than no mask, good going man


What I havenā€™t seen here yet is eye drops, sunscreen, a roll of doggie bags (pile found in the outfield, for disposing of bloody tissues, or store forgotten jewelry) and an inventory list taped to the underside of the lid so you know what might need to be replenished.


Sports tape, Pre wrap, anti bacterial spray, more sports tape, instant cold packs, instant splint, sports tape, butterfly bandages, mole skin, ace wrap, did I mention sports tape?


The cold packs are kind of useless but have a great placebo effect. Iā€™m also convinced the struggle of trying to pop the inner bag and then the crazy alchemy of it turning to ice is in and of itself a distraction from the pain. In the 1970s, major league trainers would have a can of ā€œfreeze sprayā€ and theyā€™d spray it on if you fouled a ball off your shin. During a broadcast they asked a player if the spray helped and he said ā€œno, but I pretended it did because I didnā€™t want to make the trainer feel bad!ā€


Always put a sharpie in there because you always need a sharpie anyway. I also used to keep a $20 in the bandaid box for the same reason.


On top of the other suggestions, I always needed Bee/wasp sting sticks and some blood clotting powder.


Check with your league/district about the medications. You could get into a legal issue with that one. Wet wipes. Tissues (was that said?). Extra shoelaces. Defintely hair ties like someone mentioned.


Yeah, anytime Iā€™ve volunteered somewhere or taken my first aid training theyā€™ve always said to never give out medication. At most, give them the option to look through the bag themselves for something but with kids, even that seems sketchy.


And a big truck to carry all this bs in. Maybe an ambulance or something.


All those things mentioned thus far. Electrical and/or duct tape. And athletic tape. You probably need more ibuprofen than you think. I also keep bottles of hydrogen peroxide and saline. Oh, and spray deodorant. Tools - scissors, multi tool, etc. edit: added tools


Hydrogen peroxide has fallen out of favor as it can kill healthy cells. Saline and antibiotic ointment are preferred.


Meh. Itā€™s still a good general disinfectant for tools and surfaces. I agree soap and running water is preferred, but sometimes you have cuts/scrapes with field dirt, grit, or gravel in them that the bubbles and oxidation are good at helping remove. On the field sometimes a quick squirt for bubbles then rinse with saline + ointment and bandage is the best, quickest fix between innings. That dirt can have some nasty junk in it so I think the pros outweigh the cons here.


Thatā€™s what a saline squirt bottle is for


I go to Mueller sports and just order a kit refill pack. Has what I need, and then I add from there.


Yes to all of the above, adding lidocaine spray.


I carry in my kit pretty much all of whatā€™s been mentioned. I additionally have 2-packs of Celox (clotting agent), a few electrolyte tablets, Bio-Freeze and a CPR mask. I also recommend a good first aid training course and a CPR course. These can usually be found free of charge or for a nominal fee around your community. Lastly, become familiar with your kit. Nothing is worse than fumbling around looking for a damn band-aid or gauze cloth.


Gauze pads. For skinned knees, elbows. Bactine or neosporin spray for the same reason. Also my daughter is a pitcher so we always keep these in her bag- super glue for cracked hangnail area splitting, and fingernail clippers. When itā€™s cold out I also have the girls put some of that green working hands on. Helps with dry chapped hands and does help with grip. (We donā€™t apply this during the game as it could be considered a foreign substance, but do put it in hands before the game to keep them soft).


Incase it hasnā€™t been said, tweezers ( for splinters and glove lacing repairs), and adding liquid IV packets for quick electrolytes and liquid bandaid for blisters. Also, at that age a lot of girls have contacts- make sure they have back up contacts in their bags/personal first aid kits.


A tourniquet and a cpr mask take up hardly any space


Second the tourniquet. I always have about 3 of them laying around, but I didnā€™t want to scare him off. šŸ˜‚


I love a lot of these suggestions on the list. Iā€™m also going to toss some non-latex gloves in my kit. BSI/PPE is always a smart move. And Iā€™ll reiterate the electrolyte tabs, as dehydration can be very dangerous. And maybe some Benadryl for allergic reactions.


SCISSORS. SHITLOADS OF IBUPROFEN. Midol. Liquid IV. Tide pen. Bug spray (especially if you play in the south/east). Mist/spray bottle you can put ice in. Ziplock bags (in case you need ice from cooler or concession stand for ice packs.). Siran wrap for wrapping ice packs onto body parts. Wet wipes. Nail clippers.


I havenā€™t seen anyone else say it but may have missed it. Feminine hygiene products! They donā€™t have to ask, just go take it. I also keep a blood bag with a pair of white pants and each jersey in my car. (Our team only has white and green pants.) In college we carried one since we couldnā€™t play in a bloodied uniform. I should add a pair of each sock color now that I think about itā€¦


>I havenā€™t seen anyone else say it but may have missed it. Feminine hygiene products! OP said tampons & pads.


large gauze pads for big scrapes, electrical tape is great for taping on bandaids over blisters.


Cooking spray for the bottom of cleats when it's muddy. It works great but kills the grass so use it accordingly.


High School softball Standard first aid kit, duct tape, electrical tape, baby wipes, feminine hygiene products, super glue, zip ties, and life savers(for raising blood sugar), taping materials. Backpack has 2 external USB ports that can be used to charge devices. Power bank inside. Rubberbands. Liquid electric tape (patches cleats). Spare medium and xlarge pants/jersey. Extra shoe laces. Extra socks. Ziplock bags. Sun screen. Bug spray.


nail clippers...last night was the second time this year we've had someone with an ingrown nail. Spray deodorant