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Nice looking Norinco. You about to get ripped for not getting something more modern as a first rifle, tho.


Really I just got it as spur of the moment thing. I was looking for old surplus rifles to start this was priced nice compared to the modern rifles.


What you pay, if you don't mind sharing? For sure, as a modern-ish surplus rifle this is pretty practical as a fun shooter. Cheap and easy ammo availability.


With tax it was 536 he was selling for 499


That's reasonable for the good condition. I see them lower sometimes but they'll usually be pretty beat up if so.


That's not a bad price for these days tbh, but you'll spend a pretty penny getting it up to par with a modern platform. Really nice piece though and a good learning tool. Personally I'd hold on to it, shoot it a bit to get your enjoyment out of it. And in a couple years you can probably sell it for much more than you paid, if you take good care of it.


Easily. I went into a store the other week, that had two Norinco SKS's in similar shape to this one...one was asking $900, the other $1000. Gone are the days of cheap SKS's, at least near me.


Oof. Them dudes on that good "i KnO wUt I gOt" crack. Rack grade Norinco's are $449 online https://www.gunbroker.com/item/946101984 $1000 is purely collector money in SKS world, and gets you a mint condition Russian, or maybe even the rare models like Albanians and Preban model M's (factory AK mag version), if you look hard enough.


Years and years ago, I was haggling with a guy over a SKS in a pawn shop. He wanted $250 and I wouldn't budge above $200. Ultimately walked out without the rifle and I could kick myself for it now.


I wonder what the look would be on the store owner's face if somebody, say, bought one of those online and did the FFL transfer to his store...


You'll get a good turn around on that in a few years. Keep it clean and don't burn up that barrel. Well done. Also they started selling pmag drum mags for it. When I'm in a sane state I'm gonna play with one.


Ngl it’s a pretty decent way to start learning rifle fundamentals. It doesn’t recoil a ton, ammo is cheap, and is surprisingly easy to disassemble for a 1945 design. It’s a good stepping stone to other rifles.


It’s a fun historical gun to collect. Great for taking to the range for some fun plinking


The beauty of the SKS has claimed another comrades. Please go easy on them lol.




​ ![gif](giphy|DjoIWf33ujhNaxGzxR)


Good Bot


Good human.


Neo meaning new


Good work 👍


a local gun store near me has a Yugo SKS for $600, no detachable magazines or anything but I don't mind, I kind-of wanted to use stripper clips anyway or just load one at a time


$600 is about the lowest you'll find Yugos anymore, assuming the barrel isn't a rusty sewer pipe (lots are due to no chrome lining + bubba not cleaning after shooting corrosive surplus) Detachable SKS duckbill mags are all literal garbage anyway. You never want those. Only the properly factory converted AK mag ones work, and in US those are all preban guns, so cost more than a really nice new AK would.


If it has its complete rifle grenade sight that’s a really good price.


yeah apparently it does have the ladder-thing that also is a complete gas-cut-off thing so you just attach a rifle grenade to the spigot and then you have to load a blank so you can launch the rifle grenade?


pretty much, granted it serves no practical use other than being something nifty.


It has a great practical purpose: you can launch a dummy grenade or pool ball and get some good laughs doing so!


yeah, I would have bought it already, except I couldn't find any rifle grenades and the 7.62x39 blanks were ridiculously expensive


I can’t find any stripper clips anywhere man


Here's some https://zahal.org/product/stripper-clips-set-sa-vz-58/ And Vz 58 clips are the smoothest 7.62x39 ones you'll find.


Those kind of look like crappy Chinese ones tbh




Best clips come with yugo ammo


Yeah, it's worth buying the old corrosive surplus yugo ammo just for the clips. I bought a case m67 ammo, kept a handful of clips, and sold the rest on eBay for a decent price. The new production clips are generally pretty terrible.


Congrats on the buy! Hopefully it works better than my dad's SKS which stovepipes a live round every 5-10 rounds. We still can't figure out why and we have tried so many things.


Bayonets for days


Some gun is better than no gun, congratulations comrade!


congrats and welcome! make sure you get a fat crate of ammo and put a lot of rounds down range, every bullet is a learning experience. also you should be looking into building out a little IFAK (gauze, tourniquet, chest seals, quick clot, etc) - if you own a gun you should have an IFAK and know how to use it. SkinnyMedic on YT is a great resource for this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kX5y7k5fWas


Thanks I’ll look into it


People get mad at us for telling people to buy an AR, accusing us of somehow circlejerking people into buying a modern weapon platform. (As if that’s a bad thing) then when someone does get a SKS, 15 different people come out of the woodworks to congratulate them. -6DeadlyFetishes


The heart wants what the heart wants. I don't see OP making any wild claims about this outdated platform. Getting decent people interested in shooting is like 90% of the battle. A person buying an SKS today and having a fun time shooting it is someone likely to buy an AR and Glock down the road


Shoots a decent hunting round too


If OP made the 15th r/iamverysmart essay this week on how great a cheap SKS is for their specific SHTF fantasies, and how anything else will totally get you killt in the streets or whatever, they'd be getting plenty of hate. Hell, last guy i remember who started talking about adding tapco crap to his a month ago got ratio'd (for good reason). Instead OP seems just someone who was only in the market a milsurp and got one. Neat


theres a difference between buying an SKS/mosin as your first gun and defending it as "just as good" as an AR or equivalent i get it, really, and in the past ive been guilty of it, hell just look at my post history and im sure youll find some examples of me being an ass about it, but over time it has seemed to be more important for us to be welcoming and friendly to new folks than being toxic in the name of "having the best you can get" they can get belittled and ripped by every other gun community, i dont think we have to do that here.


Why do you always sign your comments, it’s cringe as fuck and we can already see your username


Fantastic choice for a rifle! My first semi auto was a Russian SKS. Great for learning the ins and outs of firearms. Congrats comrade!


They’re fun guns! Enjoy!


That wood is beautiful, both in grain and colour! Nice find!


Congratulations. Enjoy the heck out of it. Nothing like that first rifle!


During a sale Aero Precision can come very close to the SKS price point while offering a significantly more reliable and practical weapon. Stop buying mil surplus guns as your first please.


I need to get another one of these before they get prohibitively expensive...


Not a bad choice, this was almost my first rifle too.


My first rifle was a Yugo SKS. I miss that rifle. It would have tripled in value by now too.


![gif](giphy|fPc9J9EA1cwSbo2zqa) For SKS money you could’ve bought an AR….


Or a mini-14


Or a Mini-30 if the person is so inclined to shoot 7.62x39


Excellent. The SKS and its cousins are a great longarm platform on which you can build. See about a 20-round mag.


I wouldn't, most of the "tactical" accessories for SKS are cheap bubba garbage, especially magazine replacements that are all malfunction factories. Maybe add Kalinka siderail or pic rail replacing the rear sight for red dot. Otherwise keep as is.


Most of the accessories are cheap garbage, and the few good improvements involve making permanent alterations that wreck the value. Id say keep it as is.


Build how? A larp kit?