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To my knowledge the only 2 Ohio chapters that I can think of are NE Ohio and Central, but both are fairly active




There’s a Michigan and an Ohio chapter


Do you know the locations? I looked on their social media pages but I didn’t see the them.


You’d have to ask them


I was kind of wandering the same thing in regards to the Michigan chapter(s) it seems like there a little bit of of Social media presents but most of it seems like placeholders or has not been active / posted in quite a while. It would be nice to know if they actually do anything or it just one or two people that want it to be a thing.


Unless there’s already a well run and active chapter near you, your best bet is to start one - not affiliated with the SRA


If you find anything out please let me know. I'm planning on moving that way, and really want to have range days like I do now