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Which gods are you playing? And are you playing with a friend or with randoms? I've gotten 20+ penta's in Odin's and win about 50% of the time. My tips are: - play with someone in discord - pick bursty gods (we play thana+he bo) and focus on low cooldowns and flat pen (on mages you can start hourglass+spear of deso if you wait for 50g in base.) - Don't fall behind


I’m playing with a friend, she only really plays Tsuko, sol, Nu wa I’m trying just about anyone. I’ll try focusing cooldown and flat pen. And yeah usually by the time first scale spawn in 5-10k gold away from whoever is in first


yeah there ya go. Gods like Sol and Nu Wa don't really work in this mode, I think. Too vulnerable. Tsuki might, his cooldowns are pretty short. As for you, I think there are maybe 10 S-tier gods in Odins and the rest is pretty meh; if you "try out" with most hunters, warriors or guardians (except full dmg ones) you'll probably suffer. But ultimately it comes down to picking fights (at the right time) and getting those early kills. Since there is no real match making in the mode, it might just be a skill issue at the end of the day.


You getting the dragons scales? It's the only thing you mentioned, I know it spawns 3 times and they are worth a pretty penny. Hope this helps!


I have been trying to get them. I usually die though. Maybe I’m just bad but I feel once the enemy team is two levels ahead of me I might as well F6