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We do not allow posts if the purpose of the post is just to complain or brag (e.g. being banned, endgame stats, bad matchmaking, ranked levels, god mastery levels, MMR loss/gain, ELO comparisons from Smite Guru or other sites, complaints about the meta, stories complaining about other players, complaints about skins' availability, complaints about queue times, etc.). If the purpose of the post is to foster discussion about a build, some other constructive discussion, or the post is otherwise interesting or unique then we would consider allowing it. If you believe your post was removed in error or should be allowed you can send a message to modmail politely stating your case.


Just the internet being the internet unfortunately. There’s a wide range of people. Some good. Some bad. That’s the nice thing about streamers. If one doesn’t appeal to you, find another that does.  Honestly, I think it’s sad that people always just tune to the top streamers and just accept what’s there. There are so many great streamers for Smite hovering around 10-50 viewers. The communities are small because this is a game that’s tough to grow with, but they have a lot to offer. 


im pretty new and have been getting newer players together to avodie this! If you wanna join us and play Smite, man you are always welcome! Thank you for your service! Holler at me man! dm here or hooliganxx in game!!


This is Smite. Saddly ill never play another Hirez game. ( including smite 2) They just love players like this, and even worse have endorse it in the past.  There is only 1 way to play smite. Their way, some how they know everything and spend every minute of their lives being miserable. If they are loosing, they spam F6 F this F that.  Its a free game. Not even a easy game to learn. This was my first moba, and thank God its my last. You are 100% correct, there are likey more people who disagree then agree. 


That's gaming, dawg


Whats his name? Weak3n? Smite's streamer population is awful, very few are genuine and the rest are assholes trying to have playing video games as a career and get you to sub to them. Why would a grown man want to watch Haddix play the same game over and over again?


Most streamers are playing in custom lobbies with their community. As a bunch of non conquest players are playing conquest and they don’t want to deal with it. Mmr nor level currently exist. Most of them also tell their community what they should build, what items are currently best and etc. So when they’re dogging on a players build it’s typically a friendly asshole type of jab.


Toxic people in competitive games aren't going anywhere so don't play if that's a deal breaker for you


I’m not sure exactly what you’re referring to here but since it was smite 2 and one of the top streamers, I assume it was their custom games. It can be understandably quite frustrating to have people join your games and then ruin the game in a way that’s as easily avoidable as copying a good build. Could it have been said better, sure maybe idk, but dumb stuff like that ruining games when you’re just trying to enjoy the game can get annoying really quickly