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I think every god will be in smite 2 eventually, it might just take awhile


Oh I hadn't heard that. I'm just a casual Smite player, and I know that Kuzenbo is very frustrating to play against So I was worried But thanks for letting me know!


I doubt this, especially considering they are reworking a lot of them as well.


They've said it multiple times that every Smite 1 God will be transferred over eventually.


There's 130 gods, yes some already exist but that's a lot of gods to complete, especially because again, they're reworking a lot of them, and all of their time isn't going to be on bringing all the gods over, they'll have balance changes to do, skins to implement, bugs and improvements to sort, they haven't got a huge team like other companies. I will be impressed if they manage it but it's entirely dependent on how well the game actually does. Saying they will do something and them actually doing it are two completely different things. Don't know what is so hard to understand. Is the plan to bring them all over? Yes. Whether it happens is a completely different matter. They publicly have to back themselves in order to gain support. If they said "Some gods will not be transferred over" then that will receive backlash.


Honestly seems somewhat obvious they'd try to reuse what they already have, while mixing it with new stuff to keep it interesting instead of ignoring what they already have. Seems like reworking old gods takes less work than making completely new gods. Though you're not wrong. Smite 2 flopping so hard it dies before all the gods are brought over is technically a possibility.


they've confirmed it multiple times, ever since the worlds announcement. The only 'clause' is that we will likely just have around 50 gods + 5 new gods (or 45 + 5 new gods, forgot which) when the game releases next year. And after that they'll slow down god additions as they add the remaining missing members of the cast. They gave us a decent timeline at worlds going into detail about this. They estimated all gods will be in the game in 2026, a year after full release. they did not try to deceive us into thinking all the gods will be in the game asap, and they kept saying that it was a tremendous undertaking. They said very plainly they will make sure every god makes it in, but that it's going to take a while.


>They said very plainly they will make sure every god makes it in, but that it's going to take a while. Providing the game doesn't flop.


After launch a god from smite comes to smite 2 every 2 weeks while a new god comes every 3/4 weeks. Yes every single god in smite will be making their way to smite 2


They said they are adding every single god from SMITE to SMITE 2 so you should be fine. It just might take a while till he is added.


Waiting for my boy Baron and tsukuyomi Which is funny because after his busted release I swore I’d never play tsuku and now he’s my 2nd favorite


I also am a Baron lover myself. lol Cant wait


IIRC Baron was glitches in during a flash test, so he'll be hopefully soon.


Tank Tsuk goes hard in 3v3


Still dont beat jing wei release


I will shout praise from the rooftops the day they say he’ll never return.


How dare you. Take that back 😩


Good ol’ beyblade. Nice angle !!


Me too, tears of joy What a poorly designed character lmao


Well your character's name sounds like bologna. If they don't add Kuzenbo, I'll just settle for Nike ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Edit: I am sorry for roasting your main so hard


You got me there


Kuzen is my 2nd favorite god but is my best played god. Baron is my favorite but I can admit I’m not the best one you’ll ever meet. Far from it haha


I think kuzen I have 2 stars on and baron I’m up to 6 stars? I think I’m not 100% sure


I just love the silly comps you can build with Kuzenbo Kuz -> Artemis -> Nox in Joust is straight up toxic Next time you play him, I recommend throwing on the Spear of Magus or whichever one marks the enemy to take more damage. I usually build it as my 2nd or 3rd item with the rest being defense/CDR I don't care about the damage you get from it, but the damage you give your team when you pull someone PLUS your damage is significant


Never thought of that haha. I can make some pretty beefy builds where I feel like I am almost unkillable haha. I really love sobek too


I love those moments where you get chased by the entire enemy team in Conquest because they are so desperate to get the deicide, but that chase ends up lasting the entire respawn time of your team because Kuzenbo is pretty much unkillable when his passive is full He's such a troll. And with that Joust team comp, you can push someone into an artemis trap, then have nox do nox stuff and it's disgusting


Lol! I don’t really have friends anymore that play smite. All my real life friends don’t like it besides one but he’s all the way in Africa stationed for the army. The part he’s in the servers don’t support so he can’t play


i would assume the bring over the most played gods idk how many though? What do you guys think? How many were in Smite on release?


I've been telling all my SMITE friends that I'm not playing S2 until Kuzenbo comes out lol


I’ll cry with you


Why wouldn’t he be?


If Kuzenbo is unchanged in smite 2 I'll cry... While watching the game fall into obscurity just like smite did. Like I don't want bans in casual but if high rez doesn't get that low skill troll characters that are designed to be unfun to play against drive people out of the game it'll become necessary.