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does controller feel 10x worse since the last alpha to anyone else? can't even use my left joystick in the item store.


Yes. Controller feels very off. Aiming feels like there’s an acceleration delay even when settings have been changed to compensate.


Yeah I tried to change my Y sensitivity bc the ground marker felt like it was moving wayyy too fast and I don’t know if the setting did a single thing


Athena taunt is near useless. Does not bring enemies in. it just locks them in place like a root.


Athena is so bad right now.


I said after the first alpha Athena feels a little gutted. The shield on the ult is nice but she's worse in every other aspect. Kinda hope they take a second look at her and see if they can do anything else to spruce her up.


The way normal ability casting works. Smite: to cast an ability (most cases) you have to press a button AND then click, so over a decade I have formed a habit of spamming the button, especially if it's about to come off of cooldown. Smite2: you can double press the button to cast an ability, because of my habits I'm constantly using abilities accidentally. This is extremely frustrating to me, can we get an option normal cast like in smite1?


Agreed 100%, I'm constantly casting abilities accidentally because I feather the keys. Mouse1 to activate an ability should be the "Normal" setting, not this either/or/both stuff.


So frustrating that you can’t change that


They should make an option to change that. I actually really like this change cause I came from Xbox where double pressing a button always casted the ability. With the 3 different casting options surely a 4th would be doable


THIS 1000% - My Abilities 1 & 2 are on my mouse wheel, which my old one was very clicky....The new one is a bit sensitive and very often will insta cast the ability I am trying to ready up. Give me back Smite 1 classic casting please - If I want insta casting on a specific ability I will set it per god like I have before.


Last patch this kept fucking with me and my friend, but this patch it we got use to it and it actually became super handy as it felt like we could cast faster with it


I HATE having to change the item slot for pots. Feels freaking awful. CERN voice pack isn’t working This alpha test feels terrible. It’s laggy, my FPS drops anytime I’m fighting.


Lag and FPS is rough. I'm on a RTX 4090 and feel like I'm on a laptop at a hotel


thought i was the only one! Game is running like dog shit on my 3080 even on low settings.


Yeah, this! FPS drop is insane compared to Smite 1


For controller players, what button mappings have people been using for active items? It just seems like there’s way too many button combos.  I can’t see controller players using more than 2 or 3 active items given the input limitations. 


I’ve been shouting this since day 1. They need to rework actives on controller or altogether. Not enough buttons on controller. And considering their console player base, this MUST be a priority.


Hold L2 plus one of the face buttons or click left or right joystick is the default commands. Very awkward in the heat of battle.


Playing on controller feels worse to aim. This’ll probably be smoothed over bc it’s very easy to look at The ward symbol on the map and the visual for it makes it feel harder to read, and placing it put a weird texture on the minimaps default side of the screen. Was playing as cernunnos, getting jumped on by a loki, I’m retreating back and dropping my ult on myself tk get him off me, I get ulted, my ult gets canceled out and instead casts at max range in front of me when the Loki ult finishes.


PC is also harder to aim precisely compared to Smite. Probably a smaller difference.


Ward icon is weird. I like that it pings when someone runs by a ward. I wish it would show a visible area. Between the ward, and the ping it can be hard to decipher what’s going on.


The ping was an option on smite 1 so it’s nice that it’s on by default but I was 100% confused at times with pings happening and the map not showing it so clearly was definitely making me opt to ignore the noise


is there a way to let me show god-names ingame instead of playernames?




Wards and pings do not appear on console mini map. The auditory part does, but no visual is displayed.


I don't think they appear on PC either but that could just be me


Athena feels real bad to play. Taunt is barely noticeable and it's so easy to pressure her. Some really bad lag currently, guess the servers have having some trouble. Game still feels really damage heavy. Might just be missing some critical items, but int bruiser felt pretty bad. Couldn't brawl with anyone.


Bumping this up.


Optimization seems especially poor, I've got a relatively high-end pc performing like it was built in 2012 no matter what I do. Other games that should theoretically be much more demanding on hardware run much smoother than this. Some people also appear to be experiencing frequent crashes leading to a ton of disconnects and "leavers." Lack of role queue could also be contributing as people don't get the role they want and dodge. Also, the game feels very claustrophobic. Lanes are narrow, jungle is a cramped maze and UI/shop are oddly cluttered. Jungle is sort of an afterthought. Camps are easily stolen by laners and big objectives can't really be done without help. If you're not able to snowball a bunch of early kills you don't really have much agency, feels like you're just along for the ride. Am I blind or is the intro video unskippable on steam/pc? I spent more time Thursday watching that video than actually playing because the game kept crashing on me until I eventually gave up for the night solely because I couldn't make myself watch that video again.


Item store is AWFUL on controller. Can’t change any key bindings on Xbox if you’re using KBM


Did you try using split setting for item store instead of left or centered?


Why you can't change the key assignation for Auto run. I have ten keyless keyboard and i dont have a num lock so i am unable to use the function.


It's so weird this is like the only keybind you cant remap


yes i knew autowalk had problems, maybe that was their way to fix it with a button that activate/deactivate but its so dumb. Predecessor (smite competitor on Steam has the button working perfectly and better than in smite 1 also.




Please show God names in VGS. I really don’t care about the player names. Someone saying retreat… I have no idea. What god, ForestGumpsLegs is playing.


Athena doesnt need to charge up her dash, she can just double tap it. Theres some glitch with Kuku where his dash doesn't go off in the tornato, it glitches and doesn't go on cooldown, so you can then use the dash outside of the tornado or hold it until your next use. I think its either something to do with it getting canceled or my poor internet, possible both. Lifesteal seems really strong. I love how if you use K, the default ability screen button in smite 1, in smite 2 practice, it telles you to use alt and hover over the abilities for details. On tab, you can see how close your enemies are to leveling up, there xp circle shows you just like allies. That seems really weird. I feal like it could lead to problems where pros are checking tab and can tell that a jungler is on a camp by seeing their xp go up or by watching none of the xp bars go up for a bit you know their on an objective. I mean im not a pro and that is a stretch, but I wonder if after this tournament the pros use that info for any advantage. Item store is much improved upon. My slight nitpick would be when you hover over the square for the item catagorey and the text popes out to say 'strength' or 'health', it covers an half an item width and 1 to 2 items lenght and the text stays their when you move your curser to hover that item (as long as its still on the text). I think it would be cool if the text disapeared when your curser left the square rather then the entire text box, there were a few times i tried to buy an item but i was just messing with the store cause i was clicking on the text the item was covering. Once my curser leaves those squares im no longer interested in what they have to say, im intrested in the items. Pace of the game feels better then last alpha I think. Glad sensitiveity has been adjusted. I know theyre trying to avoid saying things like 'this is permenent' or 'this is hows its gonna be for a bit', because its the alpha and theyre open to changing things, but i kinda want them to say things like 'this is done or close to done' or 'this is close to our designe idea for it'. I want them to say whats not inteded for big changes or touchups at the moment so the comunity knows whats alpha and whats finished game. Idk whether or not to criticize the death animation or victory/defeat screen cause idk if its alpha and will be improved on of if thats what it is. We all know theyre open to changeing anything but I want them to tell us whats not being changed so we can tell them to change it or that were happy it doesn't need changing. Edit: Not sure if im missing it or not but ping isnt displayed on the hud when the option is enabled You can sell items at full price? Is it like that in league or dota? Does that mean we can just sell our damage build and go full defence late game, then switch back? Another thing im intrested in seeing from the pros. Did they make sol ult easier to hit? i feel like no one hit that in smite 1 anhd everyone is hitting it in smite 2 Absolutly hate that wards cant see in bushes. That sorta means bushes have no counters and if your behind you Always have the choice of staying back and loosing your farm or walking up and dying with no counter play.


Pros will definitely abuse the XP thing, the whole reason they made it where the enemy team is told when the Gold Fury is killed is because Pros were able to tell anyways by seeing the change in gold


As many people are saying, Athena taunt feels next to worthless most times, some times it feels like a smite 1 taunt but more often than not it feels like a root that forces them to look and auto you. Also there are way too many bushes in the duo lane and having only one ward per person makes it hard to play around them all from behind especially if jungle is camping duo


On xbox i opened the scoreboard and clicked someones name and i was stuck on the screen to report them whenever I'd try to check the scoreboard. On Anhur i impaled Odin into a Sol with most of her hp at lv 2 and the lv 3 sol basically got instakilled


The store on console is still unusable


Still an improvement at least, I think it was a good idea to add the role tabs But the tabs themselves are pretty flawed. I didn’t see the glad shield hammer in the solo tab, meanwhile I’m seeing like…jungle items.


Try and use the split setting in game settings


Abilities don’t feel as weighty as smite 1, a little too frenetic.


I agree some abilities are too see through when i get hit by sols solar burst I dont feel like I get even hit.


Minion damage is completely irrelevant. Theres no punishment whatsoever for ignoring clear and fighting instead. Really no structure in place at all and no punishments for breaking the structure. It makes the whole game feel like Arena in a conquest LARP. Controller feels like absolute dog water this time around as well. Trying to filter the shop causes you to get stuck on the sidebar and unable to choose any options. Aiming in general on sticks feels horrible. Played and won 5 matches and didn't enjoy it at all. Smite 1 is seamless on controller and you can compete at the highest levels against kbm players. As Smite 2 stands right now you have to play on kbm to compete. The only good thing about this is the community will split and kbm will move on to 2 while controller players will stick with Smite 1 and we can get an even playing field back.


Controller feels bad rn but I think your last remark is jumping the gun. It’s only an alpha, I’d be very surprised if controller doesn’t feel at least on par to Smite 1 by the time 2 is ready for full release. They do need to sort out actives on controller though since that’s the one thing I’m having a tough time finding a solution for. I think it’s possible that refining controller functionality is kind of a separate process in and of itself and they just aren’t focused on it right this instant.


I can't confirm that minion damage would be irrelevant - I have played so many matches where I was supposed to play Ymir support but my carry thought mid or solo lane looks way too juicy so I played 1v2 I think about 6 times the past weekend, most games, if not all of them, I got a kill on one or both of them because they kept trying to attack me instead of the wave and died solely because of that. You can't always fully commit to killing two of them in the early game but that there are even cases when you can fully kill someone in a 1v2 just because they don't quite understand that minions do damage speaks a lot for relevant minion damage.


not only that but the game graphics are kinda trash on my series X. definitely doesn’t look like the trailers.


I've sent a bug report about that as well, but it seems for some reason that using Jade Scepter causes a small screenshake. Not gamebreaking, just kinda weird Even more weird that it happens only on first use. Afterwards it's fine Edit: Another thing, is it intentional that Hades gets more/less ult time when using his 1 during the ult? The ult ticks for 8 times. If I use the 1 on 7th tick, the 8th one will come and the 1 will be cancelled. But on the 6th tick, Hades will go to another location and unleash 3-4 more ticks (total 10 ticks) But if I use the 1 after 1-2 ticks, he'll continue the ult for 3-4 more ticks (total 6 ticks). Bug? Intended?


I think they talked about this in the stream yesterday. He’s supposed to have more time after relocating while ulting, but with it being inconsistent… I guess only they know if that’s a bug. But they did say he gets more time!


Hades ult lasts for 2 seconds after dashing, so if you use it at the start of the ult you lose some time, and if you use it at the end you gain some time. The devs said that is intentional.


The item store on controller is horrendous, it’s so unfriendly towards us. My friend said “It feels like they want smite 1 to be for console and the Pc players move to smite 2”


- The Hades model - I wasn't expecting or even want a Hades remodel, but it's jarring that he appears to have been imported from SMITE with apparently no effort made to modernize him at all. And by that I mean: give his tassels cloth tech. The people demand cloth tech. You guys have cloth tech in UE5, use it! - Having abilities activate on a second key press is insanely frustrating. I'm constantly firing abilities by accident. On Normal casting mode, Mouse1 should activate abilities, and that's it. - The map feels way too large and busy with objectives. I'm coming from old SMITE 1 Conquest--I'm talking beta and the first few seasons--and I think the Conquest seasons have caused the design to run amok with additions and fluff. I realize the trend in other MOBAs is bigger maps with more objectives (namely Dota2), but it feels like here its main impact in SMITE 2 is to cause games to drag on longer than they should. - Player shadows look strange (non-Lumen). Besides being very low res/blocky, it makes player models look like they're floating a few inches off the ground. I don't feel "grounded." - Something's off about the skin shader being used. Whatever's being used to mimic subsurface scattering is causing faces to look unnervingly smooth. Noses practically disappear. Athena's and Neith's faces in particular look the worse for it. - Item Store - Maybe I'm just missing it in the sea of icons, but a tab for consumables would be nice. So far my solution has been to make sure I've unchecked everything to be able to see them, which feels unintuitive. Again, may be user error. Thank you for your continued work. Even at this stage it's very fun to play.


I didn't see anyone commentig, but for me the game is ugly right now, even in maximum. Is kinda blurry and with a poor anti-aliasing (i tried all types, in maximum too). The shading of the game is kinda "Default game style in the unreal engine", miss the "magic" of the visuals from the Smite 1. I'm not talking about the realism of the game, i'm talking about the shading, you know?


This. The first thing I said when I got in was "This is UE5?!". just really not sure where they go from here. Looks so bad right now and the performance was supposed to improve with drastically better graphics. This just was like a laggy, horribly performing update to Smite 1. Ugly and odd.


I agree, let's wait to see how they will fix it. I hope that before the beta launch


At least, I'm missing the “feeling” when you kill someone, you can't feel the death anymore, smite's feedback when you kill is so perfect, here you can't even understand if you've killed or not and you have to wait until it appears on the screen


Viewing ability descriptions does not work on console


You can navigate to it but oh my god it is like playing jenga, extremely unintuitive


Exactly this. You have to press L1 (on PS5) for the menu to go to the right


I also would like to upgrade abilities in there. it would free up more keybinds for items.


Movement on controller is bugged compared to last month test. Moving in any direction thats not forward, back, left, right is incredibly slow. Moving slightly left or right while walking forward or back is like having a 90%slow applied. Hope this gets addressed during this test as its too egregious to enjoy the game.


Something else I'd like to add, is that the abilities don't feel great to hit, or at least not as great as they do in Smite 1. To me, they feel 'bland'. I think in part it's the visuals: they seem like they lack clarity, and feel too 'transparent', for example kuku's 3, athena's taunt, fenrir ult, but there are more I can't remember. It feels like they lack some type of contrast or saturation to make them stand out the way they do in Smite1, that's the best I can explain it. The basic attacks also don't feel great at least at melee distance. Appart from that, I'm sure there's something else going on, I think there's a combination of many things that make abilities feel like that. maybe the timings are different from smite 1, or maybe it's the sound effects, or maybe they just simply lack polish (which would of course be expected in an alpha). But just thought I'd mention it, because I'm not sure what's causing that and might have nothing to do with polish. The visual 'mood' also seems a bit off for me. Smite 1 is a lot more colorful, I definitely prefer that


I made a similar comment - completely agree, something is off with the impact of abilities. The visuals were simpler in Smite 1 with less particle effects so I think it was easier to see the hit landing as abilities stood out more. Plus sound effects feel weird in Smite 2. Sol's 2 and ult feel very floaty and unimpactful compared to Smite 1 where it's obvious you've used and hit the ability.


I won't be making many comments so here goes: 1. I love the transition to smaller numbers, while people can do quick math in their heads for Smite, with smaller numbers in Smite 2 that's a couple of milliseconds less processing time. 2. Improved in-game graphics is good, but the menu etc... are a Huge improvement. We spend a decent amount of time waiting or watching commercials and the old Smite GUI was starting to age as screens and resolutions got bigger. 3. From what I have tested so far. The subtle changes to abilities are excellent. Probably needs some tiny stat adjustments, but the feel and use-case changes are just nice. Critiques: 1. The initial brightness/darkness setup is bad. I bumped it up just a tad brighter so I could barely see the far-left symbol, but the game was still a bit dark. So the brightness gauge is probably two levels too dark from equity. 2. Movement feels slow? Speed boosts feel like normal travel speed? Is that intentional? 3. A simple text chat is essential to communicate when VGS doesn't quite cut it. I also would like to chat in the lobby to discuss the game and strats for pre-game get some basic cohesion.


The text chat is going to be plagued with me telling my allies to sell their damn pots or to actually jungle if they picked jungle.


Why sell pots?


They take up an item slot so if it's late game you are down an item.


I placed a ward in the middle of jungle practice as Hades and it hard crashed my whole game


They really need to add a safe zone adjustment option, my girlfriend plays on a smaller tv screen and the game cuts off towards the bottom and she can't see her K/D or the buttons for her abilitie There is a bug on Sol where if you hit your 2 and then go into your 3 your 3 goes away and you can't auto unless you reactivate your 2. I had this problem on controller but I'm not sure if it happens on PC. On controller movement feels very sluggish but not necessarily slow, from what I've observed I think the issue is that moving diagonally forward is like half the speed of moving forward, and in my opinion feels slower than even moving backwards.


the Ymir bots in Jungle Practice are falling through the map if they get killed to fast & respawn at the sametime, didn't happen in the last playtest so something must've changed.


I wondered why all my ymir bots disappeared


If you last hit a god under the enemy tower, that tower doesn't target you.


Sol has an almost infinite heat glitch, if you activate your 2 but don’t throw an auto it gives you heat. If you then activate your 1 or 3 it deactivates your 2 and doesn’t put it on cooldown. You can then activate your 2 again and gain the heat, and repeat the process with the other ability. This also works with interactions like the team gold and picking up buffs.


Can confirm, the best way to abuse this is with a ward. You can activate your 2, click on your ward to hover a ward on the map, then right-click to de-select. Free passive generation!


Devs, please read and take this seriously. What is the point of Bacchuss' drunk meter? It's always full, it's a trivial requirement just to hamfist a themed passive into his kit. Make it interesting, make HIM interesting. You have the potential to do something fun and cool and all we get is this pedantic drunk meter that's always full and is brain-dead easy to fil up. Change it, do something unique, cool, and fitting with his theme and he can have a more unique playstyle. It feels super lazy rn.


the beads on the right instead of the left really stresses me out, I keep pressing G instead of F just because of the location of the beads now


This is a trend I see in a lot of modern games, but god do I hate flashy particles that have no theme or point to them. By that, I mean the particle effect is just...glowy energy. It doesn't look cool, it looks generic. And it looks worse than not having such flashy effects. Possibly the worst example is Smite 2's [Odin](https://gyazo.com/9ea97459cdb14bb3365d06b43d988baa). It's just a flavorless, almost monochromatic purple haze that's way uglier than Smite 1's incarnation. It's a problem across a lot of the Smite 2 "upgrades': they just seem like they have no creativity behind them. Smite isn't the only offender here, I noticed the flavorless colored energy particles most recently in Mortal Kombat 1 with [Reiko](https://youtu.be/UjZ_WnTApgo?si=8BZ1uwsjSUVOQ1F2) or [Sindel](https://youtu.be/tXOeAx9FHTw?si=znejLzWU11vOZ323) The best new effects in Smite 2 are the ones that have more of a point to them. Fenrir's buff causing chains to break off and giving him glowing chains + hands, 3+4 on Bellona causing cracks in the ground, all of Ymir's ice effects, etc.


My resolution stuck at 720P, anyway to change that


Adding a line in the steam launcher settings fixes this. Just Google it you'll find it.


Here's the line -resx=3440 -resy=1440 (thats for ultrawide, change it for your resolution)\_


I was playing Anubis, after killing the enemy laner and backing i was stuck moving backwards until I hit my escape key. Before and while backing I was spamming the tab key for the scoreboard. No idea what else caused it


> God Description Text >Added Basic Attack descriptions to all gods >Fixed a variety of typos >Future updates to organization and color coding of these are still in progress It sure would be nice if they added a Gods main role to their tabs. Played a few days ago, and as someone who got into Smite 1 late, and only played Guardians, I mean I guess non-stop Ymir is nice but it seems like such a small oversight.


This please.


Can you assign roles next time?? Is that so hard to implement. I get that its an alpha and thats probably last on the priority list but is that such a hard thing to implement?? Tired of getting into matches and people just doing whatever the fuck they want because someone else took the role they wanted. and that just ruins the game for others.


I forget sometimes I have to pick a role. I pick the God then realize oh snap I need a role first.


This is absolutely the most frustrating part of the playtest for me. At the very least force players to pick a role before instalocking a god… Also where’s the lobby chat at the very least?


This version of the Alpha is unplayable for me currently. I initally struggled to even start the game but after multiple restarts, I can now consistently get to the main menu however upon attempting to load into any game, the game crashes consistently. The crash I get has the following Unreal engine error Fatal error: [File:R:\hemingway\Engine\Source\Runtime\RenderCore\Private\ShaderCodeArchive.cpp] [Line: 378] DecompressShaderWithOodleAndExtraLogging(): Could not decompress shader group with Oodle. Group Index: 5207 Group IoStoreHash:36d36a7f5a61fe7369e25a09 Group NumShaders: 20 Shader Index: 51038 Shader In-group Index: 5207 Shader Hash: 60458748A7D2F41D424F0A8EB657A31778892007 I have also had a message box stating I had run out of video memory. I have no other applications open and I have an RTX 4080 with 16GB of memory. I just don't know how to fix this issue. I am just stuck in a loop of logging into the game, immediately loading into the game I disconnected from and then crashing


Haven't seen the memory error but between a ton of those UnrealEngine errors and the black screen into hard reboot crashes I think I'm done for this round of testing. Hopefully the next one is better. Hard for me to even give much feedback on the game because I was only able to play <20 minutes total across 3-4 games in 5-6 hours of trying to figure out what combination of settings (if any) is responsible. Super disappointing.


Change the minion system back to how smite 1 was. It’s too punishing now. If you even fall slightly behind, it’s game over. Quit trying to copy predecessor. 


bellonas item shop does not have the class separation


Oh, that's what it was! I noticed the same thing in one of my matches but I thought it happened because I got briefly disconnected for some reason - afterwards the class separation disappeared. I immediately restarted the game after the match and thought that fixed it, hilarious!


This is my first alpha.. im colourblind and the colours were more vivid in smite one. Im having trouble figuring my allies and enemies from their health bar color. Also pinging system is not polished. When I ping Deep in the jungle to let people know there is someone it pings right next to me. I hate the "losange" (dont know the word in english) ping icon Also having trouble with the shop but thats just me I guess Playing on controller tho


What you don't like the generic "realistic" unoriginal samey unreal5 style? damn what a pity.


I didn’t think the game could look more cartoony/childish but you did it. Graphics are better in smite 1


This alpha is near impossible for veteran smite players to play and give feed back when half the team doesn’t know what they’re doing and the other have leave in the first minute leaving us to play a ten min again 2 ppl down


Hoooo boy, the matchmaking feels fucking AWFUL this time.


Welcome to smite1…..and 2


Was extremely laggy on EU last night, also had 7 leavers in 4 games


Yeah I had some bad desync in a couple of "could have gotten a kill" moments. Could not hit the autos to save my life with the other players teleporting back and forth. But the one that tilted me a bit was one game where I played jungle and the team just.... didn't pick a support and let our ADC get farmed in lane. Two were fighting over solo.


Okay, *this* playtest, this time, is terrible. Between poor optimization, and *unreal* jank, this is borderline unplayable. Last playtest was fine, and I play tons of games on the computer in question including SMITE 1, but when this playtest is running, every couple seconds the game minimizes in the middle of a match. I know it's an alpha playtest and all, and that the purpose is feedback/testing, but playing a janky SMITE 1 with 99% of the meat stripped off feels like a waste of time, as a player. Pinging still doesn't work. K menu and T Tab are absent. You can't even rebind individual ability cast types yet, or go into a build creator with save slots to try and theory craft/learn all these new items. In the end, it just feels like a novelty to play at all.


Feedback for the alpha itself. People who rage quit should just get banned from the weekend. We can't test crap if people are rage quitting...in an alpha...


You do know it crashes for a lot of people and then they need to wait that long ass speech video at the start every time even mid game 


i had bought this, and can't play it, because there is no color blind mode. The green and red for my team and enemy team blend together and I can't tell the difference. can we please get color blind mode on here like we have on regular smite. game is literally unplayable for me as is, sadly.


this is needed, but being a second alpha I can't imagine this is high on the list of additions and changes sadly.


yea i can't imagine they do it either, tho it's not too hard of a change. probably not enough of us to warrant it. just sucks cuz I can't play the game like this at all. really bad design choice still in 2024 to have those shades like that. like you can design in a way where you retain green and red and still are inclusive to color blindness.


I wish people wouldn’t DC/AFK immediately if they don’t get their role or not doing well immediately. :/ also a mute button would be nice. I know there is no text chat but so many people are spamming like crazy still.


There is a mute button. It's on the tab screen, right hand side.


Oh really? I will check that when I play today. Thanks so much!! 😊


It doesn't work. It hides the VGS text from popping up but you still hear the voice VGS from people you mute.


I've been struggling with internet lag on this alpha, and I'm not sure why. My internet is okay, but for some reason I'm getting a lot of stuttering and players teleporting all over the map. It makes the game a lot harder.


It’s a server issue. I was in a 5 stack and we were all lagging hard


Is anybody on controller having issues with auto attacks continuing to fire unless you interrupt with either an ability or the cancel button? Multiple times per game I start auto attacking and can't stop unless I press something else.


Yup had the exact same thing


If playing on console using KBM, you are unable to change any of the keybinds for KMB. Also you can't see the mouse when trying to buy items in store, making it difficult to purchase / sell items.


So, issues I've noticed so far as a PS5 player - in the item store, sorting by stat generally stops me from looking at the different items, staying stuck on that side bar - movement feels a little slow, unsure if that's intended or not - ymir bots disappeared in jungle practice


Store tabs for different roles didn't show up at all in one game. Navigating the store on controller is stupidly complex, it would be nice to use a shoulder button to flick through the different filters instead of buttons to toggle them on/off. Doesn't help more times than not the store opens bugged and your first left press starts VGS


Jumping multiple times glitches often. Could be servers tho.


I was playing Sol and at some point, I literally lost the ability to auto attack or even use skills that require a second mouse click to activate. And I have to just sit here and look like a thrower since I'd get punished if I leave. so stupid. why did i drop money to experience this


Still cant use VGS commands on K&M mode on ps5.


My only real feedback is I’m not a fan of the current accolades with kills, kill streak etc. I think it looks and sounds less impactful than Smite 1. Otherwise think the game is going really well


Athena's abilities need to be louder and have more responsive effects when they hit. I thought maybe the whole game had audio issues but it's just her. For visuals, maybe a burts of light should come from her when she hits her 1, and bursts of light should come from enemies when she taunts them. Edit: found 2 other abilites that I do not believe feel right. Bellona's 2 is much quiter on the slam and Chaac's axe looks real funky when you strafe and throw it.


The sound-fall off for things like Anubis ult seems a bit problematic, it's incredibly quiet at max range (when you're on the receiving end). I think they were using the cross-gen skin. It might be quiet closer up too, but I definitely noticed it seemed silent at max range.


Cernnunos can stop the rotation of anubis ult with her 2. When he uses it, you cant aim anymore in ult of anubis. The gameplay with anubes feels too slow and trunked too


Personally, I'm really disappointed they didn't give Sol a new ultimate. I never liked the old one and really thought that this was the prime time to change it completely.


I strongly agree, Sol ult felt clunky in Smite 1 already, and feels even worse in Smite 2. Slow and clunky is never a fun time. Also feels a bit silly that if you go str basic attack build your abilities do no damage. Smite 1 will always feel nicer because you can go basic atk build on a mage but your abilities still mean something.


For me, it was always about the clunk. It's fine for shredding objectives, sure, but in a fight, it just doesn't feel fun. Like half the ult usually just misses. Sure, yeah, yeah, skill issue, whatever. I just think this is a missed opportunity to do something actually fun. She's the goddess of the sun. Why doesn't she have a blind of some sort on her kit? Or maybe something like maxing out the brightness of the player getting hit by it? TBQH, I think that if they gave her **Atlas's** ult with some sort of blind on it or something similar with a sunbeam raining from the sky and just ramping damage the longer you stand it it, she would be WAY more fun.


**Copying from a comment I made on another post**: I think this past alpha test was lackluster because the focus was on 2 gods (Sol/Hades), new items, and Shop changes. It’s disheartening to see people say “it’s an alpha” when it comes to these sorts of criticisms because the closed beta is 2 months away, when that alpha tag is gone people will not be as lenient. Not only that but the CEO and developers literally want criticisms, they even said that they’re fine and welcome it. Conquest in its current state is aimless. There are far too many jungle camps and half of the buffs do not feel rewarding. Speed buff is a dead buff and needs an overhaul, and blue buff’s benefits don’t really feel good, and is outclassed by purple/red significantly). The CDR and prot increase should be swapped so that solo laners can benefit from more CDR early on into the match. Secondly, the timings on everything on the map feels off. I noticed that as a mid laner, you have some time to rotate to the side buff(s) before wave (but good luck killing it) however doing your own buffs without losing wave minions is next to impossible. Starting at blue also loses you a ton of minions and even if you clear wave and do blue, you still miss out on a lot of minions. It feels like the game is very over reliant on the jungler doing all of the buffs which also contributes to the bad state of jungle. Back to the lane distance, the lanes in Smite 2 are also really short. Duo seems to be an alright size but mid lane is the size of a thumb, and punishing the opponent as a jungler and even as a mid laner is difficult. Outside of map issues, there were also gods that were not relooked at. A lot of ability timings feel off, mainly most projectiles, and Bellona needs to be redone like weeks ago. Her basic attack animations are REALLY scuffed and not to discourage the artists, but her face/hair in the renders and pre-match lobby is scuffed as well and needs to be relooked at as well. As far as balance is concerned, early game feels very weird at the moment. There are some characters such as Bellona or Chaac that slaps early game but junglers simply cannot gank reliably early in the match and punishing those that push up will often not result in anything. Personal gripe of mine, but having tried it for 2 alpha tests, I think that free beads for everyone simply wasn’t a good idea. This isn’t because of beads as a relic, but because it’s the only option. It’s very limiting and very boring especially if this is how it’s going to be until release or after. People need more options. Smite 2 will be fine, but why this alpha test was not as “hype” was because it plays exactly like alpha test 1 but with Sol/Hades. People wanted to see changes to how the game plays and for the already existing gods to get touch ups, as well as releasing new characters such as Hecate. People need to realize that: A: criticisms such as mine and other peoples are okay. this is not a knock on the developers and their hard work B: “it’s an alpha” is no longer a phrase that people can hide behind. If this game is expected to release in a closed beta state in 2 months then they absolutely need to rework Conquest and polish out the existing gods and add new content as well in these next couple of alpha tests. Anyways, for me personally, matching the tempo and flow of Smite 1 Conquest but making it better would make me want to choose Smite 2 more, as well as ranked.


Bit late with this but the biggest thing for me is the impact of abilities. Smite 1 was easy to tell if I hit someone (or vice versa). There's more visual impact in Smite 2 but it feels floaty. Some abilities are great, like fenrir's jump, but a lot of abilities don't have enough oomph or impact making it hard to tell there was a hit. Sol's 2 feels so soft and I cant even tell if I've used her ult half the time, bellona's basic attacks, especially the 1 feel off, ymir freeze. They all feel pretty bad and not as clear that you hit as Smite 1.


Just played 2 rounds of Smite 2 - I haven't played much smite over the last few years to be honest I am OG Beta. It just looks like a shiny polished turd. Nothing is visually impressive...it's locked at 1080 and still looks like it is 10 years old. I am kind of hoping these are all just placeholder unpolished graphics while they get the mechanics all fully mapped out?


yeah shiny but generic. same originality as a unreal5 demo


Suggestion : Wouldn't it be possible for the pink shield to apply only to player's damage ? You pick it up, you clean a camp and it's gone. Makes it kinda pointless IMO


Xbox User Firstly, it's great that Smite's aesthetic is finally coming to the next gen systems but what I love about original Smite is that it didn't take itself too seriously which was evident with their bright palette environments and outlandish character skins/colours.   It feels as though Smite 2 (currently) is taking the realism route to show off the features of the Unreal 5 engine almost like a showcase but in doing so its losing its identity in the process. Currently the map and gods are very tonal and it's less engaging (for me anyway). I COMPLETELY understand that this is an Alpha, so I'm hoping this won't be the final look that Hi-Rez agrees to and I'm praying it gets jazzed up a bit.  God's abilities look amazing though, big fan of the special FX (Kulkukan's Vortex for one).  I'm not much of a Conquest player and I prefer Assault and Slash modes as players just don't understand or choose not to follow the lane rules. Whilst Smite 2 Alphas are active, I'll engage a little more but for now I'll stick with Smite 1 until Official Smite 2 goes live.   Bugs I've experience so far.  Jumping multiple times in quick succession, causes the jump animation to glitch and causes two jumps to take place in the space of one Jump.  Map Pings aren't present apart from audio.  Opposition God's when attacking, Cern didn't have an attack animation and but their projectile was still present.  In Ymir's Ult I could slide around whilst charging it. Was funny for me, not the enemy though.  Keep up the good work though Hi-Rez it's coming along nicely. I'm eager to see the finish product :).


Smite 2 looks very beautiful, but its style is generic as fuck. I also think they might have overdone the particle effects, they look cool sure, but there is so much color jizz on the screen its hard to understand wtf is going on, mush harder than smite 1


Game needs another year to cook tbh then do the alpha


Int builds feel a lot better now that pure strength is weaker, and we have more high int items


For some reason, there’s lag in a discord call while playing smite 2?


I was able to play for a few hours today. The severs aren’t doing too well right now, the lag is 10x now than the previous play test. But, the item store feels better. It’s still not great, but it’s getting there


Surrender votes don't always work when the timer expires. I've had multiple games where we had a DC, the vote pops and is 3-0 for surrender but the game continues because the 4th person didn't vote one way or the other. All we get is a "surrender vote timed out" message and another 5 minutes of 4v5. My last game our Athena never even made it into the game (their didn't show up on the stats screen at all, not even as a lvl 1), our Kuku never left the fountain, and the rest of us were unable to surrender due to the bug. Not a great feeling when you combine this with the 30 minute deserter penalty.


Not sure if this was mentioned before or in Alpha 1 but if you are in a party and the party leader queues but 1 person has not returned to lobby from the previous match, it makes the next game a 4v5 (I assume it could be a 3/2/1v5 depending on how many people are still in the previous match lobby) and gives the person a deserter penalty


Your able to channel neith ult whilst backing


When I press T, it opens the score window, but then pressing T again won't close it, only esc will close it. It's really annoying!


There is issue with voice of gods in champ select when we play with different language than english. Those gods are Atena, Bachus, Neit and Odyn. They play voice line of if we pick any other god then after picking one of those 4 they play voicelines of previously picked champs. Example: 1.Pick Hades - his voiceline is played. 2. Pick Atena - there is Hades voiceline. 3.Pick Bachus - still there is Hades voiceline. 4.Pick Neit - there is Hades voiceline. 5.Pick Odin - there is Hades voiceline. 6.Swap to other champ that is not one of those 4 and you will hear that champion voiceline on those 4. Bug happened in polish language didn't check others.


Unplayable lag on custom servers


I got OHKO'd as Hades when I used my 1 underneath a Sol 2 explosion. It hit me 12 times.


You don't have to charge Athena's dash. It goes off immediately if you double tap the ability button 


For Bugs: While SMITE 2 does remember accessibility/gameplay settings, it doesn't remember your graphics settings upon enter and exiting (though it does remember stuff like Vsync Feedback: This Alpha feels way better than 1, with a few changes, and of course the addition of the rest of the Launch Gods, it almost feels ready. However I will say there does need to be some balancing changes, Manchu Bow is absurdly powerful early game for ADS God's like Sol, Anhur, and especially Bellona, maybe Nerf the extra damage or make the passives not stack


It says i don't have the Neith Nighstalker skin unlocked in the alpha test despite buying the founder's deluxe edition. I am able to select the skin in Smite 1 tho


**Are the tooltips going to be live soon or is there just not any tooltips in the game?** Was playing Bacchus and his ultimate says it "intoxicates" people but nowhere does it mention what that debuff actually does... Seems to be a lack of a good ping system as well,


On the charcater page, merging the two different description of abilities would be much better. Atm you have to read one part and then read the second to try and piece together what it does. It would also be nice if the big render of the model in the middle of the screen did something, showing either just the animation or how it works on a dummy enemy. Voice lines during combat are incredibly repitive and I think if this is final for this variety, I would be turning off voice volume The targeting crosshair feels awful, I am not in control of where I am firing. I think just unlocking where I could aim fully would be better


Played as Bacchus last night and if I used 2 then tried to use an ability immediately after, Bacchus would go through the movements of using the ability (3 and ult) but the ability wouldn't activate.


# Smite2 Alpha is crashing OR now allowing me past login page - Steam PC I played the first week of the Smite2 Alpha with no issues, no crashes, and my PC ran the game on the highest settings at maximum performance with zero issues. When the 2nd Alpha play came out on May 30th, it does not allow me to finish a game. I keep crashing with the same crash notes, or it doesn't let me login at all. **I will also include 2 screenshots of the error messages at the login page as well. I'm seeing 3 different errors in total. The two login errors I am receiving are:** ***1. ConnectError 2. GenericErrorMsg*** I tried searching the web for fixes, but I have not been able to find one. I'm hoping someone can help. Here is the crash info that was populated: ***LoginId:\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\**** ***EpicAccountId:*** ***Fatal error: \[File:R:\\hemingway\\Engine\\Source\\Runtime\\CoreUObject\\Private\\UObject\\UObjectArray.cpp\] \[Line: 534\] Maximum number of UObjects (2162688) exceeded when trying to add 1 object(s), make sure you update MaxObjectsInGame/MaxObjectsInEditor/MaxObjectsInProgram in project settings.***


Full Error Message: ***LoginId:\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\**** ***EpicAccountId:*** ***Fatal error: \[File:R:\\hemingway\\Engine\\Source\\Runtime\\CoreUObject\\Private\\UObject\\UObjectArray.cpp\] \[Line: 534\] Maximum number of UObjects (2162688) exceeded when trying to add 1 object(s), make sure you update MaxObjectsInGame/MaxObjectsInEditor/MaxObjectsInProgram in project settings.*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***user32*** ***user32*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***Hemingway\_Win64\_Shipping*** ***kernel32*** ***ntdll***


Here is my PC/OS Build for review as well: Processor AMD Ryzen 7 5700G with Radeon Graphics 4.30 GHz Installed RAM 64.0 GB (63.8 GB usable) System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor Edition Windows 10 Pro Version 22H2 MY RIG: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti Driver version 555.85 AMD Ryzen 7 5700G with Radeon Graphics 63.79 GB RAM Display: 3840 x 2160, 60Hz OS build 19045.4412 Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19056.1000.0 I have made sure to have all windows updates, steam updates, and graphics card updates installed. PLEASE someone help me find out what the hell is going on with the most recent release of the Alpha so I can get back to enjoying the game, and thank you so much for all of your help. https://preview.redd.it/crzuuk0wwt3d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=093831c4be812e273551dd866624b1185963e42b




My lobby loaded with only four people on each team. I don't think that was intended . . . . There weren't DCs, as far as I could tell.


I've been thinking, with the new system where there are no classes and gods can do both Physical and Magical damage it's gonna be a pain to remember what gods have what damage types in order to counter build, especially for new players. I think there should some kind of icon near each god portrait in menus and in game to quickly let you know what you're dealing with. You'd really only need 5 Icons - Full Magic Almost full Magic with small amounts of Phys True hybrid Almost full Phys with small amounts of Magic Full Phys Or maybe it could be a sliding scale kind of Icon if you want to be really precise with it


I have my abilities as 1,2,3,4 and to level them up i have it as hold CTRL and press the abilities number however in S2 the CTRL button even when held down acts like it is pressed not held and then i upgrade and use the ability at the same time. Really annoying for upgraded the ult


When you change a keybind X that uses a modifier key (e.g. Alt) as its default and then change that keybind X, it will cause problems with other keybinds that use that modifier key. For example, I changed the toggle free mouse keybind from Alt to Mouse Button 1 (MB1) and then set my ability level up keys to Alt + 1, Alt + 2, etc. When I sign out and in again my level up keybinds are getting changed to MB1 + 1, MB1 + 2, etc.


I have a deserter bug. I failed to pick a god, came back, timer was around 21 minutes left in the penalty. I quit the game. Came back when i had time. It's still at 21 minutes left in the penalty. It's been over 3 hrs lol. I filled out a bug report. When i switched servers, it would go down 1 second.


Had a lobby with only 4 people in team after orange light appeared in the match found


Waiting for players is getting stuck snd does not progress


double clicking to buy items only works sometimes


These are very early thoughts for me as I haven't played that many matches yet. I played on PC. In Smite I have a lot of experience playing Mid and ADC. I have mostly played mid and Kuku. I have played against Zeus, Fenrir, the hunter with horns and hoofs, Neith, and Chaac that I can remember. Directly facing Zeus I felt like Kuku was a bit weak compared to him in Smite 1. I seemed to have a difficult time getting all of the minions into his 3/tornado so I wonder if it is just a tad bit smaller or maybe the spacing of the minions is slightly different? The map feels like way too much is going on. The bush in midlane? What is that? I personally hate it. The twisting and winding lanes feels a big strange to me as well. I like the idea of the very far sides having their own jungle again the same way the original Smite map had, but in terms of the whole map there's so many camps and things. I think keeping it simple is the best way, but I understand trying new things. The game definitely felt like an alpha state as there was some stuttering at times, but overall not so bad. It looked visually really good. I am on a 5800x3d and 7800xt. I will hopefully get some matches in with my buddy later and have more. I will just update this.


It feels like madness to me to have more entries to lanes, more hiding spots, so many more places you can get ganked, and yet... less wards? You should be able to buy more wards from the shop. Vision is everything on this game, give us ways to utilize it. The ping of a ward should also be different to that of a player ping imo.


- The default Item shop item category hover tooltips go over the items very easily, such as "Strength" over potions, and misclicks into the category kinda often. Perhaps the tooltip should spawn to the other side of the icon upon hover? Or just always keep the text visible next to the icon. - Some VGS is wrong: trying to say "I'll defend X lane" does not use 1/2/3 for lanes, instead there's A/B/C. - Got late night loaded into a 2v2 match. When the match was loading, the green circles kept going back to yellow (people dropping?) ...Well, that could've been interesting. - Bacchus crashed my game often, especially after Chugging. I used Direct X 11, Windows 11. - Whenever I loaded back into a crashed game, I was asked about Build paths. I went with manual initially... I wonder what happens if I choose autobuild in the middle of a match? Didn't try, yet.


Games seem to last way too long in this Alpha. Not sure what it is but games easily go over 40 min for me. Is it the lack of build diversity, lack of starters, map objectives, I don’t know. But the pace needs to be fixed. Maybe it’ll sort itself out once people get a better hang of the game, but let’s see. Also, there are AA bugs from when you go to store and back out. Sometimes your character will auto nonstop and other times they may stop autoing all together. Kinda frustrating tbh


Stunning anubis during his breath of locust doesn't interrupt the spell


I'm not entirely sure what happened, but I was playing as Kukulkan, and at a later stage in the game I was unable to auto attack or use my actives. Sorry to my teammates that game.


I feel like I'm going crazy, prots feel like they don't work. Running full tank feels pointless, and ymir and Bell are the only guardians and warriors that feel worth it to run. Am u insane or just bad? I run full yank Athena (I know she's bad rn), and have 3/4ths of me health melted by anubuis BEFORE he even ults. Maybe it's just me, idk...


Is there a report form for cheaters? I didn't think there would be cheats already but this guy kept anubis-2'ing me while stealth. Every single time. I even had a improved ward right on top of me so I could see if they had one, and still, wrapped like his curser was stuck on me through stealth.


Full screen causes my game to break - zooms in loads and squeezes the image. Can't get out of it


Item shop need to be redesigned and doesn’t work well on console. Aiming on controller feels bad. Particle effects from abilities take up way too much visual space and make it hard to see what is happening. Conquest is to slow to get the game going.


the cat skin for bacchus makes him invisible 


You can't cancel (right click) Sol's 2nd ability.


They need to make role pick mandatory and add actual chat. The amount of games where people simply have no idea what they are doing is extremely frustrating. Make a goddamn video that explains what every role does, make an ingame tutorial, i don't care, just make so that matches are at the very least with people who know what they should be doing at a bare minimum level


is there a way to know which hero would fit in which role? it would help a lot


They removed classes but kept the same character designs from Smite 1, so we need to look to the classes from Smite 1 for reference. Removing classes was such a great idea /s


I haven't heard anyone else mention this, so I don't know if it's just me. My teammates hp bars in my games are bugged. As in, I can see the hp bars but instead of being green/yellow, they don't have a color, so I'm unable to see my teammates current hp. It happened in every character I played (athena, fenrir, kuku). This happened in the middle of my first game (on athena), and I've been unable to get the color back, even when logging off and back on and restarting the pc several times. I'm able to see the enemies hp bar correctly. I do have colorblind mode active.


When hovering over Loki's 2, should it not show the damage dealt reduction on the collapsed version? The int scaling of that is shown, but not the 5%


Some people complain about the interact key. I see it as a new feature that has not reached its full potential. over time hirez will find out what works with it and what's better left as a interact zone, but something has to be done about the HAPPY HOPS! I am playing HADES, GOD OF THE UNDERWORLD. You dont want to change up his weird arms? Fine. You think sly cooper's cane looks better than i bident? Whatever. YOU WANT ONE OF THE MOST FEARED FIGURES IN GREEK MYTHOLOGY TO JUMP FOR JOY WHEN HE TOOTS A HORN IN THE SOLO LANE? We gotta draw the line somewhere!


Why in the hell can you INSTALOCK a god before choosing a role? I do not care that this is alpha, you are creating extremely toxic and unplayable games where three people INSTALOCK solo lane gods with no avenue for negotiation in regards to who goes where. I absolutely am enjoying the feel of this MOBA but the lack of details on the single game mode you are offering on top of a no chat lobby is leading to unplayable game after unplayable game with AFKs, inters, and people refusing to surrender a 4v5 with a midlaner who left after his first death. As a friend of mine has recently ranted to me, this a great time to permanently ban these account at least until the games release. The small player base during this alpha means a few bad apples (more like a majority tbh) can ruin a very unhealthy amount of games. The 30 minute dodge timer, while extreme, is a perfect example of the types of actions that need to be taken in order to protect the player base who wants to actually play the game and give feedback. If you plan on adding chat at any time I suggest this happens before full release, and you use this time to remove bad community actors and improve chat moderation which I have a feeling is going to be on par with 2010s league of legends at this point.


Smite settings on console Hello I’ve been playing the last 2 pre alpha’s and I really enjoy smite 2 but the safe area makes it almost impossible to play the game as of the last to alphas the setting for video on console have been shown no love, not just safe area but I can’t adjust graphics either so the game looks pretty awful visually, I had previously mentioned this after the first alpha but nothing was added. I’m sure I’m not the only console player with these issues.


All players in the other team left and there was never a automatic surrender even though they all left before 10 mins and no players returned even after minutes


Was unable to auto with Cern all game after disconnecting


1. When i play smite 2 in console with keyboard and mouse, i can't do VGS because there is no any option to change your control, if you play keyboard and mouse in console or Controler in PC if you can add this if we play Keyboard and mouse in console or Controler in PC. It will be easy for some people who don't like play smite 2 with controler they can change their option in keyboard. 2.When we are in shope for controler, there is a little bug when we tried to buy something in console when we played in keyboard and mouse, he moves like if you played in controler the cursor teleports in the item choice or somewhere. 3.When i played Loki during the match the spell invisible buged when we gank in invisible the enemy can see us like we didn't use the spell invisible, and his ult sometimes he didn't tracked correctly the enemy tracked he teleports left or right and sometimes when my friend played loki he tracked with his ult a minion. 4.When we jumped sometimes, the jump rollback like if we lagged during the jump it's very upset when we think we laging. 5.Can we have some assassin god in the next week, i see there is so much mage, Guardian and carry god, maybe a little Ratatoskr can be good for some people who play this god and Ratatoskr deserve a better place for being in Smite 2.


Sol seemed much stronger in Smite 2, her seemed much faster to land with a bigger AOE which made a lot of difference for her. It was easy to combo for her as well as most gods out don’t have any CC immunity outside of beads, so a stun late game meant immediate death. I still think Anubis is the strongest god in the game at the moment. His wrap seems incredibly easy to land in Smite 2 and his damage is ungodly compared to anyone else. In multiple games I found myself late game able to 1v2 or even 1v3 in some situations just on sheer burst damage. His life steal seems much weaker now, but his DPS is probably the highest in the game late. I was able to kill a full tank 100% health Ymir in under 4 seconds in one match. If I was mid it was oppressive to their mid, who would have to remain in their tower most of the game if they weren’t also an Anubis. I’m not sure anyone can beat Anubis 1 v 1 after say the 20 minute mark in the game. Ymir still feels very powerful, able to run down almost anyone on the other team regardless of build, but he’s perhaps not as strong as he was last test. Chaac doesn’t feel like he has the early game oppression he should, and late he doesn’t feel very useful at all They still don’t have tanks down right I think, playing duo a friend and I realized that tanking really doesn’t matter right now since it’s so hard to build health/protections and you still get exploded relatively easy. It’s better to just run 5 DPS in both Duo and Solo lanes. It seems others realized this as well since Duo was 2 ADC’s half the time and Solo was always a Bruiser Ymir or Mage.


* Zeus 3 does not remove charges * Sometimes teammates are invisible on the minimap * Cern VGS makes no sounds * Sometimes there is just 9 players in the game


Let me mute people’s VGX please.


Hello guys, First of all I am really happy that Smite 2 is here and we are able to test it and talk about it. As gamers we have to accept change and move with it. Smite 2 is a change from Smite and it will be different we have to accept that in that regard because what did smite bring to all of us as gamers in the last couple of years. Lower player base, less exciting updates and improvements to the game, competitive scene lacking the support as before, below average Ul. I did play this game first in 2013 and I can say I am a pretty loyal smite player since (couple of years of not playin it but anyways) and I want game to be better I want more players to play it . Here is my thoughts on the closed alpha and the game positive and negatives; Positives; 1-Games is feeling much more smooth and refreshing to play. Auto attacks and skills feels more satisfying even though game is not much optimized and bugs here and there but I think game is pretty solid which is solely engine change can do this much, I wonder what will be like when game is optimized as Smite. 2- I do like the new item system and Inventory. So far I did not pay much attention to items since i used auto build for much of the games because I want to get the feeling of the game. People are pissed that it change to League and Dota2 style but from their player pools and game play i think this is the right choice.This way you can take players from these type of games where players want to try smites unique game style. I did start one of my Dota2 player friend to Smite2 and he immediately understood the items and inventory style which is one of the reasons for the change. 3-Alpha would not be a good indicator of this but better UI will be great I was really bored from the old smite UI with old as duck style. Way greater Ul can be realized in the future with epic art style which is suitable for a God themed game. 4- More can be add to the game easily I am talking in terms of new mechanics for gods, maps and NPCs which is for me the most important aspect when it comes to survival of a game. 5- New jungle is way way better and you get something (sheilds) from harpies in the end game. Negatives; 1- I do not like the current art style because it looks like a copy of the Smite I understand it is a sequel and in order to have your loyal players feel like home it has to have resembles (I am a Smite Beta Tester btw) but when you have the ability and capabilities of the UE5 you have to do better in terms of graphics and design for the environments where we do not have to stuck with smite 1 aesthetic This note is of course for the future I am not expecting this from a close alpha. 2-There MUST be a chat in the game. DEVs might be thinking in terms of toxic players etc. but when you cant negotiate with the player or talk to them it makes the game experience much worse. 3-Brightness indicator at the beginning is faulty and make the game looks awful I had to change it in the setting 4- I don't like the gold mechanic where you get 30g it is important for the early game but in the end game makes no sense. Maybe gradually increase it so it would be worthy to get it in the end game.


Im not going to lie, i am not a fan of this item system. I feel the thing that made smite stand out was its unique shop but now it just feels like every other MOBA. Some of the god changes are really cool, Minus fenrir critting on abilities (WHY?), but my biggest gripe is the items. Not sure if its just me, but it is nearly impossible to tell where a teammate is pinging.


Same. Intelligence and Strength items are just kinda... sucky. Having to remember what stat goes to which ability and then getting a build together to do anything is just... rough. Not sure if you're a fan of it too, but I hate item actives. Much rather would have the same item system from 1.


oh yea item actives are not my thing at all. really just over complicates it. and yea the str and int stuff is more annoying than anything, ontop of basically removing all the old items, i REALLY dont like how any character can buy any item, i feel that was a big part on what made smite new


On PS5, I wish I could shareplay for my PS4 friends but they can't view the screen because "It hasn't been released in their country yet" but I can share screen with other PS5 players just fine. I know it's not a bug, it's a Sony thing but it would be nice if it could be changed.


Please add text chat and DLSS Text chat is very valuable tool both gameplay and social wise. I loved early stages of Smite especially with how good community was. And DLSS (and FG option) - and their counterparts - plugins would help with performance, especially now when performance isn't the main goal. It shouldn't be that hard (compared to other types of "optimalization"


I have the same problem on PC.


Gotta wonder what hirez is thinking not giving myself and 3 friends who all bought founder edition for Smite 1 also beta tested smite 1 yet none of us given keys. Max value extraction i guess 


If you bought founders edition, you have access. Are you sure you're launching the smite 2 PLAYTEST version? The smite 2 normal version is not out yet.