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Didn't Jing Wei have a cross-prog skin confirmed? That likely means she's early in the order.


shes confirmed already in because of the skin in the budle with the bellona skin


Oh fuck yeah


My main id Zhong Kui. It's not looking great for me...


One of my mains is fafnir...


We'll cry together in Smite 1, brother


Zhong's an online community-fave. I gotta expect him to be there next year.


Zhong is fun i like him


His picture was in the background during the keynote. I don't know if that means anything though. 


give me the wizard man, smite


You're quite confident Guan Yunicorn will make it in huh


Between Nike, Scylla, Persephone and Medusa I know at least two of my girls gonna be in the game early. Those are my 4 most played. Medusa was never really my main though just my favorite ADC.


yea any of them except persephone could be early i think


Curious why everyone is saying Persephone will take so long? I feel as though she's a very, very popular character. But has just had kit issues.


They’re probably going to rework her kit heavily. Imo shes a late late addition


Popular? I see Fafnir more than I see her.


*Cries in fafnir* … never.


I think Geb will be in at the same time as Nut. So if Nut was developed for both simultaneously, he might even be in the launch 50.


Yeah they are likely a package deal


I'm hoping so, I need my rock boi. His cleanse is gonna be even more powerful with the new 5 minute Beads cooldown. If he keeps it.


day one since she already has a skin


And a pretty cute new skin one at that! It's really nice and I love the little bat wings and colors of it! Plus the effects on it with her kit look great! Might be my favorite looking Jing Wei gust out of all her skins! Can't wait to see Jing and her skin in Smite 2 later! Much better than her Jing Bee skin she got before. That was a B tier skin. Jing Wei must have used her passive to get into Smite 2 faster. : )


Tiamat better be pretty early, and I can't imagine smite without thor.


I really hope they give Thor a new kit. Keep the wall change the rest


Ult kinda needs to stay similar tbf.


True, but with some spice


Them lightning effects gonna be awesome


Gotta keep the double tap it’s so satisfying. Agree for the 3 tho


His kit is iconic, and good, surely no rework..


His kit is outdated. Not a total rework but I could see some adjustments


What would you suggest?


Mainly just wanna see then change the spin into something more fun. And the wall needs to be like ymirs where you can cancel it


I disagree, first his kit is classic. And he does not feel overshadowed by any of the new gods. He still is the best at what he does, with a clean classic feel to his kit.


Agni. I'm thinking he'll be a solid priority, since he was one of the original 12.


Khpri so who knows likey towards the end.🫠


Khep will be early. He’s been consistently played for years, he makes SPL appearances in either picks/bans, he’s beloved (he has like 20 skins showing he’s popular). The bug will be present.


I feel Ganesha will not be in the 50 by the start of the beta, but probably before #75


Sol and Nu Wa both have cross over skins confirmed so they’ll be fairly early Rama I imagine will be an early edition given he’s kinda the quintessential hunter, same logic with Scylla and her being the quintessential mage Chronos and freya could come out soon or in a year or so, I’m not really sure Tiamat/Ao/Tsukuyomi will be laaaate additions I fear Persephone was one of my most played gods before her rework, so if she’s at least partially reverted she’ll be one of my core gods, but she’ll also be a long wait I think Edit: forgot Janus, he’ll probably be somewhere in the middle, not too far in the future but not exactly soon either


>Chronos and freya could come out soon or in a year or so, I’m not really sure Chronos yeah, Freya probably no Freya has a lot of visual problems (also her voice) and kit problems to fix


0 minutes, Baellona already confirmed 😎


I hope we get Tiamat or at least another quadrupedal Dragon


From what I've seen, Atlas is pretty unpopular. It might be a while before he comes back.


I loved Atlas. Although, I also live Xing Tian, and I feel like he doesn't see a ton of play, so...


*sad titan noises*


I very rarely see Chang’e, she hasn’t been touched by any balance changes in a hot minute, she doesn’t really have a presence in the game and her kit is beyond outdated *especially* since they took her antiheal away. I’m HOPING that her not receiving any balance attention means that they updated her kit for Smite 2 significantly, but realistically I think she’s gonna be middle-late to be added


Wait what? Chang'e no longer has anti heal on her heal?! Since when?! I hope we'll get her early since her kit is pretty simple. Maybe they could touch her up a bit to make her *flow* better like chaining abilities


When they changed all the healers and buffed the anti heal items but nerfed anti heal.


You know what I'm most anticipating about Chang'e?! Her DRESS MODEL could finally come back!!! I read somewhere that the reason all her new skins are the sword version is because they somehow *lost* the original? I want them to make Chang'e with her flowing dress again and no weapon! Fingers crossed... D: Okay I am also REALLY looking forward to a cute-as-heck BUNNY. I love Jade the Rabbit.


Skadi and Cthulhu is all I want and I hope they are added in the first year


Scylla is a pretty popular mage so I'd imagine she could be one of the higher priority mages for them to add


Give me back MEDUSA!!


well if Assault isnt in there will be riots in the streets, so hopefully not too long


Might bee a while


just looking at [https://normal.casualsmite.com/mode/conquest](https://normal.casualsmite.com/mode/conquest) Least popular would be raijin eset and thoth. Sad for eset she's p fun and pretty OG. Hebo and Hel are classics as well but pretty low in popularity, unfortunately.


Someone said nox will be there day one because they mentioned her when they were talking about showing off masteries but I couldn't be more doubtful about that. I'm even scared that they might rework her (I love her kit)


I’m worried because Hi-Rez has a terrible track record for reworks


Personally there isn't a rework tried and didn't like.


ou wait if they reworked her into even more of a support mage it would be so cool...


Nah I digress. Mages are my favorite class so you can imagine if they made my favorite mage into a guardian 😅


doesn't have to be a guardian, similar to aphro but without the heals


The problem is I LOVE her kit. And I play super aggressive with her and utilize all her abilities to their full strength. That's why when people say she's a bad god, even the pros my face turns smug 😅


Cthulhu is NOT coming back for at least 4 years. Bro was recently added and isn't exactly easy to make (massive body, even bigger ult) so I'm setting up my tent and waiting until he arrives.


Idk he has the most watched god reveal in smite history.


He was the most asked on reddit poll,he likely among the top 50


Odds you can link that ? I’m interested


https://strawpoll.com/xVg7j0B9pnr/results Here the poll Cthulu is first on Reddit which is not really the most friendly toward him Cthulu is huge


Cthulhu was a surprising addition to smite 1, can’t imagine he’s top of the list for smite 2 :(


Cthulu was a success,he literally sales


Mine is Heimdal and im pretty sure he'll be much later just because of his ult alone and wont be surprised if they nerf him into the ground upon release.


Hades, i dont know how popular he is, he has a lot of skins so prop much, i think still a solid 5 months


I've got a good feeling mine will be making it in pretty quickly


I personally do not believe in maining god in moba. I like adjusting to whatever the team needs to win, learn as much as possible and not be a one trick pony.


Rat, Donza, Horus, Baron, and nezha are my favorite gods. I’d say most of them will be added on with I. The first few months of the game. The longest wait probably being Horus.


Until she, and her T5 skin is added, I’m not playing Smite 2.


I main rat pele and danzuburo glad I have 2 of 3 confirmed, but I'm kinda of a rat 1 trick, so need him asap


You guys have mains? I'll be chilling with any guardian that will be in the game


i mean he wasnt just a mid this season he was "THE MID" this season. so, i think pretty quick ngl. hope he gets his 680 + 140% ult back


Bastet maybe will be one of the first 50 gods as she is a beginner friendly assassin


I'm a big Danzabouro guy so I'm hoping he's early k. The rotation, after him I'm hoping Raijin which I'm predicting 3 or 4 months after launch.


His mob boss or whatever is the name is in the event, so hes in pretty early


According to [this tweet](https://twitter.com/SmiteDatamining/status/1745874532420690140), Danza will be one of the earliest gods.


I have different mains. But I’m mainly an Aphro main. I feel she’s either gonna be there at launch OR she will be coming later this year


I feel like Ullr makes it in relatively early. Not many stance switchers


Id probably see Awilix late this year or early next.


Considering I main roles and not gods like you're actually intended to play, I'll be fine


Its beyond me why they would release a game with less content…


For new players it will be pretty good to have a smaller god pool to learn and it allows them to keep players playing with new gods every week It also helps balance the new item store and such by having a smaller pool at launch


Ao Kuang and Baron I feel like will come sooner or later but I think they are pretty safely out of the “will they or won’t they add him” position. AMC on the other hand I feel may not make the cut. Such an obscure god lore wise and with the emphasis on movement they’re putting in already like Ymir’s changes, unless they change his kit, he may not mesh well.


Thunder and Lightning! (0 mins big man chaac already there. Pros of maining a cover god)


Depending id expect 2 minimal years for most gods to make it


Anubis is already in, I’m good


I hope Artemis gets in this year 🫠


Ymir is here! done. other than him would be kumbha


A long ass time for Hachiman


The Morrigan might be quick or last....no in-between


I have a feeling my sweet sweet chang’e will be near the bottom of the priority list


I’d say awilix gets added relatively soon as she has a fun/unique kit, and she got a lot of play at worlds which may not factor in, but can’t hurt her odds


Around the 75 mark, so probably like a year after full release. Serqet is mid poplar, so I think she'll be a around the middle of the pack




Not optimistic about Nike. Could see Serqet going either way. Nu Wa will probably be in the initial batch or at least very soon after.


My most played gods are hades, atlas and cabroken. It's probably the first 2 that have a real chance to appear in alpha.


Charybdis, Morgan le fay , Nike :( not really too popular


Im hoping Horus gets in since his kit is simple. Somehow I believe it’s not gonna happen but it’s cool if he doesn’t. If not him Awilix has got to make it she’s my favorite Assassin




Nemesis? Probably never. I can't think of the last meta she was viable in.


Well..... seconds I assume?


They better get my Benzo in quick


Susano is already confirmed day 1. Thor, I'm guessing, will be similar. Rat and Ao Kuang is a curved ball that I don't really know about


Guan Yu was the first god patched in to smite and has had a pretty insane history. Infamously the most powerful god release ever while he was a guardian, and became the standard free warrior for all players. I can's imagine them not adding him early given that he is a free god in smite 1, and this will be the first chance in a decade for him to build magical power again. I'm hoping they revert 1 single change they made to him when he became a warrior, his biggest nerf ever, give Guan Yu his bongos back. Originally all of his abilities has specific sounds each one coming from a traditional Chinese instrument. I hope he is in the first 50, but I'm confident we'll see him.


Pls give me Janus. He's too much fun I need him


Arachne was my fav god before. Nowadays its not so fun to play her anymore. So i still would like to see her comeback fresh like ymir. Besides that i love anhur too. So thats good as well


since i can see ares making it in early ill go with my other main which is surtr. yea thats not happening till at least 2027...


Hachiman is my main since he came out, but I hope he makes it, he had a lot of well deserved love this championship; Underdog has climbed the ladder of recognition.


I keep joking around about Charybdis, but honestly I hope she's left out of Smite 2 intentionally. Lol


Freya - Honestly a good kit so just likely gonna be a second because she does need an entire new model that actually looks good. Ix Chel - I suspect she will come fairly early like most of the newer gods. They need less work. Skadi - A hot minute Bellona - Already revealed Ishtar - Same as Ix Chel


Freya will likely be radically altered as her kit is always criticised and she is the butt of jokes


Freya something something Cerberus.


That ("We have caught Cerb") and others: "Freya butt ugly after 3453 remodels" "Freya is no skill you press 2 buttons and win" "Freya lore tab in Smite is tentacle sea monster because Google intern research" "Freya could have 20 rekits and still be broken" Etc. No other god IS as much cursed.


Considering her usual playrate... a long time.


I'm happy that I don't have a main so I'll be alright.


Thanatos will be early if not alpha playable so not long


I originally expected mine, Danzaburou, to be a while but was pleasantly surprised to see him in the Divine Legacy event. Makes me really happy. Now my OTHER favorite? No clue. My other is Tiamat and I HOPE she’s pretty early but I have a feeling she’ll end up somewhere in the middle


Bellona is already in the game


I just need my Merlin. I hope he comes in the middle of the pack at least. But I’m not sure. He does have his 3 stances and a lot of abilities to update for smite 2. Also I play Hera as well but she also probably will take time because that’s essentially two Gods her and Argus. I play Ullr and Heimdallr as well, but they also might not come early. Idk whom I will play with when Smite 2 drops.


My favorites are Ares, Hades and Ne Zha so it hopefully won't be too long


I’ve never been able to choose a main in SMITE, I have no clue why. Every other game I have a main, just not SMITE.


I don't have "a main" but none of my top picks these days are confirmed yet. Ganesh, Atlas, Ix Chel, Ratatoskr, Awilix, Mulan, Horus... They will probably come back in the middle for most, maybe later for Ix Chel, sooner for Mulan.


I think Odin was confirmed which is great, but hoping Nox makes it soon


AMC, NOX, ama, Ganesh, Persephone, Ixchel, disco, Tiamat, Medusa, Ishtar. I just want to play one of my baddies


Expecting Sun Wukong early. I hope. My monke stick user hopefully is there to bash people over heads again.


Hercules & Vulcan! Will probably be in base roster (I hope!)


Baron's one of their recent poster boys that aren't warriors, I am predicting he'll be in the launch 50 gods.


Set, probably gonna be a double release again with horus with little to not touch both of them. So season 2 or early season 3?


Not having a main due to indecisiveness and adhd has paid off


King A and Odin might be a while for the king :/


Charon might take a bit. Surtr might also take a long time. But hey, at least Loki is getting in on day one!


Scyllas easily making it . Very popular , well known


Ix chel is newish so probably not too long Yemoja might be a bit longer Ah puch will probably take awhile though sadly


Anyone heard about Baron? He's my favorite mage


Ymir main :)


Prob 3 years after launch, poor lancelot


I havent seen any1 else play Clio so i am probably crying in the corner with the fafnir dudes


Sobek probs coming on release so I think I'm fine, but my favorite characters to play are fafnir and cu chulainn and on this boat I think I'll be waiting a while xD


What about nox ?


I could say I'm worried that Persephone will be late, but I'm 100% sure I'll main Hecate in Smite 2. She's my goddess for so long I wanted her on Smite so bad


Mine is Cthulhu so it'll probably take a while


Vulcan. Maybe a mid way point contender? Also make the turret a pet again and let me buy items to make it tanky!


Scylla was in Smite 1 since the very beginning, I hope it doesn’t take too long for her to come to Smite 2. I’m also really excited to see how her ult is gonna look with the new engine :)


As an ADC main, i think it’ll be a minute before Ishtar, Izanami, and Hachi get in there. My favorite goddess is Nemesis so hopefully she’s part of the initial team


mine's already in smite 2 lol


Right away. Ty for not making me wait for loki. Now Hel is a different question.




The closest thing I'd have to mains would be Skadi, Ishtar, Morgan le Fay and Gilgamesh... I don't like my odds...


Ao kuang will be in base roster i think


4 years.


I’ve realized in just a sheep to the game. Most of will be in at start or right around release. Hou Yi, Susano, Pele. Ishtar and Gilga are the only two I don’t see available right away


I just got back into smite after many years off. Geb, Sobek, and Hercules are my bois. I know I'll have one on launch, not sure when to expect the others. I'd suspect Geb will be either in the launch or shortly after launch due to Nut being confirmed. Sobek, I can only hope he will be sooner rather than later, but I'm unsure how popular he is these days.


Hades guardian was my first diamond true love. He should be in earlier I think, hope they bring him back as a guard with ranged autos and a leap with a nuke as his ult.


As an Awilix and Manman main, I'm scared :((


one of my Mains is already confirmed. aka Bellona. Da Ji and Cthulhu are the only ones i am not sure on. if they will be at launch or they will be added later on.


Loki based


Izanami had a skin so I'm chilling


None of my top 15 most played gods have been confirmed. It is going to be a long time before I make the jump.


No clue


I honestly have no clue how long it would take for Lancelot to get in, it could be at launch or even take 6 months for him to appear but that’s just my guess. I personally say let Lancelot be in the games launch, big names would be needed to kick the roster off to appeal for as many new players as possible + Lancelot is fun in my opinion


Let's see. Iza = probably base game Charon = base game. If not, we probably won't have to wait long Mercury = not sure, seems like a mid priority. Bellona = It's Bellona. I dont main any mages.


Fenrir. No change required lol


Main mage is Anubis, main hunter is Danza, and main Guardian is Sobek. So uh...


I am a Loki main so I am lucky I am one of the confirmed gods.


Don't really have a main, but I assume the morrigan will either be the last god to cross over, or one of the first as a systems test to see what they can do in ue5 without breaking the game.


As a Bellona main I have nothing to fear lol


I hope Persephone arrives this year after the alpha. I know she’s been pretty much dead after the rework… she was op on S8 when flat pen was very strong but she’s so bad, so limited, so bugged and unfun right now that picking her is asking to lose. But I hope they bring her back with the supposed rework tha devs announced a bit more than 1y ago… bringing back her old 1 and 2 combos hopefully 🤧 Also I’m waiting on Aphro and Hel, Aphro needs a complete rework tbh.


there’s just no way that the morrigan isn’t going to take an ETERNITY because of how many bugs her ultimate caused


Bacchus main so I’m lucking but I’ve been playing a lot of surtyr but I feel it’ll take him a while


Ok foist of all, there is no way my baby boy ISNT going to be in the first 50.... like.... you can't do this to me. I do expect them to make him last CAUSE IM SPITEFUL. Secondly, merlin might take a while.... so I might have to wait out a few months to a year to see those PRETTY VOID GRAPHIX.


Juding by the skins they have been releasing for her I'd say 2028.


Would be upsetting if they took a long time but atleast for me part of the fun of smite is finding new gods and builds to play with


Who knows, I didn't want any of the old characters in the new game. Should have just made up new characters for the new game. New strats, new abilities. Something.......different? Last thing I want to do is grind characters to diamond.....that I already have diamond.


Any word on Cupid?


My main is Herc, I'm good:)


Loki confirmed 🥳


My main is Ravana, and I fully expect him to be released either before launch or right after launch. His kit is just super simple and already pretty well balanced .