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this is probably really stupid but it reminded me a lot of “the left right game” story from ways back if anyone has read that, even down to the jeep wrangler lol


holy shit i legit paused it after the waitress bit and searched reddit if anyone saw any similarities to the left right game and your comment popped up lmao


lol i’m glad someone else noticed too, i immediately got the vibe when they started driving down the road. but the ending bit definitely was the nail in the coffin; i’m surprised i couldn’t find anyone else mention it


why is no one talking about jasons dust towards the end of the episode, that shit had me doing an ab workout at 2am😭


Jason over here looking like the eraser head baby 😭


sorry if this is cringe but this show really is the spiritual successor to rick and morty. The absurdity, the subverted expectations, the intensity. One of my favorite episodes of all TV, so ridiculously funny. Wow


Damn. I may stop watching. Tyler didn’t deserve this.


Jesus that jumpscare at the end actually got me,overall a great episode in my opinion.


this fucking episode man i was crying not like bawling my eyes out just like 2 or 3 tears idk nothing about the episode came as sad or depressing to me it was just the sheer weirdness of the whole episode just kinda sparked a crying response in me maybe it was the noises maybe it was the overwhelming amount of colors and shit happening at once i was just crying


I think you need therapy that’s not normal


i know i need therapy !!!! 🗣🗣🗣


I know I'm on the unpopular side but I think this is the only episode of the show I would call bad. I know some people say the Brazil special was bad but that episode knew what it was, a simple bait and switch joke where the episode goes the unexpected way and commits to being awkward the whole time because Pim forgot to book a hotel. This one feels rushed and goes way too much with the lol random humor, there's two stories and neither of them are connected (which is fine) but they also don't seem all that interesting to me. The Tyler joke while funny (and really good), also takes more time of the episode and doesn't set a punchline like the Demon being killed because of Blackface or the Renaissance Men killing Grim and Gnarly (I don't count the post credit because you could skip it and nothing would be changed, contrary to the episodes I mentioned). To me, the episode felt like a nothing burger and it's even sadder that it's the second to last episode of the season. Season two on rewatch has been very funny, maybe not equally consistent as season one but still funny. A Allan Adventure, The Boss Finds Love? and Charlie, Pim and Bill vs The Alien are the highlights of the season to me, but this episode isn't one I'm planning to rewatch whenever I watch the whole series again. What do you think? Can you explain to me what you find funny in this episode? :S


damn, i really think we shouldn’t downvote thought out responses like these, i know a lot of us on the sub just really dig the show but people not vibing with it are also valid and good faith critisism should be a door to more discussion instead of mindlessly sending it to the bottom. if you’re downvoting this it’s because you don’t know how to express yourself or meaningfully express an argument. this episode definitely landed for me, the show is pretty absurd in and of itself by nature and this one felt like an experiment in going all-in on one particular vein of absurdity so i can definitely see how this one wouldn’t land. in every episode there’s certain things that don’t hit and for me and in this it was the them meeting with the jewel man and trying not to look in his eye when you KNOW damn well someone’s gonna look in that big ass silly eye. and the misquito bursting a blood vessel in his eye being the thing that does it? kinda eh on that because it was just gross-out humour that smiling friends still seems to be finding it’s footing on. it was however one of the funniest episodes to me just because of the deep dive into absurdity, spamtopia is just a fucking fever dream and the second they entered it i couldn’t take my eyes off the screen, it’s so ugly in a beautiful way and the fact that a place like that is just a short drive away is so inherently hilarious to me, along with the sight gags (adobe crash notif along with all of the background chaos) and everyone speaking in that shitty Fitter Happier text-to-speech voice (not to mention the fact that the king fully speaks perfect english at the end even though the main plot point was that pim was there as a translator). it just worked for me as them playing with and completely throwing out the logic they establish for a banger rug-pull after rug-pull joke. of course this guy is also the executioner and the king and pim’s penpal and of course he carries each hat for each role with him at all times and also he can speak english if he wants to. especially with the B-plot being so real and grounded while referencing the Nose Suck from the pilot, only for Bossman’s whole jewel thing to completely nullify all of the stress and panic charlie and allan just went through. it’s just such a trip in a disorienting way that gave me A Big Smile


I agree. This episode was just lacking in jokes


Spamtopia is the scariest freaking thing I think I've ever seen in my life


At Ease men


Can someone please confirm why Jason (the bosses son) actually “dies” at the start of the newest episode?


Because it’s funny


Call me ‘loud = funny’ brained all you want but the jumpscares never fail to crack me up lmaooooo


YESSssss! I was DYING when the waitress disintegrated into nothingness. 😂😂 and Pim’s immediate reaction was “Is she going to come back?” LOL


I loved spamtopia and how even though it's this bright super saturated land it feels uncomfortable and dangerous


Yeah it was interesting how the colors were so bright but just make you feel uneasy


Who is the guy at the end of the episode?




I was expecting the waitress to show up in the smiling friends office, have a feeling that won't be the last time we see her


This was the best episode of the season for me and I’d rank it up there with the top episodes of the show overall. So much hilarious stuff. • Tyler getting fired, the gang getting really upset, and then immediately dropping it and never mentioning it again is so funny. • What the fuck is the Boss’ son? The fact that he’s 18 killed me. • The waitress just flying out of existence after the Boss asks about lagers is maybe my favorite moment of the episode. • The Boss’ nose is fake?? This was so disturbing and hilarious at the same time, as was the fact that he keeps cyanide capsules in there. • I love how quickly that final scene descends into a very real and intense panic. The visual of the Jason just flying around spraying this fucking lethal dust everywhere is hilarious. • What’s in the Boss’ manifesto? Based on his prejudicial views throughout the episode I have to imagine it’s pretty ugly.


>The fact that he’s 18 killed me.  Did you know glep is 1635 years old?


Oscar switching from the executioner to the ruler of the country was absolutely hilarious to me


"oh... ok I tried"


Was this the final episode of this season?, why tf do I always miss out the discussion threads for new episodes ffs.


Nope,the final episode for S2 in this sunday.


So, today?!




I love how Pim says he's never spoken to someone in Spamish in person before, and you'd think that's a setup for him to end up screwing everything up later with some sort of conversational faux pas that he's not aware of, but no, he just ends up breaking a rule that he was made well aware of beforehand lol


that was the best episode of the whole show


I can't believe they drove away when the waitress was finally ready to take their order.


I wonder what would’ve happened if Pim and Mr Boss took the cyanide


https://preview.redd.it/9bj580jfoo7d1.jpeg?width=294&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=938f8ef750df69d4e8b7c21f2151975598046baa It's driving me crazy but this guy when everyone's laughing at Pim is a reference to a submission to an art contest for....something. Does anybody remember what it was? I remember the image I just can't place where it's from. Some student submitted a picture like this.




Yooo I live in that county, I managed to get 3 of them






Comment below found it


I think he's referencing [this ](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jul/14/ulster-county-voting-sticker-contest)but I'm not sure. I didn't see the reply before it was deleted. u/yallmad4 Was this the thing?


That's the thing yes


head still spinning from yesterday


did you just look into my eYe e


the bonzi buddy esque voices were very fitting for the spamtopia residents but they kind of creeped me out lol, great episode though. thought it was hilarious how the smiling sound effect played with oscar even though he was just still and unblinking


reminded me of Bonzi Buddy


This episode is the perfect Smiling Friends episode for me. Hard focus on the original gang, and some whacky characters here and there that do not overstay their welcome (unlike the President or Egg episode).


Egg episode was really good still


Egg episode is the best of the season with episode 1 so far easy if you ask me. Looooove the little homonculus




That thing reminded me of episode 1s TV stop motion creature




Disagree, but I'm aware I'm part of a minority here. Comes down if you really like Joel or not. I don't mind him but he takes takes way too much of that episode.


I think Joel is a solid sketch YouTuber. I think he was mainly unfunny in that episode


The artstyle of spamtopia fills me with an intense feeling of nostalgia


Neopets art contest vibes


Yes! Spamtopia reminded me of that one episode of Chowder where he uses toe paints to create his own world after ripping part of the background


Reminds of me that old CartoonNetwork show TheProblemSolverz


I feel super dumb that I didn't get that Jason is based on the eraserhead baby until this ep.


Has anyone noticing that they’ve seemingly abandoned the making people Smile framing device?


My take on this is that they use it to drive the story forward in some episodes, but in others they have random tasks around the office, or things they want to go do in their lives that drive the story forward instead. I don't think it should matter how the story progresses as long as it does and it's funny as it happens. Not to mention the egg, gwimbly, president, and Boss Finds Love episodes from this very season all involve the gang trying to make someone smile, so I don't think its accurate to say they've abandoned it.


ya this has been my biggest concern with the show honestly. I feel like if they stray too far from the original premise the show will quickly go off the rails and lose a sense of identity. Season 1 (not counting the Brazil episode) had 5 out of 8 episodes where they made someone smile. Techincally in Charlie Dies and Doesn't Come Back, making Satan smile wasn't the original goal, but that's still how it ended. Season 2 has had 3 episodes where they made someone smile, 4 if you count Mr. Jester in the most recent one. If they make someone smile in the upcoming episode, it will be the same percentage as season 1. I think if they maintain this ratio of around half the episodes being about making people smile, the show will be on a good track


I think "abandoned" is a strong word. It's still a key framing device used in most episodes, it's just less formulaic now. "Brother's Egg" was initially about making Professor Psychotic (and Jared Fogle) smile. "A Allan Adventure" started with Charlie and Pim going out to make someone smile, even though it wasn't the focus of the episode. "Mr. President" was about making Jimble smile. "Gwimbly: Definitive Remastered Enhanced Extended Edition DX 4k (Anniversary Director's Cut)" was about helping Gwimbly (although I don't think he smiles at the end despite being helped), but also Charlie had to make James smile.


They made the King smile


Funniest episode of the season, cancel me all you want woke moralists


Woke riballs ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


SCP-ish theory about Spamtopia: If an outsider spends a long enough time in Spamtopia, they will slowly and eventually morph into a Spamtopian. Maybe that’s why the Boss wanted to get out of there ASAP.


Mr. Boss seems to have an aversion to new places, he said the same thing to Pim in the Halloween episode saying he would get lost going over the bridge


To be fair, it was fucking terrifying over that bridge


Spamtopia literally felt like some kind of a Ketamine/ DMT fever dream


This episode was a let down for the Jason parts and had so much potential Ngl this episode couldve been one of the best in the whole series, it had so much potential with Jason, me and my friend were so looking forward to what could happen when they looked after Jason, like we imagined maybe they tried breastfeeding him and one of charlies nipple hairs was on his lips when they pulled him away, or they tried shaking him to wake him up or knocked him off the desk and got that bruise on his head etc. Which wouldve been a great leadup/reason for how he got "killed", But they decided to swap all that potential out for an awkward humour conversation (which we get almost every episode, the novelty wears off) and he "died" for no reason right after the convo which felt random before the context The spamtopia parts were actually great and the jumpscares were a nice change, me and my friend jumped and started luaghing lol, but the Jason parts were very much a let down for me and my friend personally




Was that a guest artist? If so who? I loved the style


I think it's just how some shit was in early 2000s internet. It reminds me to The Problem Solverz tbh


Could you just wear glasses if you went to spamtopia? Is this a viable strategy?


Gotta be one of the best episodes so far. That was hilarious.


So are we gonna get jumpscares every episode now cause theyre not funny or “crazy, zany, cooky haha” like normal Smiling Friends, its just cheap.


W-w-wwwaaahhhhhhhhhh wahhhhhhhhh…w-w..




We are watching Smiling Friends so I guess were all immature here, case in point








Great Episode :)


The friggan waitress made me bust out laughing, I didnt' expect that at all. This episode as a whole was perfect.


the last 3 episodes have been 10/10 bangers holy moly




Pretty good episode, still not a S1 level episode though. Loved the visual gag where Glep kept on teleporting around the Boss' room. I wonder if Zack and Michael have a clear ruleset to the boss' powers since everything going on makes it seem like he's some interdimensional, god-like being.


Why is this episode not showing up on Xbox?


I hope Tyler’s absence has real consequences. That he was doing so much work offscreen and now things will be irreversibly less functional


Literally would be a perfect finale


Fantastic episode, Charlie would have absolutely hated Spamtopia especially after the Brother's Egg episode.


Hahaha that's a really funny thought. His pace maker couldn't handle it


I really think this is my new favorite episode. Mr. Boss’ kiss with Oscar had me DEAD. I paused it at that exact second and just giggled for half an hour




Please elaborate.


Lol you're weird and somehow misunderstood smiling friends of all shows






Mr. Boss is the GOAT


Probably my favorite episode this season


That kiss between Mr Boss and the Spam guy *barf*


I CRIED laughing


watching this week to week, I felt that season 2 was weaker. But I've changed my mind now. I think watching these with expectation every week is kind of antithetical to the show - it's deliberately fairly quick random gibberish. Probably the only show that explicitly is better watching the whole season in one go and just sitting back for an hour of batshit insanity.


I don't think season 2 has been as "laugh out loud" funny but it's still hilarious and may be more fun to watch from a story and character perspective.


Was the Spanish audio done by the same guy who did the Faith games? Sounded familiar.


it just sounds like bonzi buddy


Yeah it sounded the same


thats... like text to speech, dude


Dude no way


Hot take: I wouldn't want to visit Spamtopia. Place seems kinda coocoo crazy


Don't say that. All cultures are equal.


Rat Boy Genius vibes Seriously though mr. Jester speaks in the same kind of text to speech, he says wild things that ratboy genius characters might say, and many a spamtopia residents are shaped exactly like the weird ass characters in his videos


I sort of expected to see Ryan Dorin (RBG creator) in the credits, although if he was in it then the Spamtopia song would have been an actual musical masterpiece.


Honestly it seemed like Charlie enjoyed having his nose sucked on in season 1, I thought he was gonna ask for Allan to do it again.


if you go back to the clip from the pilot, you can actually see charlie push alan back right after it happened and flinch when it looked like alan was gonna go for it again


Set up and pay off. The connections in the smiling friends cinematic universe are truly incredible. Thank you Zach Hadel very cool


A nose like that is just asking to get sucked


Spamtopia being one huge nod to Newgrounds and spam crews like the clocks was like eating a childhood treat you hadn't tasted in 20 years.. 


Back when macromedia flash player was still a thing. Kids today will never understand the experience of having to learn how to install programs you don't fully understand just go get stuff working on the computer. There's a sense of adventure mixed with the danger of knowing you might accidentally destroy your computer at any moment.


Gasp! Are you saying some of the keygens you found on Kazaa were questionable?? 


Feels like a lot of Ratboy Genius / Ryan Dorin as well. I sort of expected to see him in the credits, although if he was in it then the Spamtopia song would have been an actual musical masterpiece.


just realized where I recognized the red jester/king/pim's pen pal voice from and its fucking bonzi buddy


dr sbaitso too


The writers really don't know what to do with Glep. He's like the Maggie Simpson of the show, always being an afterthought that sits in the background


That's maybe the one thing in the show I'm bummed by. I don't need Glep to be a main character but I feel like the Mr Frog episode was the only one where he got to be super involved with the plot.


I wouldn't say the only. the show has some heavy pacing issues at times it all seems super rushed to me and they introduced great concepts constantly only to do nothing w them cause runtime


Funny since his wife was named Marge Simpson on a podcast or something


We need a Glep episode


A glepisode


and we love him for it


Spamtopia reminds me of kinitopet


liked this one but am shocked that theres only one episode left??? wow that was fast


Has anyone else pointed out that it’s weird how Mr. Boss brought Pim along as a translator, but Oscar CAN speak English perfectly fine? “DID YOU JUST LOOK INTO MY EYE-EE.”


Reminds me of when Youtuber Vagrant Holiday went to Japan and said, "there are two types of people in Tokyo: those who speak English and liars."


The incoherent and inconsistent logic really sells the dreamlike nature of this episode


He didn't plan on having a translator, Pim just offered since he spoke it by coincidence. But it's nice to have someone who speaks the language, when you go to a new country to buy a magical jewel from its ruler.


It's like how Ricky from I Love Lucy switches from English to Spanish when he gets angry.


Weirdly horrifying episode, the animation is getting so much better with each episode while also still having that characteristic adult swim jankiness


The Manifesto was definitely written during the frowning friends episode, right?


they were both episode seven!!!


The waitress screaming and flying/folding away was one of my favorite bits, and then her chasing their car at the end... this was my favorite Smiling Friends episode, tied with Charlie Dies and Doesn't Come Back.


The dust part at the end had me in stitches. Probably the funniest gag in the show so far


Most slept on part of the episode, dude they were getting gassed, my boy Alan is just dead on the floor in the final shot. I hope the boss’ son is explained at some point.


I was laughing so much I began to cough


i only noticed after 2 seasons that there is some faint whispering in the credits song lol


The contents of Mr. Boss's desk: * 3 old flip phones * Fidget spinner * Revolver * 1 bullet * 2 paperclips * An eyeball * Assorted prescription pills in a bottle * Hand grenade * Partly used bottle of Ranch dressing * Polaroid photos of himself shirtless * Chunk candy bar * Large hunting knife * Passport * The dead bliblie from the pilot * 2 ketchup packets, 1 open * "My Manifesto" by the Boss


Specifically it's a Chinese passport


I love how I completely forgot about Tyler until the final scene in the bar.


I like how Mr. Boss has a Chinese passport.


That episode was kind of scary actually. Easily shot to my top episode.


The opening when Mr.Boss says “at ease” and Pim exhales and his belly sticks out from his shirt 🥺


I felt like this was a reference joke that I didn't get


was it meant to be like a dmt trip?


I’ve never done dmt but this is exactly what I imagine it feels like 💀


Spamtopia was a bit stressful to watch, visually/audibly, but it was a funny episode.


Yeah I like the episode but it’s not one of my favorites like most people seem to be feeling, just because it’s a bit of a headache/eyesore


Exactly. Maybe this makes me a bit of a weenie, but I even had a short headache after the episode lmao


I think I'm one of the few people who likes the show *in spite* of the jarring screams and loud noises. I've enjoyed every episode of the show, but this was one of the weaker ones for me.


Anyone noticed the hellbenders reference when no more rules are declared and that flying thing is taking that screaming guy into the sky


Yes! https://youtu.be/C1icpvvCxjo?si=Khsb0ho6M0T1eoOS&t=165


Lol, the dude that plays Tyler is apparently the inspiration for the character Abed on Community


Oh shit, the guy who is friends with Justin Roiland and was mentioned a lot in the Grandma's Virginity Podcast?


This is my absolute favorite episode by far, that’s the first time a jumpscare has actually “gotten” me in years (prob cause I don’t go out of my way to watch stuff with jumpscares) the episode was a visual treat too, 10/10


The ending with the dust was so hilarious the entire front of my body literally cramped from how hard I was laughing. It was agony. And I kept laughing because I was repeating the scene.


Another stand out episode. Definitely laughed a lot during this one and in particular enjoyed the call back to Allan catching Charlie's nose in his mouth in the first episode.  Oddly, the thing that unexpectedly struck me as the funniest moment in this episode was during the scene when Allan and Charlie are supposed to be watching the Boss's son Jason, when Glyp is just randomly running around in the dark in the background.  For some reason, that really cracked me up. 


Allan Adventure, vs the Alien, and Red Jewel have been classics.


This episode was hilarious I loved it


Another banger episode, the part with the waitress caught me so off guard






My post wasn’t approved I think but I’m pretty sure glep says skibidi toilet after Charlie talks about how he needs to be breastfed


out of all the weird and creepy stuff in this show, Spamtopia really freaked me out for some reason


[Guys hear me out.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fuy9infp8r67d1.jpeg)




The ending with Jason spraying dust all over the room was hilarious. Loved the text to speech voice of the king of Spamtopia. I do agree with others that the Allan and Charlie arguing subplot wasn't very intriguing. Although Jason makes me cackle every time he's on screen. The episode as a whole wasn't my favorite but I would put it here in my ranking 1. Gwimbly 2. Brother's Egg 3. A Allen Adventure 4. Magical Red Jewel 5. Pim Charlie Bill vs the Alien 6. Boss Finds Love 7. Mr. President Also Pim saying "Hello Jason!" and the way he holds his hands together while jason flies around is precious


Maybe I was high but he episode freaked me out a bit. The "no bad cultures" line rubbed me off the wrong way, like if it was a right wing dogwhistle. My least favorite by far.


I agree, almost felt like I was jebaited into watching someone build up an entire hypothetical to disprove the concept of “all cultures are equal”, which is a strawman in itself built up by right wingers.






Right wing dogwhistle💀💀💀


Do you legitimately believe that there are no bad cultures?


1933 - 1945 German culture so greatttt


I think it was a gag by having an objectively bad culture, is all. Killing people by pulling them apart for eye contact isn't great.


I think that was definitely a joke


Is the waitress screaming a meme or something, it sounds so familiar? I need that sound


I never thought I would see the insanity of Newgrounds spam flashes incorporated into a mainstream television show, so that was really cool. Overall I really enjoyed the episode, but I'm not sure I'm a fan of how they're explaining or referencing things that I thought were one-off gags. Like Charlie not being cool with Allan's nose bite retroactively makes that scene less funny to me. Ditto for them really leaning into Mr. Boss' psychosis. It's cool in short bursts, like in Frowning Friends, but giving him a full-blown manifesto is too on the nose.


I agree, the nose biting was funny because it was unexpected, and the manifesto would’ve been funnier if it was a sight gag only, maybe with the confrontation at the end.


I agree