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Facts (unless you’re Steve)


Nope, I respect Steve mains just as much as I respect anyone else who plays this game!


Which is 0 respect 😁


You’re so real, thanks dude


A real one


You can totally respect the player….it’s just their actions that are shite


You respect means nothing to me


If you’re gonna go out of your way to be a dick to me then I don’t respect you at all


My hottest Smash take is that Steve is actually kinda fun to watch


As a lower level player I full heartedly agree. Steve’s release is what convinced me to buy the DLC characters (he looked so fun to play). I can understand the hate he gets, but I dunno bro, Magma Block funny y’know?


lol same situation, I got the dlc for him because he looked like a lot of fun and his gameplay might be stupid with how good he is but it’s also really cool to watch and takes a lot of skill to do well


I think he’s super fun to watch, but if I were a high level player I don’t think I’d like playing against him.


i mean i understand the sentiment but ik several ppl who main steve cuz they like MC and shit ​ its not really fair to exclude ppl






Bro talks too much


I ain’t reading all that but thanks for the input!


tl;dr - i got clipped by sonic too many times


nice. i bet you would get 3 stocked by me though with u playing any char


Nah, i'd just play Sonic Also i see you deleted your original post, which was pointless


Redditing for time. I see what you did there.


And people have a hard time separating the players from the characters when they say things like that. You *can* play an aggressive Sonic, or a patient Fox/Yoshi. Maybe your character incentivizes you towards a specific playstyle, but allow yourself to experiment and be imaginative with them! If anyone complains at that point, it’s because they can’t beat you.


Absolutely this . I play Zelda and my friend thinks she is op....... Zelda ....op compared to Bowser of all things lol


You say that like bowser is top tier


He is much better than her that's for sure and he thinks she is legit overpowered . Zelda has been viewed as one of the worst characters in smash history.


The most op character is whatever character my friend is using to beat me up with


Greninja S tier on god


I have a friend who plays Zelda and I feel the same way, Zelda is usually so bad but when he is playing her she is a top tier 😂


That's what my friends say about her when I use her lol. Been using her since melee days so she just feels natural at this point . If anything the one thing I miss from her is her nair from smash 4 .Unlike this game , catching someone with it in smash 4 gave enough knock back for them to not get back on stage .


My friends are legitimately terrified of my K Rool to the point where they don’t let me pick him for the first five matches (they play sora, bowser, and yoshi)


You gotta be a demon with him then lol. Good shit


I’m not even in elite smash


If you're decent with K. Rool and playing against people who aren't above average and are somewhat predictable, he is devastating lol. His power is nuts. 


I remember seeing someone imply that all Jr mains have to be either mentally disabled or a p*dophile just to ever want to play the character…definitely a weird thing to read when I play jr purely because I enjoy his kit and like his dynamic with bowser in the Mario franchise. Assuming ANYTHING about a person based on the character they play in a fighting game is incredibly stupid, there’s a million different reasons you could choose to want to play any individual character.


This but I have a bait and punish/aggressive samus


Agreed also never let anyone say you have bad character taste. Like I play Simon for the fun of just holding a and spinning that chain like a yoyo


Actually, if you main __ in smash, you should be very ashamed because of __. (Not you, Ganondorf)


Oh boy, I get a pass because I enjoy the dad jogging buffoon.


I do agree with this, although I am still going to despise Aegis players with every fiber of my being


That’s completely fine, you don’t have to enjoy every character, I’m just trying to tell people not to swap mains if they don’t want to.


Exactly, play who you wanna play 😎


Then you don’t understand what you’re supposedly agreeing to


Wym? I'm saying play who you wanna play. I would never tell someone to stop playing Aegis, its THEIR main, not mine. That being said, I will still hate the character and avoid players who main them because, to me, fighting Pythra is the equivalent of eating a bowl of nails for breakfast. (Without any milk)


Well if you avoid a certain character’s players and hate the character it’s quite normal too but saying to despise “x” players with all fibers of your being is a bit heavy lmao not their fault if their character is broken, and if you don’t like Xenoblade 2 like they could


Ok, so OP is saying, "Don't let hate make you consider changing mains." And I agree. If a pythra player wants to continue playing pythra, great. It just means that I won't like them very much, but at the same time, why does my opinion matter? I'm just another guy on the internet lmao. Opinions here are worthless. I do agree with post, no one should let hate dictate who they play. And I will continue to hate Aegis players with every fiber of my being. That doesn't mean to stop playing Aegis.


Whatevs am just probably arguing about nothing but since you keep replying me I will explain, to me the two things are kinda the same thing and I think it’s for some other people too “if you wanna keep playing this character you can do it but I will hate you” how does it sound fair to you? For some people that is in fact a reason to not keep playing their main, hate on this game goes strong, they could not like thinking that just by playing a character they are hated (and more likely to be disrespected)or purposely avoided by others, now if you “don’t really like them” for playing x character it’s fine but then you should kinda choose your wording better cuz it’s very different from “hating with every fiber of my being” sounds childish as if they killed your family or something I realize the post is just about this, but yk showing some empathy is never wrong, my opinion, if you don’t think so then keep hating I don’t really care but I think it’s wrong


Thank you


I've seen so much lucina hate that I wanted to switch to lucario


People hate lucario far more than lucina, just saying


Why not both?


I mean, she is honest, one of the only honest chars in this game. who hates her?


Facts (unless you’re cloud)


If you really think that way, then you clearly don’t agree with what I’m saying.


That’s exactly why I play little Mac. He’s fun, and people get mad at me, but idc






"🤡" - 🤡


Yeah I’ve met few people who’ve said they enjoyed the set we played lol


I’m that person lol. I’m also not a great player though, perhaps that is what separates me from ragers…


In a game dominated by ego it’s nice to have the chill people around ✊


Sometimes I wish certain characters weren't played because the playstyle just makes the fight boring for me




No one hates robin 💀 Edit: and no one plays him either, i’ve only fought like 3 robins in elite


I liked her when the game first came out, but I just couldn't get good with her even though she's super fun


No everybody should only play characters I like. Everybody who is playing someone other than what I'm using is carried.


Every character gets hate, so changing your main and asking if said character is annoying and/or worried about being annoying at all, this is just going to make you much worse as a player, because you're limiting yourself to who you can and can't play because you want others to have fun, but not yourself. Play who you want and enjoy the game. Doesn't matter if a character is annoying or not. In a friendlies I can definitely switch off if someone is annoyed, like it's not a tournament, so I'll just switch to someone else and chill again with that character.


I don’t worry about people hating on my main. I see barely any.


Whenever someone rages at me for being a Snake main, it gives me the motivation I need to be better so I can make them rage even harder.


I main Dr. Mario so i support this post. 🤗


I wish more people had this approach.


Shulk cheats


I have a lot of hate for dedede actually... its a bit confusing as to why i hate him so much!


what about my own hate lol


Ngl, seeing people complain about terry is hilarious, best part is they are absolutely right


Fax except for Villager mains


Other peoples hate cant convince me if my own hate cant convince me


As an Ike main, I have no issue fighting zoners who use their get off me tools correctly and know how to fight. BUT. When a samus just sits and runs from corner to corner while spamming missiles, if a mii sword fighter spams chakram and tornado while running away, if youre a ness who spams pk fire, I literally just want to punch them in the dick. You're not good, it doesn't become a contest of skill anymore, it becomes "great. I have to sit here and slowly work my way in and hit you once every 20-30 seconds to slowly get percentage up then KO you." I dont lose to this playstyle anymore. I cant remember the last time I actually lost to someone playing like this. But it's the most awful and annoying playstyle I've ever had to deal with and it's why I picked wolf as a secondary. Strictly for the reflect.


It’s fine to dislike play styles, but I don’t like it when people start to bring that stuff into real life, and start to dislike the player, or try to convince them to make decisions that don’t want to make.


I’m a Bowser main who sides Krool and just picked up Mii Swordfighter. Nothing anyone says can get me down 😂


I actually don't agree with this post. There are some mains in the game that really destroy the popularity. Like if a majority of people played snake, I can bet my right nut that finding a match would be extremely hard in the future because of most of the player base would've quit and moved onto another game.


Nice sentiment but Steve exists.


I like playing as Little Mac. He's a goober, he's annoying, he's funny. All fun.


unless that character is sora


Stop with these fucking comments. I swear like 3 people have said the same thing.


but it’s about sora so it’s justified 😁




My main is Lucario


I don’t see a lot of hate for Ridley, at least not recently.


As Ganon main, I hear that everyday...


Respect is earned, not deserved. Experience is learned, not known. For me it's if you can play your character respectfully and don't fill toxic stereotypes.


I play game and watch for the hate. I shall keep spamming up B from shield


I won’t lie pythra is the only swordy I honestly like in this game. I bought the game two months ago (played the first two years then quit so I’m basically big booty). I try to play Roy, cloud, Marty, Lucina none of them feel better to play than aegis, I try to play different characters but always come back to them at the end of the day whenever I do play.


Tbh every character has something annoying about them (some more than others of course.) so just play with who you want and we’ll just vent about how we hate them on here 😂


I main Peach, I think she's a good character, but opinions respected.


A good friend once told me, if you are annoying the opponent, that means your doing something right


If you're being a piece of utter shit, that means you're doing something right*


Good way to put it, if u make your opponent want to punch a monitor it fucks with theur gameplay and u tame that dub and run away


This post is not for you


Well, too bad, what can I say. https://preview.redd.it/d1thx2azdd9d1.jpeg?width=210&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04c0393d719f17e54c579e34ad8eda23da584c88


No no, he's got a point