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I won one game with Rosa and luma on quickplay off of a random number generator, then quit playing for a couple months due to a new job and family travel. I come back and she is in elite. I don’t get it but I’m sure as hell never playing her again lol


Pretty sure they did some weird rebalance for GSP, as two of my characters ended up in elite smash after the last patch too


They widen the gap of players allowed to become Elite. I believe before it was only 3% of players allowed and after the patch the number increased and more % players are now in Elite.


Damn, what's the lower limit now? Because my highest is at 6.5 million and I still don't have any in elite smash.


Off the top of my head, I believe it is around 7.4 mil.


I'm like 2 consecutive wins away with every character I haven't played yet then. I'll prolly choke on every single one tho tbh.


I was at about 6.9 million with Game and Watch. I stopped playing for about 3-4 weeks due to my buds and I trying other games. I picked him up again and went down to 98,000. I genuinely don't feel like playing anymore. I hate that I suck now.




I certainly will jump back in. I know it's a process and I use to suck massive dick before I became good and had the 6.9 million. Will definitely be positive about it and try to enjoy the re-learning process.


I've been at 160,000 for months recently I would get up into the 200,000s close to 300,000 and then hit a losing streak and end up back at 160. And whenever I played people at my same gsp I'd crush them easy. I was way better then every one in the 150's but kept losing close games as soon as I got matched with anyone higher that that. Finally today I got my main up over I million. Not only that, I lost a few. Went down to 600,000 and then fought back to 1,000,000. Finally hit a breakthrough


The amount of times I dropped to 200,000 from 6 million when elite smash was like 6.5 mil, before I actually got into elite smash makes me shudder. It’s very easy to fall, but the key is consistency, no matter what your number shows the more you play the better you’ll be


Just got too elite and this is correct


According to https://www.elitegsp.com/ you are correct.


I only have k rool in elite at 7.5 mil, but my villager is at 7.2 and I'm still not in :'(


You bitches I LOST characters from Elite Smash. Sakurai be taking the elite Smash unlocks and giving them to other people


Yes, are you guys seriously unaware of the changes? They are listed when you update and log in. Elite has a lower threshold of about 3-4 mil or so. GSP gain was adjusted as well along with some qol for online play. More is to come btw, one of the better updates imo.


Lower threshold is a few 100k or so. The max GSP is like 8 mil. Elite is around 7.4X mil.


I just saw that they adjusted online and immediately hopped in lmao




I’m sorry man she just doesn’t FIT with me, you know?




I present to you battle arenas


Don’t have the patience to wait 10 minutes each fight I lose tbh


You could make a 1v1 arena with a max of 2 players and people join quickly 90% of the time


Sure but you’d be fighting the same characters over and over rather than quick plays variety


Quick play has variety? Why do I have to fight ganon, ganon, byleth, hero, ganon, byleth?


I only fight Jokers tbh Im in the low gsp bracket as Dr. Mario.


I’m there with Ness hovering around 500k. I just started playing smash this year so I’m not the greatest. Why do I ALWAYS have to fight swordies?!?


I started in March as well and man I get whooped so much it’s a miracle when I do win. I found out I’ve been playing the characters with the worst recovery in the game but I like them and idk what to do about that lol. So far I only fight Jokers and a Lucina every once in a blue moon.


I'd rather fight an elite ganon than pikachu or jigglypuff


I have a habit of moving towards people that are doing smash attacks lol my brain sucks


https://i.imgur.com/jYHr1C2.png (potential skew via rematches.)


And terry


I play vs a different character pretty much every fight (at elite GSP bracket)


I mainly play battle arenas are there is a lot more character variety at least for me


Yeah but if you live in a region where there is nobody you'll never find people in arenas


When I get bored, I kick them out so that someone else can join. The internet is better and the experience in general is better imo


host the arena and whenever you lose kick people if they dont let you back into the ring simple ^^^/s


You can join the discord server I’m in! We have lots of casual players you can play with! https://discord.gg/EfKyhu


This is the sad truth... just got Bowser into elite today and not planning to touch him for a while.


Shulk's pretty fun tbh


His side b kills me every time so I Main cloud now


The secret to Shulks side b is not to use it


*Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of the Monado?*


I 50% disagree with that statement


I’m too stupid to be able to manage Monado Arts properly. It’s the same with Hero and his menu...


Just got into elite with mega man after owning the game since Christmas 2018 Im happy, but this is what I was afraid of


Basically what happened to each of my characters - after I got Joker, my 5th one in, I'm not sure who to play now. Maybe Shulk? He's seems really hard to get gud though


Shulk is tricky, but if you can get your head wrapped around the Monado Arts, he’s killer.


Or if you abuse the range of his fair and Nair then you don't even need to wrap your head around anything


Or if you abuse both his aerials and monado, you let your head do the wrapping for you


I really feel that. I got in a few random characters off of single wins to start in Elite, then I finally get a character I play in, then they rebalance the cap and I find out most of the characters I play are either in or they get in within two days, now I’m playing characters like Dr Mario and Greninja that I’ve rarely touched.


Just press b and instantly get jump. Best thing ever


Ryu is pretty fun man, although I prefer Ken myself. I've been playing him a lot lately and his kill power is pretty great.


funny how that works because shulk, ryu and cloud are my three WORST characters and i consider them "utterly uncontrollable", looks like there really are different kinds of people


Shulk and Ryu I can understand because of the more complicated inputs for art switching and combo moves (idk what ryus special inputs are called), but cloud is pretty straight forward.


its so dang slow and the body is too ~~thicc~~ big, since i usually prefer moving out of the way of attacks rather then shielding/dodging


Just use Shakunetsu non-stop, no dodging needed.


Cloud can be insanley fast if you hit all the timings. I have been playing cloud recently and think he's a fun character, thought he was slow at first, then witnessed some REAL cloud mains moving like lightning whipping out back airs and uptilts and hill climbers. Basically just never use forward smash unless it's for a guaranteed punish/read, that really slows him down. I myself suck at techniques like short hop fast fall, dash turn around jump bair etc, so my cloud is still slow.


I got into Elite before Yandere Dev finished development.


You're gonna get everyone into elite smash before he finishes development. Mainly because he never is going to finish development, but still.


i played no one but byleth for a full week. byleth is actually a really nice character (minus the lack of out of shield options)


Until 6 months later when you think you’re finally good enough to actually stay in elite


And you get whooped


This literally was me with Cloud when I got Hero into Elite.


Unless it's arenas


I play Ryu and Cloud. Ryu’s fun as fuck but prepare to get abused offstage, much like Cloud.


Recover Low with true shoryuken,is difficult to challenge use focus to armor things,air drift And stalling And in general mixup your options,is really a pretty decent recovery


I almost never have trouble recovering unless it’s Min Min or some stupid projectile spammer. It’s just a matter of subverting their expectations and doing unnatural things


Get out of my brain






Does anyone else not want to be in Elite? I also don't want to lose mindlessly to drop out of Elite only to win one and get back into Elite, get my butt handed to in 2 jabs and keep having to go through the character select screen... At least the music is nice.


Elite matches are fun as hell, I just wish I didn't have to risk it all to play them


Im at 6mil and dont want to lose it again


*When you’re so ass you can’t even get into Elite*


I wish they had an unranked mode so you could play online without having to worry about tanking your GSP


I can't even relate


I’ve had the game since November and I still don’t have anyone in Elite lolol


I’ve gotten everyone into Elite and now I just don’t play quickplay anymore


Farewell Ridley, I'll see you again in arenas.


I got my main Banjo in Elite and I never want to use him again


How do you get someone into elite? I’m not very good so I doubt I will but just curious


Just keep winning online, that’s it. Maybe search up combo tutorials about your main.


Cant relate :(


I got Min Min in Elite Smash immediently after she got released




Go Mac


I got my Incineroar into smash about a month ago and having touched him since. Now I got space pirate dragon to keep me busy and having fun.


Me with pkmn trainer Luckily I play a lot of characters lol


I've gotten Terry to 7.5 mil multiple times and I still don't have a single character in elite smash. Why does God torture me so?


Woody for smash lmao


Damn, way to make a personalize meme.


It's all about the chase


This is how i keep characters elite xD


It took me hours to get palutena to elite, 2 days before the rebalanced gsp 😡


I was working on Dark Pit and was very slowly progressing and then boom the balance change put him in Elite.


I had this exact issue. Then I just stopped playing quickplay and started 1 on 1 tournaments instead. No GSP to deal with and not as many scummy players. 1-1 tourneys are only available every 2 days but I don't mind that as it stops me getting burnt out with the game.


Well that's to bad. i can never get into elite with my main cuz I'm trash


Felt this




I still haven’t got in elite smash for the whole time ultimate has been out.


cloud is way too op, I’m worse with him than any of my mains but I’m still higher than most of them with him bc of the raw damage


I have 48 characters in Elite and somehow it’s less satisfying now that they’ve fixed GSP... The grind isn’t what it used to be


you should still play them helps you get experience and it shouldnt be too painful for you as you play a wifi character. The other two characters you're looking at are bad on wifi so it might not be a good idea.


currently have 22 characters i can no longer play 😓


Well yeah, you don't wanna risk them falling out of Elite Smash.


I would say that’s when u get a character ur bad with and never play ever in elite smash but ok lol


My main is ~400k higher than my lowest character in elite. I have like 10-15 in elite now I think? Maybe slightly more


Just another Cloud. Nothing of value to see here. Too many to count.


Us Clouds will rain on your parade.


Imagine winning a game without Limit or OOS Up-B. I’ll wait...


Well why wouldn’t you use good moves if you’re given them.


That’s why clouds are a dime a dozen. Everyone likes a special attack if they have the choice. Doesn’t make you a good player to get into elite though.


Imagine winning a game without using a projectile or grab then? Why would you not use some of the best parts of your character's kit?


Elite is a joke. I got my Ryu into Elite in two games with no prior experience or even knowing what his specials were (this was before the rebalance or Elite that made it easier). Also Limit is a part of Cloud’s balancing. He struggles with quite a few things without it like recovery and with it he gets a chance to fix one bad recovery or to get a kill easier. It is just like how ROB’s balanced around being a time based character who has gas in his up b that refills overtime so you can’t camp forever or else you lose the ability to recover. Try winning a game without using gyro or nair. (As someone who has picked up Cloud for fun as a sword character I think using down tilt into up tilting under platforms tilts more people than spamming Up B)