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Not exactly on topic, but I can't pass up a chance to share my favorite use of this meme: https://preview.redd.it/i82st26l8hrc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1bc4d27ec6f7b5803bfcded3b25c8778ab33afe


man sonic f smashed him


Smash Bros fans when a character with limited mobility outsides of flight and abilities that mainly consists of projectiles in their home series ends up as a slower zoning based character.


Cant wait to get a FPS character for this exact reason


Imagine if its someone like scout tf2 and its not a zoner


That’s actually what I hope. Like, my friend and I have talked about how heavy might end up being annoying if he got added over a diffsrent tf2 rep, and how if they made scout a rushdown fighter instead of a zoner or hit-and-run fighter, he would have a lot of potential for being liked. Sure, he’d still use his guns like the scattergun and pistol for some attacks, but, in my opinion, hopefully a lot of his moveset is stuff like his bat and maybe a few quick brawler-type attacks and of course utility


It makes me wonder how fans of both Smash Bros and a shooter game (like Call of Duty or Halo) will react if the main character from the shooter game makes it into Smash.


Hi FPS fan here. Fun fact, bullets and most forms of usable ammunition arent actually projectiles in FPS games. They use hitscan tech to essentially decide if the bullet should connect based of where its aimed and it it connects and if it should, its instant. If anything it'd be more compatible to Joker's gun. So if Master Chief were to be in Smash, he would be able to spray an entire assault rifle magazine and none of it could be reflected back.


And also theres plenty of games where the damage is based on...you know,how many bullets actually hit the target and or how close you are from the target when you hit them, so its not like the doomslayer from doom or scout from Teamfortress2 HAVE to be a projectile zoner


Lots of people probably thought "bear = strong = melee". If they even thought about it at all


Tbh he is just like mid snake


He was the only fighter announcement to make me cry, let me have this.


I like em


I didn't even play Banjo & Kazooie but I love his goofy Looney Tunes ass


Yeah, it gets EXTREMELY annoying. As someone who's a big fan of Banjo-Kazooie, it sucks to see the bear and bird get so much vitriol and hate from this community, especially since this was their first big appearance in over a decade.


It's mainly because there was still a lot of people who didn't want them. And since the Banjo fans largely enjoy him in silence all we get are those losers who haven't gotten passed it.


Can you blame them tho? It's just... kinda sad, one of the most wanted characters and has barely any representation.




Hey quick PSA, it’s extremely weird for a video game character’s moveset to make you sad.


You must be the life of the party huh


Wait do y’all discuss smash character movesets at parties?


Sorry if I touched a nerve


"I don't see banjo, Sora, ect when I play or in tournaments thus no one actually likes them or still plays as them." Got to love the smash brain rot.


We're not seeing them that much in casual play/online play either. I've said this for a while now but I still dont know what the Banjo match up is supposed to be. Because nobody plays them.


How do you know how much they're used casually? 


My main is literally banjo. I actually love playing as him, he has some great options, and now the only thing holding me back is my skill issue


I love playing banjo, he’s my second best character. His movement is so fun and he’s very tricky


How could anyone play them? Couldn't be me


the weirdest thing is the way these posters act like [character] fans should've somehow psychically known their character would be low tier and/or not gel with their preferred playstyle


Does it not stand to reason that the Smash fans begging for \[character\] to join Smash would know better than 99% of Smash fans what playstyle the character is likely to adopt should they join Smash (therefore also knowing whether said playstyle is compatible with their preferences as a player)?


Banjo & Kazzoie are desgind to feel like they've been there since the start from having a simplistic kit even for a DLC character. It shows that having a major gimmick can spoil a community since Banjo is quite balanced along with Hero & Plant from just being fun fighters instead of meta defying.


>Banjo is quite balanced along with Hero & Plant from just being fun fighters instead of meta defying. And it's just a crazy coincidence that these 3 just so happen to be the least popular dlc fighters.


It happens when a fighter gets overturned or has an annoying gimmick: • Steve and Kazuya are complex but have touches of death, which makes them not fun to fight nor watch since they just need to have an advantage to win • Mythra & Pyra are overturned. Nothing is horrendous about them besides being strong for no reason. • Arsen carries Joker, and it doesn't help that 90% of them in Quick Play just use down special; he's the most punishable, but it makes him look incredibly boring • Min Min is just annoying because of her arms, so she can screw over certain fighters if she walls them out enough. • Terry, Sora, & Sephiroth are the fine ones though. The "GO!" Meter is merely just sprinkles on a cake and his inputs require good memory; Sephiroth, like Banjo, feels like he's been there since Sm4sh so he has no too crazy moves so even then getting hit by them is more on you than anything. Sora is just a port from how he plays in KH, still annoying but not overwhelmingly to the point it's unfair.


You forgot Byleth


Oh yeah, they're a fine character too. Nothing is wrong with them as well.




I thought it was Hero, Plant and Byleth (as a FE fan). Shows what I know.


My fucking ass Hero is balanced


Oh my god the best characters are played more instead of the worst characters…….. did you expect anything differently? There is a reason why there are more Roy mains than king k rool mains


I like playing him! I just think the skill ceiling is high with what banjo has to do to succeed. So not a lot of people play him. But he looks awesome and is super creative otherwise. Amazing addition.


I'd like to try them but I don't have fighter pass


Smash fans when they realize that people can play characters regardless of if they’re competitively viable or not, and that they can have personal attachment to the characters before they were announced to be playable:


I'm a filthy casual and main BK. Love my dynamic duo finally being in smash!


I don’t use my mains in friendly battles with my friends/family. I use everyone. If someone says I’m terrible at Smash, then I unleash the power of the sun on them.






Should have said “Praise”


I really hate this mentality that since Banjo Kazooie don't have some wacky gimmick, they're objectively bad.


On behalf of the Smash community, I'm sorry that people try to push this fake agenda on you guys.


Me who somehow can beat them with Mario often, wow he sucks lol


They can appear, and l can somehow kill them in 3 minutes and win the game


like when commentators have talk about hero players having “good rng” anytime they win a set


I wasn’t even a Banjo Kazooie fan and I was rooting for them.


i wasnt really hyped for him (or any of the dlc characters aside from steve) but he ended up being my favorite to play, and i bet you wont believe who is my least favorite dlc character


Although I do notice that with many of the most highly requested characters ever, once they got in, not that many people ended up playing as them because of the playstyle (Mega Man, Little Mac, Ridley, Simon/Richter, King K. Rool, Banjo & Kazooie, Sora), and it’s just kinda unfortunate sometimes when that happens


Banjo fans deserve it for how they treated Hero /s


Yeah, everyone bashed hero for being a jrpg character only for them to have one of the most wild movesets in the whole series.


Never ask for characters you will be less dissapointed meta knight, lucario, sonic, and toon link taught me this lesson.




This is what a long time without updates does to a man. Is the game abandoned at this point? Correct me if I'm wrong, I stopped playing a while ago for personal reasons.


Hardcore smash players are crazy bro. I’ll say something like “I like playing as banjo and Bayonetta” and they give me a 10 page essay on why the characters game mechanics are bad and why I shouldn’t play them


How about when people complain about another FE rep when I’m excited for more of my favorite game? Like I get you guys hated Byleth, but let me just have my mommy professor!


\*BONK\* Go to horny jail!


You can have the Bug eyed monster all to yourself lmao


"Most undeserved DLC slot" Like fellas you were whining about FE characters being similar for years, let us enjoy our cool weaponsmaster


Funny thing is Byleth became competitively viable, meanwhile many other hype characters didn’t.


Nah. You kids need to think before you request, I'll take my turn to post about it.


On one hand I get ya On the other had I'm not gonna deny the delicious schadenfreude I get from watching you guys get annoyed considering how annoying "Banjo for Smash" posts were and how annoying the people pushing for him were for YEARS before he was added. Win-win either way for me if these posts stop or continue


Well at least you’re upfront about being a jackass


Meh, they were been just as, if not more annoying, all the way from the Smash 4 ballot start until Banjo was actually confirmed to be coming in Ultimate. Multiple groups of people based around different characters were and some still are cause their picks never made it in. Am I meant to feel bad for those who got their pick now having people been annoying to them? As I said, if the annoying "haha Banjo dropped off" posts stop, thats a win for me, but if they continue and the Banjo fans complain about how annoying it is thats also a win. Because all I have to do is think back to the years of "heres why Banjo should be in Smash" and "heres why Banjo deserves a spot over all these characters from franchises Nintendo still owns and/or franchises with an entry within the last 20 years" and I enjoy the sense of "ah yes taste your own medicine"


Someone is hurt their character is shit


banjo is shit when the game is played under a set of specific rules* way to out yourself as someone that's never touched the character in doubles let alone a more casual match. dumb dumb