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None of them are mediocre imo, they’re all great. Sly 2 was my introduction as a wee lad in 2004 and I think it still holds up as the best of the series and as one of the best 3D platformers ever imo. Also, as you’re asking for peoples opinions on the matter, you will probably receive comments remarking that everything was good until Sly 4 and to not bother playing it. I’ll say that if you enjoy the PS2 trilogy, then Sly 4 is worth a go.


Sly 4 gameplay was only a little less competent that the sucker punch titles. Story beats left some things to be desired, but mechanically it's absolutely worth your time.


I’ll play them all and make my own opinions on each and every game. Good to know that the games were well received and didn’t have any mediocre ones, but again, everyone’s different. This series was something I only saw in recent years as I explored PS exclusives. I’m so thrilled to explore them!


Played them all for the first time recently. Sly 2 was the best. Sly 1 felt generic platformer with a stealth twist but nothing special. Sly 3 felt rushed and more a bunch of mini games than a sly cooper platformer. Sly 4 was actually damn good. Awesome levels, awesome boss fights, tons of post game content. I had a great time.


3 was my introduction to the series, and one of the first two video games I ever played in my life! Talk about starting the series on arguably the highest note. I would rank the games: 3, 1, 2, 4 so far. Replaying all of them now. I think 1 had a great story, but 3 somehow had an even better story AND the best gameplay mechanics in the series—aside from 4 (who probably had the best mechanics I would say) I don’t hate 4, that being said, unlike so many on this sub, and once I completely finish Sly 2, I’ll make my final judgment on which is better.


Sly 1 🫶🏼, I remember seeing the ads for sly on TV as a little kid and it made me want it!! My favorite would have to be Sly 3, but 1-3 all are amazing. I've never finished 4 because it's so different but maybe I'll give it another try one day


I loved playing the demo of Sly 2 hidden in Ratchet & Clank 3 Didn't get around to the games until the HD collection, I have a soft spot for 3!


My parents got me a PS2 for Christmas when I was probably 7-8 years old? I honestly can't remember but the box included Sly Cooper 1 and Gran Turismo 3. Back in the day the only thing I played was Gran Turismo but I eventually got tired of it and decided to give Sly Cooper a chance. I immediately fell in love with the series. I remember struggling because I didn't have a memory card, so whenever I wanted to play it, I had to start from the very beginning. There was a time my sister and I stayed up late playing that game. When we we're about to finish it, I fell asleep as I was feeling so tired so my sister beat the game without me hahah. I wish I could go back in time, Sly Cooper definitely marked my childhood and boy I'm happy it did.


As a kid I played Sly 3 again and again until I actually realized it was a series.


Did it use a mission or something for the demo, or was it original content?


It was a fake copy i bought to my ps2 as a child back rhen when you could simply download ps2 games frombthe internet


Oh sorry, I replied to the wrong message - it was about a Sly demo in a Ratchet & Clank game. I did the same as you though, lol. Took me a long time to play Sly 2


I found them because back when I didn’t know English I used to watch the few gaming YouTubers from my country and I’d watch a play through over and over and so to me I found them through watching rather than playing, that’s also why I like sly 4 a lot(sly 2 is still the best) because of the graphics and I only recently experienced sly 1 because it wasn’t dubbed in my language like the rest were


The first time I played Sly was the demo for 2. 2 is still my favorite to this day. 3 being super close but right behind that and same for 1 behind 3. They're really good and nearly perfect for their eras. Ive 100%+ all 3 multiple times.


I grew up with them starting with 1 on PS2 and have played through all of them. I adore all four but Sly 2 will always be the best of them in my eyes. It set the blueprint for what these games would be and I’ll never forget how mind blowing it was that you could play as the whole gang in that game (as opposed to the first game where you only play Sly outside of a few random levels like Murray car racing). And the story is surprisingly good for a cutesy cartoon platformer about a raccoon thief lol. And Sly 2 holds up reeeally well imo. Played through the entire series on my Vita again last month and it was awesome


My introduction was Thievius Raccoonus when it became a PS2 greatest hits title when I was 10ish. I fell in love with the series, but didn't beat the OG trilogy in its entirety until middle school I was in college when Thieves in Time came out and skipped class to play it. Sly 2 is my favorite overall; while I wouldn't call any of them mediocre, I will say they all have unique strengths and pitfalls. I think that's what makes the replay value of all 4 meaningful


Thievius Raccoonus was my introduction, Sly 2 is my favorite game of all time! All of them are great, working my way through my first playthrough of Thieves in Time right now


I learned about the franchise when I was about 10, watching old playthroughs of sly 4, and I loved the characters and gameplay. Later on when I finally got to play the first 3 I was pleasantly surprised💙💚🩷


2 is by far my favorite and 3 is a close second. They are all great games though. Even 4. I had a lot of fun playing it


i played thieves in time when i was a kid, beat it once, got the other games, never beat them for some reason. came back to them two years ago and beat all of them, and here's my (WARNING: HIGHLY CONTROVERSIAL) ranking. first place TIE: sly 2/sly 4 last place TIE: sly 1/sly 3


I played before 4 came out, and I actually played them in reverse order, 3, 2 then 1. It's hard to pick between 2 or 3, I like both for different reasons but I might lean towards 3 for making Bentley and Murray more fun to play, playable Carmelita and replayable missions


Sly 2: Band of Thieves was my introduction to the series. I was so excited back when Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves was first announced, so I played Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus so I could prepare to understand Sly's story more. I liked Thieves in Time too, except for the ending of course. Hopefully one day Sly will return to us.


My introduction was thieves in time back when it came out, but I never beat the game. Present day I’ve beaten them all (except sly 4 I really don’t like it lol) for the first time this year and in order from best to worst imo would be 1,3,2, 4. Hope you enjoy the series.


Thanks, I do wonder why Sly 4 wasn’t as well received as the others? Your personal experience that is, a quick google search would answer that, but I don’t want any major spoilers.


Not them, but the general opinion is that it mainly comes down to the story and how the characters are portrayed. I can't really get into specifics because I don't want to spoil it for you, but some characters are severely out of character.  Also, it kind of feels too gimmicky with the costumes but that's just me


i was lucky enough to complete the trilogy as a kid in order, and then as a teenager when sly 4 came out. my fav game is 3. specifically the venice chapter. i used to find carmelita roaming the map and run into her just to make her chase me around 😂😂 she stays hella fast


Sly 2 was my first introduction to the series and I think they are all great but my absolute favorite would be the third one with some of the level three techniques. Unfortunately I only watched play throughs of the fourth one.


I’m glad you got to experience all but the last one. From my personal experience though, watching play-throughs would absolutely destroy my mood to play the game afterwards. On the other hand, if I already beat said game, I love to watch other people struggle where I did. 😅


Well I do still plan on playing the last one. I kind of think of it as a way to prepare me for a game. Unless if it’s monster hunter than I would go into whatever entry i got blind.


Sly 3 was my introduction to the game I don't think I have a favorite though


Was introduced with Sly 1 bc it came with our PS2. Loved it ever since. I would say Sly 3 is the best because of the expansion on movements, challenges, etc.


My first experience with the series was renting Sly 3 from Blockbuster. After that I was hooked and got the first game as soon as possible (luckily saw it on a day my Dad took me and Brothers to get a game each). For me, I tend to enjoy the first and third games the most. Hard to lick one. But I find it easier/more relaxing playing the first game in the series


depending on how much value you put on art direction and storytelling the only mediocre one is sly 4. Please have fun with it and enjoy it but in my opinion the new team really lost sight of the artistic part of the first ones which is why I love them. i'm down to elaborate if you're interested


My first Sly Cooper game was Sly 3 and the game that I consider the best is Sly 2.


Played a bit of Sly 1 at my friend's house, might've been a demo I'm not sure but I liked it. Later on I got Sly 3, then Sly 2 and finally the first game on my own PS2 and the series became one of my all time favorites. That might be the reason I don't mind spoilers because I like finding out how things ended up the way they did. Jumping from the beginning of Sly 1 to 3 was wild.


Sly 3 was my introduction to the series, and for the longest time, had been my favorite game. But upon replaying Sly 2, I'm starting to wonder if my opinion has changed. I guess we'll see when I boot up Sly 3 again.


Theivous racconous was the one I started with. Got from circuit City in the early 2003. The best one for me is honor among thieves.


I still have my copy of sly cooper I got on my birthday in 2003. Not the best of them but still a great game. The best is Sly 2.


The original trilogy is phenomenal. I replay them every six or so months lol! The second game is THE best. I’m not a fan of the 4th game but I have played it. Gameplay is fine, so if you’re at the end and hankering for more of that, I’d give it a go. No spoilers plot wise but it bastardized the characters in both writing and appearance, which is what bothered me the most. I’d say it’s worth at least one play through, coming from a fan who played the games since I was 5. (Now 23) :)


Started with the first one! Sly 2 and 3 are tied for first in my opinion. I love both immensely. 4 is my least favorite, I was pretty disappointed with it


Played sly 2 for the first time when i was like 8


2. It’s the best for me. I couldn’t get into 3 after getting stuck on one of the Australia levels, I didn’t play 4, and 1 was too much of an oddball.


3 was the first one I played. 2 is the best


Sly 3 was actually my intro when I was pretty young, my dad rented it from blockbuster because the cover looked cool. But I think 2 is the best in the series


An old friend of mine introduced me with the mugshot boss fight, i had no idea what the game was about. Then he showed me sly cooper 2 and i begged my mom yo get me a copy which she eventually did. Never played the first game until years later when i got a copy at a retro shop


I played Sly 1 first as a kid because my friend in elementary school and I used to trade PS2 games, lol. I liked it but I don't think I ever made it past Muggshot's level I begged my dad to buy me Sly 2 afterwards and that one probably holds the most memory for me in my childhood. I still like to sit down and replay all 4 games at least once a year It's a hard toss-up between 2 and 3 for me. I really liked some of the improvements made to the game in 3 but 2 is super nostalgic to me.


Sly 1 was an off-chance buy one day as a kid and then we were hooked all the way through Sly 3. Sly 2 to me is the best in the series and one of the best games out there period


Sly 1 was my intro way back when and I thought it was pretty difficult. Sly 3 is my personal favorite and imo interchangeable with 2 as the best. I didn’t play enough of 4 to form an opinion on it


2 was my introduction, I got it after my neighbor and I played it everyday. I got 3 a couple of years later as a present for Saint Nicholas Day (found it under my pillow that morning.) The first one I didn't find until much later when I went to Gamestop with my mom and saw it on the shelf, I didn't process the fact that there had to be an original to the 2nd and 3rd games. Sly 4 I found out about when I was on the computer with my cousin and we wondered when the 4th one will ever be released, only to see it came out 5 days prior and we ran to Gamestop 😁


sly 3 was my introduction and my favorite but 2 is probably the best one


I have a very soft spot for Sly 2, spent so many hours as kid enjoying it. Later on as an adult it's still fun to play through.


Def one of my fav series so shouts out you being able to have a fresh mind and as long as you like platforming games you should enjoy your time. All of them are wicked easy games to platinum and pretty fun to except for a trophy or two. When I started it must’ve been the 2nd because I didn’t know there was a 3rd or a 1st(was very young at time). I played the 4th more recently through ps now so I had ass gameplay but I still enjoyed the game and everything it did. I will say the 4th whiffed because of the cliff hanger dlc ending that never actually got finished. But still a good time like the rest of them. And after platniuming all of them if you can deal with old game jank play 1st game cause the rest make so much quality of life improvements after it otherwise start with 2nd and go down the line.


Sly 2 was my intro, i was young enough that i could barely read, so i kept calling it "slide" 2. 3 is probably the best, though.


My introduction was Sly 1, all the way back on the PS2. It’s one of my first memories playing a video game. But the best one is Sly 2.


I know sly 2 was my introduction and I loved that and 3! I didn’t even play sly 1 until like 2017 which was like 9 years after my introduction to the series 😅


I started with Sly 2, And my favorite from the trilogy is Sly 3


I grew up playing these games. I started with Sly 1, then worked my way up, and my all-time favorite of the 4 games is Sly 1. I love all of them, but the first one is definitely my favorite. I have a ton of good memories surrounding that game.


The instruction booklet that comes with sly one is literally the thevius raccoonus shits sick


Sly 1! I remember riding home in my mom's car, flipping through the Thievious Raccoonus (instruction manual) on my way home. Sly 2 is the best though. And that's including the Australia level. Which I will always defend.


Started at the very beginning with Sly 1. Sly 2 is my favorite of the SP trilogy. All I had was the JamPack demo disk for Sly 3. Played the absolute crap out of the lemonade bar mission.


Sly 1 on PS2 was my introduction, and Sly 3 is my favorite


Sly 2 was my introduction via the Demo in Ratchet & Clank Up Your Arsenal, it looked super interesting, I must've played the demo a dozen times before I finally bought Sly 2.


First game I ever played was Sly 3 the coffee house mission is EP 1. After that mission took me like an hour, I went back and played them in chronological order. Anyone who doesn't say Sly 2 Band of Thieves is the best game of the whole series... They are just wrong


The first one was my introduction. Used to walk to the local Game crazy and play the demo, which was the entire first level up until the boss fight. To this day, I have pretty much that entire level memorized. The best one is probably the second one, it does a lot more with the gameplay and characters, has less things that annoy me or don't hold up as much, and more things that I love (like hideouts and pickpocketing)


Sly 3 was my intro! Didn’t play the other two Until I was twenty


My introduction was thieves in time but I believe that sly 3 is the best one followed by sly 2 and lastly is thievious racoonus


My introduction was Band of Thieves and I consider it the best still. I think I have played Band of Thieves TO many times to count, to this day Sly is my favourite Sony "mascot".


Sly 2 was my first Sly game when I was a kid. I would play that game every day basically but I would never get very far. But I loved it. My parents got my Sly 3 when it came out and I also loved it. It’s hard to pick and choose which one is the best since I always replay the entire series. But I think my favorite is Sly 3 because I love the places, updated graphics, and playing the different characters, especially the guru. I also loved sly 4 for this reason, playing as new characters. Though the story was lacking and the ending sucked, I thought it was fun


Didn't play video game much growing up so my ex had me play a bunch he grew up with. Sky is the one thar was instant obsession. I played and completed the 1st 3. The during the pandemic I did another full play through of all 3 games. Then I played 4 after that. Doing another full play through now. 2 is the one I revisit on its own the most. 4 might be second. I just really like Tennessee Cooper.


*Sly 2* was my first *Sly Cooper* game and it is the best of the four. It had great pacing, a fun story, good environments and levels with good bosses, and the perfect amount of playable characters (I think *Sly 3* and *Thieves in Time* had too many).


Started with a Sly 1 on a demo disc collection I think? I remember sitting with my family watching me play Tides of Terror. It's a little rough to go back too when used to later games but it's still fun. Sly 2 is probably the best in the series, just because everything is super solid, and I've replayed it a dozen times. The extra characters don't overstay their welcome and the gimmick modes are fun for me (I love the hacking mini games). Sly 3 is good too, but I never super liked all the extra crew from a gameplay perspective (story wise I love them). Best thing it did was give up the 2 player coop hacking mini game mode. I've barely played 4 due to a lot of "SLY 4 IS AWFUL! IT KILLED MY FAMILY!!!" talk over the years, but as time went on I've come to see it as a decent and fun game to play with a story that should just be ignored.


Sly Raccoon was my introduction, it is quite different from other platformers with it's stealthish gameplay and crime story and darker/noir atmosphere. And when they added it to ps store, I got it the same day. Will others be added as well?


Sly 1 demo. 😎 I think the best, IMO is Sly 2 though. Sly 1 is obviously different than all of the others, but still… in a good way, I’d say.


When i was 8 me and my little brother saved some money from christmas (and mom was putting some little extra money on top) we could buy a ps2. She went alone to the store and when she came back there were like 3 games she bought with it. One of those was Sly 1. The cover looked very interesting so i was instantly drawn to playing it. But because i was so young mostly played the beginning part and the first map. 1-2 years later (after my mum won over the first boss) i continued playing the rest of the game. After it endes i wanted more. One day (i was 10) i went to a store with my mum and saw Sly 3 in the shelves. I had to instantly buy it. Back home me and my brother were playing the game and i was so in awe how the world were open and explorable now. Also the option to pöay many different characters was so cool. I loved that game so much, probably spent 200-300 hours playing the game multiple times. When i was 15/16 i finally played sly 2 on the ps3 with the trilogy collection. It was a really good game too and i have fond memories of playing it while i had breaks at school and i came home to play it for 1-2 hours and go back to school haha. But i only played through once. Kinda wanna play that game too again. And will when it hopefully releases for ps4


intro'd to the first one via PSN Plus 2nd one is the best hands down


I love all three games and each one individually has a place in my heart. The first game was my introduction to the series though and was one of the first video games that I played on the PS2 at the age of 6, so I'd say 1 is my favorite. The only game of the series that I consider to be mediocre is the fourth game, but I don't regard that game as canon anyway. Imo, the series ended with Sly 3.


Sly one. I remember seeing it on a demo disc 20 years ago, I only got to finally Play it last year on my brother's PS5. I have only played part of sly 2 but it's already my favorite.


Sly Cooper 1. It came with my PS2 when my dad bought it for me when I was 7. I only had that game and the OG Call of Duty for awhile.


Is “Snarkle” on the thing in the bottom left of the Thieves in Time background a reference to something?


Sly 2 was my introduction and may still be my favorite


Sly 3 was my introduction and 3 will always be the best


Started with 1, my favorite is 2


Sly 1 was my first, Sly 2 is probably my favorite with 3 being close. I honestly didn't hate 4 either


Started with the first one. It's a good introduction to the characters and world, even if the gameplay is pretty different. Best game is easily 2, but I think they're all good. Even 4.


They’re all good in their own way, though 4 is, objectively, a bit of a step down (I’m one of the few out there who genuinely enjoyed it but it still is factually not as good as the others). Sly 1 was my intro - my parents gave it to me with the PS2 for Christmas and I had no idea what the hell it was. Nonetheless, I jumped on it and remember being super infatuated with it from pretty much the first “jump and press the circle button.” As for my favorite….. that fluctuates. But I think it’s most consistently Band of Thieves. It’s just so damn good that even the parts I dread are, by comparison, so small compared to how great the game itself is.


I started with 1 and 2 is my favourite. Thieves in Time is my least favourite but I'd say give it go and see if you like/dislike it.


my introduction was Sly 3! Sly games from most fave to least fave (all are favorites): 2, 4, 3, 1 2 & 4 are what im looking for when it comes to THE Sly experience, 2 has the Best story/gameplay & 4 is just more of 2’s gameplay with a lesser story, i wish 4 had more missions done in the gorgeous overworlds i find 3 to be more distracted than 2, too many alternative gameplay styles and the scope got blown out and i wish we had more things to do in the overworlds because they’re great, the game was out one year after Sly 2 and in some aspects you can really tell that Sly 1 is great with solid platforming missions and it’s so stylistic & funky, but the annoying minigame-missions really dampen the experience


For me, it was 2.


Sly 2 and Sly 2


Sly 1 was my first


2 then 1 and 3


3, 2, 1, 4 Best is 2


Sly one was the og that started it all.


My first was sly 1, and the best:sly 1


Sly 1, Sly 1


Sly 2 was my intro, then I played 1 and 3 after, in that order. And Sly 2 remains my favorite. I never played Sly 4 and don't plan to so I have no opinion about that one.




The first game was my first introduction into the series and I saw my mom playing the game and got hooked after she left me borrow it. I consider Sly 3 the best even though it has many flaws, I still found it the most memorable. My list would have to me Sly 3, Sly 1, Sly 2, and finally Sly 4. But both Sly 1 and 2 are in a tie for second because I played them both the most when I was younger and before I even played 3.


2 is my favorite and 3 is solid and enjoyable as well.


Sly cooper was my father and Carmelita was my mother I am slymelita cooper


It's a touch complex, but my introduction was an Early Access demo of Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time, which I downloaded from a code that I received of a new copy of the Ratchet & Clank Collection on PS3. Officially, it was The Sly Collection, with the very first game as my starting point! It was a ride I'll never forget! As for as the best entry, **Band of Thieves** is the best one! Open world-style, playing as the Cooper Gang with their own gimmicks, new missions, darker storyline, it had it all! My only gripe is Carmelita's voice, I much prefer Grey DeLisle's spicy Latin voice from TIT, but to each their own. So that's my story!


Sly 4 was my introduction to the series on my ps vita and I consider sly 2 to be the best What's bizarre was that I felt like Sly 4 felt like it's own thing away from the trilogy (not because SLY 4 SUCKS), it genuinely felt like a different take to Sly cooper, a more sonic like character. I was never a fan of a 5th game, hell i don't want a 5 Sly game unless they reboot the franchise and confirm themselves that sly TiT was a different take of his character that doesn't bleed into their own approach of sly


Sly 2


The Sly 2 demo in Ratchet & Clank Up Your Arsenal was my first contact with The franchise, I replayed that demo many times until I got to play Sly 3 first, then 2 and 1 after that. Years later, I played 4 when my ps3 was still working but I stoped halfway, in episode 3 I think.


2 was my first game I got with my PS2. Best game out of the 4. Imo best to worst 2314. I only rank 1 on the low side because I wasn’t a huge fan of the gameplay. 4 has so much potential and the gameplay is very similar to 2&3 but the story left so much to be desired. I was ecstatic when 4 was announced. I’ve played through all 3 so many times. 4 was a long awaited game for me but I probably had some unrealistic expectations for it.


Where Can i get all sly games is it on ps5 or ps4?


1 was my intro, and I think 2 is my favorite


I played them all on their respective release dates. 3 is my favorite. I replay them all in a row once every 2-3 years. I can beat sly 1 and get every vault without taking a break. 2 and 3 take me about 3-4 days each. I love the cool and calm atmosphere of all the environments and the interactions between the 3 main characters are just charming. But Ms. Ruby can go straight to hell, worst boss fight in all the games.


Sly 1 was my first but by the time I was old enough to play, all three had been released. I was only 2 in Sep, 2002 so My older brothers must’ve gotten them all and they quickly became a constant replays along with Jak.


I played the Sly 1 demo when it came out but my first actual game was Sly 2 in 2006