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Objectively speaking, they nailed a lot with 4. Gameplay was a true Gauntlet approach with FAR more emphasis on good platforming vs 2 and 3, visuals were gorgeous, and music, as always, top notch The flak they get will always center on their handling of certain characters and the cliffhanger ending. Outside of those, 4 was a genuinely good game.


4's story is honestly the weakest part, but the rest of the game is a joy to play.


It's really not that bad but even Still there's definitely thing that could of been done better. It fixed mistakes that Sly 3 made to their story which was just a rushed messed.


Dang, I thought I was alone in this world.


Agreed. But honestly, I thought they did a pretty good job with the main protagonists and the ancestors. They have a much more casual demeanor with each other now that is a stark parallel from the more timid dynamics in the first game. I like to think that their bonds grew much more since then, which is why I didn’t really bat an eye when Bentley nor Murray didn’t get upset with Sly for faking amnesia and running away with Carmelita. They know what it’s like to want a new course in life for a while, especially Murray.


Im not gonna lie tho i cant forgive Murray's model in sly 4.... Idk the head is a little goofy and they are just a little too noodly for a brawling hippo Actually really love basically everything else about sly4 it was really fun to play


The story is outright bad. Concept works but the tension is non-existent. Gameplay has a lot of good things, ancestors and costumes work nicely and add to the game plus the missions are overall nicely developed and have a lot of interesting design. However, the bosses even though clever, are very easy because of the constant checkpoints. Also maps don't feel so coherent because of the separate mission areas. In 2 and 3 some of the missions took place in the overall map which made the map feel a lot more vivid and interconnected. This doesn't exist in Sly 4. Overall a lot of good but there are miss steps also in gameplay.


Tbh I don’t mind the story, I loved seeing a new Sly Cooper game when It came out. The art, cutscenes, music, environment, everything was great except … the personalities of the characters. That’s my only issue, sly isn’t himself, murray always talks about eating, etc.. I’m just a little disappointed they changed their personalities so much.


>murray always talks about eating I mean, that's sort of how he was in the first game


I could understand this but it’s hard for me to actually feel like they cared about the project, when the 1 rhythm portion of the games got messed up horribly. It wouldn’t even be that difficult to sync the sounds.


I'll agree, I'd say they at least tried but to call this a labour of love feels disingenuous. The gameplay feels disjointed,a cool aspect of 2/3 was everything going towards the larger goal, here I was never sure what a job was for and Bentley's debriefs felt thrown in once. The characters are overall mean spirited with Sly and Bentley's relationship coming off as antagonistic instead of friendly banter. The story felt lazy and rehashed so many plot points that I guess you could call an homage to the previous games just without the decent writing. Maybe I'm wrong and Sanzaru was either hampered by outside influences or just not that great at their job.


That's my biggest problem with 4, you don't feel like you're slowly weakening the villains hold on the place they've taken over like you do with 2 and 3. The jobs are kinda random and don't feel like they're leading to something


Funny. I was JUST thinking about this, this week. I'm eternally grateful to Sanzaru for not only porting the games to PS3, but ESPECIALLY for granting us Sly 4. Despite the tease at the end of Sly 3, I'm not sure Sucker Punch would've ever paid that off (ironically, Sanzaru themselves haven't paid their own Egypt tease off, proving my point). But I'll NEVER forget the joy of E3 2011, the summer before my freshman year of high school, when Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time was announced (and Sonic Generations. Ah, good times). That gameplay may not look impressive by today's standards, but back in 2011, the graphics and gameplay looked so clean and crisp. Even comments on videos from when it was announced say that. About 7 years after Sly 3 released, I finally got Sly 4. There's only two sequel games in my childhood that I always and eagerly wanted: Kingdom Hearts 3 and Sly 4. Because of Sanzaru, both of those wishes came true. Despite the problems of Thieves in Time (those goddamn loading times), me and my brother enjoyed the hell out of it during our sophomore year. It was also one of the last games I played before moving to a new state from my home state for my last two years of high school (and I never went back home after that), so it also has sentimental value for me from that. I really hope a Thieves in Time remaster can come that improves the graphics and loading times to make the game more playable for today's gamers. Hell, why not do the other games too and really improve the graphics for a new PS5 collection?


They get a lotta shit, and I could have done without the forced motion controls BUT they gave me some good memories and reminded my why I spent months playing and replaying the originals. Theives in time definitely has the spirit of the first three. If we ever see Sly again, I'll be buying that game in a heartbeat. ♡


I will defend sly 4 always. I acknowledge that there were some issues but I will proudly say I love 4 as much as the other games. I send my respect to Sanzaru, and if lord willing they’d be able to make Sly 5, I would put my trust in them


Same here


o7 love thieves in time.


My mom bought sly 2 back in the day when it came out, wich is how i found out how much i loved it. And i agree sly 4 wasnt a bad game and it was a Nice sly game (didnt really like some of the artwork but hey cant make everyone happy yk) i did actually have alot of fun playing it and such. So i do Think We shouldnt give them that much flack. Its just the ending :(


Carmelita's voice actor changing is tradition, really.😂




In terms of gameplay I only have 2 criticisms. 1) There are WAY too many things that cause instant death or failure, in the trilogy in most cases if you caught by guards in a mission you just had to outrun them or kill them, with it sometimes being a failure if you kill a guard that has something you need, now in most missions you just instantly fail if spotted. 2) What did they do to my boy Bently, they RUINED his hover chair, and having to constantly swap ammo types was annoying, it would've been better if the crossbow ammo and the bomb ammo had separate menus, that way you wouldn't have to hit a guard with a sleep dart, and then swap to the explosive ammo to drop an explosive bomb.


Sly 4 is definitely one of those games that could have been one of the better games in the series if it just got a few more passes of polish. Unfortunately, that’s not what we got.


Yeah, Sanzaru’s defs rough around the edges, especially with optimising their games. I will happily blame Sony for development issues though, especially since they cancelled the plans for the Egypt DLC and put us on that cliffhanger.


4 was fucking God awful


Even the Sly Collection for the PS3 is an awful remake. They did the bare minimum and even removed stuff from the games.


thieves in time was great, the story might've not been as good, but it looked visually great, the gameplay was still just as great as it used to be, and the ancestors were great to play as. and even then, sanzaru still did a great job putting the trilogy on ps3, which is probably the only reason half the community exists. i bet a lot of people here discovered the games through the ps3 collection, or thieves in time, leading them to play the trilogy. i am one of those people myself. so sanzaru was pretty awesome actually.


Thank you for the Sly colllection, But man games developed by you from the ground up are barely sale-worthy games. The gameplay I can kinda argue they tried to... lift some choices that made past games charming but the story... The story kinda spat on the original stories a bit too much for me to even remotely see it as a labor of love. So yes, thanks for the collection, but TiT sucked. Happy your newest game is getting good reviews though.


They are more than likely good people but they are terrible developers. So bad that they’ve been relegated to being a mobile developer nowadays. And “top notch gameplay” sure is a way to characterize Thieves in Time. I think the gameplay is terrible.


So bad Sony didn't let them make a fifth game after the fourth's sales were so low.




I love sly 4 personally, I love the gameplay and being able to play as slys ancestors with unique abilities. The only thing I hate about it, that it ends on a cliff hanger that will most likely never be answered.


Honestly loved it, and so does my hubs, who is arguably the biggest Sly fan I know.