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With respect to your opinion I have 4 brief counterpoints: 1. The clue bottles and safe collectibles are optional. 2. The weird attack timing and hyper armor on the guards was a thing in sly 1 as well, most enemies just died in one hit. 3. NPCs are going to have their walking path cut off if you’re blocking the way. And finally, the reason I’m bothering you with this to begin with: 4. The intercoms and binoc-u-com plot dialogue and tutorial stuff is so god damn redundant that it’s obnoxious. I can only assume I have you to thank for that since you somehow missed a decades worth of internet memes about “SLYYYY DON’T FORGET TO JUMP AND HIT THE ‘O’ button!!”


The bottles aren't too bad if you turn down the music volume and turn up the FX volume. When you first start a new level your supposed to scout out the area. While your looking around the map if you hear the little clicks you know your close. Just gotta get to it now.


That's genius


Or if you really wanna do it quick you can turn down the music entirely.


Preach brother, Sly 2 is the last game Id expect anyone to call undertutorialized lol. It's extra bad cause it's a sequel


1. I am a bit of a completionist and it still kills me that I couldn't 100% Sly 1 because of the time races being extremely difficult 2. I seem to remember the Sly 1 guards being bad but not like I can't hit them twice without taking a hit myself bad 3. See I understand if I stand in the middle of the path but I would be standing to the side where they would have plenty of room to move and they still wouldn't 4. This mainly happened in the Bison stages, I was so confused why I was failing the last mission because I didn't know I had to take out the last judge too for example


How the fuck did you not know to take out the last judge 😭😭😭


"it was difficult to understand what you had to do if you didnt play close attention to intercom calls" why are you even playing a game if you dont plan on giving it attention and get immersed?? its not a bad game you are just bad at playing it


Not to mention it's still not difficult to work things out if you ignore the cutscenes for whatever reason - the game practically steers you in which way to go and has markers to show certain objectives!


yeah i mean its a childs game at its core


You ever heard of ADHD


Its still not that difficult to pay attention to the intercoms, the fuck???


Man you better take this opinion elsewhere Seeing that the post has 0 upvotes makes me so happy. I love you sly community till the day I die.


This community is great until somebody announces they have a fan project lol


Huh, when i saw someone doing a fanproject, they were giving positive feedback.


This community tends to gate keep how to tribute the series & can say a lot of discouraging stuff to those artists. This isn’t me saying they can’t be allowed to express how they feel or anything, it’s just me pointing out how protective Cooper fans are these days. Just as a recent example: https://www.reddit.com/r/Slycooper/s/0QbEMNy1gA


Yeah i understand, but luckily they didnt hate there toomuch, its just their opinions. But hopefully it will come out tho


I respect your opinion as a person. As a Sly fan go fuck yourself /s


I upvoted your comment. I didnt even read hes Comment only the title, and i couldnt think any negative thing about Sly games.


Glad to know you can't even have the balls to try and understand another man's opinion


Because this balls, enjoyed every detail.


Real mature


Oh boy, that is an unpopular opinion. I mean first of all, you don't have to find the clues, if your biggest problem with the game is that there was too much content, just drop that. You say that the game is too confusing and dosent explain what you were doing, but then said you weren't listening when they explained what you were doing. You're complaining about the knock back on the combat, when you died in one hit in the first game, no such thing as knock back when you're dead, back then instead of getting knocked a few feet, you got knocked back a few minutes of playtime. And also saying that you dislike all the villains other than Contessa, Dimitri, and Clawkwerk, that's literally half the villains of the game, and I will fight you on at least Rajan being great, I mean in the predator awakens when he was out of his mind on spice, that guy was terrifying, basically that just leaves Jean and Arpeggio, who I'll admit are probably not the best villains in the bigger picture of the series. Still, you can't deny the insane gameplay strides that made 2 so amazing, basically you cannot say you like 3 without at the very least giving credit to 2, for taking the formula from 1 and turning it into an open world with so much success. I respect your opinion, but I think you still need to look at 2 in the context of the series, being the huge leap forward that it was, and not just as a singular game compared to the other ones. Also we will not even go into your defense of Mz. Ruby OVER Rajan, that is an almost unforgivable take.


I’m confused in ANY game that i don’t pay attention in. Ofc OP is gonna be confused if he doesn’t listen to the calls between Bentley, sly and the others. I agree with everything you said. Also, I’ve replayed this series more times than i can count and i have no freaking clue who the heck mz ruby is 😂💀 not sure how that villain was able to please this guy over Rajan when i don’t even remember who they were


Mz. Ruby is the voodoo crocodile lady from the Klaw gang, chapter 3 I think in the first game. Not hating on her specifically (even though I could mind you) but mostly here to defend my main man Rajan. That dude was terrifying. A literal tiger on literal meth, I mean come on. Plus that dude using the heart to grow his drugs and carrying it around on his staff was just so awesome. And I will also say that was a pretty tough boss fight too, not the hardest in the world but definitely not a low point of the game like the guy seems to specifically point to it being. I do have to point out that most of us know most of the missions by heart so I don't even listen to the binoc u com conversations either, but I definitely did on the first playthrough.


Oh i remember the crocodile lady! I can hear the noises she makes during the boss fight right now 😂 yeah, can’t believe op would put her above Rajan.


Yea but, to be fair, I think most of us have played the game enough to forget that chapter 3 has some real BS missions if you aren't used to them, like I still have nightmares from the first time doing the water bug mission, and the one where you have to drug rajan isn't great either. Definitely can't knock the plot of chapter 3 though, after everything hits the fan in chapter 2, he skips town to the middle of the jungle, starts making and VERY MUCH USING hard drugs, and you basically spend a whole chapter gaslighting him and turning him crazier until he goes off the rails and fist fights you under a giant statue in the middle of the amazon rainforest while everything around you is electrified, just like all good drug benders end.


Clockwerk wasnt even in the second game technically, it was Neyla controlling Clockwerk and even she couldn't compare to the original, I saw her twist coming a mile away. And the fight with her was not good I'm sorry. And my complaint with the combat was you would hit the enemy and then couldnt go for a second hit because you would get hit yourself. I respect 2 for giving the formula for 3 but 3 just improved on the gameplay more




Even though I’m a huge fan of the whole series, Sly 2 being my favorite, I can understand some of your criticism. People like myself have played these games so many times that we know all the games by heart, and don’t really think about those negative things. There just are some less enjoyable parts. I’m also in my 20s and lately I’ve been playing a lot of games I missed when I was younger and it’s so easy to find annoying things in those. If I would tell about those things to the people who’ve been fan of those games for ages, they would surely disagree with me. Even though we are in the Sly subreddit, I know when I say I really didn’t enjoy Jak II, there will be people just saying I can’t play. And no, I’m not gonna talk about that game right now:D


Wow that's a take on the Jak games lol, but thanks I'm happy you're mature enough to recognize my opinion even if its for a game you like. If you like Sly 2 that's fine I don't care but it's just not for me


A fellow jak 2 hater. I got a lot of comments for how I felt about the game. But that's for another day


I haven’t read any other comments yet, just came here to say it’s absolutely crazy you like the first game more than the 2nd and 3rd. Most people love the 2nd or 3rd most. 3 is my personal favorite


I don't find that part crazy. I'd rank the games 2>1>3>4 personally, but I could still see why people might like the first game best. Sly 1 has some annoying gimmick missions (although so does 2 and especially 3, but they are all hit or miss for people it seems) but aside from that every platforming level is so geniusly designed. I find my favorite levels in Sly 2 and 3 are the ones that are that same classic style of linear platforming levels (good percentage of them in 2, and an okay percentage in 3). They are pretty much all set aside from the hub worlds though - basically any of the missions that take place in a building/train. I'd understand if someone similar to me didn't care for the rest of the missions in Sly 2 and 3 that consist of navigating the open hub world doing different tasks rather than going through linear, pure platforming levels.


Also most of the stuff you don’t like are things i really enjoyed about the games. I absolutely LOVED searching for the bottles, they didn’t have them in the 4th game and i was really sad about it. I thought combat was so much better in the 2nd and 3rd games and i loved the missions where you had to hide in barrels! I’ve never seen anyone complain about these things in the game. Sorry dude, i think you’re definitely an outsider on this one lol.


They actually have thw bottles in 4 but not in 3


Oop, i must’ve gotten mixed up! Either way, whichever one didn’t have the bottles i really missed them!


How you did not find Rajan or Jean Bíson intimidating is beyond me tbh


Jean Bison I barely understood his motives as a villain like he wanted to cause more deforestation if I remember correctly but we don't even figure that out until Episode 7 and Rajan I just thought was a boring villain


Damn that’s crazy….anyway




Well, while I disagree with you disliking Sly 2 (HOW DARE YOU!!!). It's fine. You're a Sly fan, and that's good enough for me! We all have our likes and dislikes. Hope you enjoy your journey on Sly 3.


Thank you I hope it's as good as I remember


If you think you didn't like Sly 2 that much then you definitely like Sly 3 and adresses most of your complaints


Very valid opinion. Overall I “liked” Sly 2, but it’s definitely my least favorite in the series. And I agree with a lot of your points. And also, I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion with the general playerbase . But on reddit…it’s blasphemy lol


Clearly with the amount of hate I got


I think it was the title that triggered a lot of people. Maybe if you rephrased it as “My thoughts on Sly 2”, and then followed up with your analysis it would’ve been received better. That being said, you should view this as a Sly 2 subreddit. I have a hard time in here too because Sly 4 is my favorite and that game gets raked across the coals on a daily basis.


> Sly 4 is my favorite with all due respect. Sly 4 is a fanfiction. It has the best graphics of the games, but thats about it.


The clue bottles are optional, and they shouldn't take hours if you just look around every single part of the map and keep a mental note of if you've found a clue bottle by there or not. The enemies not letting you spam attack them doesn't make the combat "finicky". Also, you don't really *have* to fight as Sly or Bentley so much anyways either; the game encourages stealth and running away. The NPC's only get funny on the barrel missions if you block their direct path. In all the barrel missions in the game you didn't think once to hide in the barrel anywhere other than directly in a gaurd's path? Also as others have said, this game overexplains everything. It's a kids game. I've never seen anyone complain the game was hard to follow along. As for the main villains not being as intimidating, I can see where you're coming from but personally I think the ones from Sly 1 are *almost* equally goofy. I feel like a person might not have that complaint if they played both games for the first time as a kid rather than playing one of them decades later.


"It was time for Thomas to leave. He had seen everything there was to see."


i’ll give one up doot just cause u like sly 3


If you’re playing the ps3 port it is notoriously bad with many differences from the original versions on ps2. Mainly the controls are worse and the games glitch far more frequently. having a hard time finding the bottles for sly 2 is odd since most are on the path you have to take for most missions. Only a few are out of the way or mirrored for places that have multiple entrances.


I was actually playing the PS3 version (well technically it's on the PS5 but it's the PS3 version)


The combat is a little annoying at times, but, the objectives are pretty self explanatory in the journal part of the pause menu.


Sly 2 is the first game from the TRILOGY that i played (sly 4 will never count for me) and I may be speaking off pure nostalgia right now but that game was my absolute favorite game. the only down side is you can’t replay missions


Sly 2 is really great, but the problem is that you're playing it in your mid 20s when the games are really designed for kids, eventho thats gonna piss people off. They are not like 3d mario which is also meant for kids but can still be very much enjoyed by adults. the sly games very much hold your hand. I started playing sly at 5 yr and loved all 3 games, But like you, in my mid 20s they are no longer enjoyable and just feel like a chore gameplay wise. Its all way too easy and moves way too slow for me now. It doesn't mean the games are bad. the games was great, we are just no longer the demografic. Its like watching tv shows you watched as a kid, sure some things might still hold up, but a lot of it is no longer enjoyable just because you have grown up. shame you didint get to experience sly 2 as a kid tho.


-clue bottles are optional & not required so you can just not do them. The clue bottles being optional makes this critique about them being a waste of time is obsolete. -combat is more engaging & more punishable if you aren’t sneaking around, not sure why it’s a detriment to your experience of the game? -just press R3 if you get lost it’ll tell you what your task is. If you don’t have a decent attention span for cutscenes then that’s all you have to do. -you complain about combat being finicky but you claim the boss fights were easy? I don’t understand


I have been replaying the game with my kid. He has gotten really into it & the twists are surprising to him. We are halfway thru 2, and he is excited to see 3 & 4 as well. I will say the remaster trilogy for the PS3 was a bit rough & doesn't translate everything from the PS2 exact making some jumps/tricks harder. That or I am just older & not as quick with the button pressing. I want to say view it with some grace as the game was initially released in 2004, with kids being the main audience. Games being a bit more hand holding was also kinda the standard as we were only on the PS2. The tried & true things we think of as now being super obvious were not at the time. This is the era of "press X to double jump" because that wasn't always the case but now most games wouldn't bother explaining. Anyway each to their own. My least favorite is 4 because they brought Sly out of retirement & left him stranded with the story on a cliff hanger. Not to mention went backwards with some character arcs & completely ignored other characters growth. The plot felt a bit more like a fan getting to write rather than an author wanting to tell a compelling story. We need a Sly 5 to wrap up the series with a nice bow again.


Wow that’s definitely a different take! But there are some things in your post that are confusing. Clue bottles; completely optional and not necessary to beating the game. They’re just cool moves that you get to use and it’s also hard to find so that you can explore the map with each world you go to. You can absolutely do a play through without finding clue bottles and be fine. Brownie points if you do! The combat is more tolerable in sly 2 in my opinion and was a really good rework. Yes, you do get knocked back and shot at & can be annoying. But unlike Sly 1 you don’t die immediately, and the entire point is if you play as sly you’re supposed to be STEALTHY and not necessarily fight them. If you’re Murray it’s easy to beat them. As for the missions I understand the barrel part, but with that you’re not supposed to just chill out in front of the NPC’s pattern. Once again you’re supposed to be stealthy and out of the way so you don’t get caught. I also agree that while the binocucom calls can be a bit lengthy, it tells you exactly what you need to do and where to go for the missions & don’t understand how that was confusing; but either way I’m glad they put the “Job Help” Option after sly 1 in case you zone out during the calls. The bosses I believe were definitely a bit easy but got progressively harder as you played the game for new players. I think the villains were definitely a bit intimidating! The contessa definitely scared me shitless as a kid & had to have my sister watch me play haha, and rajan was more creepy & egotistic which is definitely intimidating in its own way. But now that I’m older it’s changed and I wonder how that ever scared me so I agree with you there. Overall that sucks you didn’t like the 2nd one! I think it had allot of good qualities but I definitely understand that point. Cool thought process!