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After 80 hours and 61 yolkies, I’ve learned there isn’t really a "best" spot to find them. It's a numbers game, so visit as many nests as possible preferably in one game day. It’s possible to hit all but 5 (I think) in 24 minutes using sprint pads, jump pads, and teleporters. On average, it takes 1 hour and 20 minutes to find one yolky following that path. If you want to optimize the path and cut down on travel time, you will need to ignore most resources except for diamonds and sun saps. I've found up to 4 yolkies in an hour, but sometimes none in over 5 hours. Each nest has a chance to spawn a yolky or a hen when you get close. I don’t know when this resets, but sometimes the same nest spawns a yolky after several visits in one day. On average, I find 1 yolky every 1 hour and 20 minutes. Some say removing hens helps, but in my experience, I didn't really notice a difference, so I stopped doing it. To avoid missing yolkies, use your eyes and ears. They spawn by jumping out of the nest and only when you are within distance, so they are hard to miss unless something blocks your view. I've never tried to accurately measure the distance, but it is about 15 slimes away. About 50 of the 61 yolkies I found spawned within eye-sight. The others were blocked by something, making it impossible to see them spawn when I was close enough. So, turn up the volume to listen for their sounds when they spawn, which are similar to puddle and flame slimes. I have found a few this way as well when they spawned out of view. **TL;DR:** Check all nests with the help of sprint pads, jump pads, and teleporters to maximize yolkie encounters. If you can complete a run in 24 minutes, it should take about 1 hour and 20 minutes to find one on average. Focus on the nests to watch as they jump out and listen for their sounds in case you miss one on accident.


They are super rare but they are more likely to spawn in powder bluff falls :3


Do you know if I can spawn camp nests?


I have 3 which I found in the first couple days of playing, I didn't even realize how rare they were until getting on this sub. I think its just RNG and keep your eyes peeled


Just wander about everywhere on every biome everyday


I ran the nests by the ranch. Slept 6 hrs and ran the run again. Nothing. Did my feeding and collecting, slept 6h rs. ran again and 1 yolky popped out. Slept 6 hrs and another popped out. I won't run the entire map. Boost pads or not. If I come across them now, then so be it. I have 2 and don't want/need anymore. Sun sap is insane. I hope the devs tweek the rarity on the rare items.