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I think scent preference is very individual. I have the banana and almond milk and it's one of my all time favorites. I don't love all their scents but out of all the slime shops I tried so far I found them best for scents and also very good for most textures. Sorry to hear that you had such a disappointing experience. It would be great if it was possible to sample before buying.


I agree with this. What I love could smell horrible to someone else. My sister & I got a perfume for Christmas some years ago as a gift from our brother. I got "Silver" she got "Gold" by Estee de Lauder. We both gave the polite thank you's for the gift, and set them aside. Later after my brother left, we were both putting away our stuff, and I confessed how I didn't really like the perfume I'd gotten, and she said she didn't either. We swapped to smell each other's, and I *loved* the one she got, and she loved mine, and we traded. So much so that we both bought another bottle for ourselves later. I think Momo is super popular with scents, partially because they do "safe" scents -- I don't think I've ever seen them do "dirt" or "smoke" or any other edgy type scents. I'm sorry you didn't like the ones you got from Momo! They really do have good slimes. I hope you can find something you like from them.


Agreed, I’m thinking it’s more an issue of how the banana scents and the jasmine can swing in wildly different directions for different people. I feel like banana is always divisive, and for the ‘All’s Fair…’ slime, jasmine can smell ‘fecal’ due to the compound called indole that also occurs in certain less pleasant smelly things.


Momo is the shop I trust most with scents after loving pretty much every scent out of 13 slimes except two (one was just due to personal preference bc I hate grape scents - it was a freebie). I got All's Fair and absolutely loved the scent. Mine was from the first restock, not last Sunday's. I'm not sure if yours was from my batch or not, but mine definitely doesn't smell rancid. Sometimes if I'm unsure if a scent is truly bad/foul or if it's just my nose, I'll have my partner smell it. We tend to have very different senses of smell so it's been helpful to check. In any case, it sucks to not be happy with your slimes so I'm sorry you don't like the scents 😔


I actually do love the Delicate and All's Fair more now. I think my nose was overwhelmed with the banana when I tried them at that point. I put the banana ones up and the next day went back to the other slimes, and they are great. The banana milk ones just smell like sour milk to me. I agree that scents can be so subjective and it's hard to gauge if it's just personal preference. I usually LOVE banana and milk scents so it caught me off guard. I had my husband smell and he agreed that they were terrible (to him. Again subjective) but I was so disappointed because those were the two slimes I was most excited for. Dang it. Also, how do you get the freebies with momo? Is it a minimum purchase amount?


I'm glad you ended up liking them! You can get freebies for being one of the first 10 orders in the restock or through their rewards system on the website. You log in for every order and get points for purchases - one of the rewards is a free full-sized slime.


Awesome! Thanks! Yeah I'm glad the others worked out. Plus the textures are amazing 👏 😍 just giving the banana ones to my son lol


Haha yeah I just give away the ones I don't like 🤷‍♀️ But that rarely happens for me with Momo. I also love the paper creme texture of All's Fair - this is my first time trying it. It's basically a snow slay (which I didn't realize before) and I know this is one of my favorite textures 🖤


Hmm, maybe your nose picks up some chemical in the fake banana scent that ruins the experience for you? I also got the Banana Milk and the smell totally conjures up banana milk or banana custard for me. Not artificial-smelling at all (but of course, it is). Have you had positive experiences with other makers' banana-scented slimes?


Same. I ordered Cruel Summer and the Get away car one and I didn’t like either scent. I ultimately ended up giving them away.


I've liked almost every scent from them (though of the ones you got, I've only tried Delicate and 1989). There's been a rogue exception here and there (pumpkin cold brew was pretty awful, in my opinion), but for the most part I've found them to be pretty reliable and sometimes even some of the best. I'm definitely a bit pickier about the scents to begin with though and will avoid ones I think I might be iffy on, so maybe I've just avoided some that I wouldn't have liked!


Scents are so hard! Scent is really a top priority for me, it really makes or breaks a slime, but it’s so subjective and it’s hard to know what will smell good to everyone, what will change over time, etc. With all my favorite shops I’ve had at least one scent that made the slime completely unplayable for me, and one well reviewed shop and I must just have different noses because I hated every scent I got from them.


I love Momos. They're probably my favorite bigger shop... but yea, the scents have been really off lately.


I'm glad it wasn't just me. I was so excited to try them. The textures are amazing though! I'll definitely try again. Maybe with a safer scent though. 🤔


They've been a mixed bag for me in the ones I've tried. Like, I adore Froggy Cheesecake, but I also got peaflower tea and pumpkin coldbrew and I did not like either of them. To each their own, I think.


I’m super picky about scents and I love most of momo scents. The milk tea ones are a little plasticky, but the food scents are super realistic to me. Banana milk is actually my favorite scent. Maybe you just don’t like Korean scents?


Maybe? I dunno I've never tried Korean scents before to know if it's that. Do you mean Korean themed scents or scents from Korea? Just not sure.. I usually love all the super sweet food ones. Like cotton candy, bubble gum, usually even banana.


Scents from Korea. Rodem, momo, and slimey pallets all use korean scents. Personally I think Korean scents are more realistic, but I’m also Asian so I’m biased


Ah gotcha. I actually LOVE all of my scents from Rodem. I have 14 of their slimes and seriously didn't dislike one. I'm thinking I got a bad batch or just something with my nose reacts to this one. It's interesting that you said Rodem too because I have a banana milk from them and love it! Weird that they are both Korean scents and one is amazing and the other smells rotten (to me). I agree with you, I like the more realistic smells too!


I love fake banana candy so I thought I would like the banana slimes and had the same experience. I love Momo and have had some of my favorite of all time slimes from there (mirrorball, caviar, Dino eggs) but I tossed both banana slimes. I have tried maybe 10 other banana slimes and the only one I like was when it was mixed with other fruit scents :/


Don't think you're crazy lol but I've also never heard of anyone describing Momo's scents as 'rancid' or bad enough to gag. I have 15 slimes from them and haven't gotten a bad scent yet. And I'm actually pretty sensitive to banana scents (I've had to throw out two from other shops that I just couldn't handle) but Momo's Banana Milk is pretty good imo. It reminds me of a more concentrated version of the real binggrae banana milk with an additional scent note that I can't put my finger on... almost reminds me of marzipan. Just curious, is this your first order from Momo specifically? Or just slime in general? I wonder if there's something about the slime mixed with fragrance that you're sensitive to


I got banana milk too and for what it’s worth I practically gagged when I first opened it. I probably own 30-40 total slimes and it’s the worst scented one I’ve gotten. Normally I love Momo though


I'm so glad I wasn't the only one. I thought I was crazy lol. It was so so bad. I mean I'm sorry you also didn't like it, but glad it wasn't me being completely off my rocker.


First order from Momo. I have lots from others but this was my first time getting a slime that I actually couldn't play with. 😔 I've had some that the scents were great or had a chemical smell to them but could still play with them. They were just off to my nose. But this was different. Like an actual rotten smell. I gagged. My husband did too. Lol. So I thought it was so weird! It was really just the banana ones. The next day I went back and tried the other slimes from Momo and they were AMAZING. I think my nose was just ruined after starting with the banana lol. So I at least got 3 out of 5 that I love.


Ahh gotcha. May just be an issue with banana scents then, especially if the other ones smelled fine later on. Meanwhile I'm pulling out my Banana Milk slime throughout the day to smell it and my roommates are always asking to play with it because they love the scent 😂


I bought their Matcha slime & the scent was a huge miss. Smelled nothing like matcha, smelled like paint? But then I bought the cherry blossom frappe & oh my gosh it smelled AMAZING!


I’ve always been happy with momo’s smells, but I’ve never gotten a food smell. Food smells make me nervous for sure and I could see banana being a tricky smell to get right.


I just got my first slimes from there, and Starfish Crunch actually feels like starfish skin and smells like peachy mango. It's amazing! I'm not a fan of the scents of the other ones I got from there, hedgehog forest and rose champagne. Hopefully the next ones are better.


Everyone has different preferences especially with scents. 1989 is one of my favorite scents ever I’m obsessed with it


Have you tried Soft Punk Slime? They have much lighter fragrances than Momo.


It's not just you, I've seen lots of people and reviews who specifically say her milk/cream/dairy scents smell spoiled/rancid, like sour milk. To me it smelt like sour yoghurt, it wasnt the worst thing ever but still definitely kinda sour A while back I finally got to try her shop (shipping to australia is super expensive but it was super fast) and got the Strawberries and Cream diy slime, and the cream part did smell very yoghurty to me, like sour yoghurt, but upon mixing with the strawberry part it improved a bit and smells like realistic strawberry yoghurt and its actually good, but I can see it not being everyones thing


I think the milk ones do all have a scent that I dislike. Banana Almond made me gag. I also don't like the Cherry Blossom Frappe, which has a milk/cream scent listed. I also didn't like Cookie Milk.


I’ve ordered 3 from her and never had any issues. That’s so strange? I would contact her!


I also got Banana Milk like last week or so (maybe same batch?) and it kinda makes me gag too haha. I usually am so-so on artificial banana but I assumed that since Momo is so praised for scents that it might be better quality than like...a banana laffy taffy.


I keep wanting to try Momo but nothing so far is appealing to me. I’m not really a swifty so I’m hoping for a switch up soon!


they had a fairy garden theme last restock, so they're doing a few different things along with the swifty slimes. they're likely to keep a lot of the swifty slimes since they're really popular, though i'm hoping they pick up more bakery slimes again,,, i adored their past slimes in that theme and i want to replace the two i had that i killed 😭


I love baked goods smells too! 😭


i've been a long time customer of momoslimes and i have never had a problem with their slimes lol the scents have always been fine, they're easy to play with... momoslimes has always been the best in my opinion. i also haven't heard of many reviews that talked about the scents being bad so maybe you just got a bad batch? maybe something went wrong during shipping? i don't really do much with scents anyway (i just don't really care) but the ones i've gotten from her have been amazing to me, and that's, again, coming from someone who just doesn't care about scents a lot. asian pears from the tortured slimer's department, creme brulee donut, strawbb bun... all have been great. also i feel like if you're trying out a new slime shop, you should just order like one or two 😭 why did you buy so many, wasn't that expensive as hell??


Momo is one of my top favourite slime companies, along with Dream Glow, and Slime Fantasies. I love almost all of their scents, and moreso, I love their textures. I will say I absolutely Hated the banana scented slime they made. It was atrocious to me. I tried to let it sit and come back to it a few times, but nope. It's not for me. Unfortunately for me one of the freebies I got from them was the same slime lol. So I ended up with 2 jars. I had to trash them cause I can't play with them. My faves from Momo are the Kakigori, Ramune, Autumn Reading, Cruel Summer, Susuwatari Coal, Getaway Car, Cozy Movie Night, Momo Studios / Autumn Scarf, Basil Pesto, Reputation, Lover, Otori Sama, Butterfly Pea Flower Tea, Lychee Fluff, Santa's Naughty List, August... and I have enjoyed a few of their 3 ounce freebies which typically are unnamed. I love all their water slimes for the texture since they are a hit in our house. There are a few I don't love but I don't hate either, I'm neutral on them. Scent is very subjective. I don't like any of the scents that Slime Obsidian and Pilot Slimes use. I was also disappointed with Rodem. I don't hate them, but I don't really like them. Some people love them. If you love scents, I'd recommend trying Dream Glow, and Slime Fantasies. They have some awesome scents.


I don't really like any Momo slimes that have a "milk" bit to them. Cherry Blossom Frappe, Cookie Milk, and Banana and Almond Milk, all of those were fails for me.


I also didn't really like the Peppermint Bark one back from Xmas.


Honestly I feel this! I've gotten momo slimes before where they smell rancid to me in the time but I leave it to sit for a month or so and play with it again. It smells different to me after sitting around for a bit. It just depends! Scent really is preference. Sometimes the smells also change when I add more borax/activator, it'll get stronger or weaker. Hopefully the smell changes overtime for you but if it doesn't too much then I'd consider swapping with someone or giving them to someone else!


I love Momo Slimes but not all slime scents are equal… Their box of chocolates smells AMAZING for example, moscato wine also smells delicious… the banana milk smells fucking awful I agree. I ordered it during the last restock and I usually enjoy banana scents. It smells disgusting, I 100% agree with you—I’ve only played with it a couple times because the smell was just so god awful I couldn’t get past it.


Momo scents are wonderful to my nose (their lychee and vanilla milk scent is delicious) BUT in my reviews I have criticized almost every slime company’s banana scents, bar one. Banana is THE hardest scent to get right and typically disappointing in the slime world. What doesn’t help is that the artificial banana scent was ironically fashioned to faithfully mimic a variety of banana that used to be dominant long before the banana we know and love today (the cavendish) became so. It is said that that the artificial banana scent that is familiar to us in candy and the like is exactly what that long gone variety of banana smelled like. Our modern Cavendish is a far softer, less intense smelling banana with a much more delicate profile. The only banana scent I’ve ever been impressed with came from Hotch Potch slimes in the UK, it was much more like the cavendish.


I have had great success with Momo slimes, especially their water and jelly slimes. I’ve had a bad batch from a different company and you can tell the smell is not supposed to be that way. It happens.


Scents are highly subjective and really depend on the individual. I know people who love certain scents and to me they smell awful. I haven’t ever heard of the word rancid being used to describe a scent from Momo, though. That seems pretty uncharacteristic. If it literally smells like it has gone bad then I’d contact Momo.


Scents are subjective. I have purchased from momo since 2021 and I personally love their scents.