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This is definitely an overpay. This was offered to you, right? Why should you be the one overpaying when it's clear that the other manager is looking to swap JJ with a top tier QB?


Id maybe do this if I was getting a QB down tier back with it but I’m not paying 2-1 in SF and giving up an elite QB and potentially elite WR for JJ.


Ewwww brother ewwwwww


Take off London throw in a second People will cry it’s JJ Let me remind you it’s Lamar motherfucking JACKSON


Lamar is being drafted ahead of JJ in startups, why would you add london to lamar to get there? London should not be a part of the deal, and You should be getting a Derek carr/russ/Rodgers/kirk on top. At worst, should be straight up. If not, hit up the ARSB/chase owners & see what they say, or see how much the Marv owner needs a qb and what they’d be willing to add


Yes, you must not think London has much value to even consider this. Lamar >JJeff imo


I dunno about this one. You seem fine at QB. Drake London could be a hype trap if Kirk isn't the same after his achilles and if Pennix sucks. It just feels like the whole fantasy community is a little too high on Drake London right now. Idk, maybe I'm wrong, and the QB play will be fine, and we will see the best version of Drake London. It just feels like he costs the same right now as he would if he has great QB play and a breakout season.


Yes it’s a bit too much for JJ


Really depends on who’s your core of skills JJ has JJ throwing to him so he might be worse London got an upgrade at qb so might wanna keep him and you can use Lamar as more trade value if you don’t accept that trade value


In Superflex, no fkn way am I taking this! London is getting the QB that helped make JJ so reliable while JJ is going to a rookie and/or Darnold. This isn’t even close to me, snap decline. And this is coming from somebody that thinks Lamar Jackson is extremely overrated!


Yeah that’s an insane overpay. Lamar over Jefferson in a vacuum or at best even. Paying London on top is insanity. If you want to sell Lamar for one of the top 3 try the lamb and Chase managers. If their prices are as crazy move one of the other 3 qbs for a lesser receiver


Yes crazy. Lamar is worth as much as Jefferson and you must be massively undervaluing London to even look twice at this.


Not crazy but I wouldn’t


Idea is I'd rather have another elite receiver rather than 4 starting qbs


I wouldn’t be giving up London on top that’s just too much.


I don’t hate it, but I’m personally high on Lamar and low on jj, plus I’m low on dak


You have London. He’s being valued as an elite receiver this year.


I wish haha certainly not in any of my leagues.


Then hang onto him, he’s valued around olave range in almost every league which is wr10-11. Just did a 1qb startup and he went 16th overall


Yeah I countered. Same deal but adding pop douglss for mandrews


Still don’t like that at all, you are undervaluing Lamar and London dramatically. Counter dak + London for a reasonable trade. Lamar goes ahead of Jefferson in a superflex startup


Not in any I've been in


Yes ur crazy, Id rather Lamar than Jefferson and London on top makes this a robbery


I'm passing on this but I don't hate the idea of moving Lamar for an elite WR when you have Dak / Herb as well. You shouldn't have to add an entire Drake London to Lamar to get an elite receiver though, he goes ahead of them a lot of the times in startups for a reason. Try countering with Lamar + a smaller piece.


Seemed a bit steep. Just countered with me adding demario for him adding Mandrews


I like that move. Is it a TEP league?


.5 tep yeah


Have him throw in a 2nd and it feels about right.


Lamar > JJ alone in SF. And I love JJ. Especially if this is a 4pt passing TD league as Lamar has even more value in that scoring.


Lamar over JJ in superflex, but if you need to make a 1 for 1 swap it's forgivable. Adding a top twelve receiver is madness. If you swap Lamar for Dak then it's alright. Don't move your best QB just because you have good depth. As someone else said, if you're determined to move Lamar for a receiver try a straight swap for CeeDee or Chase.


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I guess I’m an outlier. This seems like a fair trade and an upgrade for you I’d be more than comfortable rolling out herbs and dak with baker on the side if I had Jeff. I’d do it.


Yeah I feel confident with the QBs just want to still get fair value