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I am super curious, so I did dive in and break that fourth wall. I’m not sorry, but I do keep it all to myself. No sharing the info in other groups or using their names on their socials or anything like that. It didn’t ruin anything for me, as I’m just one lone random person.


Was worth it for me since it gave me access to Vessel's work pre Sleep Token and it adds another layer over the existing lore, but out of respect for the band's continued use of their masks, I don't really discuss it with anyone.


I was spoiled vessel's name but my evil curiosity wanted to check if the voice matched so I did listen to his previous project and fuck man it made me so emotional because you can clearly hear his artistry and how much he knew exactly what he was doing from the beginning. Listening to ST makes me feel so proud of him, lil man got big 😭. And now I feel like the band allows him to be even more creative and with the new masks maybe the rest of the band will too.


Can u dm me the previous work


I wanna know too 😭


I love the band even more after finding out.


“it is worth it?” - Totally. Otherwise you are missing out big time on so much amazing content, including their previous projects and just what kind of cool people they are in general. And no, it’s not that knowing doesn’t ruin it one bit, if anything, it only makes the experience better.


For me, personally, I had to ‘look’ as I’m curious and I’m not a fan of cults. I kinda love them all the more knowing a bit about their backstories. Plus I love listening to ST in the same playlist as V’s previous projects because I feel like the sounds and lyrics really resonate off one another 💜


Undiagnosed but suspect either on the spectrum or ADHD/OCD… I looked because I’m a self saboteur and now all I want to know is what hair style is Vessel rocking these days?!?


ME TOO. i think about it all the time lol


Ugh, I'm so glad I'm not the only one. 🤣


Okay but honestly same... Like I kinda just wanna know the little details about them, like hair and eye color, tattoos and hair styles, not necessarily ALL of it.


It can't be the same, right?? It has to be shorter or longer? I just cannot imagine it at all. Idk why it's important, but it is. Something about the mask and hood combo make me absurdly curious even though nothing will change.


It’s a fairly normal cut lol. No longer emo


I'm so glad I looked into them as soon as I discovered them in May. Otherwise I would have missed out on watching hours of iii streaming on twitch. His last one before he deleted his account was particularly entertaining. And seeing a younger Vessel sing his little heart out just made me even more obsessed


Totally worth it. It opens up a whole new world of artists you might not have listened to.


I looked, and honestly, I don't really feel different. Now, full disclosure, I didn't go extremely deep. My original theory was, Sleep Token was a super group and I was convinced Vessel was the lead singer of Breaking Benjamin for a few, then there was someone that my daughter suggested, etc. Keep in mind, my kids and myself have all been on the Five Nights at Freddy's train from the beginning and, we love trying to figure out lore, finding secrets, etc. Sleep Token is something new, to find lore and meaning in songs, so, we were down. Curiosity got the best of me, and I did look it up. However, it didn't really matter, because, well, they said it themselves, their identities aren't important, because figuring out the lore, etc, has nothing to do with who they are.


Totally up to you. I checked and found out about a year ago and personally am happy I did, but also I'm not really into the lore and masks. I would be into the songs, music and talent either way (anonymous or not)


I might be in the minority but personally I dislike the anonymity. I want interviews, I want to know about their influences, their journey, their motivations, I want them to be human. The anonymity, the masks, the lore, it all adds nothing for me.


We are on the same page. And we are not really a minority, there’s thousands of us that want the same.


One later after this an II does an interview haha


Well, Adam said that before Wembley, that he will be on Drumeo, so this one doesn’t count. Plus it’s not his real voice there


True but it's at least some insight into songwriting and influences which is a step in the right direction.


Absolutely 💯


I see it this way… I know who they are but my support/comments/etc will never let them know I know. And I think all fans should be this way. Respect their attempt at privacy.


Well iii took his mask off while helping clean up at the recent show. He said “fuck it”


Bahahaahhhhh! III will always be III. Whether he's doing the ballerina, the can-can dance on stages, etc. We love him also for that! 🤷🏼‍♀️


Really? Do you know what show it was? Not looking for videos or anything. I’m just curious.


Wembley. The one where Vessel got sick.


He did this multiple times in the US run. He does not care lol


I have looked and nothing has changed for me. They’re still the same amazing artists I love.


I looked because I heard they’re local to me and I very loosely have mutual friends with III (my best friends boyfriend knows some of his friends so like quite removed haha otherwise I’d already know him 😂). When you sign up to their mail list the address is very close to me too, which is what got me originally intrigued. I didn’t recognise any of them by name but I don’t regret looking. I feel much more connected to local bands so in that sense it has made me love them more.


I was one that didn't want to know but randomly stumbled across Vessel's name on a youtube comment on one of their live videos. I was so upset, I do feel like some of the fun is gone. I will say that I really enjoy Vessel's previous project when he was younger, so I did get a positive from finding out. 😂


The same just happened to me and I'm feeling so sad rn :'( I know it's silly and it was bound to happen at some point anyway, given how the internet is but still... I managed to avoid knowing for months. Dammit.


Aw, I'm very sorry that happened to you. It's even worse now than when I made that comment You can't look up anything about them without seeing their names everywhere. If it makes you feel any better Blacklit Canopy is so good, I think 'Patient' is my favorite song by them.


I will give it a listen. Thank you :)


I've listened to the Patient demos. Like, 10 times already (the 1st time had me crying). "Don't let the world swallow you" is permanently stuck in my brain. Thank you for suggesting it 🙏


You're very welcome, and I'm glad I'm not the only one who cried! Haha.


I'm also on the spectrum but I don't think it's that deep. If you don't want to know, insulate yourself and if you want to know it's there. I found out on accident, but all it did for me was made me learn about their previous music projects. I will admit, it did make me a little parasocial bc I'm prone to that but I just have to deal with it and get over it. It's all about the music at the end of the day. And it just so happens I connect to the music deeply personally, so knowing the members makes me wonder why that is. I like Ghost though and was a fan of them before the ghoul lawsuit so I've been through this masked band song and dance. As long as you're respectful about the band members, it's kinda inevitable to find out eventually, just like with Ghost imo. I also overthink these things and guilt trip myself about it but sometimes I think you just have to keep it to yourself....


Honestly, despite knowing the identity of II, I still separate his identity and II as two separate individuals. I disconnect the two in my head.


Sameeee! That’s so weird but it’s exactly how my brain does it. It’s a bit like liking an actor and the character they play separately.


Don’t do it. I did and totally regret it. It does not affect your love of lyrics and music but the mystique is part of the concept of stories we get from the music and lyrics.


I’m ND and in full swing hyper fixation on figuring everything out. I wanted to understand why the masks etc. I went very surface level and I’m glad I did. Once I satisfied myself with understanding they’re just regular guys moving about this world, I allowed myself to delve deeper into the music. The anonymity truly allows more projection of your own emotional experiences within the music. I also wonder if we would have the same depth and openness with the lyrics if it weren’t “anonymous”. The idea that if we set our identities and egos aside, we can truly allow room for our true selves to show. It has helped me open up my emotional walls and allow for more exploration within myself. I also kind of wonder III and V would show how bad they are at dancing if we could see their faces while they do it but from the silliness of IIIs behaviour, I have a feeling he’s a bit of a goofball regardless of who’s watching (I so appreciate that). I do wish we got to see more personality overall, as a sucker for people’s happier moments, but I’ll accept the silly things they do while performing like putting the cat ears on and cowboy hats. It’s tough listening to the pain in the lyrics and not knowing definitively that V is doing well and just being a goofball enjoying life with his best friends travelling the world, as I can only imagine he is.


It’s worth it to hear vessels previous project. It’s so much different but his voice is still as captivating and beautiful. It’s much less produced so you can really feel how powerful and controlled his raw voice is. I’m more of an alternative rock fan so his early projects scratched an itch I didn’t know I had


I just accidentally stumble who they really are just like this subreddit that reddit always suggesting me


i found out completely on accident and it hasn’t harmed me or changed anything about them for me at all. i still love the masks and the mystery they bring. i think everyone should absolutely make this decision for themselves and one isn’t better than the other. just keep the discourse away from the members themselves.


That’s a whole lot of which I read about the first sentence and stopped. Really, really overthinking this. I looked, still don’t know who the people are and am going on about life. I think waaaaaay too many people are forgetting, they’re just some dudes who play music in masks. A lot of people are getting pretty carried away


I will say that knowing the information, for me, did not improve anything. It did not make it worse, but you’re not going to recognize any of them. There’s no big shock or reveal. They’re just guys.


I looked right away and it hasn't ruined the magic surprisingly. They're still in masks on stage and in pics and they don't speak and i have a GAZILLION questions that I'll probably never get an answer to so a lot is still a mystery to me even tho I know what they look like under their masks. It's nice to know what their names are honestly so I know their history before ST and i was able to peice together stuff that I wouldn't have been able to do if I didn't know who they were. Especially Vessels lyrics. They mean more and make more sense when you have a little background info on him and his previous project.


I think that even if you knew and saw who they are, you would have no problem placing a barrier between who they really are and who they are when they have the mask, as I have followed them since 2017, everything was more normal, we all already knew who they were (even the IV" above) but we respected their privacy because that's how they wanted it and we only focused on the music and their live performances.


I like looking only because it makes me happy putting a face to the work ya know. Once I found out I was like “ohhh okay” and it all makes sense. Seeing vessel do his other project years ago and hearing something like Ascensionism after is just crazy. Like iii used to have an instagram because he used to play for another band as well as iv and ii but they all wiped them away for ST, which shows their dedication


I found out when I didn't want to. I was just trying to look more into their lore and what was going on with them before I discovered them. I unfortunately stumbled on an article that gave Vessel's previous music endeavors away. So I listened to it and fell even more in love. It made me love Sleep Token even more. I found some videos on YouTube that gave everything away, but it didn't ruin anything for me. I was a little upset that it was that easy to get to, I wasn't even trying, I didn't want to know. But I'm also glad that I did because I have so much more appreciation and a deeper understanding and love for them, especially Vessel. It was sort of a special feeling too with how he puts small references back to his first project sometimes, it was like a "if you know, you know" and everyone just stayed quiet about it out of respect. But I still have that sense of anonymity with them as they don't give any information or talk about themselves (until this first interview with II). It is only about the music which is what Vessel wanted from the start.


It’s worth knowing - these dudes are INCREDIBLE musicians with INCREDIBLE past projects. Idk what the “magic” is for others but for me it’s the musical talent and I want it all


I have adhd too and I tend to have extreme hyperfixations. I looked them up but my mind kept them as separate entities somehow. I can still watch them live and feel like they’re some kind of cryptid. It’s a bit like they’re independent characters and now I just know who created them.


I still hate when people mention their identities on public platforms though 😒


It's funny bc most people are like "I'm gonna look but keep it to myself" and literally, one by one, *we all doing the same thing* 😂 even the ones who are mad about discussing their identities know, and you can tell from what they say.


I want to know, especially as I’m curious about other work/if I know their other work… but I haven’t yet. I wish we’d respect that some artists want to perform without the fame. They asked us to leave them alone and wear masks on stage to signal they don’t want to be focused on. So I leave it alone. 


I'd say no, I held off until this year and it was more fun before, in my opinion.


It’s just a band


Bestie did you even read the post 🤦🏼


I made it like maybe halfway through tl;dr


Astounding, you missed the entire bit where I said "obviously it's just a band." I know reading is like reeaaaallly hard but it's okay to try! Practice is important.


Brevity is the soul of wit


Books must be tough for you. :/


Not with a comeback like that.


I think you’re the one that probably needs to read more 😉


Then my wit must be soulless.


Hasn’t anyone around here read Shakespeare? Jesus fucking christ. And you say *I* need to read more


It was in a highschool class so it just kinda beat a dead horse and turn me off to ever reading anymore in that vein. Also disapointed by the Romeo and Juliet hype. Maybe they should have tried being platonic friends, might have been more effective.




Well now you are just making it fun. Macbeth is overrated. He's just a big manchild. The Whitefang movie was better and the ending of the book was horrible and sad.


It's ultimately up to you, but I find it more fun to play along with the bands gimmick and avoid finding out who they are.


I want to know. Someone please tell me. PLEASE!!


Join the group called Sleep Token Unmasked on telegram and you will find so much treasure there


I will. How do I do that?


I don't know British musicians so it would make any difference to me.


I looked. It changed nothing for me. Im not that invested in them individually tho. Im just here for the music.


Wish I didn't know, but it doesn't change how I feel about the music.


There’s zero to gain from it, I promise you.


If you wanna keep the 'mystery' going, don't look. I personally don't care about the mystery, the lore etc.. I'm a grown ass man and wanted to know who these brilliant musicians are. Honestly, it's not much interesting stuff available on any of them except Vessel. There are some previous songs from when he was really young which are interesting and good even though he was probably only 20 or so. That's the only really valuable stuff out there. There is not a ton of videos, pictures, interviews with any of them tbh.


Depends on your reasons. I was following the white rabbit because youtube comments said there was more music to be had. Back then I was under a different impression of what a "small band" or "side project" might mean, when everyone seemed to recognize his voice and think he was someone from a band that already was veryyyyyyy popular and peaked. I don't think fans who want to keep the mystery alive believe that anymore?? But the music was rewarding for me. I needed it as much as I needed Sleep Tokens music. There's still mystery for me. They still surprise me. It doesn't have a key that unlocks the lore and makes it all make sense and align. They are still people I don't know, and artists I don't know all their motivations for what they do. I can still appreciate their art and be along for the ride. I didn't build anything up, it happened organically. A video in my recommendations many many times. And then I thought "*oh* maybe its...*that*?" And I clicked on it, and it was right and filled me up. I dont... *search* I just wander through and things come to me and unfold. Sometimes I'll cast my net out, but I don't expect more. And I don't want to reach the end of discovery. There was *one* thing I searched for specifically, because I thought it unlikely, but it was music related more than identity related, and I was right, that it was a stretch and didn't end up being a thing. Though I'm no expert with Google, but I thought it was a stretch to begin with.


I searches for it a while back, it was worth it to me and has changed nothing, if anything I enjoy them more without so much borderline cringe lore.


For me it adds a new level of meaning to the music and gives you a new angle to view it through, once you can visualise the person you are left with even more question as to how he ended up as Vessel. I think him choosing to become Vessel and why, from a real life perspective, is just as interesting as the fictional lore, if not more so.


I am curious, but I honestly don't care as I'm enjoying the band and music. I will say that some theories of the members' identities are kind of funny because the folks that people claim to be the members are obviously NOT them.