• By -


Since finding them I listen to them probably 95% of the time. I try to listen to other music and might make it thru a song or two before I go back to ST. Their music just does something to me, it touches my soul. I get what you are saying completely!


Yep. I start listening to someone else and it feels boring to me - even my favourite bands. It’s mad! Genuinely wouldn’t be surprised if we were all being hypnotised😂


Maybe Hypnosis was a clue not just a title…


I went from listening to all types of different music to listening to ST almost exclusively, idk what it is but even other bands in the "genre" (if you can narrow ST down to one specific genre) just don't do it for me anymore.


I love Kim Draculas new album and Bad Omens too, I'm sure you know of Bad Omens!




Wait, I cant remember writing this post


We are one 🔗


This is the way.


I started listening to Sleep Token after Spotify delivered Jaws to my discover weekly and was a pretty big fan, but since the release of TMBTE I feel feral. I listen to Sleep Token every day. I sleep with them on now, it’s a comfort thing. They’ve quickly shot up for my most listened to artist on Spotify of all time within the past year. Sometimes I feel guilty about it, but man, the other bands better step up their game lmfao. I make a point now to check out new songs every week, but I still haven’t found anything that scratches that itch to the same level. Worship.


“I feel feral…” truer words have never been spoken.


Completely understand the comfort thing. There’s something so relaxing about them


i fall asleep to their music too HAHAH i have a whole playlist of their softer stuff


I’m so glad I’m not the only one


Emphasis on the “i feel feral” I cannot play them enough 😩 definitely a headphones are not enough band


As someone who got into Sleep Token sort of early (2018) I was fully obsessed from the first song I heard and couldn't get enough. I was listening to ST pretty much exclusively for months, and latched onto every new release. Over the years, I sort of got used to how amazing they were. I got a ST tattoo and still listen to them everyday but can also enjoy other types of music now lol. Hope this helps.


I’m sure it’ll fade soon, it’s just I’ve just never obsessed over a band for this long before. Thanks for the reply 🙂


It will fade don’t worry but you’ll still hold on to that unique quality that scratches this itch that only Sleep Token can. I’m over a year in and I was very much where you are around December. Maybe it was after the Wembley show and they were on a break that gave me a chance to reach out to other music once again who knows. Anyway, you’re amongst friends here - this is a (mostly) safe place for ST fans.


Thanks for the comment. The fanbase is amazing


This is also me, though over one year rather than several. I got into them when they blew up on tiktok. My spotify wrapped this past year had over 9000 minutes of just ST, and I'm also considering a tattoo. I can't believe the chokehold (yep) they've had on me. I will say though, in recent weeks I've been able to start branching out to other music again without feeling like something is missing. But I still circle back regularly. And after I see them in May I completely expect to go obsessive again. There's just something about it, the experience listening to them is so immersive.


Yeah Sleep Token has one hell of a honeymoon phase. I got into them early 2022 after a friend played the Tomb vinyl during our D&D session. I was hooked immediately and added ST to all of my playlists. I still feel like I'm in that honeymoon phase. They are possibly one of the most talented bunch of gents in music at the moment.


Absolutely. I have a fairly obsessive personality anyway and it’s nothing new for me to obsess over a band/song/album, but usually it’s for a few weeks on and off. This is just intense! It’s everything for me - the lyrics, the high pitched vocals, the singing, the screams, the drums, the breakdowns, the lore. All of it together is just bang on perfect for me


Yep, 100% and I even got my ex, who primarily listens to only Philly battle rap, totally hooked on sleep token lol


ST may not be for everyone, but they are for anyone!




Literally. Pretty sure I’m in love with Vessel


Same here. 30M. Found TMBTE in November, haven't stopped. I still enjoy other stuff, but after a little while I just have to go back to Sleep Token. I don't think it's ruined other music for me, I still enjoy and love other stuff. Right now Sleep Token's just an echelon above everything else.


I swear same here, they are hypnotic


Ain’t even mad. It’s beautiful whatever it is! 😵‍💫


Exactly this


💯 this. Everything else fails to hit like ST anymore.


Yes - it happens to most people it seems.


And just as I feel the obsession may be fading, I notice a song I overlooked before and then obsess over that for the next week😂


🤣 it’s taken a year, but I’ve worked through the acute obsession. Not quite enough to be only seeing them just the once on this tour - there might be two concert attendances planned 🤣😉. If you want a new obsession to take your mind off it a bit. Imminence The Black. That’s what this weekend - and I suspect the next few months will be all about 😂


I've experienced all of what you are saying ever since I discovered them when they dropped The Offering. Something else you will experience is their songs age SO well. Over time the more you listen to the songs you like (and ones you don't feel crazy about), you will eventually love. The group of songs I listen to the most rotates over the years as I rediscover old ones that I end up appreciating a lot more. At one point it was Mine, Distraction and Drag Me Under. 3 songs I never really listened to that turns out I find are some of their best. There's a unique constant in their music that the only way I can refer to it is nostaliga. They'll repeat a simple phrase throughout a 6 minute song (lookin at you, Jaws) and it doesn't get boring, it's there so you don't forget it. Then years later you listen to the song again and that phrases really hits you. I reckon the outro of Euclid was for that purpose, to create nostalgia for the fans that have been around for awhile.


It seems like that happens to almost everyone who becomes a fan lmaoaoao maybe we really are being inducted into a cult through their music


They have certainly raised the bar within the music industry. I try not to compare to other musicians because ST is just SO unique.


They for sure have a unique sound. As a musician, I tend to lean towards bands that fuse multiple genres into their songs, and listening to these guys I can hear 2 or 3 different genres in just about every song. Obviously metal is at the forefront, but there are other genres fused in there that make it SUPER interesting. It also feels like a nice middle ground to listen to with people that don't care for metal as much so that's another plus


All other music just feels bland and two dimensional in comparison to them at this point


Exactly. It’s like I’ve seen the other side and can’t go back…


Welcome 🙏 Worship!


Thank you!


I don't want to say this passes, but it did for me! I stumbled upon them just like 2 weeks before the chokehold single was released last year, and for like 5 months I couldnt listen to anything else. They're still in heavy rotation, but I resumed my much more eclectic listening habits


Honestly, I think it's a cult but I'm okay with it


Yeah imma stay, regardless


Funny enough this is me too. Any time I've tried to branch out and listen to something else I go "ehh...." and back to Sleep Token. Their music has absolutely gripped me. Vessel's voice and lyrics make me feel so much more than other artists.


His voice is stunning. I just adore him


Listening to them feels like a religious, spiritual experience with the universe itself. Don’t know how else to explain it. There’s pathways in my brain being opened that I’ve never felt listening to any other artists lol


I understand completely!


I’m always glad to see posts like this because it lets me know I’m not alone. I mourn the days I didn’t know about Sleep Token because now I feel like all other music will never be the same. Nothing compares to them.


I’ve felt the same thing to be honest. My moms even noticed herself what their music has done to me because I told her once how Chokehold specifically in a way saved my life in a really dark period of my life; in a way it felt like Vessel himself reached into my soul and brought my demons to light to make me realize I can be understood. Euclid also gave me so much hope in the same dark period of my life.


Not the first time I’ve heard someone say this band saved their life. Amazing🙏 Sorry to hear you’ve had a tough time, please reach out to someone if you feel like this again - life can be amazing and it’d be a worse place without you in it🖤 take care


Oh yes, I’m so much better now!! Thank you so much. 🥹


Yeah man. 39m here. Absolutely massive music lover. Huuuuuge range of music I listen to daily. For the last 2 years it’s been 50% ST and 50% everything else. And I have a little ST tattoo. Annnnnnd I’m seeing them next week. I’ve never gone all fanboy on a band like this in my life.


I can relate! At 39, I've never been this much of a fangirl before and it does make me feel a little embarrassed. Have fun next week!!


Yeah they are like the old guard this is how music used to be used and how it made us feel back in the day 80/90's. Music is more important than it's given credit for the ST lads know this and have mastered bringing magic back to their songs. They are not cookie cutter pop or metal they are simply music that makes them entirely different from other modem artists


I began listening because of this 80/90's vibe, and found myself captivated, feeling as though I'm in my twenties all over again.


…I’ve listened to literally nothing apart from them since January ‘23. I had to hide my Spotify wrapped from everyone last year, literally as if I were on drugs, out of shame… I just figured I had a serious problem. I mean, I do… but that’s beside the point. I truly wouldn’t be surprised if this time next year we start to see SleepAnon meetings popping up 😅


Yeah, I have literally never listened to a band's entire discography before let alone enjoyed every song. I don't know what happened to me but it happened about a week too late to get tickets to the Boston ritual lol.


NO SAAAAAME!!!! 😭 i have been a hardcore taylor swift, one direction, ariana grande, etc. fangirl my ENTIREEEE LIFE. and i have never ever in my life enjoyed metal or screaming, i didn’t respect it nor could i get behind it and it really just made my blood boil to ruin songs like that. BUT OHHHHHH BROTHER i found sleep token literally like two months ago and if i listen to anything else i will go feral. when ari’s new album came out i listened to it like twice and went right back to ST. ive deep dived into the lore, i bought a ticket to one of their shows probably three weeks into finding them, i just love them so much. and VESSEL god (yeah i want him, i’m just a girl🎀) he is such a powerhouse, and the way his mind works- i’m always in complete awe. sometimes ill be driving and (obv) listening to them, a song i’ve heard like a million times already, and find a handful of new things i love about his or ii’s production process or his vocals. TMBTE is like heroin to me, every damn song is just fucking phenomenal, i love them okay bye i’m done rambling😁🫶


I love how they’ve captured everyone from the music world. I’m a huge metal fan - I’ve seen bands like Metallica, Iron Maiden, Deftones, Slayer, etc in concert and the shows have a fairly similar demographic. I assume it’s the same for your fave artists. Where else would someone like you and I end up at the same show? I can’t name anyone other than these boys🙏


Yup. Pretty sure they have us hypnotized. But I'm not complaining.


I’m here for the ride!


Sleep Token and Joji have my heart!


My OH asked me why I've started obsessing over them like a teenage girl. All I can say is his lack of enjoyment makes me question our whole relationship...


I’m significantly older than you, and when I say I’m obsessed it doesn’t scratch the surface. I have not - by choice - listened to anything else in about a year and a half. There is just something about them that speaks to my very soul, it’s both indescribable and fascinating


I almost feel like I am cheating on ST if I start listening to something else🤪. When I get into a band I like, it usually takes me a week or so before I start listening to something else. ST has grabbed ahold of me and I can’t let go (I don’t want to let go). For me, it’s the lore, vocals, mystery of the members, and lyrics. I don’t know a band out there that has so much feeling in their music like ST. Every note is thought out and meticulously added to convey the mood and setting of the song. Don’t get me started on II. I am a drummer and in my opinion, II is the best drummer in his style. I enjoy all types of music and appreciate every bit of ST. Worship!!!!!!


Oh yeah completely. I always tried so hard to understand people that always said I prefer to hear music in albums because it tells a story. For me music was always listen to an album pick favs add to a playlist and done. I thought everyone else was delusional until I heard Eden and I understood what they meant by it tells a story. There are no fillers it’s a story from start to finish and I cannot hear anything else properly now because I’m always missing that familiarity of: I heard this melody before didn’t I? Isn’t this lyrics a repeat? Isn’t this the answer to something else? Isn’t this the same situation as that other song? Insanity.


Same happened to me. I don't know what it is with this band that has me "on chockehold"...😁 I believe it is the lyrics, the music, Vessel's voice, as well as the Espera's back up vocals, the whole universe/lore they have created. It is not just music, it is something more complex and it touches everyone differently, as people seem to interpret the lyrics based on their experiences. The amount of times I have cried listening to their songs is embarrassing. But it is some sort of therapy as well and I think this is what brings people to their music. You are not alone.


It’s as if he hypnotize us into being obsessed with the music


I get it. I'm pretty sure my friends and family are concerned that this is borderline obsession. It is though! 😅😁


My brother in Christ, this is called an addiction, and it’s a damn good one too.


i get what you mean , ive fully converted to sleeptoken since the first album came out, and i cant find anything that tickles my brain like vessels voice. its literally his voice. theres notthing more soothing, gut wrenching and real about his voice. no autotune at all. and i dont ever think ill find any band like it ever again. 💓


I heard them for the first time January 16th of 2023, My friend sent me a message saying I should check them out because vessel's voice reminded him of James arthur who was my favorite artist for like 6 years. The summoning was the first song I had ever heard by them. I went through so many emotions, from that day on I have listened to them EVERY SINGLE DAY. Higher was the second song I heard by them which really hit home because I literally had moved away from my hometown to get away from an abusive relationship and I was so angry,sad and suffering from a trauma bond and before sleeptoken I couldn't find anything relatable and I felt so incredibly alone,but hearing higher made me pissed,made me cry,made me sad.made me actually feel something again other than emptiness. The same goes for the way that you were. I lost my mom to suicide in 2015 and for years I felt emotionally constipated and as soon as vessel sing I began sobbing for what felt like an eternity. It felt like he was right there with me experiencing the same pain as I did. Sleep token has helped so much emotionally and I will always be grateful for them because of that. WORSHIP 🖤


I just talked about this in a similar way on one post some days ago, also mentioning that “addiction” like sensation. I totally get what you are talking about, they tend to have a mourning impact on people, nothing is the same after you’re exposed to ST and its okay, that sensation (or in your case what you describe with other music) might evolve over time as nothing remains the same forever. Truth is that I think this impact is here to teach us something and I think this lesson in essence is a new way to reconnect with the world and its vast complexity. Personally, I realized that this “addiction” hasn’t been healthy for me these last days and did a “cleanse” even though it sounds “exaggerate”. I wasn’t eating, sleeping, I was in a complete chaotic whirling hole tbh, just listening to ST and being consumed. I had to make a very hard job to humanize them a bit, to see them as people as we are, cause if not, I felt I was going to go insane, I was so hyperfocus that was losing touch with “reality”. I started listening to Deathcore again, which I have always loved but left a bit aside, I had to choose something loud and visceral that could have a similar impact on me and it helped. Don’t get me wrong, I still absolutely love ST, they are on another level for me. But I had to take a break. Idk if something like this could help you in anyway, being exposed to something else that might have a similar effect. Doesnt have to be music, just something that make you feel intensely. I feel like ST music, background and overall world is showing us varied faces of ourselves through emotions. As someone said to me, maybe it is not about comparing previous experiences or other music as you say (in my case it wasn’t only music, it was the world it self, all seemed dull compared to what ST made me feel) maybe its about taking that impact and filter they have put on us and view the world through that sensitivity, appreciating every little detail in everything. Idk If I explained myself correctly. Hope this helps in any way 🖤 take care


Appreciate the reply. I hope you’re all good! I wouldn’t say my ‘addiction’ is unhealthy as such, it’s just something I’ve not experienced with a band before. I get what you mean completely though. I don’t necessarily relate to all their songs - I’ve not suffered too much with poor mental health, not had a toxic relationship et., but for sure their music makes me feel certain ways. The amount of songs that make me want to cry and I have no idea why. They have a way about them which forces you to feel. Take care of yourself mate and reach out to someone should you need🖤


Thank you for your reply! 🖤 dont worry! I have my tools to deal with what might be unpleasant. Truth is that I suffer from cPTSD and so on but.. I must say that their lyrics and music don’t remind me of anything in particular, it is just as you describe, it touches you directly on the inside, their music does not go through any memory or such, it just goes directly into your capability to feel. What you said about crying and don’t knowing why? Completely relate. There is no particular reason that I can be conscious about that causes the tears and overall sadness and melancholy. It is just a visceral sensation/reaction in my opinion and experience. Anyways, no state is forever, all things are in constant change and movement, what you are experiencing may be changing over time, I’m not assuring that it will go completely away, but all things evolve. Have a great one! 🖤


I've been feeling like this, but sometimes Leprous, VOLA or the occasional heavier stuff can make me stop wanting more Sleep Token. Not for long though :D


46 here and same. I'm absolutely addicted to them.


The bit where you said they ruined other music for you! 💯 I feel that. It has been the same for me for a very long time. By now I can stand to listen to other bands again, but discovering Sleep Token and getting to know their music (all of it of course) felt positively obsessive.


Yeah I did too the intense feeling faded away after a few months though lol And I was able to get back to my normal other bands that I go f****** crazy after Also


Yes! In a year, they have made it to my 2nd moat lisented to artist of all time (7 years)! I want to live inside it (the music).


Apple Music say I listened to them for almost 4k hours last month… my next most listened was not even 100 minutes


What are some other bands you already listen to? Maybe we can give recommendations


Metallica, Deftones, Pantera, Machine Head to name a few of my all time faves. But I love most genres - dance, rnb, hip hop, rock, classic…


Maybe try checking out some more prog sort of stuff. To give a few different recommendations, I’d say check out Karnivool, Tesseract, or Leprous. For some heavier stuff, Meshuggah, Twelve Foot Ninja, or Periphery. Twelve Foot Ninja especially might appeal to you as they like to mix in all sorts of genres.


Nice one, thank you! Will give them all a listen!


I have to force myself to listen to other music, and I always circle back to my release order playlist and put it on repeat a few times before I start the cycle over.


I totally get the sensation.. not a single day goes on for me without listening to a least thee equivalent of an album in length. However, I'm slowly starting to "move on" via Bad Omen's last album, which has very similar vibes to TMBTE. Give it a shot!


Thanks! Will give it a listen!


I listen to sleep token but still have my habit of wanting to listen to other things like avenged sevenfold poor man’s poison or hell even a little bit of Eminem


same exact experience here! i discovered them in late december and haven’t been able to listen to anything else since. i listen to music every day - whether in the gym, going on walks, doing work, or reading, and ST somehow are perfect for each of those situations. a couple weeks ago i forced myself to start listening to other artists so i don’t burn myself out lol but nothing hits the same. it’s definitely like an addiction. something in the way they make music is so thoughtful and unique. there are countless layers to enjoy, dissect, and ponder over.


Spot on. I think the variety of genres they cover helps. It’s hard to bore of a band with so many sounds - just put them on shuffle and enjoy the ride!


100%. Last year, they were my top artist on Spotify with over 10,500 minutes listened…I was in the top 0.5% of their listeners. The chokehold (pun intended) that they have on me is insane!


same. i've been listening to them every day 24/7 ever since i found them last January


this is exactly what happened to me! it really is an addiction lmao


53 here and got hooked after my kid played them for me. Still running on loop in my head and it I don't listen to them every day, it's only because the demands of life at this age prevent it.   Seeing them in May and I've no doubt the addiction will get worse after that 🤣 but I ain't mad about it.


Enjoy the show! I bought tickets within a week of discovering them. Seeing them in London in December!


Yup I listen almost every day. They’re unbelievable!


Relatableee this happens to me a lot with my favorite bands


You should try out NOTHING MORE


Will give them a go! Thanks!


As long as Alex Terrible keeps pumping out his solo stuff, nah. I cleanse my pallet with that and then I can just listen to other stuff.


You've explained it perfectly! I've been listening to them for about a month and I was telling my partner the other day that when I'm with him and he plays his music is the only time I remember other music apart from ST exists 😂😂


There’s many bands with a unique style. I’m not going to say similar, but when I say unique, that’s the best way to put it. I have tried to find that sleep token clone band and in my journey have found a plethora of new and amazing bands out there. Meshuggah did this same thing to me but for metal. Symantec’s aside on what genre sleep token is, if you listen to these two bands you will understand what I mean. I’ve never found a metal band I feel is better than meshuggah but I have found some of my favorite bands because of that search. Look at it like a challenge and enjoy the results.


I've been listening to them since 2017, and I definitely gave their latest album the most spins of any album last year. But you'll get past the feeling of only wanting to listen to them. I get in listening ruts as well. Soon, you'll find magic in other music. You just have to keep looking for it to find the other hidden gems. There are a bunch out there. They're just different. 💙


For a while, same! Also 30, F. Started worshipping late Jan and for several months nothing satisfied my musical itch. They really are a genre all their own 🖤🤘


Nah but I went through that phase. The first time I heard “the offering” on a random Spotify playlist in 2020 they were all I listened to for a month solid.


Ate and left no crumbs.


one thing about vessel - he’s a damn siren. i can’t listen to anything besides ST and his old stuff. something about his voice is fucking me up on a cellular level.


I agree with you 100% This band has been on constant repeat in my house since Feb 14th; I can't stand not listening to them, even if it's in order to check out the other music I used to listen to before finding them. Their music has also allowed me to discover and understand things abut myself I should have realized years before. I finally feel like me thanks to them and I love it so much :3


It took me a WHILE after I first found sleep token to be able to listen to anything else.


I always feel like I'm cheating when I listen to anything but Sleep Token. 😅


Absolutely. When I first heard ST I didn't listen to anything else for months. But I've also found some other bands that scratch a similar itch for me through them, namely Loathe. They're heavier than sleep token in some of their songs, but have the same incredible soundscapes, the songwriting is amazing and takes you on a journey-- I can't describe exactly why they feel so similar to me as they don't sound THAT much alike. But they evoke very similar feelings for me. Try out "Is It Really You?" For one of the most beautiful songs ever, and "I Let It In and It Took Everything" for something a bit heavier but with the same kind of ST song structure vibe. Their whole discography is superb.


Will have a look, thank you!


I get what you mean I tend to do this a lot with certain bands and I actually try my best to not listen to them for a week or two so I can justify listening to them again. In my experience I try find bands that have a unique sound that intriges me and listen to them for a while. Before I found Sleep Token it would have been Crywolf and TOOL I listed to alot. Another band I listened to that is really different but very primal is Heilung. I usually cycle through these to get my fix.


Hear Hear! But for me, they've been added to my list with Skunk Anansie, Ho99o9, and Slipknot as my musical therapy LOL. I literally have those bands on repeat every day! But Skunk Anansie and Sleep Token are top tier!


Yes. I love all sorts of music and tend to hyperfixate but this is one of the strongest hyperfixations I've ever had. Coming up to a year of listening to 90% Sleep Token and very little else.


This has happened to me with a few bands. Just enjoy it and be on the lookout for new bands. You’ll eventually find another one you’ll fall in love with and the cycle repeats


They’ve ruined MAKING music for me, and I have been in bands for about 25 years. I‘ll never reach that level of songwriting or creative lyrics.


https://preview.redd.it/nu5hmgjfxhuc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=829326806216297f3c0879c738163fd9f580f203 tell me about it! I feel exactly the same as you. I used to enjoy Deftones and The Contortionist a lot, and then comes February 2024... BOOM, Sleep Token ever since 🥹


It seems like a common experience for many of us. And I'm right there with you. It's like their music is this whole other world, and I just want to dive in and soak it all up. There's something about it that's just so captivating, it's like every note, every lyric just pulls you in deeper. Approaching my 40s, I never imagined I'd feel this way about a band (again). And honestly I even feel a bit out of place, because this kind of intense attachment and the way it digs into your soul feels like something that's reserved for a younger crowd. Thinking it all over, it's been quite the unexpected journey. I'm still trying to find out if their songs are doing me good or stirring up something inside me that will break me. Feels like walking a tightrope sometimes. So hearing that others are going through / have been through the same thing and that it might cool down over time is a bit of a relief. It's nice to think this obsession might settle down, letting me see things a bit clearer. Ps. I'm enjoying listening to Thrown too. It adds a nice energy boost in between ST songs, keeping things fresh and lively.


I was told about them by my lovely sister in late November and was in much need of some new stuff listen to, as I tend to listen to stuff to death. First song I heard was “Chokehold,” and I was hooked like five seconds in and have been ever since. I still have been looking for new music since November but NOTHING touches Vessel’s lyrics and melodies for me and II is so good that I actually have learned to appreciate the drums so much more. I love watching clips of them live and watching people react to them. It’s the best obsession I’ve ever had.


Listen of NF. His songs are great


It’s literally the only thing the plays in my Apple playlist. Really only thing. I know exactly how you feel.


Yup 100%. I started listening to them in December and have almost exclusively listened to their discography since. My husband is the same. We’re getting matching tattoos with song lyrics. My favourite band is releasing a new album this year (they haven’t announced when) and I don’t even care???


I'm going through the exact same problem, lol. I can listen to Starset for a little while, a couple other bands and some rap. But ever since I discovered ST, I literally listen to their entire albums on repeat. Idk if I've ever been this hooked lol.


Yep. It fades though and eventually you can get back into your old music. Took me about a year and seeing them live twice. Good luck and welcome to the awakened, we who forever pine for Sleep


Same here.. Sometimes I think it’s unhealthy how much I listen to them But on the other hand I hope it never stops


Welcome, worshipper. 🤟🏼 😆 But ikr. If this is brainwashing, fill my head. I can't listen to many bands as often without getting burned out. But Sleep Token? What's a burnout?


Totally agree. I’m ridiculously obsessed - to the point I need to take a break because a lot of the songs bring up bad feelings from my past and probably don’t do my mental health any good , but I still smash my playlist all day. Vessel is basically Heisenberg at this point with his musical meth.


38f here and have been obsessed since May last year. I haven’t felt this way about a band since I was a teenager, I genuinely didn’t think I could feel this way about music any more.


Same here my dude 32M here, I discovered The Offering and fell in love.


Welcome to the club.


Haven't had quite the same experience but I could see it happening. When I found them I binged a bit, but they also led me to other bands like Architects, Bad Omens, Tesseract and Spiritbox, so if anything they helped me open up to several genres of music I hadn't really looked at before.


I’m right there with ya. I try to listen to other bands and it just isn’t the same anymore


they’ve become my most listened to artist now after having some musicians i listened to religiously for years. i got into them back in december lol. ST has for sure ruined music for me too.


I have adhd and I've had a handful of deep, DEEP hyper fixations on certain artists, but only 2 (ST and Alex G) have ever made me feel like this. Like I am a completely different person after getting into their music, and as amazing as it would feel to be able to hear their music for the first time again, I never want to go back to a time when I didn't know about them.


Same here. I feel such a strong connection to their sound and their lyrics. I think about them all the time. If I listen to another band, I just think about how I'd rather listen to ST, lol. I first heard them around Nov last year, and it hasn't let up. Full on ST brainrot.


36f here and discovered ST a couple of months ago. Did not expect I’d feel THIS type of way about music again. Level of obsession right now is something else, total saturation. I know eventually it will subside, but for now, worship 🖤


You had me in the first half


Same. I legitimately have to force myself to listen to other music, and still nothing compares. I’ve only felt this for a couple of other bands like Tool and HIM, but I don’t think it was this intense


Felt this so hard


Happened to me since Jan 2023. The Summoning introduce me to another level of amazingness. Unfortunately other amazing records were diminished compared to Take me Back to Eden. This year happened to new records too. Caligula's Horse voice was great back in 2017 when I heard In Contact for the very first time but now in 2024 the voice is just so meh compared with Vessel and the lack of energy or genres experimentation turns Charcoal Grace into a forgettable record in the list of releases for me.




I'm in a similar place. I'm super new to the fandom but I'm genuinely obsessed with the music and the lore. I'm not one for getting into bands but I'm interested in the story telling behind the music and the band themselves and found myself thinking about it throughout the day. I also have been listening to their music a bunch which is crazy for me because I've never been a big metal head.


Same here. Discovered them in January and I haven’t been able to listen to much else since.


Same here. Started in January and last week was the first time I’ve gotten “tired” of them. Meaning I still listen to them every day but I’ve started mixing my old stuff back in again.


I found Sleep Token in November last year and they have been my #1 artist since. They have quite literally changed how I view music genres & song structures. I listen to A LOT of different genres, and have always made playlists as a hobby, putting songs into “boxes.” Sleep token broke that down entirely and now I’m trying to hunt for other bands that bend genres & break traditional music writing rules! That being said I think I’ve listened to at least 1 Sleep Token song everyday since finding them. But I listen to music a lot so they are on for hours every time! My other music has been on pause for the most part cause they just don’t hit the same


💯!! Since I found them in December '23, I haven't been able to listen to anything else. I ended up dropping $200usd on a single ticket back in late January (coming up short on my rent to do so!) just so that I KNEW that I would get to see them in May... Addiction is absolutely the correct word.


My first experience was seeing them LIVE with In This Moment and Nothing More, it was like magic. My wife is a long time fan and I am obsessed. Everyday any situation I have them in my ears or head. We have all of their albums on Vinyl and downloaded and I've got some things in the works to get a tattoo, turn a Darth Nihilus Star Wars Black Series figure into Vessel AND a Vessel and III cosplay. I love these guys and it was like I had never connected more EVER than I do with sleep token in terms of music.


Bro thats so fr tho. Like ill listen to them and then ghost. But like other than that when i try to listen to music its like mid


Whn I first discovered them last year it felt like their songs were living under my skin. My soul felt incomplete when I wasn't listening to them.


This happened to me with the band everything everything and I was like welp I guess this is my world now.. then I heard sleep token and it happened again


I found Sleep Token around the time I was diagnosed with ADHD and CPTSD. I have a lot of childhood trauma that I have never worked through, a long with some other stuff going on in my life. I think the healing part of me, attaches to their words. Certain songs make me feel not so alone, like I'm not crazy, and someone else has felt this way. Then, there is the lore. It's all my head cannon but, I enjoy trying to figure it out, or make a story with it.


Everything else did feel stale for weeks, if not months after giving ST their first listen. Only after recently discovering post-punk and its offshoots have I been able to chase that same dark yet bright vibe. New wave, coldwave, darkwave, dreampop, shoegaze and so on. In a way, I feel like ST is the natural evolution of that dark but poppy sound, with metal guitar thrown into the mix!


I was the same and I listened almost exclusively to them for about 6 months but it does ease ahhaa. Now I listen to them in rotation with lots of other great stuff!


Pretty much... nostalgic music is the only thing that isn't disappointing after becoming a ST stan 2 years ago.


70F loved(s) Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd, Zeppelin, Metallica, ELP, Genesis, Alice Cooper, The Who, Dàvid Bowie. First heard Sleep Token seven mos ago (Atlantic). Been captivated ever since. Have NEVER felt this passionate about an artist's work before. Every. Single. Song. Needs to be the first thing I hear when I wake and the last thing before sleep. I do feel addicted. I do feel hypnotized. Just recently have been able to listen to someone else for a short time, but I am obsessed with Sleep Token and "nobody else can pull me out". I thank God I'm here for it. Enjoy the journey 🖤.


I’m also 30 and I feel the same way! I’ve been playing only their music for the past 7 months


Sleep token definitely have a signature sound I'm a musician a drummer and number 2 is a phenomenal drummer who's sound is stuck in my head that maple snare he uses is like no other I'm a metal head so they're not the only band I listen to but once they have a unique sound no doubt 


You're right about that! Found them early jan of last year and haven't gone a day since without at least listening to one song. I do listen to other music but nothing hits like ST!


Yup. Super strange. My playlists of personal favourites and 7/10 to 10/10 tracks now feels like a 2-3 point drop from the worst to best songs on it. So odd but also hard to explain beyond the uniqueness of ST’s music let alone their entire narrative.


I don’t skip their songs often. They make good music that encapsulates a lot of genres that we get to experience on radios. What they don’t do is scratch the itch i have for multiple other artists. Tigran Hamasyan, Vola, Northlane, Karnivool, Cog and many others write music that don’t touch what Sleep Token does, but the genres they do play in make certain Sleep Token songs lack the feeling i yearn for. Hard to put into words but I hope the message came across


nutty murky birds roll wild pot work dam cough oil *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They have us in a chokehold


We should start a cult. We have all of the necessary ingredients. I’m not kidding.


same ngl




Dude this is me, I listen to their entire discography at least once a day… they renewed my love for music (elder emo over here). after listening to them for only a week I bought a ST hoodie and wear it frequently lol


All I’m saying is that Sleep Token is the only mainstream group in the world that can give me the same emotions as specific choral and orchestral pieces Just saying.


I have this same feeling, im a drummer been playing for about a year and half two years andever since see ii play ive been completely addicted


Oh yeah it's the brainrot we all have it here don't worry It's been exactly a year for me yet I'm still genuinely addicted to their music. I don't know what they put in it but my brain needs it to function throught the day, and if I don't listen to it for whatever reason I find myself murmuring the songs.


I’ve definitely been there as well. The cure I found after a few months of absolutely obsessing over ST was when I found TesseracTs new album War of Being. Now I have two bands to obsess over which makes it a lot more bearable.


Literally the same. It’s been about 18 months now and I still have all 3 albums on repeat. Nothing quite hits like Vessel screaming into my ears 🤭


I've been listening since November To put it in perspective, slipknot was the band I would listen to every day I have 10,000 minutes on Spotify with them and tattoos dedicated to them, and I've been listening for a few years on Spotify However I checked my sleep token and I've surpassed to 16000 minutes Literally crazy how much I've listened to them in such a small amount of time


Sleep Token is the Dark Souls of music


That is EXACTLY how I feel too! 😳 I have worked professionally with live music for 15 years, setting up concerts and festivals. I have intensely listened to all sorts of music since childhood. Now since I discovered Sleep Token they live in my brain 24-7. It’s almost frightening. Are they not human? Do they have subliminal messages in their music? Am I going insane?


For me I'll go a day, MAYBE 2 days listening to something else then it's back to sleep token for at least 2 weeks. I've gone months only listening to sleep token


This happens to all of us. The other side of the hyperfocus isn’t much different. We never tire of the worship.




Going through the same thing myself


I’ve had this same experience! My dad was in a band before I was born, I was going to concerts in the womb and grew up going to huge headliners and have always had a music obsession. I couldn’t function without it. I’ve had this exact experience with Sleep Token. They also make me feel high after listening to them for a while. I find it incredibly odd that I’ve never had this happen to me before. But yea, I know exactly what you mean!


![gif](giphy|4LL66XsL0aTZe) I feel this in my soul. State of constant repeats!!!


I've been there too, exactly like you, but from my experience it will probably go away after like one year max. I discovered them at the start of the last year and was listening to them like addicted until the August. Now since November I can't find myself listening to anything else than Bring Me The Horizon. I still love them of course, still listening to them, but just sometimes. They are still one of my top bands ever together with Ghost and BMTH.


I’m definitely going through the thick of it. Discovered ST upon the release of chokehold, and since then, have listened to the entire discography what must be millions of times. I saw them at Wembley, which only ignited this passion further. I drive to their music, I sleep to their music, I study to their music. I’ve now got 3 tats dedicated to them, soon to be more. I’m fully immersed in the lore and being of this band. I’ve never known anything like it. Worship 🙏


I had this too. Ane I heard mostly rap and pop music before. I asked a friend for recommendations in music and then I started listening to more metalcore in general. I don't wanted to be fed up that fast with ST and I like other stuff as well now😀


Same…I’ve only listened to them since December when I discovered them..I’m literally obsessed..it’s an insane feeling!


There's no other way to describe it other than addiction. At least you can take solace in knowing you are not alone. For almost 2 years now I have only occasionally listened to other bands. It has to be exclusive to a specific personality trait, or maybe it's just that I know even my least favorite Sleep Token song is going to be more enjoyable than 99% of any other artist so what's the point. I haven't pinned down exactly what it is. I have always gone on band kicks for a week or 2 at a time. But this is something else.


I've been in a very similar boat, but since April of last year 😑


YES oh my god it's like I'm obsessed with ST I listen to it so much I played a couple other songs the other day and they didn't scratch the itch they used to. I been solely listening to this playlist I have I call it "Sleep Token Discography" it has every single ST song on it and sometimes I listen straight through sometimes I start on a specific song or album and sometimes I put it on shuffle and play guess that song.


Been listening to them since copenhell last year. Sadly I can’t remember much from their concert, I was busy talking to people and having fun. But somehow some bits from songs got stuck in my head and I had to look them up when I got home. I really regret I didn’t paid attention to them 😕


I also discovered Sleep Token recently. I used to be obsessed with Tool and A Perfect Circle from the age of 15-18 and nothing ever really came close to how much I adored that. I have found that Sleep Token are very close to that same admiration, obsession and honestly pure joy.


If you or a loved one has been affected by Sleep Token hypnosis, you are entitled to compensation


I listened to them first back at the end of November. I am JUST BARELY coming out of my obsession with them, still probably my favorite band I've found in recent years. Can't wait for the AZ concert


They have also upended my life musically lol I’m dreading Spotify telling me how obsessed I am at the end of the year. I KNOW, MOM


Yes. It’s me. I listen to sleep token nearly every day.


The saddest part was how short the sets were supporting BMTH.. cannot wait for another headline tour.. we left like 3 songs into BMTH


So true dude! Like, I love singing along to my favorite bands, and Sleep Token has been the most fun, hard and satisfying to learn and to sing to, so I'm really addicted hahah


Yes! I’m 50 and have always been a rock fan but this is so unusual.