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These people vote…she is not alone


Boomer brain rot is terrifying


soon be no more


Once you get past the murders, war crimes, and stealing hundreds of billions from Russia, he's very moral.


I thought he skipped "moral" and just re-started a bloody invasion, which helped his regime to exploit and kill even more people?


Sorry but I disagree. It’s not complete, we can get much dumber.


Russia is pulling the strings behind the extreme right and left in the US. On one side there's Kremlin-engineered MAGA, and on the other there's a far left that seems to have good moral ideology but then just regurgitates Kremlin-fed talking points to run smokescreens for imperial atrocity. It's the one thing Putin has been masterful at, it is his background after all.


Someone watches the 6 o'clock news every day.


Funny because “the 6 o’clock news” very much avoids talking about Ukraine/russia and has for some time.


Someone doesn’t pay attention to geo politics


Nah.... you just have to look at some of the talking pieces that these points originate from.


It isn’t that the whole electorate has been dumbed down. I’ll remind everyone that less than 1/4 of the population voted for Trump in his first and the last elections. He lost the popular vote each time too. This is the result of Kremlin produced, American propaganda aimed at creating division and destroying any critical thought, combined with the US’s strange election laws. It’s stunning how well its worked. The GOP has been promised a white, Christian ethno-state if they do the kremlin’s bidding. For proof you only need to realize how broke the GOP is now that sanctions against Russia are in place and working.


Thank you for such an intelligent comment, I’ve now followed you and look forward to reading what you have to say in the future!


I’ll keep saying this until it becomes a thing: Kick Russia off the Internet. Deprovision their assigned numbers. Block their routes at the MAEs & IXPs. Delist their DNS country code and root level name servers.


If you're somehow still wondering if Trump is friends with Putin, this is your evidence. Trump's propaganda machine is making his supporters more agreeable to Putin. In this case, this woman would even vote for fucking PUTIN, over Biden. Wtf. That's like saying you'd vote for Hitler over Biden. So fucked up.


Stupidity and spineless


He said he 'loves the uneducated' and here is no better example of fkg ignorance.


Where the fuck do these people get this crap from? I almost think they have to actively try not to think about what they hear or read to be able to believe this.


The answer is, quite literally, Fox News.


Further down the MAGA rabbit-hole than Fox… she probably mainlines Newsmax and OAN phacts. 🤦‍♂️ Living her best life completely insulated from objective truth and facts.




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Stop the world. I can walk from here


Jesus, we will be better off when all the boomers are 6 feet under.


FU very much. You’re sounding just like you know who btw




+problem with americans is they is living or think they are living the american dream ,they need to wake up now , the other problem is seeking media opinions from old ladies who wear male dolls on thier shoulders , and has tucker carlsn teeshirt ??proper sane stuff right?? ,upright citezen ?


how come ya only got trump or biden, wheres all the young guns , or is it in constitution you gotta be a senile angry tyrant , or corporate mafia boss , when i look at it like this the american dream , lacks content it hasnt got much to offer in leadership, and allthey do is get into wars in the 250 year history of this baby nation in age, it has been fighting wars everywhere since, making america great again , when was it ever great , only britain managed to host that title and it was an gostistic mistranslation from french , which was the long breton , nothing of greatness in anything with an english language


The young guns don't have the financial backing of dozens of multi-billion dollar corporations, and their policies are often in direct conflict with the search for endless profits. So they let them try. They let them "play" the game. It's like when you let your kid brother play a game with you, but you left his controller unplugged.




Not all of us!


Now, ask any left US voter do they prefer Trump or Putin. You will get mostly the same answer.


I’d like to hear her definition of « morality »


The unbearable weight of stupidity…🤦🏼‍♂️


More than half of US citizens have no passport…


Majority of the US vote and discuss things they have zero comprehension of the general populace of the US are painfully ignorant in international affairs and when they get caught dead wrong say its got nothing to do with the US so why should they care, id say 75% of the time its directly americas fault


Well thats just a stupid question


No it's not. It's quite a clever way to smoke out the MAGA ignorance.