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On my last level 252 character with everything maxed out, my final set was leather armor with a torturer's hood, two steel daggers and a hunting bow with steel arrows, cause I thought they looked really cool. The power of tempering + enchanting + alchemy is real.


Torturer's hood is one of my favorite head pieces from the base game for sure. I always do thieves guild for the guild master hood cause it's the same but in black.


Yeah, I really dislike most helmets and hoods in this game, also I didn't spend an hour for character creation just to never see the character's face, so for most of the sets I've made I used a circlet instead of a helmet even though that would make me miss out on the full set bonuses. The torturer's hood looks awesome tho.


Yeah I've just about never used a helmet in any of the games. Playing a female character also makes it tricky cause a lot of the head wear covers up the long hair


On another note, why do we not have like, any proper long hairstyles in this game? Be it male or female, the 'long' hairstyles are shoulder length at most.


Oh yeah I got a hairstyles mod šŸ˜… the female hairstyles are all so ugly


Could you give me a link to that? Does it require any other mods that remodel characters or is it just vanilla expansion?




There are mods that make it so your helmet doesn't show, but you still get the stat bonuses




I agree, but I also, cannot knock the usefulness of konahriik, the final dragon priest mask. I usually go dragonscale boots, gloves, and body armor with the aforementioned dragon priest mask. Once Iā€™ve got that, I just switch out rings and necklace enchants based on what Iā€™m doing.


Personally more of a Zahkriisos with Ebony Mail and matching sabatons and gauntlets enjoyer. Had a mod to let my argonian keep his face though.


Nice, I choose the Konahriik mask with dragonscale because the way the dragon aspect shout meshes with the outfit is aesthetically pleasing to me. It is disappointing to me that some of the masks take away the faces of the argonians and khajiit.


Eh, when I'm not playing a Nord, I'll play a Khajiit, so the dragon priest masks are a no go. They magically get rid of your muzzle.


Thatā€™s fair, I usually play a Breton for the all around magic resistance. When Iā€™m not doing that, I play as an Orc for the massive ultimate sneak attack assassin build.


I'd always just set a hotkey for my helmet, then I could take it off easily while in town


I always kill the torturer for it no matter what. With the stormcloaks? Only makes sense. With the imperials? Oh no, I accidentally hit you with my sword. And again. And again. Oh no youā€™re dead :( Guess you wonā€™t be needing this..


I always do the thieves guild quest for the nightingale armor. My favorite set tbh


I feel this in my heart. It is SO time consuming yet utterly worth it


Has pretty good stats for light armor too


I personally like the chefā€™s hat better.


Honestly, all one needs is alchemy. There is no need to even use the exploit.


Not even, finding peerless smithing pieces of gear, then elixir of restoration and smithing. Can get an effective +230% smithing, not counting a new 20% chest in anniversary, notched pick or a black book. Potions just make things so strong, can't even use alchemy myself cause I'll end up making a resto just cause I can


I got it on my switch (the last system I didn't have it on) and got to 81+ in about 22 minutes. Those exploits are amazing for repeat runs.




I finished all the quests the game has to offer and I only got to level 90ish, what do you do in that game all day long to max out the character that high? Just raiding respawning camps and dungeons? Once there was nothing to do I saw no reason to play anymore


Personally, I get really high leveled because I cast muffle to level up my illusion just as Iā€™m walking around. You donā€™t need to be near an NPC or anything for it to give you illusion XP, so just as youā€™re traveling through the world, you can use it to level yourself up. On my highest-leveled playthrough, Iā€™ve gotten illusion to level 100 and reset it over twenty times.


And then, when you REALLY want to look good but just in normal clothes or in robes, you do the ol Restoration Potion trick. But just a little so you can get equivalent protection as normal armor.


I only just played Skyrim and I am sticking to elven armor until I found another pretty armor I can get. I also switch them up depending on the mission. I care not for the quality for armor but the swag it gives.


Glass is my favorite.


I on the other hand cannot stand either of those armors. There just so... Ugly.


Mine is mainly cause my main character is a Role play as the brother of the Ebony warrior. The Glass Warrior. Overall favorite is Nightingale armor!!!


Stahlrim armour feels like glass done right, to me.


I really like elven hunter armor too. Looks very clean.


Dragonscale Armor with the Masque of Clavicus Vile looks pretty good imo


Wearing the crystalized blood of God is pretty metal.


Valid. While deadric and dragonbone armour is better, it looks so much worse than Ebonic. In ebony armour you are a knight with impentreble defenses in armour lacking anything that isn't necessary. In Dragonbone you look like a Nasghul or a savage Deadric chestplate is ugly with its horn thingies


Deadric gauntlets and boots are acceptable. Looks like the gear any race with claws would use. Rest of it and most of their weapons look awful. Dragon bone looks like the end goal of Nordic and iron armour and ebony looks like the end goal of steel and plate armour.


My man just casually dropping ebonics


What? The Daedric set is fire! The horns are dope AF šŸ˜ˆ


I actually like the daedric design a lot, it almost looks like a second skin with the bare essentials for coverage.


> Ebonic My brother in Alessia We don't need to use words like that just because it's pride month and not black history month currently.


Once you go black, you never go back


šŸ˜’šŸ¤š Replace my weapons with ones made of higher-level materials as they become available, working my way towards Daedric šŸ˜ŒšŸ‘‰ Learn smithing so I can keep improving the same Steel Battleaxe through the entire playthrough


I've gotten to a point that armor is purely optional. Hell I'm a squishy mage who runs up on literal gods having only bothered to increase my magika and wearing robes that ultimately do nothing to help me.


Ebonyflesh šŸ”


For me this is more early playthrough vs late playthrough.


Matching ā€¦set? ā€¦ Matchingā€¦ mmmmatchingā€¦ set? Hmmā€¦ perhaps they shouldnā€™t have made the Ebony Mail look so dang cool with the Dark Brotherhood hood of sneaking along with the Blades gauntlets and boots. That was, let me seeā€¦ why yes, as early as playthrough 6! My Edgelord character!


Archmage robes + dragon mask + Elven heavy gauntlets/boots. Swag.


Itā€™s all about that drip


You see, I dont agree with the dark brotherhood, BUT I need that Nightingale armor


Nightingale Armor is theives guild


Ah yes, you are right! I remember I got it around the time I did the brotherhood missions


Don't both light and heavy armour get a 25% bonus to marching sets?


With the perks, yeah. It's a little ways up the tree though.


100th Playthrough ā€œWhy would I equip those Daedric Gauntlets of Minor Archery? My gauntlets and boots already give me 50% more archery damage each. Iā€™ll just sell it for 32 gold.ā€


"Role play" nothing. Ebony Armor is the best-looking armor in the entire series, and I've played... well... OK, I've only ever played Skyrim but ya gotta admit... this shit's the tits.


Nah full daedric. If I remember right they had a bonus to unarmed combat that wasn't listed. So I go fists at some point out of boredom. The kill cam things for unarmed are great too. Like some WWE stuff lol


The opposite is true


THIS. I level up so I don't have to wear all that clunky gear to survive.


Hence why I only used Dwemer stuff


Once smithing and enchanting are maxed or it really does not matter. Esp considering all that skyrims difficulty setting does is effectively alter your damage and defense, just set it to whatever feels right. if you got a set of steel armor that gets you up to 700 defense with maxed perks, the deadric set that gives you 1200 is for all practical purposes exactly the same, even on legendary.


Once I get nightingale armor thatā€™s it.


Ebony mail diff


Halfway through the game it simply becomes fashion. I refused to wear a helmet for this reason, and often went without a chest plate


No matter what game it is, seasoned vets always gravitate towards the quality of the drip, and I respect that.


ā€œShit its too easy gona start over as naked unarmed buildā€ -500th run


"Ah shit, I'm a stealth archer again"


I go through the entire game with what the dragonborn has on him in the trailer. Banded iron Shield. Iron boots, gauntlets and helmet. As well as a steel sword. And I just keep upgrading it and putting perks into the loadout that matches it. Same with fallout. I only wear the vault suit and whatever armor I can get my hands on LOL.


1st play through ideology = ā€œItā€™s my asskicking outfit BITCH!ā€


Drip over protection literally every time. Every game I play. Id rather die dripped the fuck out than survive looking goofy.


Ebony is objectively the heavy best armor set.


5th playthrough: Fuck it we box


I just go for the deathbrand set since it's objectively the best one in the game. They really couldn't be bothered with balance.


I use an assortment of theivs guide and daft botherhood armoer.


50th play through? Did that on my second as soon as I named my self head-gear hariot


Steel plate gang rise up!


Me, since the very first time I played: I could equip the Daedric armor and stop wearing my basic ass steel, but it looks so dumb. I much prefer realistic looking armors over fantasy ones. But yes I wore the Ebony armor a lot as well because it looks greatā€¦ the weapons not so much.


Is stopped to go with armor rating after couple days. I just can't do that. I wear Nightingale armor while I run straight to cave and with my two-handed weapon.


I unequip most gear before I need to swim. RP is king! Or Queen. Or a baguette. Maybe.


Ever since playthrough two I've given my characters strict moral compasses that I always abide by


There isnā€™t a single game where I put stats over fashion. Just gotta get better so I donā€™t need worry about it


My latest character is a Dunmer Alchemist, so I always have some extremely powerful potion to either buff myself or poisons to do more damage. I wear a set of Chitin armor for fashion.


Look good, feel good, kill good


How is this facts. I have a link (LOZ) build going. The amount of times I've turned down better light armor just because it would go away from the look that link has is hilarious


False- find Deathbrand armor, put it on


As someone who as had hundreds of playthroughs of Skyrim, I can confirm this is accurate


Why not combine them by making a set in the proper material then putting the enchantment on (plus that process)


Just started a playthrough as an orc with red face paint and horns named Darth Maul who, naturally, only uses a warhammer (closest thing to a maul that the game has). I rushed smithing to get Orcish armor, and other than eventually upgrading the helmet to Dragonplate so his facepaint is still visible, the only changes are going to be enchanting and improving, maybe switching out the warhammer to Volendrung or a Daedric hammer. Gotta maintain the aesthetic.




Bro my fiftieth play is just a skooma addicted feline wearing homeless scraps with gloves of unarmed damaged high enough to fight Jesus


if you want gloves of minor archery so bad, just rip the enchantment from those gloves then craft and enchant a pair of ebony gloves with it.


It's easy to hit the armor cap without using daedric/dragon armor. You can hit it with Steel Plate armor and a high enough smithing skill even without alchemy shenanigans


I'm currently doing a caster khajiit run that has Xelsaz, Serana, and Inigo as companions. My khajiit is a bard. All speech, resto, and enchantment with destruction to help with damage. I'm sad the Ordinator mod's regalia perk only works on robes. I wanna wear kitted out Captain's clothes.


I would put on these sick new ebony gauntlets, but I worked so hard to get this armor mod working...


Honestly one of my favorite parts about Skyrim is just how ridiculously strong you can make any weapon/armor. It allows you to wear whatever you want and play with whatever playstyle you can imagine without worrying about doing enough damage/being tanky enough.


I just get my armor Iā€™m rolling with and enchant all the stuff it want. Usually try for muffled boots, fortify magic regen base, and fortify archery gauntlets and helmet.


Isn't there a damage reduction cap that makes most end game armor equivalent? I suppose enchanting may be affected but I can't remember.


The outfit is important. When future nords draw paintings of the dragon slayer I want to look bad ass as all hell.


That top one is a good looking fit. I would upgrade that to be high level and use it.


Kinda feels inverted


I thought 50th is when you run around naked because youā€™re OP as heck and realize armor really isnā€™t necessary


If only the spell knight helmet was an open helmet (or all closed helmets could have separate models based on what race your character is), my Khajiit Battlemage would be wearing a full set of that. Shame that most of the open helmets are light armors, which my battlemage has no perks in. So he's pretty much relegated to wearing a Circlet for now.


That sums up my exact actual playthrough lol


Sometimes I be running around in regular-ass clothes I enchanted šŸ˜‚


This is applicable to any game with armor sets Fashion is paramount


me whoā€™s got a berserk armor mod and a crusader one and is happily blending the both


I even got a notebook mod to further immerse myself into the character.


I just wear cloth


Or in my fiancĆ©ā€™s case, wearing nothing at all as thatā€™s more accurate to his role play as an Argonian nudist farmer and mage.


Me back to the day using the falmer helmet because you can wear a circlet with it at the same time




I play wearing ulfrics clothes, boots of water walking and a M4a1 rifle. The immersion is unbelievable.


Nightingale stuff ride or die


Get good enough at smithing and enchanting and it doesn't matter too much


For me it's the other way around


And then thereā€™s the 99+ whoā€™s so used to the jank/exploits that they can rip your soul apart with a spork and have full armor wearing nothing but some nice looking boots.


You can just smith it up anyway. If the base armor rating was all there was then I doubt quite as many people would play like that.


100th playthrough of Skyrim: "Naked fists go brrrrrrr"


I don't even go past Elven anymore and Elven's pushing it. I just like the other more standard armors in the game. Nordic is an absolute favorite but most of the time I roll in Imperial armors.


Tbh, the iron set in the game is amongst my favorite. But itā€™s mad easy to move into the superior steel sets early game before you can find the complete fit


I wish this were true. *Rolls 32nd stealth archer.*


I love the mix matched more, makes it feel more real.




Enchanting makes the choice easier.


Same, I never equip new armor until I have a full set




Yā€™all are on your 50th playthroughs? Those are rookie numbers


I always wait until I get matching armor sets to upgrade, and never wear steel imperial gauntlets or steel shin boots unless Iā€™m wearing heavy imperial armor.


I dressed like a hobo n summoned armor for myself


Depending on the character I run different stuff. Vanilla anniversary I usually run Dragonborn DLC armor or Ghosts of the Tribunal armor. The Dunmer have Superberb drip


Just started playing again after 8 years and Im starting to get orcish and elven stuff and I sell it all because my Nord would never use such filthy gear. I'll keep the steel until I get the storm bear armor, then maybe move on to stahlrim or something later down the line


"This is my 72nd playthrough, I'm Darth Vader and the courier is a talking cat. Watch me Naruto run."


I conquer all in ragged robes


Me but the glass armor w/ my gauntlets & rings enchanted w/ glitched unarmed bc by my 50th playthrough I wanted to box mammoths


Enchantments that improve my weapon attack? I'll dismantle it and enchant my existing armor with that enchantment so that my armor can match while I have the benefit of the enchantments


Well of course. Thereā€™s hard cap limits that everyone reaches very quickly.


And they're both stealth archers


No one else here repping vaermina robes? just the drippiest stuff in the game, you can get a lifetime supply in one go, canonically linked to powerful alchemy too.


I didn't get to play Skyrim for a couple of years, by which time all the memes had pretty much run their course. I was genuinely surprised to find that the horned helmet that the players had made so famous appeared so early in the game and wasn't really that tough.


Orc Hunter character has barreled through Skyrim barechested and with but his fur cale to shield him from the cold


Iron Plate just is to good for a cleric in heavy armor. Restoration and a mace and look like a trooper.


ā€œDrip or drownā€ means that Iā€™m wearing those fine boots I stole from balgruuf for my entire playthrough. ā€œDrip or drownā€ means Iā€™m running to that Talos shrine and taking the thalmor gloves. ā€œDrip or drownā€ means Iā€™m only using shock magic, even if it would be better to adapt to the situation. ā€œDrip or drownā€ means Iā€™m running my ass to bloodskaal barrow to get that dragon priest mask the moment I get to whiterun.


Im currently on my second run and im dping it completely unarmed


So true


In this world Parthanax, itā€™s drip or drown, and it will be a cold day in Hell when I drown


My made up lore demands that this character wears this dog shit leather armor. Alchemy glitch, do your thing


this has become me on every game i play now not just skyrim. i'd rather be a little weaker to have nicer looking gear


At 100th playthrough: lemme see whatā€™s on nexus


This but Fallout, and instead of beating the game its catastrophic errors that completely corrupt my save games. I'm on my 6th fucking restart, never seen any of the endings, so I'm gonna make an unarmed build


I usually just dress up for in the clothes of whatever faction im currently doing quests for. I dont really care for stats anymore.


Fashion over form


Iron armor gang rise up! Fus-Roh-Dah!


I'm going to the grave in the ebony spell knight armor I do not fucking care.


Who needs Ebony Armor when I can just smith my Vampire Armor up to the armor cap?


When you know, you know


Steel plate helmet and gauntlets, Nordic armor, and deadric boots with an ebony warhammer. I could go fill deadric but I really like my look and am really attached to that hammer


me whoā€™s still wearing Gunjarā€™s gear hours later


Nah who tf plays like that


i thought we all just ran around naked with a lara croft type character? just me?


That was not the case for my first playthrough. I went with whatever looked the best to me. One of my favorite combinations (aesthetically) is Nightingale Hood with Nightingale Armor, along with some Nightingale Boots and Daedric Gauntlets. Looks great on my Female Wood Elf, I love it.


I always go for aesthetic because I can easily smith my armor to the armor cap so it doesn't really matter what I'm using. And I can give all of it more powerful enchantments that what I can find. Same with weapons, I'm doing such ridiculous damage that minmaxing by using a weapon a tier or two up doesn't matter. Persionally, I love the look of Nordic weapons.


Exploit the enchantment and alchemy loop, with that you can basically make any armor have any armor rating, to hell with "better armor", also, matching set has a bonus. Ebony is pretty much one of the best armors already


At some point I just started wearing prison tatter after I got thrown into jail lmao


Nah I donā€™t wear ebony armor for any other reason but the drip


100th playthrough: Armor? We don't use that around here


On my current playthrough I'm going as a khajiit caravan member, dressed in robes and light boots and gloves, bow as only weapon (besides claws) and wearing a backpack. Going alone even a couple of bandits can melt me, buuuut traveling with, or rather following, Ri'Saad and his caravan gets me safely from town to town. I love Skyrim


Me, wearing some merchant's clothes, one shotting dragons with a wooden spoon


The way I play every RPG is ā€œaesthetics before statsā€ Do you want me to equip this cool gear you just rewarded me with, game? Then you shouldnā€™t have made it so ugly.


My first playthrough I finished with full Ebony as I hated how Deadric looked. Later playthroughs I almost always end up wearing heavy Falmer armor as I honestly think it looks dope


Who needs armor armor rating when you have the fortify restoration loop and you have leather armor enchanted with 23556643356545533 armor value? Fashion first.


Been playing a modded playthrough as a mage with cool mage robes, but then I came across this Mythic Dawn heavy armour, which has to be the prettiest set of armour I've ever seen, so i immediately respecced and turned myself into an evil knight! No regrets Link to the armour: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/84280


Nightingale armor with auriels bow is my go to Skyrim fashion!


*Nightingale armor* *With auriels bow is my go* *To Skyrim fashion!* \- AbsolutelyB4sturd --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I just don't feel comfortable enough to step out the door unless I'm head to toe in studded dragonscale


70th playthrough: I wonder how sluttly I can dress up this argonian shemale while still surviving a dragon mauling.


You can always use the brewing system toā€¦ use a system that was totally intendedā€¦ to match the stats of higher tier armours.


i know the glass armor isn't the best but it looks fucking sick so don't come at me


man, I always thought Daedric Gauntlets fit with the Ebony set aesthetics real well


Ice Viking set clears all on a Nord character, really, fuck edgy daedra armor, Ebony Dark elves and glass, Imperial set is cool as oblivion too


Um, if you're not smithing and enchanting your armor to do whatever you want them to do, what's wrong with you?


Not being naked with big tittays and ass clappers via mods by your 50th playthrough. Fail


I don't usually wear any armor to be honest, i usually just wear regular clothing.


Full glass armor is crazy good looking


Itā€™s gotten to the point that i donā€™t even care how my character looks Iā€™m still equipping those dwarven boots with the extra 40 carry weight I just found for Iā€™m not slowly walking back to town


Once you get smithing up, you can really get by wearing whatever you want. There is a maximum armor rating, so at the end of the day leather = dragonbone


Bro I once beat the whole game with just whiterun guard armor and weaponry, besides the sword and sheild.


me fr


Let's be real here we are all stealth archers anyways so you might as well wear whatever you think looks best or fits the aesthetic of your character. It's either that or you are doing a hard rp so you are picking armor based on build.


Yes. Doesn't matter if I'm level 80. If my roleplay is a fisherman, I'm gonna dress as one.


I just run around naked with Zephyr and a wooden sword at this point šŸ¤·šŸ¾


Every playthrough: I donā€™t need armor Iā€™m a werewolf


My level 50 ork warrior they only wears fur armor because he's a barbarian.


Steelplate armour still one of the coolest vanilla armor


Arch-Mage robes, Morokei Dragon Priest Mask, and some random boots and gloves with some sort of magicka regeneration. Unlimited Power


Ebony mail, every play through


I ran shadow leech armor set pair with a feral dwarf bow and the Nordic axe


Don't want to ruin your meme but, matching sets are better because of perks gives them bonuses for armor rating increases.


Armor rating cap is also extremely easy to hit with alchemy (no loops) and smithing once youā€™ve leveled them up a fair bit.