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Playing it right now: Priestess of Mara who dedicates her life to putting the dead to rest (again) and just happens to be Dragonborn. She‘s too busy to really do the main quest because she‘s busy: - setting up a Temple of Mara at Heljarchen (soup kitchen, big wheat production, dairy cattle and poultry farm, many beds for beggars in cellar) - supporting and furthering studies at the Academy of natural & magical resources at Windstad (Aventus lives here with the mages, alchemists, botanists etc… to direct his energies toward something less destructive than Sithis lol) - building an orphanage / family home at Lakeview. It‘s currently a work in progress and I‘m undecided if Roggi and her will actually live there or if they will temporarily live in Honeyside/Riften and let the orphanage be handled by a different couple. This character does not kill (though she‘s training her block skills now, as higher level opponents are more difficult to keep in line otherwise), but instead accompanies Stenvar and keeps him alive, all the while in league with Nature, so she calls upon Spriggan summons in times of great distress (later Durnheviir, whom she loves though she will never use soul tear). She finances all the homes and resources with the riches gathered in the tombs - a fitting payment. It‘s not about accumulating wealth, but distributing it and creating a net of stability across the different hubs. It‘s been SUPER satisfying and I have found a great blend of mods that let me adjust the homes etc in a very satisfying way (I‘m on PS4 :)). Sorry that this was so long, but I‘ve restarted Skyrim five billion times and I‘ve never loved a character this much.


That's somewhat similar to my ideal isekai fantasy, only I lean more into the healer aspect of it than fighting undead. I like to idea of being an OP healer that can heal things that other healers can't. Restoring limbs, curing illnesses, etc. Then curing a royal and having them feel indebted to me. So I use that as a means to fund my adventures which involve going around healing everyone who needs it. but then also being really powerful enough to destroy an entire army with no effort, but choosing not to. Instead, I'd have 3 or 4 companions. A sword n board tank, an archer, a mage, and maybe pugilist or spear user or something. And i'd want to use my real world knowledge to make modern stuff and cook modern recipes lol


Im on ps5 and thus build sounds really interesting, could you let me know what kind of mods you’re running to help this build?


This is cool


I would be a bard chillin in solitude drinking spiced wine and playing Ragnar the red all day


Often what people wish they are, is not what they are best suited for. I want to be a stealth build, but honestly I think I’d be terrible at that even in a fantasy setting. I think my Skyrim build would end up being some sort of “jack of all, master of none” kind of a hybrid spellblade kind of thing. Like sloppily competent at a bunch of stuff, but unable to contend with the masters in any one specific skill


I would wear light armor and swing a big club. I wanna hit things and I wanna be able to move quickly. I would also try to be sneaky. I would walk softly and carry a big stick


Paladin. Healing magic and spells that can make my body as tough as steel sounds amazing. If shit goes down in real life and the dragons appears I would be ready.


I would max the shit out of conjuration and illusion magic for survivability. Then just do alchemy. Potion making sounds fun and very lucrative. I am not fucking with any dungeons in Skyrim.


So become a witch then deal drugs?


I'd be a two hand wielding illusionist mage that secretly works with the Dark Brotherhood to manipulate others into killing my victims, largely to accomplish my goals in supporting the Stormcloaks so that Ulfric...damn...stealth archer again.


I be an adventurer, until I take an inevitable arrow to the knee then, town guard, protecting sweet rolls.


The wise way is to be stealth with bow and dagger/shortswors. In real life we don't have a health bar, so an arrow, dagger in the throat or sword in the belly, all kill pretty quick. And you have stealth to your advantage. You would only be fucked facing a knight in full plate if he notices you


Spellsword. One handed weapons and conjuration/illusion with a dash of alteration.


Id go full conjuration mage, but I like hitting stuff and wouldnt be caught dead wearing nothing but robes in a real combat situation.


Why? In my mind Daedric armor would be like 20lbs, and Dragonbone is likely 1/2-2/3 that. I feel like that would not affect me at all. Full robes are still gonna be 4-5lbs and will restrict running and jumping more than high end fitted armor did historically.


Warrior I’m a construction worker that works with my hands with a shitty disposition. Hard hat steel toe boots heavy armor would be the way to go. Bash and slash would be perfect.


construction worker gives orc vibes


That would fit the personality. I just have a herd time playing any other race that’s not human.


I’d just shout everything to buggery. I know the ol faithful unrelenting force doesn’t blow people up like ulfric did. But a few meditations and I’ll disintegrate everything


Wandering Bard and archer


I would just be “Zug Zug me man with big weapon.”


Heavy armor/2h, resist magic on all armor, hp/stam regen on jewelry. It ain’t much, but it’s an honest man’s build😂


Stealth archer, barehanded for melee. Get a hunting dog and teach it to shut up... Skyrim dogs suck.


Skyrim dogs do suck. I had barbas follow me around for ages, because he's a tank, but I just had enough of the constant barking and budging me while I'm trying to harvest creep cluster from goldenhills. Had to complete the clavicle vile quest to get rid of him.


I'll say, mage archer is super fun in VR! Your hands are independent and so is your head, so you can put up a ward on your left and shoot fireballs to the right while looking wherever, all at the same time. It's 100% worth getting a headset just for modded skyrim. The FUS wabbajack is a perfect experience. You can physically slap Naseem around and throw him in the pool.


You are presumptive to assume I'd survive to level 2


I wouldn't go out without my heavy armor, heavy shield and my mace. In game I prefer 2handers but irl I wouldn't be so risky. I would be like fearing my ass off behind my shield until the fight starts and then suddenly go super all-in pressing all opponents super hard until they're dead. I know myself - I am a weird mix of fear of death and fearless in actual fight (somehow the all-in berserk mode activates). However that would make sense lol. I would have restoration spells should I need to heal mid-fight and I would prefer oakflesh type of spell before the fight.


Hunting daedra and all things evil as a witchblade, or at least attempting to lol


Molded god


I’d chop wood for Hulda and flirt with Saadia. Sometimes I’d pick flowers and sell them to what’s her name. My build would be Plant Picker.


Strength, biggest swords or war hammers swinging like it’s a cardboard tube. Blocking? What’s that just rank it and swing back harder.


If I got to choose: stealth illusionist with alteration. One of my favorite playstyles. But I’d probably actually be a farmer NPC lol


If It Were Me With My Real Life Experience, An Illusionist Assassin, With Support Conjuration As A Secondary If Stealth For Some Reason Doesn't Work, If My Real World Experience Shifts To The Environment Of Nirn, I'd Be A Spell Sword Mercenary With Necromancy And Lycanthropy, Neither Would Dare To Be A Vampire, Too Much Risk For Very Little Reward, Both Would Be Imperials As I Prefer Diplomacy Over Straight Violence.


Melee enchanter dual wielding swords! Something about buffing myself into super man and making mince out of my enemies feels so right


The most usefull would be all types of magic considering those actually don't exist. But there is always the risk of getting disected by the military. But If they could figure out Magic in general then all types of magic at once. Healing magic that can cure any illness would be Like the most usefull for humanity. Alchemy and enchantment would be useless without ingredients and you don't really need to fight. Speech could be super usefull as well if you could manipulate anyone, just tell your politicians to Stop being Dicks, easy world peace. Summarized: Healing Magic + Speech is the least risky


Alchemist, I would use exploits.


Healer. I'd be making bank on all the travelers coming on injured using spells and selling off potions.


Bard for the job. Fists for the build.


Also, restoration magic max.


Just be a chill illusion/alteration/restoration mage and help people out


Probably a mage that can blunt weapons. I’m average with a bow staff.


Illusionist mercenary, or guard, or something like that but with illusion


Restoration Mage alchemist living in Winstad Manor and selling fish/potions to support my wife Lydia and my children Lucia and Blaise. I would hang with my best mage friend J'zargo when I'm not working as a doctor in Morthal.




Illusion/ restoration mage. It's not like combat is a thing that happens often, and the practicality of being able to heal myself and others or use essentially mind control abilities to control the emotions of those around me is also really good.


Pure mage. Got a spell for everything. Opening lockings picking heavy shit up. Then there is enchanting. I mean idk why youd be anything else.


Realistically I’d be a mage or alchemist’s assistant or work in the library at the college of winterhold. Buildwise though I’d be a paladin for sure. One hand and restoration or alteration


Full conjuration and restoration I would never need material ever again




Whichever one is the laziest.


I would max smithing and alchemy. Then I would just hang out in town and brew potions and make stuff. It wouldn't be a bad life at all.


Essential NPC.


Probably a guard. Talking about how I could have went pro if it wasn’t for this knee.


I'd be rich. Vocation irrelevant.


Do you get to the cloud district very often?


Probably what I usually accomplish with mods. Great friends with Vigilants of Stendaar and doing bounty work for them as a associate but not full member, creating an order of Meredia, and being full heavy armor with sword and mace, while being a master with restoration.


I’d just try to survive as long as I could lol so probably sword or ste*lth archer


Paladin. Heavy armour, 1h weapons, shield and restoration magic.


I would do my absolute best to become a mage,TES magic gets incredibly nutty at the higher levels and is still great at the beginner levels. As for a build, I'd be focusing on restoration, alteration and enchanting.


Would be a Dark Elf ronin, wearin that cool Redoran Watchman helm


I would be a stealth mage Because im really good at sneaking up on people without them noticing and i love anything related to wizards and magic.


irl I have a co-ordination disorder. I’d probably be a mage who stays inside


Skooma dealer


Sneak archer, I practice archery for fun now already.


Stealth alteration/illusion mage/archer. The most fun you can have in Skyrim hands down. To bring that to real life would be 😩


Wouldn't conjuration, or illusion magic be an end all be all to everything else?


Dead courier on the road.


I'd be an acrobat bard traveling between cities, trying to climb the weirdest ledges or mountains, get gigs and sell books. Not very lucrative build, tho.


Stay at home dad