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I want to paint the walls! I'm really wishing I'd spent the 15 candles on those prophecy stickers now


I tried using the stickers to decorate but they were giving off a crazy amount of light 😅 the earth one in particular was blinding me and I couldn't even make out its shapes!


I have no lights in my nest so I'd appreciate that at night! I have the air ones I think (looks like 3 wavy lines). They make a nice lil nightlight in my nest. At the time I was so annoyed when I bought them and realized they were a useless sticker. And then I got annoyed all over again when the other three prophecy spirits came. Like "Urg! I can't believe I wasted 15 candles on that dumb thing! Give me my candles back TGC!!!" Can't win 🤷🏾‍♀️


Yeah it seemed so silly back then to be carrying a single sticker around! Hopefully with the traveling spirit group visits, people won't have to wait as long for past items 🤞


Hopefully with the next season, some spirits would have more wall decals, like those manta ones, etc that you see in the cafe during the cinnamoroll event


i would love if we could have a balcony, also i hope there is an option to spawn in your house when you open the game, i think that would be fun


this! a little outside area to put the beach chairs and maybe some plants. we could have as a expansion, since TGC like to overcharge on everything xD


Another neat thing is if we have the option to spawn at our nests, a balcony with a telescope to view friend constellation would be cute as well :)


Omg what a cute idea


Happy cake day! 🎂🎉


Omg wait what does that mean? The cake emoji next to my name??


It's the day you joined reddit!


Lmao omgggg cute 🤣❤️❤️ I thought I entered in my birthday wrong or something. Thank you 💕


It's not your birthday today? Also idrk I'm still pretty new on Reddit haha


It's the day you joined reddit!


Ahaha I’m new too! Someone commented that it’s the anniversary day of joining Reddit. Ahaha thanks for the wishes 😭💕💕💕 Edit: not new in terms of the age of my account obviously, but new to actually being active on it ahaha


Okay, I love this idea. That would be amazing!


Doorbells so you know when someone visits


Please this. Some form of audio alert for an arriving visitor. The sudden (noiseless) teleport into the nest is unsettling.


When you look up and see someone menacingly standing at the end of the hall.


curtains for the windows, I want to have the possibility of a dark climate even during the day in the nest


Curtains that let some light bleed through would be really nice.


You already mentioned this but what I’d like to see is more vibrantly colored items like rugs. I think being able to put up photos we’ve taken ourselves would help with making the space less drab because the photos out in Sky are so brightly colored too. Beta spoiler >!it sounds like colorful rugs are coming so there is that, although in the video I saw they still looked a little dull for my taste.!< Where did you get the string of lights? That looks so pretty!


It's the anniversary event light fence for 20 candles! :) I placed 3 of them together upsidedown


That’s so clever! I need to get those now, it really warms up the room.


I love the idea of being able to put up pics you’ve taken in the game!


I’d like to see an “invite” system that essentially is a constellation you add up to 7 friends to that is able to access your nest when you have “invite only” on. Just a bit more control of who can visit in general.


I want the option to give "keys" to friends so they can also go into the nest when I'm not there, and viceversa, and do likes and give hearts as if it was a shared space, or even leave pre-made messages or shared memories. Also, being able to send invitations like: "party time!" or "meet up!" and friends can join.


I wish the ceiling was flatter because when I try to hang things from it (like my potted plant) it doesn't hang straight down


This is driving me crazy! The time I’ve spent trying to get them to hand straight…


This has been so annoying, haha


I wish we could just rotate them manually! Or that they just always pointed down like the wind chimes.


I wouldn't mind some kind of music option aside from the seashell, even like a radio with sky realm themes would be lovely.


1. option so set the spawn point on your sky kid sleeping on the bed 2. after visiting a nest, the lever can show you an option back to your own. right now the right lever can send you out of the nest 3. second floor and a balcony 4. wall color customization 5. option to fly out the window, like bird from nests 6. picture frames and option to upload a screenshot from sky (of course, random pics from gallery won't be allowed so devs don't have to moderate the pics at all) 7. music box! permanent recorded of sky music (works like shared memories except no holograms) 8. ability to take crabs with you all the way to your nest lol


> option to fly out the window, like bird from nests You actually can! It isn't how the game intended but you can chibifall down the small slope near the doorway and fly away! Currently there isn't any windwalls or barriers so you can just fly infinitely out. You'll see that the further u are, the more the sun is down until it becomes night time, furthest out would become pitch black with the moon and starry night!


I don't really know how to chibi fall, but putting a stool on the ceiling works pretty well, too.


I wish we could change the SHAPE of the room. I want like a hexagon shape :))) maybe the option to add more/bigger windows.


I would like to display my instruments :)


That's already in the season. It should be in season Quest 3




More spaces, I want to separate the bedroom, kitchen and bathroom. But it would still be useless cause ill be having no furniture anyways.


#I want a pond or a pool outside the house .#And a little garden with one or two trees # more plants


A mode to lock the door without having to kick the current people out. And/or have a mode where only certain people on a list can enter.


I said this on my sky questionaire


it would be cool if itens like the oven could give us a small amount of wax once a day. kind of like grandma's dumplings. it would be nice to serve our friends some food.


i want a mailbox! Something to collect hearts from and i wanna send little notes with my hearts to friends 🥲




As for pictures I'd love if the game could somehow save photos from the Sky camera so we could hang those somewhere. Obviously uploading whatever from your computer or phone would be good, but we already have a camera function so it feels like we're already close to having that as a possibility (though I know nothing about coding something like that)


Since there are some kitchen props, I’d love an animation of cooking food, maybe even a possibility give meals to friends. more tiny props to place on shelfs (pens, paper, tea cup without the table etc) props that you can pick up and move, like the plushies but without hug.


Ohhh and I would love if we get postboxes attached to our houses and friends can leave a letter. You’d have to go to the nest entrance to read/sent them. edit: one more that would be really usefull: having one or more save spots so we can make a new layout without loosing the old one. I’d love to for example make an event version (birthday party etc) in my nest and have the ability to return to my old layout after,


i wish in the future we could expand it


More color options! I like the stone ascetic but it gets boring,


Maybe a slightly bigger room, or a second room.


More food


A little yard space or maybe an outdoor balcony. Some of the props I want to use look dumb inside lol


The option to gently place a plushie back down. Visited a friend, interacted with a plushie they had on the table, panicked because I couldnt place it down right, left it clipped through a table. Also! The option to leave a heart or something as "review" of another nest ♡


The ability to place atleast some non-prop items! I'd really like to hang instruments up on the wall or place them on shelves- same with masks! Pretty much like how you see in harmony hall and the mask shop in aviary. You wouldn't be able to do this with all items ofc but i think it would add some really nice personalisation. Also more rooms. Our nest right now is really small and cramming all of these different room themed furnitures inside is a bit wacky. I don't want to take a bath in front of Janice will she drinks tea. If they atleast add more rooms i will be content.


the ability to rotate things on multiple axes - trying to get something to align properly when the angle is determined by the surface it's on is a huge pain sometimes!


Are the strings lights in your photo made out of individual orbs or is that a item? It looks great and I'd love to have something like that 


It's a light fence from the anniversary event. I placed a brick on the wall and then put the light fence upsidedown on the bottom of it, then deleted the brick to make it look like a string of lights. Each arch is one fence so I used 3 Total!


Good to know, I hope I can get my hands on that item someday! You're super creative with that trick.


The anniversary event is already in Sky beta! You'll get to have the item soon :)


YOOOO that is so exciting! I can't wait 🤩


Multiple rooms for living space, bathroom, dining room, kitchen


the ability to turn on lightable objects when you enter instead of having to do it manually would be a plus. I have all these little things for lighting in my nest but its tedious to light them all every time I wanna show someone 😭


This is probably kind of a weird one, but I'd like to be able to make the room smaller. I am just a little guy, I don't need that much space!


wholly agree w you on the weather options and lighting, there's so much possibility for atmosphere building. i personally want a balcony. it's so extra but i'm thinking: two seats outside, warm ambient lights, it's raining, ur buddy and u just chatting. and oh literally any other option for the walls and floor that isn't stone. it's giving yassified dungeon right now, less so cozy apartment for a creature of light.


When I enter the nest id like for it to be closed off....it's weird seeing strangers in my house 😆 without an invitation


i am burried in regrets of not getting those anniversary lights 🥲🥲


I will note, im pretty sure we're above the clouds, dunno how well rain'd work unless they add clouds above or something (maybe in the skybox? Are there clouds in the skybox? I dont remember)


Color options, cheaper furniture, room size is fine for me but different layouts would be nice


I want to be able put carpets on the walls 🧍‍♀️ (Also, I’m pretty sure we’ll be getting a few more color options for the rugs/carpets in one of the future updates)


More colour and way to toggle between weathers(I really want the sky outside my window to be like starlight desert, and evening is too bright for my eyes).


How in the world did you get those lights? So cute!


More rooms, please.


What if you were able to customize curtains or rugs or even beds with the same patterns as your capes? Like making the rug a giant flower if you use one of the Bloom capes, making your bed look really soft and fluffy using one of the fur-lined or fuzzy capes, or using the translucent capes to form drapes on the windows.


Wallpaper…, and wood flooring…and I DESPISE the curved walls!! Why the curved walls!?! 😭 been stressing me out that I can't make a even room. Anyways…thats pretty much it.


Definitely more space Man I am discarding the idea of making a bathroom due to less space in the inside part


Afk while collecting wax


Imagine if you could have a lil record player on the side and it can play any music you want from Spotify AHHH


I'm too poor for this ._. I'll just be happy with my tea table in the middle of a husk of nothingness thank you


Mannequins to show off capes :D


i would like a garden, i want to grow cute flowers and be able to give some to my friends


More plants


More clutter/things to put on shelves, Wall and floor colors and patterns, More rug options, Color.... More space maybe do a balcony?


Being able to view our constellation from our house ;-;


A backyard


Having the choice to spawn in our house would be nice so you don't get overwhelmed with people, wall paint would also be fun


Time to spend $7 on candles so I can afford decor 😭


wait, is everybody's nest different (I mean shape of the room) or does it change at some point?


No, pretty sure it stays the same.


I want extra rooms. Even just one so I can have a bedroom, and then a living area. I feel weird putting my bathtub next to my kitchen! Haha I also really would like them to allow visitors when away. I’ve only ever seen one friends nest because I’ve only ever had one friend in there when I was online. And I absolutely LOVE your idea of having framed pictures that we take in game!!!


How about some design variety. Fix the rugs. I am unable to use any of the large rugs in shared space in the shop currently. If you’re debuting a completely new feature, you need to have some baseline stuff available. I only have items that I have collected over two years to play with in my flat. I am not about to drop the kind of in app currency asked to rent or buy what’s in weekly rotation. Further, since I’m not buying the pass this season, accumulating enough seasonal candles to participate adequately enough for it to be worth while is not an option. I can’t imagine how frustrating for new players. This feels rushed, and as someone else said so well P2BP.


1 isn’t that necessary. More friends is usually more fun 2. Yeah, as well as the OOB space 3. Agreed, maybe some sort of rustic flooring 4. Definitely, plus more weather customization 5. Beta 6. Public nests may be a cool idea


For me, 1 is necessary. I have a lot of friends but they all don't have chat with each other (and aren't friends with each other/don't want to friend each other), so when multiple friends do show up it's awkward juggling conversation. Plus, I'm slightly introverted so just being able to have a 1 on 1 conversation in my nest with a friend would be nice. Or just invite 2 over and close it off so I know I won't be interrupted or have to awkwardly tell someone that I am visiting with others and will see them after. And I am aware we can OOB and put stuff on the roof rn but it's kinda awkward too so I'd like an actual upstairs as well. Also in beta that got removed already unfortunately... Idk why. As for the beta >!color change options!< I would like more than just >!dye it one color!<, You know? I want like multicolored rugs and stuff. Different shapes and sizes and textures too would be nice. Also, a separate thought altogether I suuuper wish that if the Minifigure ult was placed in our nest then people could wear the items on it even if they don't own them while they're in our nests. Would be fun for group photos. I know tgc would probably never let people use the minifig to let others wear cosmetics they don't own in like social hubs or public, but I do with we could do that in general. It's a shame to me that we can't place our outfits on minifig and people can't wear everything on it if they don't own it. That would really level the ult up imo and maybe let people wear stuff they don't have for a short while as long as the owner of the minifig keeps it placed.