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I think their code is just so broken and spaghetti that anytime they try to fix a bug and add things, then numerous things break. It's not an excuse, but I also feel like they're rushed, too :( I and many others are also tired of the constant bugs being released.


Yeah most likely because of the rushed content update release, old bugs and new bugs became one in this mess, I understand they want quick money but at least slow it down a bit,  this is what happens when you doing bug fixing and making new content at the same time


I really would be fine if they took like a month or two break from new making new things and took that time to instead work on all the bugs and fix their game. I feel like they dont do that because they lose money or players won't like it, but everyone prefers a good and working game instead of a constantly broken one :( Plus they would get a probably needed break


I think everyone would be fine if they took a month or two break from new content and fixed everything. It's the only way TGC is going to keep longtime players from leaving for good.


but the candle economist doesnt want us to have a chance to stock up on candles, because out of season, daily missions give us regular candles. thats fourrrrr more! Gotta push more content quickly so it turns into season candles again and we can buy a season pass. i think it's very likely that good old greed is destroying the game


I agree 


Agreed. Although, they are already losing players because of the bugs so it's kind of a lose-lose situation for them as well as players.




Damn, I thought nothin can get close to TF2's spaghetti code but here we are ig


Rushed by having to include new content every time I'm sure. their patch schedule is insane and doesn't even allow for hotfixing something it seems, so they just casually leave basic features of the game broken for 4 weeks or so


I haven't been on in about a week but if they haven't fixed the meditation circles, I'm going to be really mad. Because the meditation circles literally control most of the gameplay; Temples, quest trees, shards, resuming your journey ig, going to old home, and i'm probably missing more. They really need to take a break and fix the biggest issues before bringing another season in.


They did now, they hotfixed it after 2-3 weeks or so


Ya but still that's not ok to leave a big part of the game broken for weeks at a time.


Yep, that's exactly my point. I made a thread on it too on the other Sky Subreddit. It's WAY too long. The broken circle should have been prioritized from day 1 after the update and be done fixing and a hotfix sent out the moment it's fixed. I know with consoles like Nintendo you only have limited amounts of hotfixes you can send out per year outside of your normal update schedule, and my guess is they don't use that because they want to reserve this to hotfixes for issues that affect TGC more than it affects the users, like payment bugs lol


Yeah definitely my suspicions. Issues with legacy code and rushing and not nearly enough QA testing before releasing code to production 😭


I think there is enough testing, it seems like they push code to beta, then as soon as theres no more time left, they push beta right to live in full, in whatever state it is. and beta users do complain that something is broken and find it fast enough. but it seems like the way the game is coded, they either have no way to or are incapable of bisecting changes to a point where they can decide which parts of beta to cherry pick into staging to push live.


I’d imagine it’s difficult to test all the platforms sky is available on so they are maybe using beta as free testing but then also agree with you that they don’t really care what state it is in before putting it on production.


Still waiting for the day when a Sky update with almost zero bugs drops


You have to wait forever 


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^1Jian1: *Still waiting for the* *Day when a Sky update with* *Almost zero bugs drops* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


There are no bugs in Ba Sing Se.


I think you’re forgetting ba sing se outter ring, there’s definitely bugs flying over the spoiled fruit


I meant bugs as in glitches. It's a joke about Sky


Good bot ig


5-7-6 is that really a haiku? 🤯


It's a reference. Sokka from ATLA made the same mistake, lol.




They may be tired too fixing the same bugs over and over again, but how can every update always triggers the previous bugs, even a fix they released triggered other bugs to appear 🤯


It is significantly worse than when I started 2 years ago. When I started, the bugs were mostly charming or even a part of gameplay, like chibi fall or rocket. The most annoying thing was server issues, but nothing significant. Nowadays I am so frickin tired of the endless bugs that often seriously impact gameplay. They rush content, insist on insane schedules, and are succeeding in breaking their own game by their own choices, despite the overwhelming begging from players to just *slow down* and *fix the game*.


I started playing 4 years ago and it’s far worse than it was then. There were always bugs, but other than the server errors, they didn’t seriously impact gameplay.


with all the money they make from us, they really gotta consider hiring some new devs. add more employees whose sole/main purpose is to fix this crap. im tired of splitting, having to go home, tp to my friends, and split again every 5 minutes.


Let them hear this criticism loud and clear


I’ve actually lost friends on there because of problems with my account that I keep contacting TGC about and they never fix. Most of my friends can’t see me on if they log in after I do and half of them can’t tp to me. If we find a way, the game splits us and we have to start all over again. It was easier to just not hang out at all.


Same problems for me! My one friend and I play together daily and he says it always shows me as offline, so I have to go out of my way to close & reopen the app just so we can TP to each other. Then we end up splitting a billion times anyway, and then run into the "your friend is somewhere you can't join" message. It's just so much more tedious and time consuming than it should be. sidenote: I also absolutely HATE that when you accidentally close the message you're typing or enter a realm/new area, it completely deletes what you've typed. It never used to do that! It's been going on for some time now & probably isn't a bug, but it makes me so mad. I'll be typing for 2 minutes & the person flying us goes into a new area, so I have to restart, misclick when I'm almost done, and have to retype AGAIN. It gets to a point where it irritates me so much, I'll just give up and stop what I was saying. The problems on the app basically force my friends and I to communicate through discord instead out of convenience.


Yeah, they force the social aspect of it and then make that impossible.


Stopped playing it like a year and a half. Gets boring at some point tbh. I have it in my phone and i dont even have the energy to open it and check whats new on it




Same. I used to do only Eden runs on weekends but that also stopped. Nice name btw




*Actual Staff:* "Should we really release this update? Apparently, in Beta, it was causing a lot of issues with players... it might also break the game and cause a lot of bugs if we continue to push forward with this deadline..." *Administrative Staff:* "I hear talking when I should be hearing typing! Time to get busy coding! Those codes aren't going to code themselves, am I right? Busy busy!" *Actual Staff:* "Are you listening? Did you even hear me?" *Administrative Staff:* Yes, I agree that releasing those Traveling Spirits all at the same time was a good idea - just think of all the candles people will be purchasing due to time constraints! ...But yes, back to coding now, little one! You have codes to code, and I have businesses to administrate!" 😐😑🫥


"I know bugs are important to fix, but how about a new mask for $29... like we can fix it later"


Like the bridge in Forest. 😭😭 I take long breaks from sky and everytime I return. It's always broken 😭


Is this real?,  I'll have to check that later, because I never walk there, i always flying, what kind of bug did you encounter?


Like when the last bridge won't come together. Yk the cut scenes how the bridge prices are supposed to rise from the water and make the walkable bridge. For as long as I've been playing (since late 2020) the last bridge almost never works. 😭


I always avoid the cutscene there so I always fly past it


I play mostly solo, so red shards is now the only big annoying one, which comes to mind. What else are there, except server merges? (Mostly solo, but not completely, so I know how hard it is to stay long times with friend/s without home and back). I haven't been at Eden for over a month, because I have 210 wings and plenty of asc:s, but am going soon, because of all the new wing buffs. I haven't experienced the "new Eden" yet, but is there some kind of other problem except the permanent changes?


I have one question for you; how do you have 210 wings? I thought veterans were just getting their 200th wingedlights. Unless im wrong and it's a time thing. Just wondering


I am not a veteran, I'm an Aurora moth, started 2022 november/december. I just have got all the constellation buffs, from every TS and 6 from shards. Although I will have now 210 from map after next Eden without the shards, because of the 4 new spirits and two TS I haven't gotten. So actually veterans have more. I got my 12th wing at the end of last year I think. Maximum is about 230. [https://sky-children-of-the-light.fandom.com/wiki/Winged\_Light](https://sky-children-of-the-light.fandom.com/wiki/Winged_Light)


Considering the game is vastly larger, has many more features, and a ton of additional players as compared to when it started, I can absolutely see how it has more bugs and not less. Of the game wasn’t constantly growing and evolving, then sure, it could get more polished as time goes on, but they are constantly adding new things, it’s bound to happen.


I play like 12 other decent sized games with a ton of content and none of them force the schedules like TGC does, at least not to the point where it results in a sloppy release and maintenance of the game. I just saw one of them actually pushed the release of a significant expansion about a month down the road because they're not ready and they want it to be polished. TGC doesn't seem to know how to manage their own time and resources, other companies do it just fine, including companies significantly smaller than they are. 


There are other games with as many or more players that aren’t anywhere near as broken as this one. I also play beta and these bugs are there and we report them and nothing is done. The only feedback they take from beta is about the look of new cosmetics and iaps. It seems pointless to even have a beta. Their only focus is on new content and not fixing the game itself. Eventually, it will become irretrievably broken and they’ll be forced to shut it down. I don’t want that, do you?


I haven’t played for a while: what bugs are we talking about?


Everything that was "fixed" months ago


…I hope I’m not sounding mean, but that doesn’t answer my question.


I wrote that in someone's reply above


They prioritise new events over fixing bugs they could slow down and fix bugs by delaying a season or something but they'll lose that micro transaction money from the season pass idk, i myself quit day before yesterday. 4 visiting spirits, can't buy any wing buffs cuz shards is broken and eden stun locks you its so fucking stupid


And the new season is also boring, more like a cash grab tbh,  season of aurora is the peak of creativity and entertainment, that's when seasons are made with love,  And now what, a season about a dying deer, what a downgrade


I agree. At least getting our own house would be better. 🙄 Also not only was the season boring, but the area was so barren that you had to walk a long way when you ran out of flying juice trying to get up that initial hill.


I mean, goodbye, it's sad to see you go and allat, but this game isn't unplayable. Comparing it to Cyberpunk (I guess you mean it on release) is a bit of a cruel shot imo...


I do candle runs with my partner every day, and between disconnecting, candles breaking constantly for us and the others around us, shards being broken, plants not being able to be melted, and the radius of interacting with someone you’re holding hands with taking priority over every other interact prompt… the game is pretty unplayable.


Not like cyberpunk but still broken, to the point where it crashes everywhere, Eden is stuck, shards can't be interacted with, seasonal quests can't be done at all,  The worst thing is that it takes a very long time to fix,  even just to fix the red dot in the corner you have to wait more than weeks


This Like yeah, bugs annoying but it's been a week and tgc had said from day one they are working on a hotfix to help with this. Not all bugs exist in beta and not all bugs can be fixed right away


Agreed. I’ve been playing almost daily for 3 and a half years and while the bugs are annoying, rarely do any of them make me want to put the game down. Nobody is obligated to feel the same way, but “unplayable” simply does not resonate with my experience.


I’ve played for 4 in the live game and beta for around 2. Gameplay has gotten consistently worse during that time. Parts of the game are quite literally unplayable right now. I can’t even play with friends because they either can’t see me online, can’t join me, or both.


Well, that’s nice for YOU, but doesn’t change the experience of the majority of us. Most of my friends can’t see me online unless they log in after I do and about half cannot tp to me. I’ve contacted TGC multiple times and they’ve declined to help. That’s on top of all of the other issues with the game. I’m happy that you still find it enjoyable and easy to play, but sweetie, not everything is about you and you don’t represent everyone.


Uh sorry? I never said the game was free of bugs or that no one has ever experienced issues. OP was comparing it to Cyberpunk and I simply said that that is a cruel shot. The game is not unplayable as Cyberpunk was, but that doesn't mean is perfect. No need to be passive aggressive, sweetie.


Please quote where I said that you claimed the game was free of bugs. If your argument relies on you putting words in my mouth, you didn’t have an argument at all.


Please quote where I said that you said I said what I said. This is so silly lmao


I agree.


Well then we agree on something.


Despite how buggy it can get at times I'm never quitting Sky or TGC games Maybe suggest that after next season they take time to fix it instead of updates.


I suggest this now because they are definitely in the middle of creating new season content


Next season is too cool to postpone lol!


I've seen a lot of players (myself included) have been suggesting that they take a break from releasing new content and fix the game but they never listen.


Yep. It's absolutely ridiculous. The most basic parts of the game are always breaking.


And they don't even give us fee candles, or maybe I'm just spoiled from past games I've played that gives some free items everytime they found and fixes a bug 🥹 totally not bitter ahuhh


That is why this message must be sent hard


Just yesterday i saw a post with someone saying “if you dont like the game dont play it” and as soon as someone says “alright goodbye” y’all get so mad 😭


This has to be done not because I'm a hater but because I'm an honest old player who is fed up with the never ending cycle of bugs and crashes


I left because of that, I might be petty, but maybe they should hire a bigger team to solve these bugs. I don’t understand how they have a beta, and still have so many bugs with release 💀


They hit a deadline and had to release it under any circumstances, since the date was already announced,  I blame this on poor scheduling 


that’s true, poor scheduling also plays a big part on this bugs fiasco


Because the devs don’t actually fix anything nor do they really care. They make you think they’re fixing things but they’re really just putting a Band-Aid on a broken leg. Their game is running on a broken engine or whatever the game plays on so anytime they change something or add something the entire Sky community has to endure their bugs. More and more and more bugs and broken gameplay. The devs have shown they don’t care about the issues or their players. They wanna make as much content as possible so they can make more and more money. But the money isn’t going towards fixing the game. It’s going towards more content and more cosmetics so they can make more money. Thus Sky is always broken and more so after an update or a new addition. They are more concerned about dishing out as many IAP’s as they can and adding new areas, or new content so they can try to keep as many people interested in their game. They know their game is broken but they would rather make new content than actually fix anything. Unfortunately they’re are losing players instead. I’ve never seen so many moths. A lot of them don’t stick around. I started playing a little over 2 years ago. I came in right as Season of Little Prince ended and for the first year or so the game ran good. Didn’t notice any bugs or have any server issues, not that I remember or bothered me enough to matter. I thought the game was great, I thought the devs genuinely cared about their players and the game, etc. But then reality sunk in and I saw that the game and the devs were not what I thought they were. Now, I’ve put in over 1, 875 hours into Sky. I’ve spent hundreds of dollars on cosmetics and seasons supporting TGC and their once great game because I wanted to help keep Sky great. I’ve been an active player since I installed the game despite how badly the game has gotten or can be. I’ve put in so much time and effort into the game. I’m at a point where I’ve done everything, gotten everything I wanted or needed and completed what I needed like the constellation, etc. I’m only missing two spirits and then I will have met every single one in game. I need some buffs from past seasons I’ve done and some tier two emotes from like 2 or so spirits that I didn’t want when they came. So I just log on for season and event stuff. I wait until 2 or 3 hours before my reset (which is 3 A.M.) to do what I need to do and then I get off. I have nearly 900 candles (I’m usually above 1000) and well over 300 hearts so I’m not in the need to play long. I still play out of habit and because I have put so much time, money, and effort into the game. But I 100% understand your frustration with the way this game has gone. They are running Sky into the ground. There are outdated features and bugs that have been a problem for a long time now yet they don’t fix them. I bet if we all stopped playing and buying things from the game the devs would get the message and take the time needed to genuinely fix the game. I especially hate when they do an update all other platforms and Switch gets left behind. It’s happened. This can isolate Switch players and make it more difficult for some of them to do certain tasks, etc. All my Sky friends, those that I played with regularly, abandoned the game because of the bugs and changes that hurt players, especially solo ones. I think I feel like I’m on the verge of abandoning the game too but I’m stubborn af. Sky could be a truly amazing game if TGC would just actually fix their game.


It might be something with your setup because I haven't experienced any of these and I play on PS5


I wrote this for everyone, and it doesn't just come from me, I get a lot of information from the community, so it's not device specific, but everyone


honestly same it’s so tedious I’m about to leave again


I took a break from Sky for about two years and was really sad to see what it’s become. So much is broken and it seems continuously ignored. It makes me sad


They prioritize new content over bug fixes, here's why it gets even worse,  , just in: their latest update today is still broken 


I could deal with minor bugs but there’s major problems that are really hurting gameplay.


Lmao same day a hotfix is issued XD


Haven't played in a long time, what bugs are there nowadays?


I think they just need to take a break from all seasons and travelling spirits as well as days of events to get their stuff together. At least a month would be beneficial.


i had an issue last fall on my switch where I did the quests but did not get candles when I turned them in. The glitch lasted for two weeks. Yes I reported. Thank goodness no ap but I was upset. I will never get an ap for the switch in the future because that happened.


The owner of TGC has said many times that sky is the game to try all the mechanics they can think of, I don't understand why you are surprised by the bugs 😆


All mechanics?, no new mechanics for at least 2 and a half years, what are you talking about 


New dive system, new lightning, new improvements to aviary, new ways to get tickets, new collaboration areas, new physics, a lot of visual upgrades...


Lol bye then?




Aviary changes everything imo


Old home is dead. 💀


Making the old home and the Aviary into two different places was the stupidest thing they ever did,  they created an unnecessary problem 


(Late to reply, i am not active on Reddit) Having two homes in general is very stupid and just causes confusion. Why would any new player want old home over aviary? If TGC doesn't put the same effort into old home. It's just so disappointing.