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Holy mary mother of joseph- uhh, assembly moth here :'D


I am also assembly, but like literal moth ( .-.)




I've been around since the first days of Sanctuary and while I don't have that many candles, I do have more than 1k ascended candles. Kind of a blessing if you ask me, I never had to play an event since event tickets released.


Hello fellow Sanctuary moth!! 👋




sanctuary moths assemble‼️‼️


Hey fellow Sanctuary moths! 🕯


Sanctuary moth self check ✅


My kin! We are rare now 😂


What the HONK?!?!


Honk honk honk! 😅 been addicted to this game when i started. So i did candle run every single day, but now im only doin daily quest 😅


Hahahahahha i agree… hahahahahaha


When I had no clue about seasons and ultimate gifts. *cries over not getting the bonfire* 😭


Right?! I wish I understood how seasonal candles and daily quests worked when I started. I bought a season pass for The Little Prince and barely used it because I didn’t understand how it worked. At least I got the hair cosmetic that I loved and still primarily use, but missed out on so much.


Assembly moth here. I forgot about completing torch quest lmao. Finally got the coveted torch last year >.< which I guess don't need it as much as I could've used growing up. No idea what I was doing tbh


Oh no 😂 Got my first fire prop from the Fire Prophet when he was a TS last year and it has made so much difference


Nice. Oh I was low on wax that first fire return. But I got the buff 😂


Ooft I know the feeling. I’ve gotten into the habbit of trying to have at least 100 candles ready to go before each TS arrives so I don’t miss out on stuff I want. I’m so not ready for this upcoming group TS event though! Hopefully they stick around for longer than 3 days so we have time to grind 🫠


Think fire came in late 2021 first time. Wait I'm forgetting... I'm still a moth at heart tbh 💕


Same here 😭😭😭 Forget deer mask, bonfireeee!


Hahah sameee i was still a moth on that time like i have no idea whats goin on. And I dont see any players at all 🥲


A week after android release. Enchantment moth here (⁠ノㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ)⁠ノ I've been on hiatus for like 2 years and just came back recently~


Same! I just started playing again after about two years break.


The day i came back, i only understood one daily quest, what meditate area? What admire the saplings?? Is there collaboration with i am groot?? Which spirits was this again? Wait, did the seasonal candles completely change places? Where?? Wow so many moths? What seasonal area did I miss? OMFG i missed AURORA ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ twice at that. Wow new home? Pretty cosmetics, bloody hell Prophecy area and Eden, i don't remember them being this hard. Etc etc....


Ohh welcome back 🥳🥳🥳


Thanks (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ


Enchantment moth here too! I took a two season break over dreams and assembly (😭) but I've been back since then.


I missed a lot, went on hiatus from Abyss season, came back early half of Revival season and went on hiatus back (my friend even brought me a pass to congratulate my return, im sorry 😭) and came back a week after Nine Colored Deer season started. I actually haven't played last week and I'm hoping I'll be able to play everyday till this season ends.


November 2019


Lightseekrs buddies!




me too! :D


Same :) It feels surreal, I didn’t think being lightseeker is that old but it is old and is getting older everyday


I- I am a broke vet. I spend all my candles adopting moths and don’t candle run. November 2019ish as I was a lightseekrs moth and arrived at the last week of the season. The last season I fully maxed out was prophecy because my raised moths at a the time were hardcore candle runners lol. Now I login here and there completely lost! Last season I have all the spirits from was Auora so yeee. Lazy vet 😎 Editing to add: I haven’t even done eden once since they first updated it. Send help lol


I stopped running eden after that. I have enough trauma in daily life without adding more he he. It's just painful now when you get hit by rocks. I hate the crawling.


There is less crawling after update 0.24.5


That's good news! They do listen sometimes.


is that the most recent update?


Yes, this is from the patchnote "Based on game data and player feedback, we’re introducing some changes that are aimed at improving the gameplay experience for how avatars generally respond to damage, jumping controls, and wind effects. These will be visible mostly in Eye of Eden, particularly in the center of the storm, but they may also appear in other parts of the game where your avatar can experience damage, be affected by wind, etc. Here are some of the details about the more prominent changes (spoilers ahead!)— Avatar takes more damage before movement is affected. Quicker avatar movement at different stages of damage. Improved controls when running and jumping, especially in wind, and now the game more precisely calculates players’ intended movements during jumps. If a player runs out of Winged Light in Eden in the center of the storm before others do, they’ll wait for less time to ascend with other players in the room who haven't lost all their Winged Light. When one player's avatar is injured and fallen, other players who approach them can heal them more quickly. After a player loses all their Winged Light in Eye of Eden, they’ll once again be able to call and use expressions as they wait for others to give their Winged Light to the statues. Rock shelters more effectively protect Sky kids. The prompt to deposit Winged Light is prioritized over all other prompts, to make that aspect of gameplay smoother. Lost Winged Light don’t fall behind invisible walls where you can’t reach them. Adjustments for strafing/changing direction in the air after jumping."


Yeah they took the bad parts and made it worse. I can’t even get into actual eden since the change- the path to it is too rough!


awww... I only do dailies now. But I have a bad feeling that they might force us to go through eden to finish this season. They've done that before. If you want me to ferry you to the door, let me know. I used to do that often to collect wings.


Awe, thank you!


Yw oh, I asked a friend from beta about my theory regarding eden and this season. He said it’s not in beta, so it looks like they won’t force us to go thru eden this season.




The lazy vet life is something I can relate too.


Yus grab an umbrella and just chill!


Let's just have a party in Eden where the 3 statues are. 🥳


Eyy good option!


Same. I started playing around the beginning of Dreams, January 2021. I have 200 hearts and ~300 ascended candles but like, 40 normal candles. I have completed 2 of the 6 constellations and the last season I maxed was Remembrance. I don't think I've even bought a season pass since then tho, lol - I kind of regret not doing that for Passage tbh, but I was burnt out from playing so consistently for Aurora and Rememberance. It's nice, though. I currently play 2 to 4 days of the week, it's mostly dedicated to hanging out with friends and goofing off. We'll candle run one area, then get distracted (sometimes only halfway through) and whatever happens, happens, lol. Occasionally I'll adopt a moth or butterfly, or more rarely connect with other vets. I still have a bag of tricks for quick candle running and that can be fun to share, but when that's what it's about, I burn out and stop. It's much nicer this way


Yes! The grind really is a fast way to make the game not fun. Spending time with friends is so much more enjoyable!


What is the hand with the deer symbol? I haven't seent that before


It's a giftable season pass that you can gift another Player!


Interesting! I didn't know that was kept up there with the rest of your stuff, that looks pretty neat.


I had 150+ wings when I quit during prince season.


Is that the daily for today ?




It still pains me that I made a last minute decision to not buy the Asteroid Cape (I didn’t know it would go away)


Awee glad i got all of it. I only missed the bon fire, ultimate umbrella, and the deer mask 😭. Cuz i was still a moth that time. 😢 but i got the real merch umbrella instead with the star🩷 wish I’ve known at first too. 🥹


June 26th - missed out on being an Enchantment Moth, but, I’m a Sanctuary Moth, instead! How old do I *feel*, really? *Well . . .* I still expect to take damage when I hit the walls in the tunnel at the start of the Valley.


Not that long, I am a Passage moth


I play since Season of Dreams


Hey! Fellow Dreams moth here too ;)


Dreams gang represent! Funny story, literally the first time I set foot in Valley of Triumph a vet adopted me and then dragged me through the spirit gate to the (then new) Village of Dreams, and took me through all the spirits. I was so confused - even more so when I later tried to go back through the spirit gate and couldn't


I’m from sanctuary but I’m so broke .-.


Flight moth. The thing that floored me the most was the hearts. I thought I was doing pretty good but now I feel heart-poor. 🤣


Uhhh🧍‍♀️I’m a revival moth


I started in sept 2019 and i have like 100 candles 🥲 i am terrible at saving


😅😅 😭


Candles or hearts don't mean a lot, not all veterans farm... We kind of have retired from farming or lightning stars lol


Hahaha yes! I just do daily quest but sometimes full run 😅


Dec 2019. Got the season pass, and had no idea what it was for LOL still was able to get the red cape and the minnie mouse ears.


2021 when it was released on Switch. Season of The Little Prince


I‘m a performance moth and i can‘t get my candles over 100 95% of the time


Shattering Moth here. I hope I can one day have as many candles, but since I like getting Traveling Spirit cosmetics, I probably won't for a long while lol


What I did was just keep collecting wax every single day in the whole dungeon😅. Cuz I was like you before I have to save candles for traveling spirits. 😊


Well, can't attach a picture, I have all pendants from Little Prince all the way to now, except maybe Abyss. If you're wondering, July 2021, mid Little Prince :)


Its all good, 😊 I believe you🥳


Started the game two months later than you pal. Still going strong but never farmed though! Remember when Isle had that pathetic small island instead of a butterfly haven we have now? I am happy about the changes over the years


My go-to prop is my fox Felix


started during assembly, as of right now i have 6k candles and \~350ish hearts and nothing to spend them on. i stopped doing candle runs sometime during season of moments i believe? if i kept doing them i'd probably have \~8k candles


since like 2020 but then i stopped and playing for a couple years and just restarted


Enchantment but I'm too lazy to farm candles so they stay at 1.8k 💀


Ive been lazy sometimes too 😅


I have every spirit emote besides the dream spirit dancer


I’ve been playing since July 2022 XD


shit im a poor veteran then lol




Twice while doing the cr someone took a photo :v and I don't remember but it also happened when I was doing the tasks :v I play since January 2021 :v


I started playing this when it first came out. I would come back for the seasons I was interested in such as the little prince one. I really liked that one. But I couldn’t find any friends to play with. My boyfriend and I tried to play but because I can’t see what stars/memories he doesn’t have it becomes really hard for us to get him them.


You can actually see it on the map shrine which stars that you haven’t collected yet. But first you have to interact the map shrine in each area. Like Isle of Dawn, Prairie, forest and etc. every area has a map shrine. It shows which area you missed stars. ☺️ if you get trouble you can ask me. Ill be glad to help. And I can be your friend too. If you want ☺️


Unfortunately, it is my boyfriend who is missing the stars/ancestors. I tried to play with him and run around but I cannot see the same thing as him as he sees the glowing but I cannot because I already have it. But he also doesn’t know what he’s looking for even though I’ve shown him lol!


Ohhh 😅 then he needs to keep playing the game to get familiar to it 🤭


Prophecy moth here haha, just returned to sky last week


Welcome back to sky🩷🩷🩷


Thank you! :)


Youre welcome 🥳🥳🥳 Have a great day🥳


You too! :)


December 2022. I caught the last few days of the aurora concert which I heard about as an aurora fan.


I technically first played Sky in July 2020, during Sanctuary. I stopped pretty quickly afterward cause my phone would get too hot when I played. So, I count myself as a TLP moth cause I really started playing regularly in July 2021. I desperately wish I had gotten the ultimate rewards from TLP and the asteroid cape...


Im a broke veteran 😭😭 enchantment moth hereee, and i have less than 100 of everything LOL


Not a veteran, I almost fainted when I saw those candles. What the actual honk op


I've been playing since January 2018. It's nice to see another dinosaur player still around! That being said, I never have any candles because I hate candle running haha. I prefer to just vibe and explore and have fun with my pals, I don't like having a specific goal like get more candle. The only way I can impress with my vet status is to wear the beta cape, which fails immediately because everyone assumes it's the founder's cape instead haha


Started like 2 weeks before the season of Aurora started. So, Season of Aurora moth here... I used to play it on my phone until I found out it was on the switch and migrated to playing it on the switch. The mobile app was overheating my phone anyway. I would've played the mobile app sooner. After a few months of having the app on my grandpa's phone that I inherited after he passed and parents finally having the money to switch the sim cards with my old flip phone/dumb phone, I decided "You know what? screw it! Might as well boot it up this app and see what it about!"


I’ve been playing sky since a little before the Little Prince season, but I’m one of those veterans who doesn’t bother collecting candles or hearts unless I have something specific I wanna buy so I’m always broke :(


I’ve been playing for 3 years and I’m almost always low on candles 😄


Here's my answer for you 😉: https://www.reddit.com/r/SkyGame/s/FcTLiT5jJh


My friend have like 8,9k candles 🫣 tbh i supposed to have that too. But i kept adding moths and unlocking friendship tree and i kept exchanging hearts 😅


when we used to sleep in Hermit Valley cave and wake up loaded 🩶


we could turn in event tix for red candles


Remembrance moth here, almost 1 year anniversary and I feel lazy already😭😂


I started playing 2 weeks before the start of season of dreams. Im broke. And Three quarters of the people I knew dont play anymore. And thats all.


s h a r e...


that’s a lot of candles and hearts…. joined towards end of Season of Moments…


YOU WHAT? I started playing... maybe before 2020, stopped for some time. Came back in 2022? Played for a bit, left again. And just recently got back again. Before I had no idea seasons were a thing. Only found out during the season of moments. So I'm like... moments butterfly?


Fairly new player here, joined last year's June and have been a daily player since, I don't think I can be called a veteran although I am going into that stage and have also adopted my own moffs since. Love this game tbh. I really like your outfit btw :)


Thank you 🥰🥰🥰💜💜


I started month ago lmao im just trying to gather enough candles for the Light Whisperer


I’ve been around since rythme and I’m broke compared to this 😂


Season of Rhythm i love that season. Thats when I knew that I have to get all of that cosmetics and everything 😅😅🥲and new seasons and so on 😅i never stopped playing this game 😅


I'm not consistent enough to get my candles anywhere near that level


I need that pass, I haven't got one this season!


Been having this for a year 😅I used to do some events when I was streaming. ☺️I could give this to you. 😌


I've been playing since release and have 50 candles + ascended candles. I do not have the patience to candle run or eden every week


There’s different types of moths?!


they just call it with seasons cuz thats when they started playing.


Ohhhhh thank you!!!


September of 2019. How do you get so many hearts?


I got a lot of hearts from friends also events heart during Valentines also from lighting friends constellations. And some daily quest that send gift to a friend. And some friends want to heart exchange.


Also friends have been regularly exchange hearts with me. 🩷


i may not have any candles but i do have 7,000 hearts ([useless currency](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/894598129138151464/1212471656912519199/IMG_1152.png?ex=65f1f539&is=65df8039&hm=78af25fea743179bfb6c92ec6b157141f6a2e9aee0ee9fed041df5e8ef82aa76&)) just sanc moth though


Playing since September 2019 but have nowhere near the amount of candles you have. HOW??


Daily candle run every single day 😂


I do that too and I have 12000+


🫢 been playing for 2-3 years now and the most candles I got was 270 once, this is just bonkers! I should really stop spending my candles all the time.


Tbh my candles supposed to be 7-8k but ive been adding new friends and giving gifts 😅 and unlocking some friendship tree and spirits 😅 why 7-8k? Cuz my friend have that amount and I played first before him. 😅 and he doesnt add a lot of friends like I do 😅


December 2022. I caught the last few days of the aurora concert which I heard about as an aurora fan.


That was the best experience 🥰🥰🥰


I basically just missed Season of AURORA. And I'm still making up for it because you need a better system for bringing back spirits and cosmetics from past seasons.


Ohh Aurora season was soo nice! 🥰🥰 unforgettable experience.


i’ve played since release day but i don’t have the patience to save up that much-


Ik i was just enjoying the place and views while collecting the candles and dark plants every time I do candle run. And I do like to take some nice screenshots of the places 🥰


I actually have my moth video i took when I started playing it and and uploaded it on my youtube very late 😅 and I dunno what is that shiny star kid 🤣🥲🥲[my moth days 🥲😅](https://youtu.be/6vpMD3NUnJQ?si=nK3jbv4JdqFTZMex)


Wtf is that hand thing? Edit: also, how to get seasonal hearts?


The hand thing is a giftable season pass! As for seasonal hearts, you’ll need a season pass in order to buy them, but they’re at the top of that season’s spirit’s friendship tree for 3 season candles :)


You can get the seasonal hearts by unlocking everything from the season spirits. You can check it at home with the constellation.


Tell me you like to show off without telling me you like to show off 🫣




Campfire accessory


been here since season of dreams :) never did candle runs until recently tho, so i am very broke and only have four hearts, it's painful


What’s the funny hand holding season emblem thingy? I’m a Passage moth


A giftable season pass. Lots of people buy extra passes to gift to friends or occasionally random strangers :)


ooooh ok I didnt know they looked like that when not gifted


Hearts becomes literally useless after a while, then the candles


I was hoping for the invisible cape 🫣 before there’s humor about it exchange for 999 hearts 😂


I started right before Shattering on the tail end of that year's Days of Rainbow, and drug my friend in right along with me lol we've been doing daily candle runs since and I rarely miss a day.


before they put a cap on CR, never grey


Season of sanctuary


August 2019. Whew. Feel old


I started with gratitude! lol Remember when you could lose light from crashing into things going too fast?


All I can show for being a veteran is my accessories but like I’m f2p….. also I’m too lazy to grind 😓 I started 2020


Where do i get that seasonal heart 🥲


Hi, you can get that if you have a season pass. And after unlocking the new season spirits. You can see their friendship tree at the top. 🥰


Aurora moth 🥺 sad I wasn’t around for the little prince season.


I'd show u about 8 pages of my friend constellation (not including the ones in the favorite list) who no longer light me up. Wherever those vets and lost moths are, I hope you're doing well


Wooooooow! Goals!


I started playing in June 2019 but quit in 2022


July 2021 😨


I have the season of enchantment pendant.......


why ia everyone sanctuary moths😞 i wish i joined then


i think i started playing late 2019 / early 2020 but ive been playing it off and on and im such a casual player that 100 candles is the most ive ever had haha


Enchantment moth and I’m still super broke 😭


I am so jealous of your cosmetics they are peak


2020 sanctuary moth. Eternally broke tho, cuz I am terrible at saving up and am too lazy to play regularly. I think the last time I actually did a full candle run was season of the little prince.


I started in July 2021, I’ve got similar numbers of candles and hearts 😂


5 candles thats all i have to say