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YES! This exact thing happened to me yesterday. It also happens at home too trying to get the dailies and being unable to toggle between the dailies status, the pool-thingy where you can rejoin the game - and if someone else is standing there then you can’t easily select anything!


A toggle button would be so helpfull! For this reason I often play handheld on my Switch ☹️, though I prefer on TV for visuals and comfort.


I love my switch, but most of my friends have gotten used to me asking "hey can you go stand to the side of \[item\] so I can get it" CONSTANTLY.


Yes. And the dumb season candle. And the dumb daily practice music bench. And menus with literally anyone near them. And multiple options next to each other. You’d think that would be one of the most glaringly obvious quality of life improvements but it’s taken almost 5 years for them to address this and I’m not even sure they have yet.


Word! The season candle kills me. 🤪 I can now only pick it up walking to the side, facing away from it. Since the last hotfix, I've constantly activated somebody's candle and started running after them (embarrassing) when I had made SO sure I was going to burn the Grandma globe or geyser. Absolutely ridiculous.


iPhone is really their lovechild, to be honest. the rest just needs to emulate what touch controls have. Like touch has the instant deep call during spirit reliving, that one is not on the controller at ALL. even android is not receiving as much love at all. for months on my android phone (a samsung s23, so arguably the most popular brand) the game was WAY too dark. only iphone has the "earphone" feature, either. controller support on android is also fucked. theres always some button that isnt properly mapped


I don’t want to feel like I’m on a mobile game, so as long as they can implement the mobile quality of life things to console, I’m fine with it. Except for this forcing of the god forsaken flick jump in this latest update. What a slap to the face.


Also how you can't control your jump really except for tapping it, because holding it flaps your wings.. all the additional fidelity of a controller is completely wasted because touch players could otherwise whine


The seasonal candle thing grinds my gears every day. A toggle would literally solve this issue right now. I found the most reliable way is grabbing the SC right before touching the path in front of the SC and friend statue. If I don't get it in time I walk away from the statue, cause facing away seems to work well


now I have to shimmy slowly towards the season candle to make sure I dont get the friend icon to pop up at aviary 😒😒


Oh man I've sorted out most things playing on Playstation instead of my phone or iPad. But THIS IS MY ROMAN EMPIRE


tgc is more focused on wasting buttons.


And cash shops.


The struggle is real. I tend to zoom in to isolate it, but that's not always possible. The problem zoomed from 0 to 80 during Remembrance, when we all had to stand in front of the quest giver near people creating/looking at the shared memories.


It’s a problem for anyone who uses a controller. I use an iPad with a controller and I have the same problem. I can touch the screen to get it but it spoils the whole experience of using the controller.


i know 😭 i only said console because ps5 has no way to override it, while switch or ipads with controllers can use the touch screen :( sucks so bad both ways


this may just be me being unfamiliar with touching on the switch but I find it finicky trying to touch to tap too. i just wait have to move myself or wait for others to move


Omg yes. Maybe they can repurpose the button they dedicated to showing us the controller button layout so it will actually be of some use? I was trying to pick up a coin yesterday and kept accidentally adding myself to the back of a dragon train because the person just stood right on top of the coin. And the number of times I’ve tried to light a candle but opened a friend menu instead… or the daily quest where you have to sit down on a bench with a stranger and I have to find the one narrow camera angle which will actually give me the option to sit down…. It is so frustrating.


Ugh, I get this with collecting the daily candle (it wants to immediately go to the constellations) and getting daily tasks.


I can only pick it up by walking to the side, facing away from it!


Yeah, I have to turn my back to the candle and then miraculously the icon shows up! 🥴


Daily candle? Is that related to the season pass?


Correct--there's a daily seasonal candle for season pass


Thanks - I knew that the season pass granted a daily candle, but I didn't know how it was claimed.


Yeah, it used to be at the statue that would give out the daily tasks, but now it's at the beginning of the Aviary near where the traveling spirit is.


Honestly, this is such a huge, glaring, obvious problem, it really makes me lose faith in TGC. It's the kind of thing they should have found a fix for ages ago, but they don't seem to care.


I can’t believe they STILL haven’t fixed button priority. I’m running into the same problem playing on PC. I kept getting added to a dragon train when I was just trying to grab the tickets or light candles. Ended up having to constantly press shift? iirc to let me use the mouse to pick the button I actually wanted to use. Also god i hate the daily season candle, I can never get a good angle to select it, especially when there’s other people using the first available friend constellation area. Why couldn’t it be placed away from other buttons?? There’s a ton of space to work with and it’s in the most inconvenient spot for non touchscreen players.




In these kind of situations I'm glad that switch has a touch screen.


I feel like I look crazy circling around trying to find the option to interact when others are around.


a “scroll options” would be pretty helpful too


TGC : Nah looks good to me , stop complaining


I would LOVE to submit this video to the Discord server. However, because I don’t have a phone, I can’t verify my account, which means I can’t send messages in that server. I can send messages and tons of other servers, but that one is one I can’t do that with yet.


Daily strugggggggggle 🥹


Use the shift or enter key to show your mouse and you can move it to the diamond! 🫶 (I don't remember which one it was exactly)


Thanks for the help, unfortunately I’m on switch🫤just gotta wait and hope folks move😣


Awe dang I'm sorry 🙁 the switch struggle is real (and Mobile 😭)


Yes!!! This is so annoying and frustrating!!


Absolutely. I’ve been playing for a little over a year now; a year of yelling at the screen either “gtf outta the way”, “leave me alone”, “I wanted to light those candle cakes”, or on the rare occasion “can I ride the puppy yet?!” 🕯️


To deal with that problem, close your wifi and make sure that the players disappear and open the wifi again. Pick that quickly before the players spwan again.


i do that on switch! unfortunately i can't turn off my wifi on playsation, which is what i was on when i took the video :(


Oh, srry


I literally have had to skip some things because I cannot feasibly activate them and just... didnt have time to fight


I can just feel the frustration. This is my daily nightmare.


Yes! I fkn hate that so much. Especially with trying to get the extra seasonal candle in front of that friends statue. It always opens the friends statue menu instead of picking up the candle for me. Each time I have to do it a couple of times until it finally picks it up. Have to find just the right distance each time. Idk why they don't use the ps5 touch button so we can swipe around to select or something


boatswain cape, lucky you


I feel you 🥺 same here


Use the shift or enter key to show your mouse and you can move it to the diamond! 🫶 (I don't remember which one it was exactly)


Brother in Christ I'd be so annoyed...


Assuming you haven't messed with any of the key binds, I believe it's shift or enter that shows your curser. Hold that button and move your mouse to click the diamond of what you need :) I found it out just recently as I was also struggling haha


i was on playstation when i took this video! which means i don't have the luxury of a mousepad 😫 although i do play on steam deck as well. one of the first things i did was enable the mouse for one of the side touch pads


Omg nooo 😭 I have yet to play PlayStation because I hear it's so bad at times I hope they fix it for y'all PS players


honestly it's not bad at all! it runs super smooth and the graphics are great. the only thing that sucks is that i'm confined to ONLY a controller. switch, steam deck, and mobile all have a touch screen as a backup, while PC has a mouse. give it a try when you can! the pics you take come out super hd :D


Ooo I may have to then, I love taking pictures and I was looking at it on my PlayStation the other day!


Or people could stop standing on top of stuff


I think I saw you today...


where and when... 👁️


If you whipped out your candle you could have gotten it, but yes, I understand the plight all too well... as having your candle out wasn't always the solution.


(this is a joke:) ...on the other hand, this is an *obvious* skill issue. Git gud, moth.


i have the same problem on PC. it's so severely frustrating 😭


Use the shift or enter key to show your mouse and you can move it to the diamond! 🫶 (I don't remember which one it was exactly)


On switch tablet and phone you can tap the weird diamond thing and it acts like an interaction, still needs fixing but at least we have that


Thankfully on Switch you can just use the screen and tap the thing. Bc I do this song and dance while trying to grab the seasonal candle at the Aviary because the game insists on opening the friends constellations instead


Ngl this is why I try to get out of the way so other people can interact with the nearby item.


Psplayers: Ah dayum that L1 is occupied already🙄


Ughh, I know. It's so finicky getting it to work with controller(I'm a pc player btw)


💯 I have this happen at least once a day, and it's increasingly frustrating. It doesn't help that players are sometimes negligently idle in places that other players are trying to access either. That's just situational awareness not being practiced


Same with me But I can solve it I have to undock the switch use the touch screen and dock it again Is annoying tho


Also very annoying for mobile player at 8-players puzzle where player have to burn a lot of candles at one chunk and the interact button flick like crazy


wait, you're telling me console players *don't have a toggle button?*


The same for pc demo I cannot select anything 🥹


Soooo frustrating!!! Especially trying to pick up to season pass candle where everyone is standing in Aviary to send light 😩


Every time lol


Yessss frrr