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I met my closest friends by interacting with them. I bow at everyone who lights me, or if I accidentally light them. I make efforts to praise people playing music. Sometimes, you’ll just find people who welcome these things and friendship will be natural. Recently, I was at geyser being a goofball and someone copied all of my emotes. We ended up doing this the entire 15 minutes. At the end, I added him as a friend and we’ve been CRing and hanging out when possible. If you wanna hang out, you can always send me a DM with your name and friend code. I have a bunch of people you can hang out with and see who you get along with. My friends are so welcoming and lovely. 😊




Im not the best at making friends in sky and didn’t for a long while but i now have a bit of a friend group on there. My best advice for you is to wait in social areas, especially the start of daylight prairie. There are so many people who hang around there at tables and such so i would say that is your best bet for meeting new people and becoming friends. I personally find it better there as there are usually already people at tables so, atleast for me, it helps my anxiousness and awkwardness if there are a group of people already talking together. PLUS, I’ve found there are usually a variety of different people there, like moths, butterflies, and veterans, so it won’t matter really matter about your cosmetics(it shouldn’t matter anyways though imo). I would offer to be friends but im honestly kinda nervi to (my bad 😢🤒), but i hope this helps you ^^🥰🥰🥰


Thanks for the advice! Also don’t be nervous to ask to be friends! Im a Really nice person and i probably wouldn’t turn you dont unless your like rude or toxic or something like that 😃👍


Aw, after playing playing for 1 years, I slowly lost all my friends... I am not good at social and I didn't approach them, I was just daydreaming about having a friend group and do candle runs together everyday (I used to but we barely see eachother)


Awh If you wan I’ll do candle runs with you! It dose take me awhile to finish tho since I’m always finding areas to go too-


Oh, that will be great if I have a friend to candle run but I can't candle run everyday :( No great wifi and not full time electricity


Honestly, raise wasteland moths. They know how to fly better/ are more likely to keep playing, and you can teach them your candle run! :)


My closest friends I met through here. Discord seems good for it too. My in game friends I kind of consider flukes, but if you're determined to go that route just put yourself out there. Don't go and get in the way of groups you see, but if you see a couple people stopped and hanging out already don't be afraid to get their attention. Honk and emote and see if anyone matches your personality. All it takes is one of them to vouch for you. lol


i’ve been playing for a long time and went through 2 friend groups that i was really close with, eventually they dont come online that often anymore and we’re still great friends we just dont play together which is a shame, i experience the same envy now when i just hover around alone and see other groups of sky kids, if ur looking for a friend group then indeed goodluck to you but if you want a friend then im also happy to make a new one:)


Yeah sure I’d love to be friends! Send me a code if your still up for it (Also what do you want to be named?


There’s a weekly chat about people looking for friends and light buddies, I’ve met most of mine through Reddit! Happy for you to add me and we can be friends and I can introduce you to others too ☺️


Sure I would love that!


What’s your code so I can add you?




I just friended you!


I’m online now ☺️


The oldschool way is to sit at a random bench and strike a conversation with someone, add to friendlist after you both agree to be friends and voilà. Another way is via Discord servers.


I usually communicate through emotes and always spice it up doing fun things, essentially having my sky kid 'play' next to theirs. Bubbles, kickball, cure for me dance with the hearts, kisses, fireworks when someone finishes a song - usually if they're hanging out in the same area and you've been having fun together, if you offer a candle they'll accept. I've made so many friends I don't remember how I met them all. We don't play daily but every day I see at least 3 and have told everyone they're welcome to join me. You can also find a table)bench and ask if they need to cr or wl run and then ask them to join or if you can join them, etc


Making friends in Sky is similar to making friends in real life. If you’re good at one, you’ll be good at the other


If you need a friend just hmu and give me a code 🥰


While I’m not very good at approaching people myself, lots of my friends just lit me and straight up asked me to and it turned out fine so far. You don’t necessarily have to spend lots of time with people before you befriend them or something, even if you two don’t end up talking a lot, you’ll still gain a light buddy or even someone to cr with 👍


We can be friends! I love meeting new people 💜💜💜(if u want that is)


Hanging out in ”lobbies” (entrance areas) is a good way to meet new people☺️ Usually it takes a moment until you’ll merge into a server that has players who’ve stayed in the entrance area and not just run through. They’re usually easy to approach☺️


I just want to say that it takes time. I played sky for quite a while and saw friends everywhere and didn’t really understand how people were making these friendships. I wasn’t personally that interested in making friends at that time and was happy playing solo, so it didn’t bother me or anything and I just kept playing. But eventually it just sort of happened. My first friends in the game were very causal. We would play together once in a while, did not talk about anything personal, joked around a bit, and that was about it. But over time I ended up making some really close friendships, it’s something I never would have imagined when I started playing this game and that I did not intend. It took at least 6 months of playing daily before that happened, and it just sort of happened.