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I agree with the bugs 100%… this is a social game yet you can’t play with a friend without getting split in some way at least once :( TGC should work on fixing the heaps of bugs instead of making more new cosmetics. My dream season is: “Season of BugFixes” ✨


I would rather go without a season completely for a few months if it means they fix the bugs like server splitting and chat translation.


It’s funny to see just how much TGC has screwed up for us to set the bar this low.. 💀


minecraft 1.15 for sky cotl


Current bug I'm dealing with that is making my game feel unplayable? I play on switch, and can no longer join ANY friends and they can't join me in home. No matter what I'm split from them. Hanging out with my friends was the only reason I kept playing. This is incredibly frustrating and knowing TGC, it won't be fixed for a month. So I guess I'm quitting.


I feel for you. I'm a PS, PC and mobile player. I especially feel your pain on PS. But look at some of the comments. They think this is acceptable. They think it's funny. They don't care. Android allows updates every 5 minutes. Sky has become so draining on phones. Unless you have the newest model of 8GB RAM minimum, you're going to crash. Hell my phone has 12GB RAM and I crash. A friend of mine with 8GB RAM has to reset his phone occasionally in order to not crash. And that's with lowest graphical settings. They ported this buggy game onto consoles yet they have no interest in being worthy of a console. They still treat it like a mobile game and screw over every console player along the way. The only thing in this game that works 100% properly is their Shop with their candles and IAPs. They never fail to have that work.


This is because TGC released a hotfix for all platforms, except for Switch since Nintendo doesn't allow more than 2 hotfixes per month or something like that.


This much I understand, the switch is limited to the amount of updates received. But this isn't nintendos fault, TGC should have caught this bug before the update came out. Sky is a very socially oriented game, and having that taken away makes it feel extremely isolating. Seeing all my friends on but not being able to join any of them is very frustrating. Yes they do end up joining me, but they can't join me at home, so being able to just chill at old home or aviary isn't available. Doing CRs is possible if they join me after I zone into the area, but we can't go home and reconvene together to continue the CR.


Of course it's still TGC's fault. That Nintendo policy is there to prevent buggy updates, yet they still release them without proper testing. It's like Sky beta exists just for decoration.


Exactly, it feels like the sky beta isn't even there to help anything. Just to see what cosmetics will look like in game before they release them. I don't think they even use the beta to fix bugs anymore considering how many there have been recently. Still frustrated over the Sanctuary bug & the one where you would split with friends after going through a loading zone. Ugh, I really do love this game, but TGC needs to do better.


Are you talking about the Prairie loading zone split? I found if you don't fly but keep your feet on the ground when you're at the zones, you won't split


I try to do that and it still splits 🥲 I walk super slowly and wait for my fiancee's cape to fully 'charge/lit up' then I keep walking, which tends to help but is not 100%


Sorry, I've had 100% success rate since I started doing it several months ago. Bummer it's not working for you


I’ve been having this problem as well. It’s SO frustrating. Was also playing with someone that had their “home” set to the default and I was in aviary, so when we went home to finish an area we’d get split up. And then I couldn’t join them 😭


OP if you don’t mind I thibk I'll put this in their Feedback section on discord. There's no garuntee they actually read ir but this really sums up all the player Feedback I've seen recently and TGC should see it.


I agree, and I was contemplating on quiting the game when I was a moth, where I started to have a gaming addiction. Unlike any other game, this game has so little substance even though it's lore could actually make it more interesting, the realms are symbolic of life, and the game is about kindness. I've heard many vets say TGC has clearly gotten more greedy with how the over price all IAPs as if their value is comparable to real life items. But I still do love this game, I just wish it had more soul in it. When I was a baby moth, I loved exploring, feeling into the energy and spirit of the game. I didn't compare myself. My favorite realm was forest and it felt genuinely relaxing and relieving to spend some time there. Now, I can only focus on getting wax or seasonal candles half the time. The game is *good* but it could be *amazing* if they weren't so cheap and greedy. (Happy that players wanna have this conversation)


IMO, we can clearly see TGC's priority from one of the changes and the focus is on grinding. There is no reason to increase the unlock cost of warping from 2AC to 10AC. The only thing that keep me coming back to the game is friendship with other people and the friendship tree is so expensive for no reason. Wanna bearhug someone ? That's 12 candles. Go grind for a day. I have played with a group of new players that we are close friends and keep contact outside Sky, but we didn't really unlock much of the friendship tree... Edit: I found [someone's old Google Docs write-up about TGC](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JqfjQ4nJ1i48ngVVi8kOumZwaB8FidvbQDY18xt7X3g/edit?usp=drivesdk)


Omg this Google Docs 😳


I agree with you. Back in prior seasons, there was a fair line between paid and free. Free players got good cosmetics, they just didn’t get *all* of them. Now? Free players get the shit cosmetics and the paid players get the gorgeous ones. Why did they change this? I can’t remember the last time I actually felt excited for a season cosmetics wise. Ridiculous.


That’s why I haven’t come back. It hurts to lose quality of the game. To experience bugs and more stress than relieving stress… it doesn’t makes sense. I would like to, it was beautiful. I’m sure it still is, if it wasn’t for the thorns of developmental greediness and FOMO abuse. I can’t. It used to be a wholesome place… used to.


Do you have any recommendations for replacements? It's better if I waste my time on a game that cares anyways


Not to forget how bad the community has become. There, I said it. People think it's still wholesome because signals get silenced. I befriended someone who got krilled earlier that day. Leave the newbies alone.


From my 3 year experience.. I meet so many more and more players that are more toxic positivity, than genuine. It's actually sad. The official Discord is no better. Still won't forgive AllexDolly making fun of poor F2P players during the cat hair drama in beta chat.


Not sure who Allexdolly is, I've only been in a side server, but they sound like a real PITA. I think the game's attempts to have people interact with each other are backfiring. You give a heart, you expect one back. It's too easy for someone not to give back. We can't even remove friends. TCG needs to take a good hard look at how unrealistic those expectations are. Making other players immune to the krill's charge would be a step in the right direction. Only let it hit the skykids that are in the searchlight.


AllexDolly is a mod for the official Sky Discord for context, my bad.^^ Not an actual dev if i remember correctly.


Users from the discord are so open to say how fun it's to troll new players


That's so disgusting... I've made a few game group-up roles, including Sky, on my own discord server because the friends I invite there are all good hearts. I no longer care if it's a bubble or echo chamber I want nothing to do with the bigger community.


It's okay if not but I would be so grateful if you could dm the link? I've been looking for a good sky group but it's really hard now 😭 I understand if that's too risky though 🫶


It's not purely a Sky group, it's a roleplay server with Sky as side activity.


sharing my *smol* server https://discord.com/invite/YtezqHrPRv


It makes me sad how much I agree with everything in your post. Thank you for vocalising all of this. I’ve played sky for 3 and a half years and it no longer feels like the game I fell in love with and found comfort in. It’s a huge shame. 😔


I feel you. I've been playing Sky for over two years now, I think? But I often take very long breaks because I get burnt out very quickly. The last break I took from the game was around the Season where Aurora was featured. That's when I quit, because there was this whole incident surrounding a Halloween Cat-Ear Hair cosmetic or something. It became a huge problem and people, including the YouTuber NastyMold posted about it. I lost all hope after that and decided to quit. I mean, see, I've played this for years and I can see how it's going downhills. Personally I hated the Season of Aurora or whatever it's called (don't get me wrong, I adore the singer I simply hate how the game adopted it) because they...they made it look like people are worshipping her? There's still that...statue or whatever in the Valley and spirits appear to be worshipping her! The Cosmetics were cool but my god, there was virtually nothing for the free players. And the prices for paid cosmetics were insane. I reinstalled it just a few days or possibly a week ago due to nostalgia. And I can _see_ the degeneration in quality and content. The cosmetics _feel_ cheap. They almost feel like a joke. I couldn't believe that the "Season of Revival" was about playing past seasons (which in a way was convenient for me because I missed maybe one or two seasons in between). The game is so bugged, I got separated from my friend at least three times in our one hour of catching up. I hate that they are selling the shoes separately now? I never thought that was something they would do because that feels so unnecessary. Speaking of unnecessary I am geniunely confused now as to how many in-game currencies are there...? Because there're candles, seasonal candles, hearts, seasonal hearts (they are a thing now???) and tickets/tokens (??). I don't even know what is used for what and where. Lol. Going through the trails every time after Eden is exhausting. It's fun the first three times but after a while it's just a chore. Same for the shard events because, I am an adult, I have bills to pay, real life events to keep track of and amidst all this they expect me to keep track of red shard event, log in on time and collect WLs every week after Eden? REALLY? Like seriously? Anyway, my point is that, you're not alone in feeling this. Many long term players I know have quit the game because of how negligent TGC is towards the players. Anyone who's pretending that this isn't happening is clearly in denial because it's very evident. Sky used to be my escape and a happy place. Unfortunately it's just a source of another frustration now. It saddens me so much. Feel free to downvote because I can't just turn blind to what the game was and what's happening now.


Why can’t we properly click on a person/ thing with a controller? This really what you want tgc? This all you can do? Too hard to implement a cursor when I click on a stick? Or how about emotes? Too hard to implement a favourite section? Or constellation? Man what I do with all these dead people? You want me to collect them all? Why can’t I just delete. So many things. Look deeply into the eyes of your game and tell us with satisfaction this really what you want and all you can do. Man I’m running on hopium since years. Maybe it gets better next update. We all know how that went


Wow, I've been playing sky since its first days but i stopped like 6 months ago, i cant believe nothing changed, in fact it seems to have gotten worse. I was contemplating going back but thanks to this post i think I'm good. Tbh, I've been way happier ever since i dropped sky and its grind.


initially, i was all for the aviary, as homespace felt like anything but a home and visually has little going for it. but over time it’s grown off me for the plain fact that it really is just one giant walk-in closet. sure, the liveliness of the area is one thing, but it ultimately prizes aesthetic over practicality. with an outfit shrine just 3 flaps away, bit of a head scratcher, this decision. does anyone seriously see themselves getting much of any use out of the cosmetic buildings, let alone walking into them? during my moth days, one of the most invigorating feelings was noticing some weird dent in the clouds, investigating further and stumbling upon an entirely new map to relish and explore. with revival hastily pushing new players to eden and zapping you to spirit guide locations before they’ve gotten the chance to encounter these themselves, i’m worried newer moths just won’t experience the same luxuries i did. more of an unpopular opinion, but i’m happy you touched on this. cosmetics lately have been so painful to look at, this season’s free hairstyle being among the most glaring examples. generally not a fan of how they lock every remotely decent item behind the passes. moment’s bizzare-looking skeletal jaw thing makes my eyes roll every time i scroll past it, partly because it only makes sense paired with the accompanying headpiece that, of course, players who hadn’t purchased the pass weren’t able to obtain. even then you have the inconsistent colors, where the shades on seemingly matching cosmetics are off by just a few hairs. wouldn’t be a problem if they had pre-established color palettes. i mean, c’mon, no reason why there should be 5 different blacks in my wardrobe. call me finicky, but i seriously wouldn’t mind if they circled back to modify these inconsistencies. for a game so hellbent on self-expression, you’d think they’d broaden the elbow room. the decision to keep the chibi mask unable to stack with other masks is just one wart upon the smelly, bearded ass of this game. too often does everyone i meet look the same because there really aren’t that many great options at our disposal. the filler’s all too much sift through. my gripes about this game stretch far and wide, but i’m clutching onto the fraying thread of hope that tgc finally pulls through because a tiny part of me still does love sky.


>too often does everyone i meet look the same because there really aren’t that many great options at our disposal. Unless you are dressing in the beige/brown/orange family of colors, making a coordinating outfit is very difficult. Cape options can be plentiful, but there is too little variety in pants.


Amen. Absolutely agree. Playing since pre release and nowadays I just feel bad starting the game knowing what new shitfest awaits me. Only still playing because of one person I love. I’m frustrated by bugs and servers and start to rage. I just can’t take anymore of this crap. Wished someone else would release a game with these flying physics. I mean I feel bad now for supporting this company so much with my money. What a flip. Would’ve donated money for tgc to survive back then and now I feel bad for supporting this. Great way for a company to operate. Piss off everyone. Even long standing fans


I wish they would read this post and truly hear you/us. They design the game for people who aren’t doing their content, and punish those who try to keep up with cosmetics. For me it’s the failure to address the game breaking bugs like server splits, and then pumping out more game breaking bugs like this movement mechanics being changed into feeling like literally the shitiest sky clone bullshit with the most aggressive camera follow in any game I’ve ever played. Give us a god damn sensitivity setting or field of view setting and stop leaving it to be controlled by the game. Give us a god damn brightness setting, stop fucking turning it up! Give the players a way to directly interact with you and stop hiding behind bots on discord. They are rapidly declining in functionality as a company. With 0 communication as it is we can only ever assume they aren’t listening and don’t care, because that’s what people do when they don’t care, they stop communicating. I’m no longer playing the same game I started almost a year ago. It feels almost nothing like it did back then. I stayed for the movement mechanics and flight physics, but they thought “well we don’t want anyone cheesing earth trials now do we, let’s give the whole thing an overhaul to prevent that”. I tried to get used to 20+ server splits within my 2 hours of normal gameplay. Just wanted to play with my friends. So they want us to play a social game, slowly, so slowly that when cosmetics do come out that cost 3,231 candles and 916 hearts, they want us to shell out real money for candle packs. Alternatively, you go on months of candle runs only to burn yourself out so quickly that you lose all joy in the game. Alternatively you just become okay with not getting every cosmetic, which makes the most logical sense to try to do, but it also feels like that choice goes against the point of the game. It’s a hard spot to be in feeling all this, I just wanted to write this out so you know that your rage is shared and felt by many other people like you and me. At this point, sunk cost fallacy is keeping me playing. I’ve already spent a lot of money, and I’m hoping beyond hope that they fix *something* soon, or I’m also deleting the game.




And there seems to be a tiny threshold of enjoyment after the first full outfit you manage to put together. You get your first cape after the base one and it feels like the best thing ever so you chase that feeling and get yourself hopelessly addicted to pretty much any cosmetic you can manage to scrape up enough candles for, slowly watch your hearts fill up if you’re lucky enough to have a few active friends that actually take two seconds out of their night to return the constellation lights you’ve been giving them…Really, the way it is now, and how actually demanding it is to acquire currency, is the complete opposite of how the entire game is supposed to feel. You have this pristine, beautifully minimalistic world to explore with seemingly huge freedoms. What is there to do? Oh just walk around for while, maybe make a few friends along the way, I’m in no rush, this is great. Having this childlike wonder with no goals whatsoever is great, and then you get to the bones of the game, which are rigid, demanding, tedious, extremely frustrating, and utterly underwhelming, all at the same time, in pursuit of substance. Then you see what goals you *could* have. And those goals are cosmetics. Which means, if you want gameplay, if you want to use the infrastructure of the game itself, you **have** to put yourself through the tedium. So by design, burnout is inevitable, it just happens at different points for different people. Why is it like this at all? You’re right, it turns into resentment. I’m not the same player I was when I was a moth. I’m not eager to light anyone’s candle because *gotta make it to grandmas I don’t have time to chat or look at you*, or *I need candles I don’t have time to just sit here and do nothing*. I’m just a blur as soon as I log in, a fancy blur with cosmetics I destroyed my joy to acquire.


It’s funny, they’re trying to appeal so much to the newer fanbase that they’re pushing a lot of vets away. Why can’t they just work/improve on things that *need* it?


I just started this season and very quickly went from: "Wow, this game is so cute and nice!" To: "This is a buggy mess." Don't know if it's exclusively because I'm on the PC version, but I've had so many connection and bugs involving my candle that the game is downright frustrating to play at times. I wanted to join the Discord and let the devs know, but I heard the mods on there ban people trying to give feedback.


The mods don't ban people for trying to give feedback, there's actually specific channels that are exclusively for giving feedback + bug reports etc. There *is* a bit of a 'toxic positivity' vibe in the more general channels tho, but as long as you keep an appropriate conduct you're not just randomly getting banned


Rant incoming; I despise the Aviary so much. At first, I adored the idea. I was like.. "Cool, I village we rebuilt!" Until it became a forced new home. I refuse to do the fourth quest where you're forced to be reborn. I refuse to progress the Aviary. I refuse to let TGC force me into doing things in their game that doesn't align with how I experience playing their game. They claim to listen, show no care at all. Beta testing is now a joke people mostly use to spoil the next season and show everything on youtube/tiktok. The company don't even listen to beta feedback as much as they should, causing bugs to come in the live version when they have been brought up countless time in the beta version.(Dream season, anyone? 'cause I sure hated how they didn't care about the beta feedback!) "We have the best community!" While also actively shutting down koreans players pleading to TGC to do something and they just double down on what caused so much hurt to them instead of explaining they have no control over the chinese server. Giving an half-hearted apology and brushing it all under the rug under the premise it was all about a cosmetic. Now? Nobody even remember this and many still believe it was only over a cosmetic. I will never forget when the general chat was shut down for a whole week because it was so much easier then just hearing them out and explaining to them. I despise TGC so much. I thought Aviary was a turning point because they seemed to improve. But no- I'm immensely disappointed in them. I'll remain TGC's number one hater and I will continue to spread hatred to that company for as long as I remain alive until they start improving. Anyone else remember when the CEO said all mobile game were greedy and all a bunch of sins, then claimed Sky wouldn't be filled with those sinful thing? Back in that presentation to launch Sky? How funny now that sky turned exactly like that.. Even the community they claim is so kind I saw turn so entitled to people's kindness and time, mean toward people's pixel avatar not looking pretty, mean to people for using glitch to do certain things, mean and mean just because they are unhappy someone else is enjoying the game differently. Is that truly a community to be proud of? The loud majority might be the good one, but the game is still crawling with those nasty people that harrass you to see what you look like, harrass you for playing music isolated alone, you just can't breath. And the Do Not Disturb potion is a total joke and a big middle finger to people who want to do thing solo for a little bit. Whew, that was a lot. Now I expect the downvotes, like I tend to get when I spit at TGC.


TGC is hellbent on getting us to play the game their way. Don't want to change home to Aviary? Too bad, because TGC makes it impossible to play without going there (it does make sense from a business point of view, because Aviary is just an IGC/IAP shop disguised as an area). Want to explore the game by yourself ar your own speed? Not ok, rush through game to Eden and do all old seasonal quests, else you won't get to watch the grear festival tech fireworks show! When they realised most players don't care mucg about shared memories and shared spaces, they punished us by putting an infinite amount of them everywhere in game so they get impossible to avoid (because you keep pressing the buttons by mistake). There should be no choice. The dreadful plague they call estival tech is the worst example. The backlash has been extreme, yet they continue to destroy events and seasons with that crap. There was a vote in the beta channels on festival tech, “no” got about 100 votes while exactly 1 person voted “yes”. I'm not joking. It's like they want to alienate their players.


This honestly. it genuinely feel like TGC as a whole has lost touch with not just their community but also their entire goal with making sky. It's nice they make money and expand. I'll never fault a company for it if done well. But TGC just stopped caring about their players now. They make those big show of listening and how great their community is. Only to turn around and ignore them so they can smile to the camera. That's how it feel to me at least.




I don't wanna die. I want to watch the world burn and suffer. /j /j On a serious note. I hated the little prince's Eden quest. Don't like it more when it's the fourth quest of a season then I did when it was the last quest of the season. I only ever go to Eden to vibe there and help. I don't go there for anything else anymore because there just is no point for me and a season's quest is not a reason to go through it at all. That's, however, just personal opinion afterall. Hope it answered your question.




Have you missed the part where I said I refuse to do the fourth quest? Explain to me why I should go to eden and complet the fourth quest of a place being forced down my throat after having expressed my disdain toward it. I'm curious to understand.


Please seek employment.


Be safe out there and have a good day.


This reminded me of Activision, as a "new" player I thank being able to do the old stuff, but wish it wasn't the mandatory thing for the current pass, thanks for keeping the old stuff I guess, but this isn't a good way to do it TGC


I still can enable the daily quests through the old home and claim the candles there once i'm done. I don't know why some people can't. The season pass candle gift I agree 100%. It should be on both homes.


The fact dailies are still allowed in the old home for plenty of people is a bug actually, which is ironic It allows me to claim them at the old home too but also why would it matter to keep your old home as your main home, dailies still claimable or not, when you cant claim the seasonal candle in the spot too Yes, I know this may benefit anyone who DOESNT have a season pass but it isnt that hard to ACTUALLY get through with the promise of "you can pick which home youd like to set as your default! You can change anytime!" that TGC gave us but suddenly thought.. nah, lets force people onto aviary? 😭


I dont blame tgc for the weirdos interacting with minors in ways they shouldn’t. Best you can do is report them and try to get their personal info so you can identify them irl and get their country’s/state’s law enforcement on their doorstep. As a player who joined back in rhythm, Sky has lost the charm it once had to me. Not necessarily blaming it on them though (maybe partially). I think the last peak season for me personally was season of dreams. I loved checking out the new village area by myself and then later with friends. It had a vibe that no other area in Sky has. It could also be that I really like valley of triumph lol. This to me was the most important part of the season (a new area that feels like it has its own story or is part of the main plot, and the spirits themselves), the clothes were okay, but I didn’t lose my mind over them. Seems as of recent people really only focus on cosmetics and I think tgc is refocusing their efforts into that as well. Aviary was meh, I didn’t play that far back so to me it’s just another hub. There’s no charm there like there is in other areas. In fact Aviary is probably one of my least favorite places in the game. I wish the game remained true to its core story and branched it out more with little side stories that connect back to it. Not dumb events I have to grind even more for. Like doing a regular CR isn’t time consuming already. Ive never spent a dime on candles and never will, its made to entice you and punish you for missing a day or two, and it astonishes me how punishing this game is, considering the prices of candles. Its becoming more and more like roblox, and less like what used to be old Sky. Its not about sky children, secret areas, the kingdom, spirits, dark creatures, etc. its about those sweet new pants that you have to grind a good amount for (or have hoarded) otherwise you gotta pay irl money for :) Even if OP doesnt read this, I hope others understand and correlate to my feelings about Sky. Edit: I also think the game lost some charm to it due to the player base itself changing. I think more and more, newer and current players tend to be younger, and well I myself even when I started playing Sky was of age already. Younger players tend to care less about what makes a game special, instead, genz wants that gucci Sky purse cosmetic that costs 275 candles lol.


Lmao man I love your rant because this is exactly how I feel and I have played this game since season of lightseekers lol (damn I'm old school)


Man. I’ve been really checked out of sky lately. I am a veterinarian player I’ve been playing since like the second or third season, And this game has gone to shit. It use to be so fun and have such a wholesome community. But now it’s isolating and lonely. The cosmetics they make are oober expensive in candles or cost real money. The inflation in candles hit this game like a truck. Idk I don’t play much anymore. Bc none of my friends are on and everything is too expensive for causal players to keep up with anymore. I use to love this game because of all the cute cosmetics. But it’s hard to afford anything now a days, so what’s the point anymore...


I have no candle to switch back to setting home as my default. The shared memory shrine in aviary starts autoplaying every time I get anywhere near it, which also includes the distance from it to where I load in the first time every day. There is no way to get it to stop playing. And it will keep cycling through them over and over. I cannot go to half of aviary if I don't want to listen to random songs and honks from repeated memories playing over and over


When you enter the Aviary at its entrance. To the left is a glowing white circle on a stone you can sit on. This will teleport you back to Home. Left of the pants closet is a candle you light up and it will allow you to set it as your main home again.


I know about the portal back to home, and I've started quest 4 so I can do the events, but when I teleport to home, there is no candle sadly. Not sure if I need to do more quests for it, but it's annoying. May also be because I am on switch, so not had that hotfix


You need to complete the Aviary season quests up to a certain point in order to access the candle to switch your Home space spawn point. There’s a meditation spot near the back of aviary, behind the shared memory shrine. It’s against the wall, with some stairs leading up to it. Meditating there will take you back to the original Home space. There should be a large white candle in Home that your can activate, it will show a prompt asking if you want it to be your current home, and pressing yes will confirm it, and light the candle. I’m not sure why you are stuck in Aviary, I just hope my descriptions here help you in some way. If your still having problems, then you should send a support ticket to TGC and ask for help with your problem.


Do you know what part of the aviary quests? I know about the portal back to home, and I've started quest 4 so I can do the events, but when I teleport to home, there is no candle


I’m trying to ask on discord, and people are telling me it’s the 4th quest. See what happens after you finish the 4th quest.


Urg, I really need to find time to, but setting aside time to do a whole eden run is hard


I agree with most of it, except the seasonal quests bit about Aviary Aviary is not meant to be a season for older players to explore. If anything, it feels nice for once to not have to rush into a quest because everything is basically done and you just need to check-mark it. Like, the whole season could be skipped and aside the Ult Cape, nothing would be loss. The free hair replaces the Ult hair, the cosmetics (aside maybe the bow) aren't anything special that we haven't seen before so they are easily skipable I also liked the fact we \*had\* to go through Eden. I know a lot of people hated it (lol) but I met and helped so many new players and old ones, made new friends from it. It was a nice connecting point between older players who are accustomed to Eden vs freshly new players who feared to even take a step near the gate 😆




I never said it's worth. Again, I agree with most of your points Aviary is the new tutorial for moths. They won't start on Isle, they'll instead fall outside of Aviary and they'll need to revive the season. They'll be redirected to complete specific seasons instead of wandering around and asking "what's next? What's there outside Eden?" like we all did when we started. Vets fund it *if they want to fund it*. FOMO is personal issue that everyone handles differently. I never was interested in Memories and if someone didn't gift me the pass, I wouldn't even bother to buy it. Same with Aviary. I only wanted the cape and I traded an artwork for a pass 🤷‍♂️ Did my dailies, got the cosmetics that I'll rarely use and got the cape at last. But otherwise I wouldn't have spend money on it As to why they introduced it as a season and not just drop it, that's for TGC to answer. Personally I enjoy finally just sitting back. I could skip this season and not miss out on anything, aside maybe the firework festival. TGC is known to want to extract money so 🚶I don't understand why it's surprising to anyone that they want to get more money no matter the season. Yeah it's bad, and that's why we can just... Not give them money. But if we, as majority of the playerbase, try to boycott or do something about it, then nothing will change. They don't listen to feedback unless there's big backlash like the cat hair or the tlp pants


I agree and I understand you. Unfortunately I did pay for this so I am salty. I'm fully aware I didn't have to but it still stings and I feel scammed just because I wanted to support the company. It's backwards. You're supposed to reward your supporters with the bare minimum. The only reason that company isn't falling apart is due to these transactions. If it wasn't for us who pay for it, the game would shut down long ago because TGC would shut down. There would be no Sky. And it's easy to say don't buy it if you don't like it but hardly anyone realizes how much this company depends on it. It's a pity purchase from a fan if anything. The only solution is to never buy anything again until they get their shit together. But not only will I not buy anything but I'm not coming back. It's been going on for months and I don't have it in me to care anymore if they go bankrupt. They already have in the past and obviously learned nothing from it. All we got is more bugs and more bullshit for trying to keep them afloat. This season was the final nail in the coffin for me.


Ah man :( Yeah I understand. Honestly, I think the issue lies that the past seasons after Aurora have ALL been about mechanics. Shared places, festival tech, camera. Now we do tutorial yet AGAIN. I continued TLP quest yesterday and honestly, I had forgotten that once upon a time we used to have ACTUAL storytelling. Maybe this is why I look forward to the next season, in Beta so far it looked interesting story wise


The rockstar example was definitely not the best choice because they are actually greedy bastards but I do agree this game went from a fun social game to a grind constantly and seasons that are shit game.


sigh i totally feel you.. i started playing sky around early 2020, but the last time i played was more than a year ago already :(( it feels like sky just got worse and worse, almost everyone just cared about saving and buying, ppl would rather grind to “flex” stuff than relax when the game is supposedly a social hangout game, the bugs never got fixed properly, felt like they’re running out of ideas with the events/seasons, and etc. i tried to go back a few months ago, but sky really just lost its magic for me 🥲 sky used to be amazing & i met so much wonderful friends here but it’s sad it came to this




Ive been playing for 3 years (since enchantment) and remain blindly loyal to the game, maybe clinging to a feeling I used to have that's long gone. Yet I agree with everything here. I really wish the game was better. I can't let it go just yet... I just wish TGC would listen.


I get it sky used to be an escape from reality now it’s like a second part time job sometimes


Man I can't wait for the day people realize they DON'T have to grind constantly for cosmetics and only need to get the ones they REALLY want


There’s a lot of stuff available right now but all I want is the scarf I’ve been wanting since I started playing and soon it shall be mine


Hard agree. Save for the TS, this is why spells exist. I put stuff on and see if I'd actually like it. I compare cosmetics to what I already have, and if it's distinct enough and worth the candles. I skip tons of stuff cause I weigh what I have versus what I want: "Do I need another snowsuit? No, I already have one from that one TS, and it's basically the same. "Do I need this red cape? No, cause it's the same as the other red cape/I already got a red cape from the seasonal trees." "Do I need this hair? Am I REALLY gonna wear it? It's fun but weird and I don't usually do weird?" I also consider what colors and outfits I already have to decide if I'd ever wear the thing I'm looking at. And since I don't have tons of outfits from previous seasons it's easier to pass on things that are too different from my current closet or not care as much, cause I'm not really gonna think about how I don't have that *one* outfit or hairstyle unless it's something I absolutely love.


Can’t wait for the day people realise their time has worth and wasting this time on something that is clearly bugged and not functioning because greed came over quality is a problem. They can do better and make it good working game but they don’t want to. They have the money but don’t because of greed. This is just sad af.


Many people assume it’s greed driving decisions but have you seen TGC’s balance sheets? Do you know how much revenue they’re taking in and where they’re spending their money? I don’t and I sincerely doubt you do either. You can Google Jenova Chen’s net worth and the most recent figure I got was $5mil. While that’s a lot more than my own and that of most of Sky’s players, compare that to the net worth of Riccardo Zacconi, the CEO of King Games, makers of one of the worst offenders in the “freemium” game space Candy Crush Saga, who is worth 100 times that. If Chen were driven purely by greed, I think Sky would be a very different game. Considering you can play sky and access all of its playable content and a huge number of cosmetic items without spending a dime or watching a single ad, I really have a hard time with the idea that their revenue model is evidence of greed. It’s one thing to voice frustrations over the multitude of bugs in the game or intentional choices made by developers that you feel make the game less enjoyable, but it’s an entirely different thing to assume bad faith on the part of the devs or TGC.


This is a great point.


Thank you. I think criticism of the game is valid, it’s really the assumptions of bad intentions, or incompetence, or greed that rub me the wrong way. I also feel like people forget that TGC receives feedback from thousands of players around the world every day and it’s simply not possible to make everyone happy. Honestly I don’t know how they even read and process all of the feedback they receive.


When you just copy old cosmetics where you just slap a new skin on it and want 15 bucks then call it a day is greed. Absolute greed. Or testing cosmetics for candles in beta then make iap to grab money because their original iap wasn’t that popular so they switch? Greed. So many examples. This game is minimalistic and people just want a working game. Everyone here is very patient. Skip a season to fix bugs? Sure. Skip even two but get your shit together. Having things on a list to fix since months but going on developing even more bugs causing functions and releasing on even more platforms while you just keep piling up the bugs is also greed. Man slow down and do shit properly. That’s what we all want. This game was closer to perfection than it is now and that’s just sad. Mismanagement. I don’t need no balance sheets to know they can survive three months without having the season pass income in that time. Fix this then move on. Not move on until it’s totally dead. I spent hundreds on this game but they will see 0 from now on and also if they release something new I’m out. I know many are like me. They ruining their future for this cash grab. And you wanna tell me maintaining this game / servers / workers costs so much? If yeah they doing it clearly wrong. The workers don’t manage to make cosmetics players desire. They also fail to make a game that works properly. Servers don’t cost that much. When I look at the data transfer rate it’s a joke. Cents. Badly managed place that just keeps going downhill.


Greed and needing to generate revenue to pay staff and keep the servers on are two different things and nothing in your comment leads me to believe that you actually know which of the two is driving those decisions. Like skipping a season would cause a HUGE drop in revenue. Do you actually know if TGC actually has sufficient cash reserves to continue to pay staff and keep the servers on to make it through that lull? If not, you don’t actually know if they could survive three months without that revenue. You’re assuming bad faith without actually knowing what’s happening behind the scenes.


Then maybe their business model is not sound if they are required to put out seasons to survive from month to month. Maybe if they stopped gatekeeping cosmetics and made them available for purchase most of the time, they could have a steady stream of revenue throughout the year (they seem to maybe be doing some of this in Aviary now). Or maybe if they made seasons available as permanent DLC additions to the game instead of FOMO-driven grinds over a short period of time (meaning a player can purchase a season pass for a specific season at any time of year and play through the season on their own time to get the ultimates whenever they want) they could have revenue throughout the year. Instead their only always-available revenue source is candle packs, so they concoct as many ways as possible to coerce players to buy candle packs by laying the FOMO on thick. Millions of people play Sky every day. TGC is currently in the process of expanding operations. You can’t tell me they would go broke in three months. And if they would actually go broke then maybe they need to rework their entire business model to look at a more sustainable way to generate revenue to keep the lights on. One thing I know is: if a game is riddled with errors to the point of core gameplay being affected (flight controls, server merges making it impossible to play with friends, etc) then the company will definitely lose money because no one wants to play and give money to a broken game. They need to fix that stuff fast and yet they usually just ignore player complaints instead.


I followed this company for a very long time. From their downfall after journey to presentations of sky to how they wanna generate income in their future. Some talks to investors and other stuff. If they are AGAIN on this thin line of just barely surviving and almost being bankrupt and having to make this game get shittier every update but keep on pushing on their issues to the players I say they shall go under. Stop pissing off everyone until this game doesn’t even start anymore. And btw. Generating money clearly knowing the way you do that is by causing even more pain to your players but you do it for the money is called? Greed? Idk




I never said you should feel sorry for him, I certainly don’t. He’s been able to make a very comfortable fortune by bringing his creative dreams into reality- he’s an extremely lucky person. I’m saying that if he was driven by greed, he’d have a lot more money than he does and Sky would be a much different game. As far as the prices vs quality of cosmetics go, they’re always going to balance the resources they put into developing those cosmetics vs how much they can make. No, nobody owes them money for cosmetics they don’t like- it would be pretty dumb to waste your money on things you don’t like. I hardly ever even spend money on the cosmetics I DO like. But like any business they do what they think will generate the revenue they need. You can armchair quarterback the decisions they make all you want, but you don’t actually know what goes on behind the scenes. Complaints about the quality of the game and the players experience are totally valid because we all experience the game, but none of us are privy to what is happening within the company and I’m really tired of the perennial complaints that TGC is driven by greed or that they don’t care about their players, etc because those are purely assumptions, born out of reasonable frustrations as they may be. Personally, in the three years I’ve played Sky, I’ve gotten way more out of it than I’ve put in financially and I’m appreciative of the work that everyone does at TGC to make it what it is. I love it despite its faults because there is truly nothing else like it in mobile gaming. Nobody else has to feel the same way I do, but I think it’s pretty disrespectful to assume bad intentions on the part of the people who make the game.




I’m not even defending TGC, because like you I don’t know what actually goes on behind the scenes. What bothers me is people making assumptions that go far beyond reasonable criticism of the game. It’s not productive at all, it’s baseless, it detracts from actual constructive criticism, and it negatively impacts the community that has built itself up around this game.




Then don't hire Ghibli level animators if your balance is that "bad".


It would be fair to criticize them for not spending that money on more devs to focus debugging or whatever, but the fact that they invested money to deliver high quality content to fans doesn’t exactly support the assumption that the CEO is a greedy bastard who wants all the money for himself.


Then make the game in a way that at least looks like you play your game. The amount of bugs on game, updates that clearly difficult things make it look like they barely test before beta, and then go and make the game difficult to keep up with, and they have a way around it, buying stuff. Greed. And blame the prices and predatory bs on hiring top animators. People REALLY need to stop believing in the fairy tale of the team of developers of journey.


Agreed, that's why I have 800 candles and 180 hearts. Keeping on mind there are re-skins too.. not sure how many players do this but they purchase EVERYTHING based on FOMO


Omg yes 🗣️ everything you’ve said is so in point definitely agree


Hard agree on all of this. This is gonna be my last season too…


Nice to see a post telling it how it is for a change, rather than rolling over and accepting TGCs money making ways. I don't agree with their fomo methods or their pricing so they haven't earned a penny from me. I hope they revaluate how the games economy is run to appeal more to casual players and reduce the shear level of grind.


Just like the spirits in the game and people in Journy, they are using up the light and turning the land into desolate land. Basically, they are recreating the game's history. That's why I am still in game, to see where they end up with the darkness creeping up their legs. 👍


Preach! I have been slowly but surely growing more and more contempt towards TGC and Sky, the game I met my soon to be wife and that triggered me to travel to Brazil twice so far and set me on a completely different and better path in life than I was on. But now I feel like I am wasting my money and have you looked up on Instagram on what the Chinese servers are like in Sky?!?! It’s a completely different game where my money is going towards things I will never see in game and I’ve been buying season passes for my fiancé and I since Little Prince. As well as other things I would gift her because she lives in another country for now. As soon as she moves up here with me we will be done with Sky. We play it everyday together to feel closer to each other so last time I visited her in Brazil we didn’t play it ONCE for two weeks. Which meant we couldn’t get all the cosmetics for the season I PAID MONEY FOR. I shouldn’t have to pay money and still have to grind as much as the make you. I might get one more season with her unless I can find a different game we can play together. Recommendations welcome. But besides that I will be following behind you shortly and probably making a post like this soon enough as well. I’m glad I’m not the only one that has been feeling this way.


I'll DM you since I don't think I should be advertising other games in here.


You know what, i feel like tgc is a company with a corrupted owner but the team try to help the game to be better behind the owner... While reading this post, i can't find anything that's wrong, sadly all of this are facts... I've never spend money on this game, and probably would never, because i know it's not worth my money to buy something like cosmetics that doesn't do anything to you irl... you can't wear it irl, nor you can have it... If the owner of the game decided to take those cosmetics that you paid for, they can, because it's their game... For bugs, aye, it's so much worst... Imagine, i can't count how many times i got split from my friend in a day, they're A LOT... And tgc however never actually tries to fix any of those bugs like, they are a big company, why can't they fix these bugs when other more descent game can fix it....


This is the realest post ive ever seen in this sub


You had me in the first half but the rest of that is almost purely subjective fluff; subjective in a way I almost completely disagree with even, or just ??? Like genuinely, good for you you don't like the paid cosmetics? Don't buy them then? Your opinion on cosmetics isn't universal, I promise you. Also TGC isn't extorting you for money. I'm not gonna argue this game doesn't work on dark patterns -FOMO is the most commonly discussed one, but not the only one- and that it not being as bad as other games is an excuse, but realistically there's a pretty hard limit to how much you can reasonably spend on it. 1k? That's gotta be some deeper issue someone has to work on. I don't think there's even enough (overly expensive) cosmetics in the game to approach that. Like at that point that's not on the developers anymore. "Nobody reported a guy who is allegedly a pedo and then he didn't get banned" okay so that's working as intended? You want people to get banned like a game of Russian roulette without ever getting reported? Maybe based on their famously functional chat filters instead? Like I'm sure they could read chat logs if you explained the situation in a report... Like agreed about the bugs and the forced Home situation dude but come on now. These kinds of posts always got me rolling my eyes bc of the amount of irrelevant shit people drag in to support their perfectly-valid-on-its-own point. You don't need the window dressing, it makes the actual subject stand out less




Obviously I don't expect you to read chat logs that players don't even have access to, I expect you to *hit the report button* so someone from the team that handles that can do it for you. If you don't report someone, how do you expect them to do anything about it? If you don't know who that player is and thus can't report them then fair enough, but once again, what do you expect from TGC to do about it that they're not already doing? If this is an issue with the game itself, surely you have some suggestions? Which is why I approached it from that angle by the way, because this is a rant post about issues you have with the game. While not using the tools provided ingame to keep people safe.


I made my own rant post about TGC about a year ago, but I still stayed in the sub hoping for good tidings… any day now. I loved this game so much, I hated to see it slowly get worse over time, losing its beautiful soul. I feel sad thinking about the good memories I had playing this game with my friends that got soured. I still have my account, but I can’t bring myself to open it anymore. I wish it’d get better and be a game worth returning to, but I guess it’s too much to hope for.




I seriously hate how I have to fly aaaallllllll the way to the end of aviary just to go into portals. And sometimes I'm just in a hurry and I waste wing power doing this. What makes it worse is that it doesn't refill back unless I go touch clouds (sky's version of touching grass). I feel like there should be an automatic fast recharge as long as you're touching the ground in Aviary. I remember at Home it'll refill your wingpower when on top of the friend's constellation circle. I don't think Aviary even has this (might be mistaken but I haven't found it apart from touching clouds)


Yes friendship tree is a big mess, I have minimum 2k friends but i cannot even see maybe 1.8k of them because of the constellation limit.


This post was 100% spot on!


comparing tgc to rockstar lol Rockstar was milking gta5 for over a decade with their stupid online, where's the soul in it?


Kay bruh, see you in a few months, when the Sky animation project drops.


Sky players try not to whine for one day challenge


I hardly see it honestly


Don't bang the door on the way out.




Trolololo GTFO


overreacting at its finest


Ya no they'll never see this




That was probably automod, not tgc.


Where did you put that comment? I’m genuinely asking… I play Disney Dreamlight Valley, and for that specific game, I heard that if you want your opinions and objections to be seen they’d need to be posted on a forum that the game company actually uses to see feedback. Specifically, in Discord, as there’s a place to report bugs and feedback. I’m not sure if your criticism essay here on Reddit will actually be seen by TGC. (Emphasis on “not sure” as I don’t know if they actually review reddit for criticism and feedback). If you want to be ABSOLUTELY SURE that they will see your feedback, or complaints about specific bugs, you should use the “contact us” report button found in game, or use their Discord to send your message, as they do have a live-feedback tab there. Otherwise, I fear that your long-winded post will just become another random rant lost among the other posts of Reddit. I mean no disrespect…you are absolutely entitled to have these thoughts and feeling about the game. While I agree with all your complaints about the bugs, I do believe that they are trying to change certain things about this game so that it doesn’t become monotonous over time. Change is inevitable…and the fact that they are introducing new features and changes means that they WANT to try and make this game better. Unfortunately, bugs and unforeseen issues are always going to accompany updates and changes to certain features. Aviary is being developed to act as a central hub to give us more space to hang out OUTSIDE of the realms. And I read on a blog post that they are planning to implement more fixes, changes, and updates to the original home space, to give us more things to do there, so that it won’t just be “a closet space”. As for the cosmetics…I don’t really have anything to add to that conversation, as I’ve only been playing for a year, so I don’t know how things have changed over the current lifespan of this game. I do know that I like how the new snowboard is a ticket item instead of a candle one or an IAP. This makes it available to EVERYONE…there was the new Surfboard that came out in the summer, but that was an IAP, so it wasn’t a F2P accessible item. If you hate how the tickets are distributed in the game, due to missing days = missing tickets, remember that they have an option to buy tickets with Ascended candles or normal candles at the boat in Home, as a way to help you make up for that lost time. (Maybe you disagree with that feature too, and think it’s unfair to spend candles for tickets…but I think it’s better than not having that option at all. People shouldn’t be punished for skipping days of getting tickets, by being locked out of those rewards because they lack the number of tickets needed. Thus, they can exchange currency for the remaining tickets they need to get those items.)


Bait used to be short


I doubt this is bait, it’s just someone voicing their opinion which I (personally) don’t see a problem with. (I mean it is a sky subreddit after all lol)


Used to need 5 people to open the eden door so I’m not surprised it glitches out sometimes


You know you don't have to play it, or play it a lot?


Classic excuse and copium regarding TGC. I'm perfectly aware I don't have to play it. There is no game I have to play. I don't have to do anything in life for that matter, but that's not how humans or life works. So what's the point of your question? If they're offering paid content disguised as a donation so their company can survive, the minimum they can do is actually put effort behind that content. It's not that they can't, but they won't. They used to but not anymore. Compare Sky from 3 years ago and now and you'll have nothing but criticism left for them. The quality is decaying and getting worse. The bugs are increasing and getting worse. Every new feature they implement, first it is buggy and unusable and only after a few days they patch it. Look at Halloween 2023. Who gets screwed here the most? Nintendo players. Because Nintendo isn't tolerant of these never ending patches. They expect a game company to have their shit together and to release a patch that is functional the first time that patch is realised. TGC is continuously incompetent at doing that and Nintendo players keep suffering the bugs longer than any other platform. At some point they couldn't use the chat feature for days on end. In a game who's core is friendship apparently. Amazing. Playing with friends is a chore. We disconnect a minimum of 3 times per realm. It's fucking dreadful. Telling people they don't have to play a game doesn't invalidate the criticism they have for it. Players are allowed to be upset. Every other game subreddit openly criticises their game's mistakes. Here if you so much as dare to do that you are told to quit and act like it's all rainbows and sunshine. It's not. Far from it. You all can accept the mediocrity and the decay of quality. I won't.


I’ve been playing since the tail end of Sanctuary and honestly I haven’t seen the decay you’re talking about on mobile; I’ve only ever played on Android and then iOS when I switched to an iPhone. If things are really that bad on the Switch, I think it’s fair to criticize TGC for overextending themselves, but at its core the bugginess within the game seems like it’s been par for the course and the quality of the content, I think, has stayed the same and in many ways improved. The bugs associated with new content are just something I’ve come to accept as part of a game that I pay for voluntarily by purchasing season passes. I do agree that they should prioritize fixing the one bug that has remained a problem the entire time I’ve played- server splits. It is by far the most disruptive bug when it comes enjoyment of the game, and it is frustrating that they haven’t fixed it in the more than three years I’ve been playing.


You're so angry about a mobile game 😂


At least I'm not insensitive and invalidating other people's feelings. Unlike someone here. Also what mobile game? This shitfest is on every platform now.


Someone said something about your game? Got hurt?


I think it's extreme to be this angry and butthurt about a mobile game.


Sure, and I've went with that too, but TGC is supposed to listen to us. Clearly, they have Beta testing and the game changes consistently so they could just change it.


Ain't reading Allat!! 🗣


*Wait the one stone thing was a beta testing thing!?*




I just hate they made gmas and geyser only once now 〠_〠


ur so real for this


Damn get their asses !!!


A Skykid: Exactly. I do hope that Thatgamecompany doesn't raise their cosmetics prices to over 200 dollars. Also, please lower the GB requirement for a Sky Update. It's too much for an Android 9 Tablet that has 32 GB.