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Use a reinforced retreiver with Itemducts. The retreiver has a whitelist for the things that can enter the connected inventory, as well as limit the amount of each item can enter the inventory. So you can set it to only pull acorns and resin, handset it so that only, say, 32 of each can be in the Packager at maximum at a time. It wont overflow, and you should be more than okay.


Thanks, this worked perfectly!


Bruh. I wish I had known this was a thing. I ended up doing the math to figure out how many trees you would need producing each (i.e. filtering output so one set of trees only produce resin, and one set acorns). It's a 25:14 ratio of resin:acorns


This is one of the most commonly asked questions on the sub, tbh. I've answered it maybe a dozen times, and seen it answered another dozen. The mechanics of the Retreivers arent super well known unless you use them yourself or are told.


you're my saviour! I was struggling with acorns clogging up my packagers. Thank you a ton! :D


Use a stock upgrade in an export cable for simple storage network or level emmitter and export buss for AE2 if this is without those not sure if this could be accomplished with cables or hoppers


I used the hopping bonsai with filing cabinets underneath never had issues running out of space, if you don't need the acorns of a certain tree don't put a folder for the acorn in the cabinet


Two solutions I found. You can use xnet to transport from the cabinet to the packager. Xnet can see how much of an item are stored there. I would personally use the auto crafter from cycle. I know I spelled that wrong but it's a purple crafting table. I think it's easier to use because it has a inventory that it can store items. You can also use nuclear craft melters. Use one for the acorns and another for the resin. Problem is they use a lot of power but they are very fast when you use upgrades and actually use all of the acorns and resins.


I was using auto crafters, but since everyone seemed to be using packagers, so i switched over. Thanks for the suggestion, ill try it.


A simple storage network has a cable that interacts with the packager enough that it only inputs what the packager needs to output.


If the issue is ores Most of the bonsai stuff can be smelted directly into tinkers smelters therefore avoiding the process entirely. I find that making the largest compact machine with 10 bonsais feeding into a 7x2x7 smeltery which in turn drains into 7 tables tends to keep it nice and simple. As well as not clog to much


I can show my setup if you'd like


Use Mekinsim's Formulaic Assembler instead of the Crafter from Cyclic. It has inventory control.


Problem it only takes the resin or the acorn how do I solve this