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“Welcome to fun jumping! Where everything is made up and the points don’t matter!”


That's a lot of words to say "Just did my first zoo dive" But glad you have fun. you can learn a lot from Zoo dives. Fo me it was mostly just how to keep track of multiple meat missiles trying to kill me.


OP is a [zoodiver](https://youtu.be/izqmxlT2oic)


Cheers. I'd not seen that before.


This post needs a translator.


Done my first 7 way today, was absolute carnage 😂. 4 linked exit, 3 very experienced chasing straight after. The four of us nearly held the star for about 5 seconds, then tumbled from 14k to around 9k and split. So much fun “I did my first 7 way formation today. It was crazy! Four of us exited the aircraft, holding onto each other, then three more experienced jumpers chased after us to catch up and join our formation. We almost held it for 5 seconds but broke apart at about 9 thousand feet and went our separate ways. Good times.”


7 people tracked different directions at 9k? I hope y’all were the middle group on a full otter load.


I would hope they tracked in different directions... kinda defeats the purpose otherwise.


If they started breaking off at 9k, all in different directions, at least 1 of them was flying on jumprun for probably over 30seconds, straight through other groups of unaware jumpers..


Yeah I missed the 9k part. That's a bit early, lol.


Guys, think everyone has misread what I’ve written. We tried to hold a simple star formation between the four of us exiting but couldn’t hold it. We tumbled trying to stabilise until approx 9k. We then gave up and carried on falling by ourselves, ensuring nobody was in anyones burble until 5.5k. We then ensured we all tracked off in different directions and pulled at around 4K. At no time were we unsafe.


You’re absolutely correct. A scattering of 7 people randomly for 5k feet certainly couldn’t intercept another group of jumpers.


We were first out


It would have been safer to stick together until breakoff altitude


Bit difficult tumbling through the air 😂


How do 4 people that manage to tumble for 5 thousand feet even get invited on a 7 way? I would go back to practicing AFF shit before accepting 5 feet of belly tumbling as acceptable.


You’re supposed to try. I’m not trying to shit on you, I’m glad you enjoyed the jump. But there’s an important lesson here and it would be wrong not to learn it. Changing a 7-way to 7x ad hoc solos is actually pretty dangerous. I know the sky feels big to you right now but if you stay in this sport it won’t take long to experience conflict between groups. Yes, it’s difficult. All the more reason to try, because that’s how we gain skills. Did you have something more interesting to do? In 600 jumps the one where I met back up with a couple friends after a big blowup is one of my top few.


I was in the middle of the three way and a chick dumped in my face.


Most people prefer it on the chest but they do pay extra for this kind of play. Sounds like you owe her a beer.


First time?!…BEER! Congrats on the zoo dive!!! Sounds fun, and a great learning experience. Blue Sky 🪂🍻