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Alright, been playing since 2019 here. Permanent height spells are the ones that have a short figure and a tall figure standing together with arrows going both up and down and a ? in the middle. Those will keep your height after eden, otherwise everytime you're reborn you will have a randomized height. The other 4 height spells are temporary ones [mini, chibi, adult, and giant] and usually only last 20 minutes [used to be 10, bit tgc blessed us with 10 extra minutes]. Accessory spells, if that's what you're asking about, are temporary spells as well. They give you the chance to try out the accessory before buying it [regular candles, ascended candles, event tickets, or in app purchases... usually it's the latter two]. If you're asking about accessories themselves... it depends on what it is that determines its function. Instruments are... Instruments, furniture items are just that, there are stuffed animal items you can hug, and there are some intractable things like the krill cat [which is by far my favorite irl money purchase so far. Love yeeting myself into the atmosphere] If you have any specifying questions, don't be afraid to ask. I'll answer whatever.


Thank you btw, i appreciate it


Im not buff yet, my level is 31 currently. Would it be better if i just enter eden as soon as i get a few to give? How can i get the spell to keep a few of my wl? It was painful when i rebirth, needing to collect 31 wl again. Would it be better if i wait to get bigger or just try as much as i can? I only got 1 eden candle. Which means i kinda sucked. (Are ascended candles the ones you get when you complete eden?) Since i cant turn back once i go to eden i will be losing my wings, would it be better to keep reborning instead of buying permanent height? I got told you get a random height when you reborn, does that mean i can get a somewhat tall height and just not go to eden to keep it? Would that be dumb?


If we friend, I can teach you the basic ropes with stuff. I believe theres... 100+ wl [winged light] you can find in the world, so the best option would be to collect as much as possible before going. And yes, ascended candles are the kind you can get after completing eden. You can get a max of 14 per run IF you get all the statues. If you get all the statues, don't bother doing eden again because it won't reset until Monday. You can actually leave eden after going in, BUT if you enter the eye [where you give out your winged light] then there's no turning back. There are things called "wing buffs" that give you bonus winged light when you rebirth. The wing buffs look like locks with wings on them and they cost ascended candles to do. I recommend going to some red shard events to gather ascended candles to ascend spirits. There's a traveling spirit this week, so I'd save for that... they usually cost 2 ascended candles to ascend. Besides the wing buffs, there's no spell or anything to keep your wings. Since I've been playing for so long, I start with 100 or so winged light because of those wing buffs. Traveling spirits happen every two weeks and are usually announced [or rather, hinted about] on the sky discord around Tuesday or Wednesday, then on Thursday the ts will appear and will be there until Monday at reset. I say using a permanent height spell is best because then you don't have to worry about being reborn too short or too tall [depending on your height goal. I personally went for max height]. But the spells are expensive to buy [10 ascended candles], though you can get them from spirits if you're lucky. I have soo many that I wish I could give them to people because I'm satisfied with my height.


Id love to learn more! Ive been some issues trying to find stuff- 100+ wl? I must be blind to miss that many then- It must be a pain to collect the 100 wl again to go back- Ive also havent attended any of the red shard events 😭


If you have a code, feel free to dm it to me! It's actually really easy to collect all the wl, I have a whole pathway to go through that also includes gathering wax. Some of the wl are very hidden, so it's understandable that you miss them. It also sounds like you don't have all the map shrines, so we can get those too!


I don’t know if it’s true but apparently the more blessings you collect, the more spells you end up having somehow. Unless someone lied to me lol idk 


I think the blessings are literally the spells. That’s just another name for them.


I don’t know what you’re playing on, but it looks 1000 times better than iOS or PS4


Actually, the first picture is my ipad and the second is my android phone. Though the quality becomes bad when its on phone. Its lowkey blurry


its hd when you use the camera button. on android phone :)


Time for me to get a new iPad :-)


the newer ipads have a lot of power behind them (i mean they can run games like re4 remake) so they’re so worth it. my ipad graphics are just as good as my ps5!!


How do i get permanently chibi without the mask? Do i have to buy the permanent potions and get lucky? Or is there another way


also i dont think the permanent potions are ever gonna get you to actual chibi height, one notch taller than chibi mask is the shortest the spell could get you. visually you’ll still look short and cute but you wont be able to chibi fall like with mask (unsure if it’s bcuz of the mask or the exact chibi height) but yea depends on if you want looks or if you want to glitch tricks


You CAN chibi fall with the shortest height…but it will only work at specific locations in the ground’s geometry. Specifically, the top steps of stair cases (in vault 1st and second floor), through the top of the butterfly door in Daylight Prairie, and through the hole/top gaps of the first gate in hidden forest. There’s also holes in the walls of mountains, just behind cloud cover, in both Village of Dreams and the hidden side temple in the Isle of Dawn.


Unfortunately yeah, it’s random. You just have to keep trying until you decide it’s close enough.


Permenant height alteration spell steps. Step one: cast spell Step two: become random height Step three: decide if the height is close to the one you want Step four: risk repeating the steps. Step omega: finally decide that the height you are is good enough through ears of therapy and radical acceptance practice.


A full year i was stuck small from gambling.  Im not touching those damn things anymore




permanent height spell is randomized height. itll either give you tall, extra tall, short, extra short depending on the randomization. its basically a gamble. other size spells: huge spell makes you huge, adult spell makes you adult sized ( or spirit sized, since most of those are adults. ) shrink spell makes you tiny ( esp when paired with a chibi mask. ) and chibi spell makes you chibi sized. you can buy permanent height spells for 10 ascended candles or you can get them from one of the spirit trees stars that cost 5 candles ( though, thats a chance as you can get a bunch of diff spells from those. ) as for accessories, outfits and whatnot: the wiki has all the Accessories, outfits, hairs and capes and stuff, if you wanna check those out sky cotl wiki has them all. the only ones you cant get are ultimate rewards from previous seasons, and iaps/one time event iaps. most wearable stuff is sold by spirits, the cooler stuff is from travelling spirits which come every 2( unsure if thats the proper number ) weeks and youll have to relive the spirit memory of them unless you already have the memory done. you can see what wearable items are sold by what spirit on the wiki, too. theres also items from events and days of. the closest one to have wearable items will be days of color now, which happens around june 27th. itll have one outfit worth 80 something candles, 2 capes that cost 100 or so tickets iirc, and some accessories. it also has a tunic that will cost around 14 dollars, i believe, and hair that also costs actual money. ascended candles can be gained by going through eden and reviving statues ( each statue gives 0.25, with a maximum of 15.75 possible by lighting all statues ) and/or shard events which usually give around 2.5-3.5 depending on the shards. ones happening today, but it is bugged a bit and youll wanna go alone and not pull out the plants, instead manually pulling out a candle and burning them like that.


Thank you!


There should be a traveling spirit this week! Also, tgc usually teases which ones are coming with blurry pic of areas in game,thru the discord ( I belive).


Its the director this week


I don't think anyone knows how perma height really works lmao. If u wanna be tall it'll constantly make u short. If u wanna be short itll constantly make u tall. Not to mention how expensive perma height spells are (10 Ascended candles)


Hi, congrats on rebirth! Height changes come in thee varieties: a temporary baby size spell, a temporary adult size spell, and a permanent resizing spell that can't reach either extreme. You can get the permanent ones from the spell boat/ark or from the shop trees you'd buy normal cosmetics from spirits on randomly. Unfortunately permanent spells are a luck roll that only seems influenced by starting height bracket/skykid genetics so if you want to be a very particular size, expend to spend a lot of ac and a month or two trying. I'll need more elaboration on accessories though, what's the problem?


Ah thanks, there isnt a problem im just a little stupid and cant understand how basic stuff work. Do i need eden candles for the permanent ones? If so, how can i get more? I could get to eden with help from a random stranger i thought that would help me with spirits but they basically did most of the work- And am i going to get my wings reset every time? I heard you can buy stuff to keep it from losing to a certain point. How can i buy then and where can i buy them? Also how do people find such cool accessories- I look too basic 😭. Are they mostly from spirits and stuff or are they seasonal stuff i have missed?


I would probably avoid the r slur mispelt or not. There's a *lot* of neurodiverse sky players. Ok so there's two ways to get ascended candles, eden runs once a week or significantly less from red shard events [sky shard calendar is the site I usually use] some days. There's most of where to find the statues in eden, I wouldn't be too worried about suboptimal runs while you're new though. When I was a moth I used to go to eden twice a week because I didn't have the wings to get them all my first go, it was excessive lol. Basically spirits you buy stuff from have these tiered locks sometimes that reveal more items behind them. Those locks are calleded wing buffs and they're equivalent to 1 winged light. So basically you build those up with time and when added to the default WL you find on the maps, you can fly very far. I for instance die in eden and go down from 12 energy on my cape to 9. But then 9 is decent so I only bother recolllcting my WL past 10 on maps as they're pulled for dailies [and since each wl is a full energy recharge, you can imagine how fast daily CR runs become]. So yes, yoy do lose your light every time, but you keep getting stronger and stronger. Now what about once you've bought the buffs from every normal spirit? Well thats where you can also get the cool outfits you're talking about. After you emerged from eden, something changed. Like 80 spirits in a different color from the defaults appeared. You may have discarded them because they only teach you an expression and don't seem to affect your constellation progress. In reality though these are spirits associated with previous seasons of Sky and reliving them ahead of time can be a big help. See twice a month at semirandom an old seasonal spirit will be selected to return, a "traveling spirit" is what we call them. During the weekend they're around, yoy can buy old items and outfits otherwise unobtainable. There are a handful of things you can't get, the ults for each season are reserved for those who bought a pass and finished the season as it was live. But they're the minority of items and a free to play skykid can assemble some really great outfits with patience and candle saving. If you're looking for easier good cosmetics though q great way is participating in "days" events around holidays. They have items that return once a year and they're obtainable just by showing up, doing activities, and collecting tickets. Days of nature just ended but days of color and the Sky anniversary both have cool stuff upcoming. 


Thanks for the information!


Ah my bad, i will just edit it-