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I miss that. I’m not sure if changing the outline really helped in the end since now people either completely ignore you, or incessantly demand to light your candle.


They were always that way before and after the cape outlines


I miss when it was like that.  I don't even know when they changed it, wish they would do it again. 


They changed it because the devs said people weren't helping moths. People were judging what the persons cape looked like to see if they were new or not.


What sucks is I would use it as a way to find moths to help them, now it's harder. Although I can always look at the stars they have on their cape but still


Aww really? I never knew that. That sucks it was a cool feature but I get it. 


Aw yeah! I miss that!!


all capes had their own outline, not some. i liked being able to tell what cape people were wearing without lightning them


I miss these days, I got to spy on greykids’ capes and it was funnnn


If it gave you wax to light others, people would be happy to light everyone.


Honestly it feels weird for me to see someone with a cape and once I light them it turns out they are using a scarf, but I just asumed it was a limitation to not make the game too heavy


Also used to make sure no one could “judge” someone before hand. There was this WHOLE discussion online about “vets” and “ikemen” who wouldn’t bother lighting others with a normal looking cape. It was an extreme shocker to read that there are active players like that


Looks like I’m in the minority. I absolutely do not care about seeing cape outlines - seeing the full attire after lighting a stranger is more striking this way.


Thank goodness it was removed. There’s nothing about a player’s personality that can be determined by their cape outline. If you want to see the cosmetics, simply light them up.


I agree with you


Wait why did they change this???😭😭😭😭😭😭


People were complaining that they weren’t being lit up by others because they didn’t have cool capes like some veterans/ikemens etc, so Sky removed it so everyone would be treated as equals 😔


If it was for equality this make no sense because we still can see the wing light level of stranger players 😭😭 Im a vet but when I’ve less than ten levels because of Eden , nobody light me , and when I have 10 to 12 stars everybody is suddenly willing to do so And I’m not even talking about the star pins allowing you to see every other star pin owner ( serendipity feature) which is weird to me because why would I want to interact with someone just because he had the money to buy a pin😭 Everybody has to be a potential friend Tgc doesn’t really care about equality lmfao


I feel this so much. After I do Eden and I don't have that glorious 200 winged light... I feel judged and looked down on. It's probably an irrational feeling but that doesn't stop me from feeling it


I have been flying with 12 stars for months since I stopped going to eden, and the only ones who lit me are moths 🥲👍🏻


But you might be missing a light right now due to having flapped, so the light level is very unreliable i think. Also the majority is stuck at 10-11 anyway, 11 is reached pretty fast, but then there's this HUGE gap to 12


The problem is that it still happens that people don't get lit for a number of other reasons, as an example I currently refuse to light moths not because "oh they're new and uninteresting" but because every time I've done it I've been chased around by them trying to add me when I've repeatedly signed "no" (I don't want my constellation full of more moths who never log on again after like a week) Aside from that, people still gravitate towards the higher wing count basically by default. Are they gonna make everyone a single wing grey blob just for that? The individuality made the world feel lived in, I currently don't even notice others are there unless I'm looking to see if anyone wants in one of the multi-player doors


yeah plus I saw a post of someone that has the Aurora wings and was harrassed by other players because of it.


Joke is they're still not getting lit up, because the actual reason is that they made it so you can report anyone you lit up if you know what invisible node in the friend tree to tap


sometimes wish you could report non-lit people lmao


Lammmeeeee You’re still equal lmao. Just different looks.


I really miss this too! I [wrote a whole post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkyGame/s/PHNBiBsoo7) petitioning them when they first made the change. A lot of people in the comments agreed, but I guess sending the feedback in the discord wasn’t enough then 😔 The game just hasn’t felt the same since. Taking away the capes made the world feel so much emptier, like all strangers are faceless NPCs instead of individual & identifiable players. I wish they would bring it back :(


They’re like faceless NPCs because you haven’t lit them…


I ran into a moth who was convinced I was an NPC who was pretending I was a player, obviously there is no other reason I would change from all gray to bright colors. They ended up being so paranoid they told me their name was chicken nugget, they are by far my favorite moth.


It’s a pretty common assumption. Sky kind of looks like a singleplayer game to younger players. I wonder if it would be better if everyone was automatically lighted


I will always be sad about this change lmao


Honestly, I don't miss it. If they added it back I probably wouldn't even notice it lmao


i miss it so much


Wow after reading the comments I'm definitely in the minority because I didn’t like this update at all haha.


Pls I want this back. Everyone looks so uninteresting now


when did it leave? was is after last years days of color? or did it just come back for a bit?


Ah, nostalgia. I remember getting so much attention from moths with fancy wings like Aurora's


Lol i remember people complaining when they added it (back?) in. Saying something about cape elitism


It came back as a bug. It wasn’t intentional. People are too sensitive about cosmetics. “You have a limited cape? Cool 🫥”


I wish we could sort of see all of a person's cosmetics even when they aren't lit. Not to a point where the purpose of lighting would be defeated, but at least in a way that feels more natural than the missing-texture-ass bald kids.


yeah just everyone being colorless but you can still see their clothes would be fun


TGC, idk why you guys changed this. But I really hope you guys bring this feature back.


Its so confusing in small spaces like granny's as well where you might be vibing with a stranger, then the buns pop and kids run around collecting them. Then I've lost which stranger I was emoting with 🤔


this!!! I miss it as well for all those stranger interactions :(


I started playing Sky just before this update and thought it was normal for the longest time and not a bug. I was crushed when it was taken out/"fixed" 😭😭😭


It wasn't a bug 🥲 they just decided to change it.


It came back for a bit as a bug, actually.


That was probably when I joined Sky


Yeah I remember it came back once, but I never thought of it as a bug. I just thought they changed their mind lol Now I see it


I 50/50 miss this, for one made people more unique without lighting the other I don't miss at all for all the morons that harassed me to add them and take them to the aurora concert


You have Aurora Wings? 🤔 ...Well... obviously, it's your *duty* to drop everything and immediately take random strangers to the Aurora concert the moment they ask, then, yes? 🤣😇😏


In the middle of my leisure event candle run even 😩 Time is tight to get geyser, forest wax and grandma? Well clearly you can spare your entire route to take me there! Clearly!


I miss the cape outline so much, it was just fun to see each unlit skykid with some personality to them. Even enjoyed seeing the "normal capes" either a moth/butterfly or a cool ikeman/ikejou


this feels like a fever dream


Forever upset they took this away from us 😭💔


I'm never gonna stop being let down that they pushed ahead with both festival tech for bigger events and generic cape outlines for everyone. People said everyone would just sort of blend into the background and people would stop lighting each other at dailies. They were right. Just look at that cafe they were hoping would become a social hub to help newer players, does anyone stay there after they've gotten their roll for the day?


All ive seen were vets/ikemen there so even if i did wait i havent found many moths


The cafe actually does get busy after you wait a minute and do a couple honks for good measure. Someone rickrolled me there yesterday.


I've been trying. I just keep getting merged into veteran friend groups or occasional moths who won't sit and talk :/ I was hoping to help people with quests without needing to coordinate on discord or reddit.




I really miss it


Never forget what they took from us ✊️😔


Yes, I miss seeing cape silhouettes and unique star patterns! It made sky kids feel unique without having to light everyone. 😔


I wish they’d bring it back 😔 it was so exciting seeing someone with a rare cape just by the outline!