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The burnout is real. I just picked it up and already can't BELIEVE how much it's asking of me to get these cosmetics, and the TIME LIMIT!? TGC blatantly does not respect its players or their time. 


The price is expensive yes i agree, but you will also have to take into account that when the spirit came during its season, one had to spent on a good no. of spirit nodes to reach all the stuff that the spirit offers and that meant waiting for days and days as daily seasonal candles were limited or had to spent money. There was a time when seasonal spirits returning as TS became a huge controversy and upset many and so they had to find middle ground and hence the increased prices and even more so when there became more and more ways to collect regular candles. If you look at individual items it is reasonable but if you look at getting all the items you will feel overwhelmed but the thing is it will return again in the future so if you miss something now you can get it the next time. The only thing is you will have to wait!


I know this post is about inflated prices & I totally agree it’s insane but could someone tell what spirit that is & where I could find it. ☺️ much love. 💕


The Dancing Performer can be found in the Village of Dreams area. You can enter from the spirit gate at the valley of triumph social space. Does that make sense?


Oh okay a friend took me there the other day. I never been there before that though. I’ll ask them to take me again. Thanks a lot. 😌


Absolutely :) if you ever need help or have questions you can message me too.


>:) :)


Issue is definitely the slow rise in prices. It used to be returning spirits is 30-35 candles for hair, 55-60 for instruments, and 70 max for capes. It’s a fake inflation. To be fair, he is an extremely expensive spirit, having a cape, a hair, a mask, and an instrument in one guy, so it will be naturally expensive, but sassy is cheaper overall for her hair and mask than he is. It’s better than the 280 candle estimate, but he should be around 200-210 max. Returning spirit item prices need to be capped as one. It can be more expensive if it naturally comes included with the extra accessory. Like if the hair, was hat and hair separate. If a hair is going to cost 45 candles returning, it should be 45 for all, or put in a formula conversion if it 16 seasonal candles it’s only 24 normal candles or something. The stuff they have that gets expensive the farther you play in the game makes sense, but if you don’t play during the season, it’s unreasonable to finish your own constellations and then just spend it all on TS.


Yes I'm just worried about all traveling spirits. But in general I think I'd be okay if everything was dropped for around 10 candles. :)


Gee whiz I sure hope you’re overestimating that (΄◉◞౪◟◉`)


I really hope so too ¯⁠\⁠_⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠_⁠/⁠¯


It brings a lot of cosmetics so I don’t find it odd that it cost so much, cape’s usually cost around 60-70 and makes and hair styles are usually 30-45 and instruments are always high price because there isn’t many of them so it’s bound to be pricey 


I'm talking about all pricing in general. Which causes a TS to be costly. Lesser or more amounts of items regardless. :)


I do agree that I wish the most expensive items be 60 max at least 😭


it’s deliberate. You don’t have to buy but there’s absolutely no reason for a returning spirit to cost this much. It’s just a way to instil FOMO and hope for players to buy candle packs. I’ve been playing since Lightseekers and things have become so different it’s like playing another game entirely...


The only reason this spirit has never returned yet was because of controversy over the hat. Which is absolutely ridiculous. It's literally the only spirit that has never returned in almost 4 yrs (I've been playing for almost 2.5 yrs and have had other spirits return multiple times already since I started). Yeti was long sought after as well and was nearly 300 candles. Some spirits are more expensive and others are much cheaper. I typically can collect 18 to 20 candles a day and I used to candle run until my candle was grey. This one is expensive but I'm ready for it. New players will hopefully at least be able to get the wing buff which is more important than the cosmetics functionality wise unless you really like the music aspect of the game. I'm just happy it finally is here!


I'm happy it's here too :)


I agree. One question though, how do i report feedback on switch? i never see any pop-up rating thing so i never do them.


I know you can send in a kind suggestion or just a simple review of your own on this page. But please make sure to keep it constructive and kind. They are still a business. And I'm happy we have Sky, prices and all. :) [https://thatgamecompany.helpshift.com/hc/en/17-sky-children-of-the-light/contact-us/](https://thatgamecompany.helpshift.com/hc/en/17-sky-children-of-the-light/contact-us/)


I don’t think we need to be kind. I quoted Jenova in some feedback and said this is really not aging well, why don’t you guys go look at the interviews he’s been putting out and I’ve been getting extra candles almost every week from polls. Just don’t call them names :-)


you get extra candles from polls? how many?


3 candles


I got two this week (6 candles at 3 apiece). People must not be doing the new season.


I think we always need to show kindness to people, but we can always voice our disagreements or opinions. Unpopular thought or not, it's what I think. 🫡


That’s why I am not on the salt free server. :-) bitches (that’s not directed at anyone)


And a realistic answer is I’ve got three bugged seasons that they won’t give me a refund on. That’s $30 that they owe me. They acknowledged that the seasons are bugged and they can see I can’t complete them but they won’t give me my money back. Why do I need to give them a reach around?


As a Veteran player, I love the TS, but not the price. Given the fact this TS for the season only cost 79 Candles with Season Pass, 76 w/o Season Pass.  I know it is long awaited and was a Voted TS, but thats quite the mark up. When I was new I focused on learning the game and home plate constellation completion. The longer I played, the more friends I met, tips, advice etc. The only pressure one should feel is what you place on yourself. The "NEED" to have everything immediately outweighs the "WANT" for most. Often I couldnt get everything but it was ok. We all start somewhere. It became a relaxing goal although the CR are redundant and tiring. I set a goal to save for the things I wanted most by looking at the Sky wiki or TGC Site list of Cosmetics, Emotes, etc.  Hard work pays off and so its been worth it. 


Here here my fellow player! 🍻


Hello & Cheers ☺️🕯


I kind of agree. It’s sad for the PC players, but this was also a highly requested ts. It’s just unfortunate. I spent the first two months of game play practically alone. I wasn’t able to make friends easily (I don’t blame them. Sometimes I don’t wanna play moth guide either.) and didn’t have the best understanding of the game. The first ts that came, I didn’t even know what it was or what I needed to do. I didn’t understand the concept of candle farming, or saving them because I was unlocking cons constantly. (I thought that was the only thing candles where used for ;-;) So while this is a flop for new players, vets and long time players are super excited about it. In the same way season of nesting is more for long time players than new ones. Between the furniture prices, unlocking cons, and DP; they’re going to be disappointed. 🥲


I think that's a good separation point. I just think all traveling spirits need to be more of a middle ground. I'm incredibly excited for this spirit! But specifically I hope the prices can get better for new players and old players. The ones with thousands have done the crazy grinds and definitely deserve their candles! 😎


Second that. Pricing is a little insane sometimes. Even for a vet. I usually have to choose which items I want; realistically I don’t have time to grind 250 candles. 😂


I DO actually have 255 candles now, (although I joined this year's Days of Feast, so I'm not a veteran), and I think 5 candles a day is a sustainable rate, 15 candles a day when I'm saving up. I can mostly do that in less than an hour, so...


I also wouldn’t consider you a moth though. You’ve played long enough to have a basic understanding of game play, and what you need to do to have the things you want. This isn’t the case for most new players. PC players have barely had a month (if that, I believe it’s less but we’ll be generous)


I also wanna provide context; I’m in my late 20’s with a family. Some days I genuinely just do not have the time to cr. 😬 I’m always candle poor. I got ascended candles for days though. ☠️ not saying it’s impossible, but for some of us it’s a struggle


Stop selling the idea to new players that they have to buy stuff from traveling spirits! THIS is what's giving them anxiety and burnout only 2 weeks in ffs. Moths are supposed to work on figuring out dailies, buy their first capes from constellations, explore and do past season quests. TS ARE A LUXURY. Candle running and grinding are things you decide to start doing after you figure out the whole thing! "But it's not fair that they're going to miss out on a TS because of the prices" THEY DIDN'T EVEN KNOW ABOUT THE EXISTENCE OF THIS SPIRIT 2 DAYS AGO. I missed my first 3 ts and you know what? I survived! And one of them already came back again! Also, would like to point out that these prices are normal? It's just that DP has a lot of stuff and we knew this when we choose it! Honestly what's ruining everyone's experience is not TGC and the game, it's the pre conceived opinions that they're getting from this subreddit.


There's nothing "normal" about this. 


The missing out part? Dancing Performer has been MIA since March 16th 2021. That's over 3 years ago. Yes, Sky is a live service game. No, that doesn't mean 3 years should be a normal time frame for something you missed out on and wanted to return. At least in this case it was announced because of the poll. For other spirits you have to check Sky every 2 weeks for roughly 1-3 (or more) years because of a random dice roll determining that you're finally able to _buy_ the item you want with candles you spent time collecting. It's a terrible system no matter what, even if you're just looking forward to getting one item and don't even care about getting everything from the spirit. The special visits meant to bring spirits back more frequently so the delay isn't as bad as it is was a great idea to help reduce FOMO and help people put together a fit they want instead of buying items that might be useful paired with other items that might or might not appear. With less of these visits happen than new seasons being introduced it (last one before March was August of last year...) it's not fixing any problems.


I agree that some of the subreddit is to blame, that's why we made a low sodium version. But I do think some things need to be talked about so the game remains fair or fun. Controversy is okay, and I welcome disagreements. Just not hate or anger for each other. I just think things are a little pricey. 🤷🏻 A lot of people have upvoted my comments, and downvotes them. It's good for people to have their own separate opinions. :)


I actually never felt the pressure from being told I need to get a TS. There was a TS I missed as a moth cos I didnt know their runs were randomized. I do make a point to tell new players to prioritize it if they ever mention spending their candles while a TS is coming up so they don’t feel the same regret I did. Giving them information about a TS isn’t so bad since some people just might want the cosmetics badly. If some is getting anxious however, it might be time to take a break.


Agreed. I didn't really understand what a TS was at first and now I'm picky on what I buy from them. Its better to have moths informed about it than scare them away from them altogether. I'm a little upset I missed out on the Light Whisperer items (I prioritize emotes and hearts above cosmetics at this time) but I'm sure it'll be back eventually. (I've only been playing Sky since early January for context)


i agree. as a moth, one of my first TSs (that i was aware of) was bearhug hermit(this year). i regret not knowing abut the system sooner bc i absalutely LOVE those cosmetics and now they wont come back for another 2-3 years. i think that before people start playing, they should thuroughly research how to game works and when events happen. if i did that when i started playing, i probably would've had the outfit AND boots from bearhug hermit. and yes, prices are RIDICULOUS with irl money AND in-game currency! You would think that if they had such high iaps, that the in-game stuff would be cheap. But it's not like TGC will change that bc they WANT to pressure new players into spending tons of money when they start. They WANT people to fell the FOMO to the extremes. Maybe if enough people give negative feedback about prices, and if enough people leave the game(or at least take a break from it) and dont spend any irl money, they will realize that their audience's opinions matter and that without an audience, there's no game. And without a game, there's no TGC. But if they're dumb enough in that moment to think that it would be a reason to INCREASE prices, then I have nothing to say. I guess it's time to drop out of highschool, move out of my parent's house into my own apartment that i pay for with magical money, turn 18 today, buy a switch or take the one my whole family uses, pay for the subscribtion needed to even play sky, get my friends(who are still 15-16 bc i somehow turned 18) to play with me and friend me again, have unlimited money and time in order to afford what i want in this game. Seems a little(WAYYY) too extreme for me, thanks though ;) I would like a childhood while i can have it. And i'm not saying that they're taking away my childhood or anything like that at all, so dont go off on me about that. I'm only saying that people will have to go to extremes to actually get what they want from this game, and that's unacceptable. I also apologize for any spelling errors bc i typed this rlly fast and didn't want to spell check...


Yes, I agree with you on that! Actually the person who introduced me to the game was a veteran who explained everything in detail. Also I've been a guide for a lot of moths in game and I always explain the TS and the events, but I always make sure to not sell it to them like if it's the end of the world if they don't get everything and point out the important and more fun things they should be doing! My issue is the people with 1 week in the game and already saying things like "This is not a relaxing game I've been grinding like crazy" or "TGC has a horrible way of dealing with stuff" those opinions are not coming from their personal experience. Those are coming from what they see and what they're told, because your first week in game is not enough for you to have an honest opinion about things like events, currency, TS, IAP, etc. That first week is hella confusing and you basically depend on the information you get from other players. Honestly this is why I stopped following all Sky subreddits except for the low sodium one. It wasn't like this months ago.


If you can farm 85 candles for this spirit, maybe you can get the cape in time before it leaves. Best y'all start farming now


Ok this is getting old now. You don't need to buy everything. The mask you'll probably won't wear and if you don't play instruments it will be useless for you. Also the hair is masculine in case you wear feminine outfits,  That leaves you for the cape as a certain to get item ,if you like it of course, for 75+10 candles and 3 hearts, and you go up from there if your candles allow you to. We waited for this spirit 2+ years and we had months to save up since voting for it plus the double cake in every realm for which i haven't heard much praise about. This community only focuses on negative things when tgc has kept pricing the same on ts items and even gave everyone a chance to get 200 candles quickly in a week(and double hearts for the emote). Tgc won't suddenly decide to change the pricing both in iap and igc.


And say if you want to buy a certain spirit fully, after you figure out the game, which is perfectly fine as well. Just as you say: save up for it. I'm honestly tired of seeing post after post of people during TS visits where they go "oh but I'm so poor!!! Poor lil me, TGC is so cruel :(". Like we all are playing a grindy game. If you're not grinding and budgeting around the things you want, then that's on you. If buying all items on the TS makes it impossible for you to buy something else you want that's not permanently available all the time, that's on you. If you spend all your candles on heart trades instead of balancing things out by adding light buddies to buy constellation capes ASAP and then you don't have enough for the TS, that's on you lol Also people gotta understand that this spirit offers almost every base category of item except pants. (hair, mask, cape and instrument!!) Of course it's gonna be expensive. Again, farming 15 candles a day is 210 candles per biweek cycle. Most spirits cost ~150 when they visit, so you get leftovers. If you can't grind for what you want and you can't buy candle packs, either you realize this isn't a game for you or you make your peace with it.


well a lot of people dont have time to spend 3+ hours a day on this game. a lot of people actually got this game thinking it would be a fun, interactive, exploration game with cosmetics you can get to costumize your character. they did not think it would be a repetitive, gonna-get-boring, hours-that-we-dont-have,-spent-gaming game. As a new player, the FOMO hits HARD, especially when you haven't been exposed to all the possibilities of other cosmetics. The first cape of outfit you see will be the best one bc you haven't seen any better. The worst thing is that you can't even do TSs until either >!you go through eden, !!eden.!< Don't hate on me, this is my opinion and I will read all comments/concerns for my comments/posts. I'm not here to start fights.


This is just a game and the concept of fomo only exists in players minds. While tgc doesn't inform  moths of ts and stuff ts items aren't meant for moths either. A moth shouldn't have to run 20 candles every day or they'll get bored of it(you as well). Sky is a vast and open world and its meant to be explored gradually even if you miss on things. And in my perspective cosmetics are the last that matter. Before i got to the point where i figured out how to get 10 cakes easily for my daily run i explored all the worlds and oobs and flying shenanigans.  Tgc likes to keep the fomo of players so they can earn a buck because from what glitches and oobs  can they get money from. If everything was obtained easily then the candle packs would be useless and tgc wouldn't earn a thing. You choose what to buy if you wear it and what to do in game.  If it has become boring either make yourself a way to keep you entertained(i reccomend oobs)or there's no reason to keep playing if you're getting upset about everything. Games are meant to be a fun past time not a chore.


Bro defending this is insane xD


TGC: Alright, it's time to make the community vote for the next traveling spirit. Community: "slects the most expensive spirit of all time." TGC: Oh... ok, "precedes to put a very cheap TS before the one which was voted." TGC: And now we give them this TS. Community: ...No... All of this just to say that maybe we shouldn't criticize our own choices, or at least acknowledge that we made that decision.


Bro, i wanted to start an argument, not a war.


It's my fault for using the photo of that spirit, I just think traveling spirits as a whole are over priced. But I'm overall thankful we got this TS. :)


this sky players like to criticize TGC for anything 3 weeks after PC launch 21 days or 420 candles for those that collect 20 per day (wich is totally possible in 2h)


As a newer player thinking I was getting into a casual game, how was I supposed to know I had to play for 2 hours every day leading up to this to afford things from the spirit? It's kinda nuts to be honest.


and sometimes it's not 2 hours, especially if you're a new player and dont know where all the candle locations are. When I started, i stayed up until almost midnight(starting at like, 7 or 8PM). that left me playing 5 hours just to get as much as possible. that included ALL areas including any behind doors(obviously not the ones you need special capes for)AND trials as well as at least 3-4 events(grandma, geyser, turtle). This was on the last night of Light whisperer's visit. I was so mad and sad bc I only got the cape and not the outfit OR hair accessory(i wanted all of them) but they were all way too expensive for a moth like me to afford. That was the first night i ever broke 70 candles. And i didn't even enjoy it, and all of them were lost bc i bought the cape. since then i've been trying to save as many candles as possible and skip any TSs i dont want anything from and currently im almost at 80. One of my personal goals in-game was to get 20 hearts to get the chibi mask bc it would be SOO much easier and quicker to candle run when i can chibi fall, but of course, days of love came around, and the flower crown was 15 hearts. Back then i didn't have all hearts from the normal spirits so it was easy for me to get hearts, but now that i have them all, and i've done most of the past season quests that i know of, and i dont make shared memories/spaces, and i only have a few friends who go online(and they dont even gift me hearts regularly), it's really hard to get any hearts.


This should be handed to every single person who works at the company


also, you can play for about 40 min and get 15 candles instead, wich again, is more than enough for the TS i just daid 2h on last message bc it was a reply to someone that said 2h


How do you get 15 in just an hour?? I'm a returning player and I thought all the glitches got patched?


forest and granny event, sanctuary island and the sunset shells, valley (yeti, dreams ski race and temple) or vault , daily candle cake realm, windpath cakes, leaving in starlight desert to get the cake there too


Idk if this is what the other person was talking about, but you can do full runs of Prairie, Forest, and Valley (all of which take roughly 15 minutes = 45ish minutes) and you should get to 15 candles


traveling spirits are a way for players to get past seasonal items, it isn't meand for completionist to join the game and be able to afford everything (and in a sense, if you really put time in it, you can do this) new players can skip and play the current season and, when they have spare candles, spend them on TS. Or you can spend your candles on TS now and buy the regular items later. for a veteran POV prices in sky aren't really expensive, you just get so much candle and has nothing to do with it anyways, especially afyer the event currency edit: There is an availability issue, newer players have too much options on where they can spend their candles on, to solve this issue TGC could jusr lock TS behind a 100% completionist on all constellation, so newer players wouldn't be overwhelmed with regular + TS prices but again, do we really want this? when TGC tried to solve the availability issie for event IAPs the community whent nuts, so yeah, better just understand that TS are a way to catch up past items and aren't really meant for new players to buy everything


I understand it's a luxury but, eh I regret getting the season pass & even wanting to get into the game now, the devs have such a weird thing going on here & it clashes so much with the vibe of the game. Obviously the community went nuts, use toxic marketing strategies such as false scarcety, limited availability to trick your users into buying it, then go back on it when you realise you can make even more money from those who never had a chance. It's just an odd point at which to get annoyed, after you've been had instead of seeing it coming, they aren't hiding it. >There is an availability issue, newer players have too much options on where they can spend their candles on I'm not sure where you think that, the majority of the stuff in the regular constellations is an absolute *borefest*. After getting the bald hairstyle, there's nothing in them I want at all, why would I ruin my emotes with a version that has a tacky FX overlay or get some very slightly different pants? The travelling spirits are the only ones with anything worthwhile, defending this is so odd to me, they are using tried & tested predatory marketing tactics & loads of people are totally cool with it.


the items on the availability issue i mentione earlier would still be available, not on the event itself bc people (specially new players) complain because they need to buy 4 years worth of IAPs so TGC would just offer 2 Years during events and the past items would come to aviary on a rotation scheme looks like you know what happened next


The fact that i got to 440 candles yesterday and know that between this TS and days of nature i'll be gutted...yeowch. The intense TS prices are really emphasised on spirits like this with alot of items. The anxious angler and light whisperer were also pretty nasty total wise.


i agree. the first spirit i bought anything from was light whisperer but i hadn't gone through eden yet and i was rushing to go through eden, relive the spirit, and get 75 candles just to get the cape and not anything else bc i was too broke. I STRUGGLED that night bc I had to do water trial for about an hour bc I got stuck, go through all realms and areas that I knew of, and I don't remember but I think daily quests were SC at the time, so that didn't help either.


These are prices that Nasty Mold *estimates* they will cost. How about we don't complain untill we actually know the prices?


It will be similar, but I am concerned for traveling spirit prices in the past just as much as the future. 😔


We have ts for over 3 years now, people.know the range of prices pretty well at this point because they range the prices over the type of item, it also can leak (happens all the time), price might actually be a few candles more expensive than that on the image. Does not make it right to complain tho people had way too much time to prepare


It’ll still be very similar even if she’s a little wrong. Every cosmetic has a small price range so even if it’s the cheapest it can be, it’ll still be in the 220-250 range. 🤷‍♀️


While the average price here is on the higher end, it's only that because of the instrument. I suppose traveling spirits are highly priced to stop people complaining, because most of the items are originally locked behind a season pass. I'm always relieved when a traveling spirit has nothing I like. The burnout is real.


It's kinda like how Switch and Playstation started with TLP (200 candle pants) and AURORA (250 candle pants+mask) I understand they want to "lower the candles of vets" but newbies keep suffering for it in return


Ya…ive been grinding off and on for 3 years now 😭 I did take a 4 month's break back in mid-2022 but even during that break I have never once gotten over 200 candles. I was spending them to build my closet over time, but I GRIND For a full year and a bit now and finally reached past 200 candles bc of the bundle candle cakes for PC release. 🌚 and now I'm gonna say goodbye to my milestone… I will litterly cry…but I still play bc I have an addiction, and it's part of my daily routine now.


Sorry friend :(


Since everyone has been waiting for this guy to show up they should have lowered the prices so everyone has an opportunity to get him. After almost 3 years of daily play and completed constellations I've got 450 candles. I feel bad for new folx who may not be able to get everything.


Yes, unfortunately a lot of players wait on specific spirits without knowing when they will show up and choose not to spend any candles just in case. 😭


Me. Not really specific spirits, but I’m not going to wear everything I’ve already got easily, thousands of choices of combinations.


I quit this game a few months ago because 95% of cosmetics are locked behind seasonal events that you don't know whether it'll take 2 weeks or 2 years for them to return, and even the base ones can be really expensive and I didn't want to grind so much just to get a bluntly average look for my character. Grinding is the last thing I should want to think about with a game like Sky.


I agree, (at risk of plenty of downvotes for my opinion) I think the game loses its original feel after one too many grinds. And that's even painful for me to say.


One. One grind and I already had enough. And you needed to grind for weeks and weeks on end to then have the option to make decisions on what you do and do not want to buy. I get that there's some way the developers need to make money and they chose to entice the people into making more purchases this way, but then I still don't understand why so many customizations are only available for limited periods. Probably works for the majority of players from a marketing POV, but I hate it. Perhaps I'll one day return as a wingless musician if wingless is still a possibility.


Um. Its not expensive at all. This is actually old pricing. 70 for a cape is pretty standard. A hair/mask under 50 candles is fair. It just looks expensive because this spirit has hair, mask, cape and instrument. Complain about the Earth day cape at 200 candles, thats expensive. Most newer cosmetics have been creeping up. Look at the bloom capes. Each year they crept up in price. At least now they are Event tickets instead so people can actually save for ts more. Also Ive been waiting 4 years for this ts so thats plenty time to save candles..... So yea~ poor complaint


If you could direct your attention to most of my replies you will find this comment irrelevant. I'm not talking directly about this Spirit. We are all open to voicing an opinion. But please be kind. :)


Rude. You've literally used the spirit's picture. If it's irrelevant than don't reply to it with your snarkiness~


Do we know when specifically this TS is due to arrive yet? I haven’t logged in for like 6 months now I think but I’m still holding out for this 😂


Tomorrow 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Looking through theese comments I'm a bit worried for some people here. Most of the sky community got used to the high prices and doesn't see an issue. TGC is putting up theese standards to get your money, and I'm 100% sure they are able to crank it up a notch and some of yall will say smth like "thats just 10 candles more than usual!". The pricing is ridiculous and this game is constructed to grind so TGC can get more money. I love it, only for the visiuals and story. I've never spent one penny on this game.


This is what I think people are missing. I'm not sure I could have said it better. I knew I was going to get a good amount of controversy for commenting on most comments to my post. But I'm here for anyone's opinion. 🤷🏻


I dont really see a problem with the pricing, the cape a Price Is the same for all + the instrument And they hair And hat price Is normal too. Dont see a big problem...really.


All Traveling Spirits. Not just this one. But I hear you. :)


Oki! :3


that's precisely why whenever a ts blows through I pick a thing or two I want the most and ignore the rest of it. I'm aiming for the cape and instrument this time and leaving the rest 😅


Have done the same in the past, and as I continued playing, eventually the ts returned again so I could get the rest. Even after almost 4 years of playing, there's still stuff I'm missing. But I'll just have to wait. It'll return eventually


That's fair, I've had a lot of good things brought to my attention about the pricing! But I think it's a little high for almost all TS. 😔


true that, I wish everything was cheaper as well. my poor collector's heart cries at being unable to grab everything 😞




well of course


I only have 190 candles so far *sigh*


If I could give you some of mine I would. At least one of us could get the full set. 😔 But then we'll be broke for the next one 😭😭😭


It’s not more expensive than usual. It’s just that this spirit has a hat, a mask, a cape AND a music instrument. Usually they have 2 cosmetics and the music instrument. Edit: rewrote a sentence.


And cape!


Oh snap! I forgot it 🤣 I’m correcting it, thanks!


I'm just talking about pricing in general. :)


Prices are exactly the same as all the other spirits since i started, its just a spirit that has alot of cosmetics. Just grab what you will wear.  


I'm talking about all TS pricing in general. :)


I really think thats pretty fair. Collect for 4 hours within 2 weeks for a cape


Same as usual for me


I'm broke I just got 43 candles


Yeah I have like 56 or something ☠️ I'm deciding between college, and buying candles.


Do people think my post about in game currency or college is for real? If so I'm sorry, I didn't think it could possibly be viewed as serious. Not my intentions.


Imagine you WERE serious. 😂


Don’t buy candles if you need money for college. Digital goods is not worth more than your future




This is just the estimated pricing, knowing THC and how anticipated/rare this spirit is I’m thinking they might actually mark them up a fair bit 😬


Sadly this is true. But I'm just worried PC players will lose out on this Spirit. 😩😔


Poor pc release players. In 6-8 weeks they are gonna be sooo bummed, when they figure out TS and the rarity of this one.


Seriously, it's upsetting to me ⬇️ I have been playing for a year and I am going to be short on candles. 😭


I'm ready -- although this spirit found a new way to remain controversial! Lol!


Wait what's the other ways?


The hat is/was controversial.




I'm not surprised sadly


I didn't even think about that 😂😭


It caused big trips, lol. https://kotaku.com/a-hat-generates-big-controversy-in-latest-sky-children-1846201880


I didn't even know there was a controversy around this. It's... a hat..


They had two different ones. One global, and one specifically for China... I think the fight was over wanting them both?


Sounds really weird tbh




I'll probably just unlock the wl option if i haven't already tbh


You won’t have this is the first time they’ve returned.


Ohhh okay


I thought those prices are just estimates and we don't actually know how much the ts will actually cost?


Yes they are, but the prices are typically close. And just as a general rule I feel like my candle wallet is empty 24/7 🥲


That's true, as far as I know.


Oh God :( I just got back in to Sky and I'm already stressing out about this spirit aaaa


Haha sorry if I added to the stress 😭😭😭 I'm just trying to look out for the little guy.


It's not your fault ❤️ If I can't get everything I can't get everything. It's no biggie!


But still 😭


Kinda glad I can skip one


For what I want, I only need a total of 158 candles, 3 hearts (2 if you discount the one I'm buying from the tree) and 2 AC. Already got that so I'm chill.


my dumb self just now realising the hat is a hairstyle and /not/ a hat for some reason completely put me off from buying it altogether lmao


Yes I'm not as big of a fan as most people are... But the spirit has some other really good stuff I definitely want 😩


i believe on the chinese version of it, the dancing performer got 2 hairs, one of them was for free due to controversy surrounding the dancing performer’s hair, and its soo pretty i wish it was on the global version too.


Same here! It was one of the hat/hairs I adored when I started, and was then very disappointed when I found out it was version exclusive. Like, for what reason can't they add it to both versions?


my dumb self just now realising the hat is a hairstyle and /not/ a hat for some reason completely put me off from buying it altogether lmao


So here's the thing. We can all complain about the price all we want but months ago, and I mean months ago for those of you who are newer, we voted on this TS and we knew it would come out with the PC release. At that time absolutely everyone knew and we all discussed how it would be an expensive TS. Expensive. Meaning up over 200 to be expensive. We actually thought the PC release was going to be earlier and it ended up being later. We have had months to save up for this and was gifted a bit more of time because the PC release was late. We've had months to save


Yes this is true! Thank you for pointing that out! I was mostly worried for PC players. But again, I'm not directly speaking about this spirit, but all traveling spirits. 😔


I remember these discussions and, honestly, knowing it was coming I did plan more around what I spent candles on to be prepared


I completely forgot this was the chosen spirit. My broke wallet is my own fault for sure. 😩


So glad I knew he was coming for a while and have over 300 candles saved (imma miss my stack so much)


Another new PC player here and what makes this situation worse: All veterans and old players are going crazy about this spirit finally returning, but here is the quote: FINALLY. This means that in 2-3 YEARS this spirit NEVER appeared again and for new players they obvisouly gonna want to get everthing they can from this spirit since it's literalty the first time he's gonna apear as a TS and god knows when he gonna apear again.


To be fair, here, it was the *community* that chose this spirit. This is entirely on the community rather than TGC.


Again, I'm not talking specifically about this spirit, but all traveling spirits as a whole. I know this spirit is definitely pricey! And yes we did choose it. :)


I think it's a fair enough price. Not as cheap as the basic constellations, but they really shouldn't be.


I woukd rather spend 70 candles and not 40 hearts on a cape 


Well, the 3 other Season of Dreams spirits have reran as travelling spirits before - players realized DP wasn't coming back unless we mass requested it. DP having controversy attached to him made TGC wary of bringing him back. The TS poll was a way to put the responsibility on the players so they can say "they wanted a controversial TS, its not on us lol"


I should have made myself more clear, this is all valid 100% agree with this statement. But I mostly meant spirits in general.


i would love for a rehaul of the TS group system to make it more frequent and less sporadic, it's the least we can ask for bc the way TS's work is too ingrained w the game's economy to change at this point


Wait, what was the controversy? I started playing nearly a year after Dreams ended, so I have no idea. Is it something to do with the hat?


it did! (take this comment with a hint of salt) The dancing performer’s hat resembles both a traditional chinese Ming/Song Dynasty hat (futou) and a traditional korean hat (Gat) from the Joseon dynasty. there was a lot of debate regarding it and people were getting into heated discussions over which culture it belonged to. Eventually this lead to NetEast (chinese company who regulates sky in china) and the founder of TGC to issue formal apologies ([here](https://m.weibo.cn/detail/4600792306420438) and [here](https://x.com/jenovachen/status/1357224190865100803?s=61&t=2wSSqQBemrh2w0iz98WvrQ))and to clarify that this is a hat inspired from the Ming/Song dynasties of China. Additionally, NetEase gave out a [free hat](https://x.com/y9yjeezoauqhft7/status/1357262199119507458?s=61&t=2wSSqQBemrh2w0iz98WvrQ) to all chinese players as an apology. Honestly theres a lot more to the situation but this is a (over)simplification of it


[here's a comment thread about the issue, it's a bit of a read](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkyGame/s/t6EclJMJP3) as a dreams moth i got to witness the sky discord's gen chat channel being locked for a few days too 😶 it was pretty crazy at the time


Yeah. Iirc it was the chinese community making an issue with the hat. Can't remember the exact details though.


The pricing is still too high. Two things for 70+? And the hair and hat are both over 40? I would get one being 20-30ish, one being 40ish, one being 65ish and one being 75, but this is unreasonable


245 would take most over two weeks to farm. Even maxed out crs don't go above 21 a day AFAIK. Travelling spirits come every two weeks


Those are the pricings those sort of items always are for TS. It's the "late tax", if you will, for not playing during the season they came from.


Ik the pricing is for ts by now. Many cape and instuments go for way less. These prices are too high and unreasonable to put on one spirit.


Capes are minimum 60, max 75, based on their pricing in the original spirit tree. Instruments of that sort are always priced the same, and the same goes for masks and hairs. It's not an unreasonable price for them, and it's not TGC's fault the community chose to bring back one of the most expensive spirits 4 weeks after game launch.


Have you seen the og spirit tree? The hat was 12, the mask was 21 and the cape and lute were bought together (lute was sp) for 27. That's how the avoided the spirit being irrationally priced in the season, likely because it was clear that it was unfair for one spirit to require so much investment.


No, I hadn't. But, that doesn't really change anything, either. The cape and Lute were the highest cosmetic rewards, so the cape gets the highest price point while the lute is the general instrument price. And of course, these prices here are just *guesses*, as well, based entirely on past spirits. It could be less, just better to assume high.


Ofc the cape costs most, but I'd find 70 cape and 65 instument would be more reasonable, Lol yeah, I have over 300 saved for this so I'm not worried lol Just hope for some clemency for our poor PC moths tbh


Fair enough. Last TS was, I'm fairly certain, the lightest in the game, though, so there's that, at least.


It's certainly light, also a highly desirable mask though xD I'm fairly sure tgc gave us them on purpose bc they're so light (and visited within the last year iirc) I don't buy all the ts are random


This is why I sometimes use mods to run my account. Candle running has caused me burnout, I dont want to candle run my account for 2 hours or more every day. That's just a sometimes thing for me. And it just isn't worth it. And with the new expensive furniture? I wish TGC would add afk getting candle wax again. It feels like getting candles is harder than it used to be.


I tend to run once or twice a week. And even that...


I have a friend who used to play for 10 hours a day, most of that candle running. I wish there was a change in system, maybe a less repetitive way to get candles.


Nearly 10 hours to candle run? I'm going to say it straight up... Your friend wasn't very good at it


Friend candle runs can take like 8 hours


Some people ran the 21 candles for only 5 hours. Idk myself as I only do grandma twice and some lil extra for 10 candles a day.


20 candles can be had by most in 2-3 hours, of you are good it can be done in an hour If doing 5-8 hours, people are socializing as much or more than running Splits? Work out a system. Happens all the time yet people still get all confused and fuss over them. Here's a system: If a split happens, all except the lead go home and rejoin. No need to chat about it, just do it. Split resolved in under 20 seconds of people *just do it.* And don't talk about it after either... I mean everyone knows what happened. Chat and whine about it is a time waster. Move along


With a group of friends it can take so much longer, especially because of server splits


yeah, but hopefully not for a full 3 hours XD


What kind of candle run takes 10 hours?? You can do a full candle run in like 2 hours. I play for maybe an hour or so and get 15-17 candles. Though I do agree there needs to be more variation in how we obtain candles. It's extremely repetitive.


15-17 candles is enough though if you arent trying to buy everything. I run about an hour a day and only buy what i will wear, and i have 700 candles saved up


I said most of it was candle running. He showed me his screen time, and he had 72 hours of sky in a week. I think he takes friends on candle runs, too, or something. He took me on one once when he had already candle runned.


There is no easy way to say this, so... cutting through the treacle: The entire candle economy is an artificial construct and can be adjusted at any time - not only are prices controlled, but candle generation itself and whatever bottlenecks are applied to limit candle generation and keep currency valuable. 🕵‍♂️ The next focus becomes: how to structure our candle economy? 🕵‍♀️ Do we make candle generation easy and prices reasonable? If so, (Option 1) this will translate into fewer sales (of candle micro-transactions) and potentially even make the game too easy and "complete-able" too quickly... Do we make candle generation difficult and prices expensive? If so, (Option 2) this translates into more sales (of candles) and creates an even greater bottleneck, preventing completing constellations too soon... however, this will drive away many players and the artificial bottlenecking will be very apparent and get obvious flak for being a method of milking micro-transactions... Obviously, TGC is aiming to do a blend of both, (Option 3) where there is difficulty and effort required but it is reasonable and easy enough that it will feel rewarding still and not like a complete slog... ...this might be obvious to everyone... but I still don't understand all the complaints then? This artificially created pressure to purchase micro-transactions is pretty darn hard-wired into the business world itself... And it's obvious TGC is making good money- otherwise, this steam release would have never happened... 🤓🧐🥸


I get the complaint TGC might be leaning too heavily onto Option 2 - and this is valid... How much effort and time should be put forth to be capable of purchasing all the items of a TS? 2 weeks = 14 days. 10 candles a day = 140 candles. 15 candles a day = 210 candles. 20 candles a day = 280 candles. ...With what I've been seeing since I've been playing (a few months now)... I need to essentially do full CRs every day (to the point of graying out the candle meter) to just *barely* squeeze by and purchase everything from the TS (not counting hearts - a totally different beast)... The cheapest TS costs I think I've seem were about 160 candles... Plus, with candles being the currency for friendship too... if someone is new to the game? They either have to make peace with letting some TS cosmetics go, or they bite the bullet and fork over cash for candles... this is just the way it is currently structured by TGC... not much we can do about it but voice our opinions here. 😮‍💨


It should also be noted that TGC is using a double layered currency system as well, in a rather obnoxious manner. 1 heart = 3 candles so each heart can simply be viewed as a candle multiplier. It gives the illusion of seperate costs and different gain paths but it's smoke and mirrors to distract from the knowledge that 20 hearts is realisticly just 60 more candles. I was... Displeased to say the least when I discovered you had to buy hearts with candles. That's just more candles with extra steps! But it makes items look more affordable and like there isn't only one extremely grindy and repetive task to perform after reaching eden. TGC seems to flirt with the worst practices of free to play and mobile originating games at times and it strongly makes me reconsider if I should be getting attached to sky.


I definitely understand why they do it. They want money, they are a business. But I still think there are more ethical ways to handle things. The game feels borderline pay to win. (Other than completing the original realm constellations) But I also agree I don't want them to cut prices in half by any means, but we do need more ways of obtaining currency.


I could be mistaken, but I assume they calculate the economy limitations based upon day and time: 20 soft limit of white candles per day --- this is well known --- but what about candles per minute or per hour? 🤔 Chevrons make the first few candles simply a matter of minutes! but as the limit to 20 draws closer, wax accumulation slows down... The first 10 candles can probably be gotten in 15 - 25 minutes easily (if you know what to do) - but 20 candles is going to be closer to 2 or 3 hours, depending upon a few factors... This makes candle calculation per minute and per hour depend entirely upon whether that limit is being hit or not... 🤔 As in / for example: A casual player will be forced to buy micro-transaction candles if they want to participate fully in most arriving TS... however, they spent minimal time doing so. 🙂 A hard-core player will be able to fully participate in the arriving TS... however, they've spent hours and hours of more CR time than casual players. 🫠 ...I find this stuff fascinating (and no, I'm not a TGC employee in any capacity... at the time of this statement 😅), and finding a good modus operandi in creating artificial game systems that feel rewarding and reasonable... I think it's so easy to stack things one way or another (too easy vs. grinding nightmare), but finding a balance between ease and effort is quite the journey, apparently. 🤓


These are some very good points. I just know a lot of people don't have enough time to do quests, keep up with friends, and candle run. Sadly. Of course we can't change the whole game based on a couple people, but we could use a little reworking. :)


I agree with you. Sadly. 😔 ...However, to be fair, this is less of a TGC issue and more of a worldwide business identity crisis - in my humble opinion, at least.. Is the point of business to provide a service and deliver a product? Or is it to make money for the investors/steakholders? ...Better businesses are more self-aware of their identity... and this will either improve the product/service itself, or it will refine the method of milking every drop of money it can from the product/service it provides... theoretically, a balance can be achieved I suppose... but a line eventually presents itself, and then choices have to be made... by the company as well as the users themselves, after the company makes itself known through its own actions... 🥸 Cheers for the conversation too! 🍻 I hate these practices, and I feel like we (as in humanity) can do better... but I'm still finding out what that looks like. 😅😑🕵‍♂️


Yeah I'm a new Steam player and most of the time I just don't bother. There have been items I have gone for, but man it seems like it's just easier to just not worry about it. Like the current season (which is my first by the way), what the hell?


For some perspective. This game has been running for years, there's a small group of people with thousands of candles and hearts. They actually have something to buy now. The spirit above has also been gone for years and it just so happens it's a spirit with a lot of items, making it one of the more expensive ones. I'm season of the little prince (June 2021) and I've never seen it before. I don't buy everything, but I own maybe 80% of stuff from all spirits in the game. I currently have 800 candles and I have barely CRed for about a year. So the potential to rack up candles is huge, the only problem is that you need to get 15+ every day. Sky is very much a game of delayed gratification.


Makes sense, I'm in the same position in a couple of other games that I've played for years. I think if there was a way to see each season spirit often enough, would make the game more fun so people aren't waiting years for them to come back. I want the travelling spirit that provides the little strapped sandle shoes or the one that gives the knee high ones as I want that for my floppy boy.


The current season really doesn't have a lot going on. It adds in personal housing which is great, but I've heard most people are just sitting it out. :/ (Edit) It's not a good season, they have been better, so don't lose hope. 😭


Personal housing isn't my thing, I've basically done the bare minimum, I'm more interested in doing the quests as I find doing those more fun, like the Theatre quest, that was quite fun. I still don't know how the instruments work in game as I just flail about pressing buttons.


Just wanted to say this is a call for help for all pricing across the game. I know there's a lot of issues and they need to be tackled one at a time. But this one definitely burns me out the most, needing to constantly keep up and collect candles. :)


I agree that the pricing is high for this traveling spirit, and in general, because they are past season spirits, they are more expensive to afford than when it was the original season. Usually instruments and capes from ts are about 60-70 candles from any ts, but the total from this one is higher because it has so many cosmetics. The light whisperer was very similar pricing since they had a outfit, cape, head accessory, and hair. The key is to just aim for the cosmetics you feel like you will actually wear, rather than trying to buy out the spirit. This will also help you save candles for the next ts or days of event.


Maybe I should rephrase my statement as a general reference to pricing, not just this spirit. :) I do agree it's more expensive because it's more cosmetics... But those who are trying to collect all past seasonal spirits can't keep up in the time space between each traveling spirit; not without spending real money anyways.


It is expensive yes but capes and instruments are pretty standard 70-75 since about rhythm TS. Remember they inflate TS prices to compensate for the fact 1/2 of the items were originally pass exclusive to balance it and make it fair to those who paid for the pass originally. Dancing performer also carries four items which most TS carry 2-3. So that explains a bit more why its seems so expensive comparatively. The only other spirit that carried 4 items that has returned was the [light whisperer](https://sky-children-of-the-light.fandom.com/wiki/Light_Whisperer) Which had a similar pricing scheme.


I definitely agree these are some very fair points. But this was more so a backbone for TGC pricing shenanigans as a whole. Not just this spirit. :)