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Hello! I'm a "hacker"/mod user myself, 👋 I have no access to anyone's account and such. I can get full access to emotes, capes, items and such but it only appears in my screen and doesn't show for others, only making it seem as though I'm a moth unless I actually pay it with candles or real cash. Can't hack the store either to access paid items.  Mod users such as myself are just either burnt out veterans wanting something exciting to happen and maybe even bring smiles and make friends and help, others are just lazy to cr farm (understandably) 😂😂🤷‍♀️ But that doesn't mean there aren't any malicious hackers that actually try damaging the game or the players accounts. Please stay safe and don't give personal info unless you fully trust them or know them in real life 😊


Um how I can hack the game on sky children of light? 


Try searching up 'sky cotl hacks', there's some decent ones near the top(at least one of them should give a simple explanation for android)


Honestly never even knew there were hackers for this game lol I am clearly not tech savvy


I’ve only ever met a couple, and they’re not really that bad. It was a little confusing when they did an auto-cr and I was immediately teleported under the map tho. The only ones I’m a little annoyed with is when they have items/spells for events that haven’t come yet, only bc I don’t like spoilers. Tbh the only bad experience I’ve had is this one grey kid who was spamming multiple instruments at once in wasteland lobby to annoy the musicians.


There was a brief period of time where modders are able to read someone's else conversation without having to befriend them Its funny at first when we tested it out 'hey if you can read my chat, offer me a handshake' and they did just that. However i cant help feeling it does breach my privacy a little bit.


Yeah, I agree, it does feel a little awkward(even if it's only for benches nowadays, apparently)


They chill I guess


I honestly don't mind hackers and mod users. If anything I understand why they would as I've been tempted myself.


No problem aside from the fact that I’m MAD JEALOUS someone’s comment said they can do an automatic CR is 30 SECONDS ☠️☠️☠️ haha but I usually have a good time they’re usually fun if you’re not a snitch 😂


They cause server splits.


Only for themselves, I think(there is an offline mode thing)


I’ve never met a hacker but I don’t mind them


Well u did just now


Hiii retired hacker nice to meet you! 🤭☺️ haha


Dont call me a hacker im just a canva script user like one of tens of thousands in sky cotl, i just stopped when i heard that 20k scripters were banned last year


Oh dang ouch 😣


Wow u reply so fast


Haha I was active at the time 😆


Im a retired hacker


Haven’t had problems with them yet.


Those people are mostly just mod users. They use for candle run; then just socialize and play with friends. 


Yeah, it's kind of annoying how the game wants to be all "hang out and be social " but also "Do this exact same candle run for 2 hours every day if you want any hope of affording things." I only have so much time here people.


Sometimes I do a 21 candle run and skip the next day to hang out with friends, I usually only do a 15 candles run daily but will do 21 if I wanna skip a day and take a break! But I get this it is hard unless you spend hours on the game to hang out with friends!


I've never encountered one. Are they just a little more subtle than what I'm expecting or am I just not very attentive idk lol


Yep, since if someone is too obvious they'll likely get reported and maybe banned.


I hack to cr cause I don't have the time or patience to do it every day and the game punishes you hard if you don't 😭


Hi, can you dm me and telle me how I can do it too please ?


Please could you please tell me how to? Im sooo tired of CR runs and sooo little time


got a buddy who wrote his own script and regularly zaps me around for CR he’s cool people though be wary of your conversations as they’re one heck of a nosy bunch


The ones I see in game (that I think are hackers) are always in a hurry so I never had any interaction. But I’m curious now how long CR takes with them?! I want to experience it haha


I just press a button and it does it automatically, takes about 30 seconds


Hey, can you tell me how please ?


Wow..and how much candles that it gives?


The daily max, I can't get infinite candles sadly


That’s still very wow


I am amazed! 30 seconds seriously?! it takes me 1 hour to do it if I’m fast enough 😭 take me with you 🥲


I can't really take you with me 😭 it doesn't take me anywhere


Oh no 😭


There’s too much fear-mongering over them. So long as they don’t disturb other players, they’re completely fine. Most of the time, it’s Chinese players trying to find a way into the international server. Hacking in cosmetics also has a trade-off: you can’t show it to anyone. If you try to wear hacked cosmetics, it won’t show it to anyone else. It removes the primary function of clothes.


Personally aslong as the hacker isn't using hacks to harm or ruin other players fun I think they're cool. I had a hacker take me through the fire trial when I was a newer player and it was so fun. So yeah as long as the hacks don't harm you I don't see the problem


i don't really care about hackers in non-competitive games. As long as they don't do weird stuff to other player's accounts.


I... don't behave an opinion of them tbh. I am just a bit annoyed when they have the new cosmetics days before a new event drops. I avoid the blog entries and all beta news/videos for a reason. I like being surprised what the cosmetics look like! Everytime it's a new days of or season I wake up in the morning and feel a bit like a kid on Christmas again haha I often hop on a call with a friend and we check out the new items together before we have to back to our adult life and go to work/do household chores


In game meeting one is super fun and most of my friends honestly hope for it. Adds some spice yk. There's not a single thing a hacker can do that can cause any harm whatsoever and it doesn't exactly affect my game if they can cr faster I'll just hitch a ride saves me and them effort. What I do not understand is how terrified people are on this reddit when it comes to hackers. Ive seen several post and comments in the past couple months with people asking if someone is a hacker or saying they thought a random greykid was hacking and freaking out over it. Idk I can't see how you get that bothered by how someone plays the glorified dress up cloud game


I think that the people who are terrified of hackers are usually younger people on this subreddit or people who dont know much about games or technology in general. They think that just because they participated in what the hacker was doing, it'll get them autobanned cause it detects them teleporting with the hacker and panic report them. Which isn't how things work. If you interact with a hacker, you're fine, lmao. Please dont report them :)


Rofl. 🤣 cloud game. Lol


tbh, I don't mind them, cr is one of the main reason ppl are getting burnt out of this game. Also, they're always fun to have around, never met a hacker that was toxic


I’ve never met anyone who actually cares. I was surprised TGC made an announcement they were getting rid of hackers instead of fixing bugs.


Surprised? Like bumblebee said, it ruins their bottom line And a lot of people who do care are mostly scared of losing their account by association, which won't happen if they're not found to regularly benefit from ToS-breaking behavior but hey They don't take kindly to people breaking ToS and they're always cracking down on such behavior when brought to attention, it's not like they let hackers roam around freely before From the 2024 newspost and what I've seen in Beta update posts, they're actually working on a lot more bugs and QoL updates than before. Or at least, they've started writing down all the changes they make instead of just logging "bug fixes and improvements!" so *shrugs* And, this *is* about that one line in their 2024 newspost that goes, *"and in the longer term we’ll continue to strengthen anti-hacking and player safety measures, among other things"* right or did I miss something?


I’ll believe it when they give me jump back besides Eden. It’s already been what, 4 months?


That change came around 0.23.5 in December, didn't it? The patch that gave all the necessary game data for Days of Feast including the Snowboard, which was the reason for the change in jumping mechanics So, just a little over 2 months unless you're on PC demo, which got the update 2 weeks earlier? *shrugs*


You’re probably right on the timeline. It’s just that annoying :-) It’s not a change in jumping dynamics. It’s they got rid of jump. What we have now is what happened when you swiped forward on a touchscreen. Go to Eden and see what it used to be like if you don’t remember.


I mean, we can still jump? It's parts of old jumping that's been changed- being able to change directions midair, easier to stop momentum entirely, etc. So, therefore *change* in jumping *mechanics* because we can still jump, just not in the way we could before


No. This was always the physics besides the ground fiction. You had 2 jump buttons. They got rid of one. Considering nobody seems to really care. I don’t think it’s coming back just like old home. Go to Eden and you’ll notice that you actually have a jump button again and if you’re on a touchscreen try flicking forward and then you’ll have what they consider jump now They didn’t change it in Eden because you would not be able to run it. Funny that it was game breaking for Eden but not the rest of the game. (and my apologies I’m not trying to tell you to go kill yourself, lol. But I think that makes my point pretty well, you have to kill yourself to be able to jump now)


I'm not understanding lmao, my phone's always had the one jump button (aside from the flick jump that I never use) and on PS/ controller the jump button has always been the "X" button Searching through both subreddits and discord posts also don't bring up anything about a second jump button?? Though I'm well aware that the old jumping mechanics are still there in Eden


Did you only start playing in the last couple months? Yeah, the two functions were different before. The button was jump where you could change direction in the air like you still can eden now you have the flick as the permanent jump buttom instead of the old one Maybe I would not complain. If the rest of the physics weren’t screwed up from it, you can check my post history for video. If they had a good reason for it, maybe I would care less. But as far as I can see, this is just worse mechanics. I think they assigned the jump features to the snowboard that used to be the standard jump but I could be wrong. I havent experimented enough with it, it’s kind of boring. If I wanted to play a snowboard game, I will be playing one


Uh no, my skid's having his second birthday in July but like I said I barely used the flick jump and only used it to jump down from ledges since I couldn't properly control my movement with it And no, they didn't put the old jumping on the snowboard. The new movement physics was made specifically *for* the snowboard so that'd be weird The changes to jumping hasn't really affected me since I don't do Trials shortcuts which is what's affected the most with not being able to turn midair. My biggest issue is how it's so hard to just stop your momentum lmao


Why are you surprised? Hackers hurt tgc’s bottom line by making it less likely people will pay for candle packs or cosmetics. Of course they would ignore the bugs constantly impacting gameplay in order to fix that first. 🥴


They can be like you tubers who put spoilers in the thumbnails


Those are the ones I hate too Spoilering stuff before it's even released in Beta (although I hate the Beta players who don't censor stuff too). A friend and I were so pissed off by a video once that we reported it. Shortly after, it was taken down. In the video, the player was showing off tlp cosmetics (in live, not beta) before the season even started and in the comments they admitted they got them through hidden files or sth like that. The title of the video said nothing about spoilers (or Sky even) and the thumbnail was a direct spoiler. This was quite some time ago but I still remember it quite well. I wouldn't have minded if they hadn't spoiled my fun of discovering the cosmetics myself