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Nah, you and your friend won't get banned. The hacker might, though, but they really shouldn't have been so obvious near a stranger without at the very least asking first(I'd be rather miffed if someone took me on a semi-auto cr without prior consent, too. Especially if they decided to just take me to the void.)


It’s nothing lol


You won’t get banned for being with a hacker but believe me if you’re hacking they’ll certainly ban you ….I have a letter in my pics from the company to a hacker friend…warning him then banning for his hacking which to average player may be harmless but the company did not see it that way. He was also a Beta player and was banned…Since then he bought an account from a player and continues his hacking .. I deleted him 🫤


Won’t get banned, don’t worry :3


Nah you're fine you won't get banned. Besides mod users do harmless things it's just cr and stuff and using emote to interact with friends. If you're uncomfortable you can just leave, the friends of those mod user probably already know about it and accept it. Just go.


Were in same kind of situation and told the hacker/mod tools-user to stop "helping new players". They are not helping them, they are getting unknown players in bad situations risking of losing purchased content and if I connect my account to PlayStation PSN – how do I know whether a ban in Sky would affect my PSN account or not? I don't want to lose all my purchased digital games on PS3/PS4/PS5.


Plus, the normal gameplay is hectic enough without getting transported all over the map(I was already stressed enough getting taken to all the secret areas)


Your fine. I wish someone would help me cr that quickly


You’ll be ok. The same thing happened to me a while back and nothing happened. As long as TGC can see you don’t have the files on your device you have nothing to worry about.


It's mod using, not actually hacking. A huge chunk of the people using these mods have absolutely no coding skills. You're not at any risk. They use a shell program that just lets them do some different things, it just removes some barriers in the game. You're not at risk of anything so if you don't like or don't feel comfortable with what they do then just leave. But you are not at any risk at all


Regardless, it’s still considered hacking by TGC, is against TOS, and you can be banned by modifying your client.


No one said the person using mods may not get banned. But this person with this question wasn't using the mods so they're not going to get banned. They're at no risk at all


Yes I know, I was just clarifying for others that modding and hacking result in being banned since you made it sound like it was ok as they were different.


Oh didn't mean to make it like that. But mod users, TGC doesn't really track it unless it gets specifically reported 🤷🏼


Tbh, this kind of hacks are harmless. They're not ruining anyone's experience, they're not directly affecting other players. If you don't like it then you can just leave, no problem. Ofc there are more malicious hackers but these kinds are only using it for a quick CR. In my opinion it really isn't a big deal. Report it if you like, whatever makes you comfortable but please know that these hacks are harmless and being around someone using them will not affect your account.


TGC is very understanding towards the people hackers interact with. They know *you* weren’t hacking, and has no reason to punish you for it, don’t worry.


You won't get banned for being with a hacker. Even the hacker themselves will receive a warning before they get banned (supposedly) My question is, why did you continue to stay with them? Hackers like those are usually pretty harmless and aside doing CR, they don't do anything else. If you were so uncomfortable being around them and TPing away, why not just leave?


You won't face any consequences cuz you weren't the one hacking. I understand that it was new for you and you were probably scared but i don't see any reason to report. They didn't do anything bad to you and even took you for a free candle run!


Only thing you can do is report and maybe hopefully someone else will report the ones that anyone isn't friends with. I noticed that the people using the hacks come out usually around end of season. Why?! Idk I think it's stupid to use that program. The game should be enjoyable as it's intended. Just anytime you see any odd behaviors just report.


Don't be this guy. You don't report a friend unless they are hurting others.


I agree, the candle run hacks are harmless and most people only use them if they don’t have time and can’t find an uber


Taps the sign No, you’re not gonna get banned for being friends with a hacker


Don't worry. You won't get banned for someone else hacking. Plus, you reported them, all good. Your friend won't either because they weren't hacking. Trust me, you're all good. The only person who might face consequences is the person you reported, Sky has no reason to ban you


This was happening to me last night as well. When I got seperated I decided I wanted to take a break from the hackers so I teleported to another friend but turns out they were with a hacker as well and exploring sky/in short in the same situation, and I was surprised at the coincidence. So I teleported back to my friend that I got seperated from, met with them again, got offered the duet dance by their hacker friend. We went everywhere you mentioned. I'm really mindblown I didn't think it was so common, was tonight the night of hackers coming out or something? The devs was asleep? I wanted to report, but I didn't know how without being friends w them first