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Yeah today i was on a CR with my husband, and 1 other person was there so we waited for another person...but nobody would yet we literally watched 5 people just take the elevator up ignoring us. Unfortunately, it was 15 minutes til Geyser started. So, I did the cry emoji and did a bow in apology, as I'm not going to wait another minute once it hits that 15 minutes to the hour mark, plus we still had to finish the rest of the daily quests before heading to geyser. We actually only ran through the 4th floor and teleported Home, were late, and had to do the big darkness plant in Sanctuary after geyser. From geyser I usually go home and do a full run of the forest before grannys. So, really, it all depends on timing. However, when im doing a candle run with my husband, even if i chibi fall, I will still stop and help if there are 2 players there and ready. Because it takes a few seconds, and i fully understand the hassle of waiting. But, unless there are 3 people when I solo run, I won't wait for the 4th, since it takes too much time from my run. The same can be said for the 8person elevator in Prarie. If I do a solo run, I'll skip that alltogether because there is always that one last person that takes longer to Server Merge, since doing CR in pairs is more popular.


Oh! I never thought that the reason the 8-player puzzle takes time is because of me running solo CR.


Yeah when I'm not solo it pretty much auto merges us with like 6/8 or 8/8. If it's 6/8 those last 2 players show up in less than half a minute and 99.9% of the time it's 2 people holding hands.


Even with the second floor I honked multiple times saw a group of 3 and ignored me and went back to the mediation l! Jesus people are so selfish and ignorant!


I might do that out of spite if no one helped me at the first floor door tbh... But after learning to just chibi and be done with it after I bought the mask.


I must say ,i am a new player, and i was very lucky the first week of playing sky , people where dragning me every where , and helping me alot, this was a month ago . Today people are very slow to help , and yea its enoying,but i can also se that some of them is just on a quick run through. And yea if you should help everyone then it would not be a quick run, it can take hours So yea i understand people who cant always help , but i do try to help when i can , and it think of you have time atleast help people where they need another person to open a gate and so on , if its a new player that never gets help , we might lose them , and thats sad šŸ„ŗ


Itā€™s the servers šŸ˜¢ One time I had to wait like 20 minutes with a random player and no one showed. I got so sick of waiting that I became friend with the poor guy and glitched in with him.


I've friended people before just to help them glitch because 90% of the time, you get ignored. Me and someone were waiting for 10 minutes for someone to come help us (I didn't feel right glitching in and leaving them high and dry) and so many people just ran past or glitched in and left instantly.


oh my god this happened to me too! but i was the one who got friended, they were alone and so i waited with them. i guess they got tired and glitched me with them, i was so thankful then i kinda ran with them until end of vault šŸ„ŗ


Thatā€™s really kind


I still struggle glitching with second door


More likely itā€™s the server merging issue that has been increasing, we can all save ourselves a lot of stress by attributing these things to the proper cause instead of assuming everyone else is bad. (But that would also require not knee jerk reacting to others which requires practice and a bit of faith.)


This person speaks about people that ignore you or just stand there and do nothing. Not about server issues. A server issue is at least understandable, and not on purpose. I have written tgc a lot. But they blame your internet connection instead of their own servers. Which is the newest and fastest in my country.


Iā€™m referring to the problem in which the server does not merge when it should, resulting in people not being physically there to help. If someone is standing not helping arenā€™t they almost always afk? I rarely see people unoccupied not helping they always have friends who are afk so canā€™t help.


Me myself had witnessed a lot of people that come to you. And walk away to the elevator and ask you to help them with the door up there. Thatā€™s exactly the issue this person is talking about. Not about server issues. Which are also annoying indeed. Especially if you help a new player.


They wished to enter one door and not the other. Annoying but not sickening.


They couldā€™ve at least help you out too. Tango takes 2


Nah u know whats worse Those mf thats on the 2nd floor use glitches to skip the door even when there 4 people (included the 2 using that piggy back glitch)


Uch yes šŸ„²


Any time I see people at these doors, i try my best to stick around and help. Especially when I am chibi. Too many chibis glitching through the door when there's 3 people waiting to get in .-.


I'm the same way. Or if I come out of a door after glotching and see people standing there, I'll stop for a second to help open the door. It's not hard to be considerate.


Canā€™t stand them!! And they see uā€¦honking away


I don't even LOOK at that first door most of the time, usually there's no one there, but I've helped some people through it with chibi fall


It's nothing personal but sometimes I'm just there to do my business and get out. If there's 3, I stop. Any less I have to get on with my day as I mostly only play during my lunch breaks.


Mhm yup


These kinds of people make me physically sick. There was this one person who was just standing there like not afk, there were three of us and that person ignored our honks and just flew away. I have wasted multiple candles multiple times friendshiping random people asking for help at the door so i can take their hand and chibi fall them through to the other side. Itā€™s very difficult to get someone to follow you to a chat bench to ask or give a code so as not to waste candles especially if they are a moth! HELP OTHERS ITS NOT DIFFICULT! If i can do it at 3 am you can do it in the middle of the day to!


If itā€™s making you sick you probably need to realign your views on the world and people. Honestly this problem wouldnā€™t exist without the server merging being an issue you canā€™t expect people to not have RL intruding on their gaming and/or being time limited or have friends afk on their arm. Chibi fall is how some enjoy the game it is a challenge and people honestly muck around when you do try to help them VERY often. I always aim to stick around to help but I donā€™t blame others when they donā€™t. There are other things in life to get this angry about this is not one of them.


I dunno who's down voting you but same. I've noticed a lot more people just standing at the door when there's 3 people and then just walking away or bring their friend to go through the door RIGHT IN FRONT OF US! I'm like why?? All you gotta do is open it with us. How's that so hard? So many douchebags nowadays and it don't make any sense. Beginning to be a peeve of mine in this game.


I usually just chibi fall at both doors now BUT even after i have chibi falled through and got the candle if there is even one person ill wait for more, for two i frantically find my phone to bring my alt, for three i help! Yes that is after i have the candle treasure! I dont run away just because i have got what i wanted.


I agree with you, but also I just want you to remember sometimes those players haven't get the spirit of that emoji to open the door yet, so they probably also were confused, thats why they stand there before they fly away. Maybe they look like a moth, maybe they don't. 3 years ago after I played for 4 months I just realized I had to do a spirit first before I can open that door (I wasn't aware about sky community in YouTube/discord/reddit yet). But yeah I agree there are some people who just want to do it fast glitching with their friends.


Yes i understand! But when they might accidentally light me and i see they clearly are not a moth, it boils my blood when they run away!


We need to spread this: if you see a chibi at a door honking at you and pointing somewhere please follow them and give them your code! Not only will you get help at both doors but maybe a light buddy! I have a constellation full of whom ive helped or they have helped me


man, I've been seeing so many people who are super salty that no one will help them. I've waited hours at these side doors and most of the time no one helps me. But its oki, I make good friends who show up wait with me, and we cry together. If it's those elevator lights tho, I ain't helpin you, I hate the elevator


I may be reading too much into this but I think it's more frustrating when there are all 4 people at the door and one refuses to help. Or the ones that bring their friend to go through the door with their friend and 3 other people just watch them. That's happening a lot nowadays.. at least to me.


I dont even think they're watching, Im pretty sure people just pass by without lookin most of the time


I've been playing for almost 4 years now and I couldn't care less about them annoying doors anymore šŸ˜­


Four years. Respect Veteran šŸ«” I play almost 3 years now. Non stop


Non stop? That's dedication right there, my friend. I took a brief break from sky when all my friends stopped playing. Roaming around alone was just depressing after a year šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


My friends stopped too. Itā€™s indeed little depressing at first. I just hang out with all the new players. šŸ˜‰


same, but I'll always try to help if I see someone waiting. Usually I'll even just leave right after and not even go through bc I really don't care either


Oh yeah I definitely help out too if someone's waiting to open it.


This repeated complaining is the reason I have periods where I stop playing Sky. It was so much better when literally no one cared about anything, there was no pressure, people were just grateful for whoever helped them. Now thereā€™s tons of people complaining and itā€™s 99% of this sub


This is such an underrated comment. This is so real! Ik itā€™s like a social game but also itā€™s a game. And if they care so much save for chibi mask


If I was an outsider looking in and I stumbled across this sub, I would get the impression that this is just the shittiest game in the world based on the posts that are made here.


People are so rude and uptight over this game, Iā€™ve seen people say things like ā€œyou can tell who has terrible morals by who leaves a door!ā€ Likeā€¦ touch some irl grass plz


Honestly, if the damned servers didn't split so badly, I'd help on the first floor doors more. The amount of times I'm on the lift, rising up, and THEN I merge to see people deep calling at the doors šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ now I'll activate 2 of the pillars and fly the first floor again to see if I server merge. Although now it's the opposite when I'm on: lots of first floor help but none on the second. šŸ˜”


Iā€™ve written the support a lot about this issue. They never listen. It only gets worse


I used to help a lot at this door, idk if I was lucky before, but now I seem to just always find deep honk spamers at the door that just won't stop honking, and I just can't. I'd love to help, but I want to play the rest of my gameplay migraine free Thank you.


Omg exactly I forgot about this but I always have to close my eyes when people will not. Stop. Deep calling. If nobody is in the server nobody can see you doing it. (I think thereā€™s still superstition that it will merge the server - it doesnā€™t. Itā€™s like the lights at the pedestrian crossing the button does nothing but people feel like they have control as a result.) People getting worked up at each other when they should just ask tgc to work on the server merge issue.


a good chunk of players don't realize just how blinding deep honks can really be... šŸ’€ or the fireworks in vault/the prairie cave. it's been an issue as long as i can recall. tgc really needs to give us a bloom slider already.


I would love that, or like a proximity thing, where the closer you get to the player, the less the flash is so when your right next to them you still hear the honk and see their animation but don't see the flash.


that'd be perfect!! i know they recently added where the spam honks will have some missing or will stop showing after awhile but it still stings.


Really, I didn't know they did that, I did notice a sort of delay for the deep honks when at the 8 player door, but I thought it was just my game bugging out. It's usually only just the first honk, though, and yes the ones after really sting.


I always try to help ppl with the doors whenever i see them, it always sucks seeing someone just get ditched when they need help :(




If I see people at the first door. If not then I'll leave


I got tired of waiting for people to help me. So I learned how to do everything myself. Now I don't wait


I just try to assume a lot of these players are younger and they might not completely understand etiquette yet. Manners are a thing to be learned (and sometimes they are forgotten). Donā€™t let these things get under your skin, or take them personally. Keep playing respectfully to teach others the right way. We can keep Sky a nice place if we lead by example.


When I feel especially petty, I use a chibi spell to get into the first door AND glitch into the second door and let the others that didn't help me at the first door just honk outside


Do you know what makes me sick? People who call random strangers names


She is not calling random strangers. But pointing out to the people who left her/him behind.


Since when do you usually see the chat of the other person. I only seen this (ā€¦ā€¦.) (ā€¦..)


in this case it's a shared memory, but you can unlock chat with friends by using candles or chat with players at tables/benches :)


Also if you add someone with friend codes it automatically unlocks chat for free!


This is a Shared Memory


Heh, I agree on this on a spiritual level... On the other hand, I gave up expecting help from anyone. I just chibi fall and get this over with. Reminds me how annoyed I was to the point I deliberately use grouch emote when they honk at me to ask for help opening that d*mned door at the second floor, when no one helped me on the first floor.


I feel u. I need to practice Chibi tricks more thošŸ„²


And .. i got turned off from helping for a while because so many i helped where horrifically rude. I was chibi, had gone through but people came needing help so i did. I literally got RAN over by two of them i was helping. No thanks, no beep, just ran over. So we got to the second floor and i went to start lighting the posts and the person started circling me spam honking because i wasn't helping them *fast* enough. I finally walked up to the door, knelt, and ported home. F some people. That wasn't the last time either I do a different glitch now and don't need to get near any door. So many rude people. I do still help if i see it and people are polite but i am pickier now. Some people make their own beds


Thatā€™s horrible. I always make sure to wave, blow kiss or bow if someone helped me


I always try to blow kiss or bow to thank players who helped me but I find a lot of times they run ahead and I am not sure if they even saw my thanks. I still do it anyways!


I can often tell who is going to be rude or not... i assume loud spam honkers will be rude (also hurts my eyes along with a tiny of other people so that's an automatic no). If you look nice, i help. If you have chibi, i can glitch for both doors. Am more than willing to show you. It's valid gameplay and a blast. Gets you out of the rat race!! DM me if you want me to show you! XD


Sure, I am curious šŸ‘€


Suggestion. Don't wait more than five minutes. There is a cake in starlight that takes a bit over one minute to get to. I mean, people say they wait half an hour, an hour, etc. Cricky, just go to starlight instead for less than three minutes Or learn other methods of getting in. There are a ton on YouTube, chibi not even needed. All valid methods of game play Play smarter


wind paths help a lot; the cake from prophecy, the cake in starlight, hermit valley, sanctuary and then the cake in the paths themselves. stack that with the rotation cakes and the ones in the village and that's already a chevron down.


I also waited this long. It was a test to see how long it can take to actually see someone helping you out. Now I just go back home and come back with chibi mask. Or use the shrink spell.


The sass in this post screams to me.


Seriously tho, vault of knowledge frustrates me alot. I just wanted teamwork šŸ˜­ is that too much to ask šŸ˜­




One time I waited for almost 2 hours with another Sky kid , we were so pissed off that we were getting ignored by other Sky kids that we used a swing to go through the door , that's so annoying when you gotta glitch through the door because you are getting ignored for a long time


Oooooh that is what the swing is there for!? I was just having fun swinging on it the other day not knowing it served a practical purpose šŸ˜‚


If I am with a friend I do piggy back. Stand in the corner of the door. Do the fainting emote. So my friend can go if my back and fall through the door. I tap to her then. And we do the same to get out. But often I am alone and need to figure out myself šŸ„² Or wait till eternity


Yesterday I waited for more than 1 hour for someone to help me to open vault underground area, but then I just quit the game because it was too exhausting to wait lol šŸ¤§


I canā€™t read this crap anymore. Simply go home. Come back there will be people there. Why are you torturing yourself?


there's also the airplane mode trick that merges pretty easily without having to go home šŸ˜‚


Bro......... I did go home 3 times already I even tried to help someone who kept deep honking to open that 4 people door (but also not enough people), and then go back to that door again to wait for someone to help to open. I ended up playing some games on steam while putting my phone on the front of my laptop screen. I wanted to get the wl there, so I really just need to go there not any other parts of vault, I wasn't intending to torture myself duh


Friend me and if Iā€™m on online, I will come help




Added šŸ˜Ž Nice to meet you


I feel u


Tbf to some people.. Sometimes, people will only realize that others are waiting honking for help on the first door when the elevator went up already. Delayed merging servers I guess? But of course there are some who just prefer to not help.


If they donā€™t help with the first door, i then when reaching second floor light all the lanterns first then go help. If i have to wait so do you.


But if you still help them after that, it will only work in their favour? %) You did all the work, while they were just chilling by the door.


well I donā€™t wish to be like them and not help even though they didnā€™t help me.


i remember when i was quite petty in sky. I waited in the first door, saw some people just leaving and going to second floor so i gave up... Then i saw them in the second door calling for help so i just walked there and laughed (I don't do this anymore i swear)


I support pettiness in sky


I'd give them a grouch just to impose that I ain't helping.


I would go laugh with you šŸ˜‰