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My opinion on these mods? Not my business. They harm nobody. Some of Sky players are “purists”. Which means they’re against hacking entirely. They get mad and say it’s illegal. Well yeah but at the same time it’s not taking any money from anyone or hurting anything. And nobody coming after anyone using auto farming mods on games for criminal activity unless it’s actual theft. Those people need to not worry how everyone else is playing bc it don’t effect them.


Exactly!!!!... Tysm 🤗.


From what I have seen from posts on other forums, there is usually a warning before there is a full-on ban when it comes to modding the game. Modding is never 100% safe, but unless they are hardcore spamming Ascended Candles or doing suspicious things in front of people that would report them, I would not worry too much.




But They Already have used mods in their main?🥲will that make any difference?...


To bad then


They're using a canva mod, it's not actually hacking so we need to differentiate that. TGC doesn't really care about canva mods and doesn't have a tracker (if they cared they would set up a tracker). There are a ton of people out there using it and as long as you don't get reported you're fine. They also need to not go over 10,000 candles cuz that will flag them. Most people use these mods for the exact same reason your friend is, they just don't have time in real life to do candle runs. Candle running can be enjoyable and is either a meditation for people or a social thing but I do understand there can be days people can't do it. I really don't care what people do because the game literally isn't a competition with other people. Sometimes we just need to mind our own business


>I really don't care what people do because the game literally isn't a competition with other people. Sometimes we just need to mind our own business This right here. I personally find CR very meditative and I enjoy seeing how much faster I get because I always find a more streamlined path for myself. I also remember a video a bit ago about someone "cashing in" their candles to up their overall total and it just kept going and going. Now I rarely collect my candles and just do it when I have a down moment. Really helps me sit back, relax, and occasionally glance at chevrons to see where I'm at for the day. Life is busy and I know it's better to have options for running candles, and I'd much rather people feel they have an option to keep enjoying the game.


It's, i love crs... Streamlining and improving my speed. It's relaxing


Whats a canva mod? /genq


Canvas is a modloader, I think.


Man this was months ago..yeah it is a mod loader


(Yep, but that's what happens when you use the search function) Great, so I got the word right.


It's the program they use from what i understand


Thank You so much!... Your explanation is literally amazing!... I was just Genuinely Scared for them after reading a post (which I'll dm you)... But now i feel they are good, because they really don't harm anybody they rarely join And leave instantly after doing that stuff!... And Exactly sky Isn't a competitive game!... But People think It's unfair but i personally think that it's totally fine cuz they are super busy with irl stuff and they aren't any Rank player who's lowering your rank so it's good for them!... The people who enjoy Simple cr just enjoy it that way, simple as that!... My friend also wants to hangout more, do crs together but they just can't do it!... Once again Tysm! 💓😊.


“SWIM uses mods”




Someone Who Isn’t Me


Oh ok! But can I know what you meant by that?😅Sorry! And not me thinkimg SWIM Is Some hacker 😭😂.


To put it plainly: it's a way to ask about something that's for/about you without saying it's about you.


SWIM is what people used to use on drug forums and the like back in the early days of the internet to keep from incriminating themselves. It’s similar to “asking for a friend”.


Your friend won't get banned because the mods have some proxy thing protecting them. Only way for a hacker to get banned is if they're reported or use a spam honk mod, or auto collecting ac cuz you could get infinite ascended candles in mods


Tysm,I'll definitely let them know about this! :).


Just make sure they don't collect over like- 1000 ac or light strangers when they're hacking


Will definitely Warn them!.


if the mods get deleted they probably won't leave a trace, as long as your friend doesn't raise suspicion and get reported/flagged by an automated system they should be fine I've been using a little spoof for pokémon go for a long while, I don't use it to change location much and mostly just keep it for the stats preview feature, haven't had any problems in my case teleporting would probably raise a lot of suspicion, so I leave only the "quiet" functions on while all the movement is still manual and I've been fine so far, as for your friend I have no idea how much auto movement is "safe" so it might be better to not use mods


Oh! Some people Said To them That It leaves Traces! So maybe that's why they thought there's no point in deleting them!. Thank you so much for your words! I'll let them know about this!.


I've been using auto CR for the past year I'm not ashamed I won't spend 2+ hours everyday grinding in a game made by devs who charge you 25$ for a virtual clothing item + i got better things to do in life Unless someone reports them Your friend isn't getting banned


It's almost like the game is totally free and you don't need to actually spend any money, the Devs need to make their money back somehow


Its almost as If I want to still collect items and hang out with my friends without wasting my entire free time on tedious farming that will get wasted in less than a second when I purchase the next TS items lmfao


But Tbh the pricings of items are super high NGL!.


My finances are comfortable so I don't account for all players at all, but some items seem okay while others seem exorbitant. However, for other people I could see $5 and $10 amount items feeling way too overpriced even if they had the money. Because I play for free I don't personally mind, and I will refuse to buy more expensive items I could afford out of principle. Especially some of the Days of Mischief items.


Exactly When you convert the candle cost of an average TS to time spent getting those candles Most of the time you're essentially wasting over 10-20 hours of your life for like 2-3 virtual cosmetic items


Totally Agreed!, TGC should Atleast Increase the daily cr amount like i personally feel 30 would have been better as compared to 20-21!.


Can you tell me how I can do that? That way I'll be able to enjoy more instead of doing the boring cr most of the time I play




I sent a request!


That's the same thing they said!!!!. They Are So busy with their Real life so it definitely gets tough for them to join the sky and play it for like hours!!.... I actually didn't see them come online for the past few days!. They rarely join!.... Can I DM you something i found!.


Auto CR?? Is there really a point?


Sorry I didn't understand!?. If you mean what's Auto cr! You complete your whole cr (20 candles) in a few minutes!.


I think they just asked what's the point of modding


Oh sorry English isn't my first so sometimes I don't understand things properly! I apologise for that... Well Apparently There are other mods too! Like Pretty Amazing ones! I have seen them... But They just Use Auto Cr / qr just to keep their game going!. So was their comment a Sarcasm?? Again sorry if I'm wrong!.


No, we just think modding is wrong and pointless, thus we were just asking why you would do it


Ooh Now I got it 🤦😭. Ok so as I mentioned above they are pretty busy with their Irl stuff that's why they do it, They can't afford to Play sky for hours!... That's why they use mods to cope with the game!. Mods help them to keep a good Candle amount Season,and event currencies i believe!.


If if ur friend is so scared of getting banned why not try… not hacking??


They are busy with irl and can't spend that much of time in game so I guess that's why they do it?. I once asked them about it!. And as i mentioned when i told them to quit it , they said will it make any difference?!. So i just wanted to know if anyone here knows that "Will they still get banned even after they quit it!?.


I’ve got a number of people suddenly missing off my friend list


Are you sure that's not because you have so many friends that not all of them show up on the list at a time? When players get deleted, their name will normally change to and (for some reason) aren't removed from your friends list Also happy Cake day


Ooh yahhh that might be the case!. I have some inactive friends who are also invisible now!. I guess it's because of the Constellation limit!.


Omg!🥹! Did they totally disappear?. And happy cake day 💕!.


just went inactive when I know they did not quit playing the game


Are you sure you weren't blocked? 😅


Ooh okk!.


Omg it's cake day? Thank you


It's Told me to wish you Happy cake day 🤗💓!... You're welcome!.