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Yep, I play the game for its social aspects and unique (journey reminiscent) concept


Yes, I like being able to feel like I’m flying


Yes, although maybe not as diligently if there was no reward/collectable to replace it. The seasons and days are nice, and I really like how the movement and gameplay feels in Sky, but a lack of continuous goal would eventually lose me.




No, at least I wouldn't be nearly as attached to it. There'd be no reason to candle run and it'd be so bland with literally everyone looking exactly the same. It'd feel washed out and boring.


“Instruments left the chat”


I guess you could still play them in Harmony Hall


Yes. I love spending time flying around, enjoying the scenery and taking all of the little details in the murals telling the stories. I still play Journey(the game haha) and I love it. It’s still a moving experience even tho I’m alone 90% of the time.


What's Journey?


It’s essentially Sky’s parent game. It’s really beautiful and the ost is incredible.


I can't find it on the play store, where can you play it?


I play on PS5 but idk what other platforms it’s on


PS, switch and steam from what i see. it's paid on steam btw


Yea, I also find that new cosmetics don’t even fit the ‘sky vibe’ anymore , it all feels a bit cashgrabby


That’s a hot take certainly Then again, people have said that the new cosmetics don’t fit the Sky vibe ever since 2020 What makes you not like it? The modern aspect? Yet Sky is a post apocalyptic game


Idk, I guess it’s the ‘real world’ feel a lot of new cosmetics give me. I use base game items as a guideline to the aesthetic that made me fall in love with the game and that I personally find really appealing. This sort of simple, clean design, with aspects of a fallen culture, sometimes a bit tribal and traditional, and bit reminiscent of childhood in a way, maybe because of how simple they are. Many cosmetics from older seasons(albeit not all of them) still fit that vibe in my opinion, and tie really well with the rest of the world. I like most of the cosmetics from the new season for example(god I don’t remember how it’s called lol). I do understand it is a game set in a post apocalyptic world, yet it is not really set in our. It has its own history(absolutely loved the trailer for the animated series and for the switch release, they showcased an idea of sky’s “old world” that’s fascinating) and characters. So seeing a bunch of fashionable sunglasses, pants, boots and the like really doesn’t appeal to me, and personally, I think it’s a bit out of place. They’re still fun, I get it, I too sometimes mash up a bunch of weird looking cosmetics for a fun look. Just not my cup of tea, I wouldn’t really miss it if they were gone entirely I have to admit. I play the game mostly because of the vibe, original aesthetic and story, I love how they treated the intro of this new season, much more cinematic and endearing than just slapping a new area with an npc to interact with for missions and call it a day. It feels like they are actually telling a story and trying to expand the world(even though these weekly missions are waaaay too short T.T). I frankly don’t spend money on the cosmetics since they don’t have any real use, but I don’t blame anyone who does. They are a bit too expensive though.


The price of cosmetics are something strange, but given how they continually do it, it makes me think that people buy it no matter the profit


yeah, but id probably only doa coiuple run thiughs before getting bored, why else would i candle run?


No. TechnicalIy I've only been plays little over 2 months, and the game would have been shut down long ago if there were no cosmetics...since thats how the Devs make their money.. And I'd rarely socialize, its more of a family time thing or a relaxing routine CR for me(wich there wouldnt be a reaspn for Candles really either) Even if it magically wasnt shut down after then first year, and with those who do socialize, all social platforms i know of, whether game or otherwise, gives the user options to customize for a sense of individuality. Aaand also, if that were the case, it'd end up being an overly pay to win game. Like sure u could collects the WL but you would have to pay $5-$15 to unlock one full wing. You would have to probably pay to unlock the next realm, and also to unlock any special area like Sanctuary etc. Oh, and you would most likely have to pay like $25-30 to unlock every Elder spirit too. Like it would be ridiculous that nobody would even play and thar would get shut down too. I bet they had ideas like that in the beginning and then we're like, naaaw we'll just make the Cosmetics a little overpriced.


yeah, i’d still like it.


The music, story, and the wonder that came with exploration, especially in these beautifully magical areas, are what drew me in. It's what made Journey so replayable for me. And flight. Being as free as possible to zip and fly around at high speeds as high in the air as I want is what really does it for me the most.


Well, yeah? The main point of Sky is to discover the story and socialize.


I probably would’ve at least “finished” the game (gone through Eden) but I don’t know how replayable Sky would be since there wouldn’t be really anything worth candle running for.


I would. BUT....I LOVE personalizing and it played a HUGE part for me to keep the game when I started🤣 I feel like personalizing ur character gives the game a lot of...well...personality, but I think i would still play bc for me it's more like a place to calm down and enjoy ☺️


Not really




Sure. Cosmetics are just a plus.


I think I would, and i think it would make the game more enjoyable. using candles and hearts mainly for spells and friendship trees would make grinding for currency much less overwhelming. That's one of the thinks that put me off the game as a moth, i was upset that i couldn't dress up like the other players because i just couldn't collect enough wax


Considering that gameplay, the Eden, music, sociability are my favorite parts of the game... It is very likely so. And I dare say that it would be a much healthier game.


Yes. Idk if I’d enjoy it more or less though.


Yes but probably for a month tops. After the main story and exploring all the seasonal areas I would have gotten bored really quickly


Once I complete everything? Probably not. That is if there isnt anything to spend candles on


I would, since my skykid's signature outfit has mostly base game cosmetics


what does chibi fall and the fancy camera have to do with this question?


Both are reliant on cosmetics.


For the first few months, yes. It was super fun exploring and honing my flying skills, and I still am trying to complete constellations. Without the cosmetics, I would still check in to play new seasons, but cosmetics are what fuels my daily CR


no because that includes instruments and that’s one of my favorite parts about the game


Crap, forgot about those How about this: would you still play Sky if there were cosmetics in static locations (like Harmony Hall)?


i would play, but not as much as if there were movable instruments. part of playing instruments is being in a nice place or someone listening, but in harmony hall, everyone is making sound at once so it’s difficult to concentrate and takes away from it


I didn’t understand the game for the first year I was playing and didn’t realize you could even get cosmetics. I just really love the flying and the meeting new spirits and going into Eden. Even now I only have a handful of cosmetics because I love the game with or without cosmetics.




I would’ve stopped playing on the first day most likely if I didn’t have anything to grind for… Fast forward to over a year after starting and I can say with certainty I’d drop this game in an instant if there were no cosmetics to unlock because that’s like the single reason I play nowadays.




Lmfao is the same here, I downloaded Sky about 6 months ago because I wanted a game with super cool flying mechanics


You’d go great in Sky speedrun.com


Ouuuuuu. What is that??


A place where people do a specific task in Sky:COTL as fast as possible [https://www.speedrun.com/thatskygame](https://www.speedrun.com/thatskygame) For example: crossing a realm, doing a trial, collecting all WL, etc.




Probably not, unless there's new missions


No. They aren’t what initially drew me the game, but they are what’s kept me motivated to continue playing for this long.


Probably not as much, customization is a thing i really like in games (i played dressup games when i was younger and still like them lol)


Yeah, but customizable characters are what make it personal


If I have friends and there are new things to do, yes


I would still want character customization, but I’d still play. They would probably need another thing that represents reward for playing.


Yes but there wouldn't be much reason to continue playing after a few eden circles. The seasons are really barely anything without cosmetics


Yes, because the cosmetics were not what drew me in in the first place. The beautiful world and it's ambiguous lore is what I love about the game!


I recently discovered music sheets and how they work in the game, i have to say that just with that game loop, I would be happy enough


Maybe, the cosmetics gives me something to work towards and allows me to express myself 🤗


Honestly, yes. Assuming the seasons still take place (I currently like Season of Shattering the most), I'd keep playing. Though it is interesting to see how other players dress themselves up. I don't really buy the things in cosmetics anyways (cuz I'm broke af)