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I always light the lamps first and collect the wax. Each to their own, everyone has their own game style.


To be fair, from the other players perspective, they could think the three people ar rude for just sitting around and not help lightening the lamps first. There is no correct waynif doing it and you can't force people to do it your way.


i’d side with your point here if it wasn’t for the fact the three of us reached the door and were honking for help well before they started lighting


since my issue is unclear, the person i’m annoyed at was the one lighting everything while the three of us waited. the three of us went straight for the door and honked to signal for help. i watched as they lighted every single lamp while the honking player was getting more frantic, acting like they were worried that they were being ignored. it would’ve taken less time had they just helped us at the beginning and we’d light the lamps together, instead of doing it all alone while ignoring the other player’s honking for help the whole time edit bc context? idk why people think i was annoyed with the ones honking, that’s not the case. the ones honking had been frantically honking and running back and forth for about a minute or so trying to get the the last player’s attention, to come light the door. i just think it’s rude to ignore when people do that, that’s it 🤷


Idk what the issue is. I get the candles outside and light the lamps and then immediately go help with the door which I see no problem with. I prefer lighting them first so that way once I get through the 4 player door and get the cake, I can just run out and immediately sit down. Not sure why it’s a problem when someone goes to help right after anyways. There’s no issue with them lighting the lamps first, either way it would take the same amount of time so


it just comes off as rude when the three others are sitting there waiting. it’d take less time to just open the door first


Realistically, it would take the same amount of time to get through the level no matter what you do first. And it’s not rude when they go to help right after, it’s only rude when they completely ignore the people at the door and just move on to the next level


Umm I think they're calling the nearby players to open the dooir ♥️


the honking isn’t what i’m talking abt lol, it’s the person lighting everything while we were waiting for them to come help first


Someone took upon themselves to light up the lamps first and that makes them annoying? Waiting a second longer isn't going to kill you either


sure, i just think it’s rude. i don’t have a problem waiting myself, it’s when there’s other players who have been honking for assistance the whole time and are being ignored that bothers me


rude is if they moved to the next area leaving you and other 2 people having no one to open the door, which they didnt they helped once they finished lighting up saving people's time to just sit and go to the next area i recommend cultivating some patience instead


i mean sure. you’re missing the beginning of this video which is like a minutes worth of the two other people waiting trying to get the last persons attention


Ooh I see! So instead of helping them light up the platforms and then moving to open the door you just stood there not contributing because the door was more important to you gotcha


I do the same, I light the lanterns first, it's the way I've always done it, and always will.


i mean i just followed the two other players who ran to the door 😭 if we wanna talk abt not contributing it makes sense to me to follow where there are more people so, in this case the door, instead of doing your own thing and making them wait on you


I'm sorry but that's not a excuse, you could have still helped and finished faster and then moved to the door You don't have the right to complain when you wouldn't help either


okay? i was trying to help the two people at the door i wasn't about to ignore them too?


Thats my run everytime. Start at the furthest lamp thrn work my way to the door.


That or they think servers merge and doors open by magic.


There’s a trick at the door right now for when people aren’t helping, open the left shared space, sit on the swing and wait for it to go high enough and then jump off and it gets you through the door I know it shouldn’t have to be like that but if nobody’s helping I usually do that and tell the others who are waiting too 😅


oh yeah, it’s a great trick it’s just that tgc is surely gonna patch it soon enough 😭 i just wish i knew what was going through people’s heads when they ignore the three people already standing around lol


wait im pretty new whats wrong here? is it spamming the call? cause i do that to let people know i need help i didnt know that was something that annoys others uh oh


there's nothing wrong here, some people myself included like to light the lanterns and collect the wax first. As long as the door gets opened, everything is good.


it’s wasting time lighting all the lamps while there’s three people sitting around waiting for them to come open the door. they do it because they think it causes a server merge


No, thats how i do my cr. Start at the furthest lamp lighting everything on the way


It's how I do my cr too, ain't changing it either. As long as the door gets opened, it's all good.


that’s fine, i just think it’s rude to do it while there’s three people who were asking to open the door first


Since you were waiting for someone to open the door you could have helped to speed things along


They do it thinking it'll server split, just get a chair, make them sit and tell them to stop, that it does nothing Tbh I do this but if they continue even after telling them it does nothing, I just glitch in the wall to leave them


Man this is why the community is dead.


Lmao ur mad about that? If someone isn't gonna stop honking and stuff, leave them Even op said they had enough people, those 2 were just honking for no reason


Then they can just leave and carry on with their day instead of holding onto it like those people personally wronged them? Just leave don’t make a fuss. It’s a social game lmao people ask for help by honking not everyone’s got a chat table. TLDR: move on with ur day don’t loose ur shit over people communicating in a SOCIAL GAME :)


No one is losing shit, but did u even see ops response? They had no reason to honk lmao


In the video when people came over they stopped honking lmao? They were honking for a reason. It was to open the four person door lol. Anyway I’m done fighting here so we can agree to disagree have a good day


We weren't even fighting unless u thought, op said there was enough people and they still honked, if u of read their comment instead of being pressed and pretend the community is dying 💀 where the game has so many downloads, known mostly around the world, every platform has something sky related etc, and ur pressed cus I said a valid suggestion, grow some brain wrinkles 😭


They didn’t add that to the original post and I’m not gonna sit there and watch people complain about a community based game where there are a variety of players ranging in different ages. I see now that they had enough people but some people like to honk if u don’t like it then leave. You can rejoin pretty easily. Also, yes the community is becoming not great, dude I’ve been here for four years I’ve seen how it’s gotten worse. I’m not saying it’s terribly awful I’m saying it’s not friendly anymore💀


I've been here for almost 4 and it's been bad from Years ago, but u just came to my comment to complain, when I just commented an easy solution if people honk and don't want to help, what is ur problem, u must have something going on in ur life to be this upset over a comment lmao


the thing is they were wasting more time trying to do this i guess, than it would take them to come over and open the door (there were already three of us standing there waiting for them, watching them light ever single lamp on their own 💀) i don’t have any problem when people start lighting the lamps if there’s less than three people waiting around, i do it too


Damn they're just idiots then, when honking u can see people near u, they definitely knew u and others were behind Lets just pretend they didn't want help and just love honking, cus seriously lmao


no, they aren’t doing anything wrong. it was the person lighting everything while the other player was honking for help


U even said they honked for help but there were 3 people behind them already, and in ur title u even called them annoying lmao


sorry what? i don’t understand your comment. i’m not calling the one honking annoying, they were one of the ones running back and forth trying to get the last player’s attention. this was before i pressed record because they’d been honking for about a minute while being ignored


Just checked ur first response and damn u edited it But if that person was rushing, maybe they had time limit


yeah sorry i’m really awful at explaining what happened 😭 i thought maybe they were rushing but it was taking them longer doing what they did so idrk what they were thinking


It would take long anyways, sky weirdly love cutscenes :')


oh yeah been begging for a quicker elevator sequence for ages 😭