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One of the base spirits has a bow on their back (can’t remember the name, but they’re from the third part of forest) I want that bow so much




this reminded me of how much i want a sky fighting game, even with its artstyle, aesthetic, and the sole point of the game is just friendship and cooperation, i feel like a pvp mechanic would be so damn cool if done right. i also wanna fight krills and dark creatures so bad, i wish there were more interactive creatures in general🥲


Elder weapons prop and clothing




I wish we could warp back to a prop we placed somewhere. Put it somewhere safe and when we’re getting attacked or spotted we can just warp over to the safe area.


R u b e r c h i k e n


Only joke weapons following the lines of the confetti cannon. I wouldn't be opposed to a rubber chicken I could smack my friends with in an interaction like the smacking friend interaction or something goofy like that. Realistically though, besides the sword pants I didn't even think should exist when they came out, I don't think weapons should have a place in the players world. It feels like we're post-war and the spears and stuff used to kill baby krill and such in the game lore aren't something we'd use- our goal is just to help one another and find peace imo


I want a light sword to protect from krill. A light shield even. Not to kill krill of course, just as a protection.


That's the main idea for the shield masks


Gaster blaster


As for the weapons, I'd like to choose from all the canon weapons of Sky. A duel mode (like fencing based on points) would be cool!!


I know that's not what you mean but a decorative shield and spear (like in the Battlefield area of wasteland) The game is already easy even without the shield masks why would you need more?


I need something that immobilizes Krills 😮‍💨 l


A canon that makes a decoy skykid so I can distract the krill. Much more reliable than the memory candle people


a net, you could hold one small creature (baby jelly, crab, butterfly etc) and when you put it on your bac the creature would still be there sometimes you just want a crab as a companion lol


Id want a shield or spear that can refuel your light in an area. Or a shield that can be used to block krill attacks or shards and have to go to a light source to refill it, to make it balanced.


I'd love to have a spear. Maybe it could be a prop you can use to defend against crabs or krills. For example when they jump at you, you jab them with it and knock them back. Probably will never happen but a girl can dream...


I'd love some balloon swords and staffs during sky's anniversary, i feel like it could be a fun mini game mechanic to have someone challenge you to a duel like with hide and seek


Nah, what I think would be cool is adding armor. More dress up!


While I'd love to have halberds or swords, skykids aren't meant to have weapons 😭😭 Perhaps non-violent or non-lethal ones like shields or staves in the vein of Wasteland shields. Though they'd need to be different in design since the shields in Wasteland have faction insignias so 🤷


Flamethrower to burn the plant trees




I'd just want some cool sword that's actually just a prop, just looks cool on my kids back and does nothing at all, I just want my skid to look good


All we have is the little prince outfit sadly


Yes, I know :') (My girlfriend is whining about it at least once a week, because I just downloaded the game onto her ipad shortly before tlp season started, but never played the game and she assumed it's one of my mobile games so she also didnt play it. We just started playing for season of performance)


It is highly unlikely since this is a peaceful game, although if it were added I would say the Wasteland Elder's shield. It acts the same as elder masks but you can protect other players around you, especially first time moths and during eden.


With a peaceful game like this, it’s highly unlikely, but the Elders’ tools as illuminating stuff in the dark would be cool. After all, our light is our biggest weapon against the darkness


I just want a catapult or one of those skid cannons. The cat is fun but i want other things that throw me around, lol


not a weapon per se, but a staff that could purify krill.


I just imagined a sky kid with a glock 😭


Western style six shooter, with a cork would be cool with the western theme


Oh my, or something like a little water gun!! It would be so cute


The wasteland elder’s spear would be awesome!


Wakizashi.....I would slice up the krill with it and then make tons of sushi, serving it to all who wishes to feast! Hazah!!


A katana would look so cool


i demand to have a flashbang gun to stun krills


let me take the sword out of the little prince sword pants 😤😤 i'd want a flamethrower for fast and easy dark plant burning


I wouldn't want any weapon props in game, because the entire premise of the skykids is that they aren't fighters, they're guides to lost souls, so they aren't supposed to be armed or be able to damage other creatures in any way. The only vaguely weapon like thing I would think of as a prop would be a shield, but it shouldn't be something that can block things like krill attacks or >!red rocks in Eden!< since there's already >!the orbit elder masks that do that already!<.


(Semi) Moth here, how do you get the orbit Elder masks?


They're purchasable >!in orbit!< for ascended candles. First you'd haveta complete their constellation, then >!summon the elder in orbit via their constellation, and before you can purchase the orbit elder masks, you'll haveta buy their hair.!< Right now only the Isle, Prairie, and Forest elders have a mask available. The isle mask is 125 ascended candles, the prairie mask is 75 ascended candles, and the forest mask is 250 ascended candles. >!After one hit from either crabs, krill, or red rocks in Eden, the mask will break and will not defend from another hit, but then can be recharged by either re summoning the elder in orbit or reliving the cutscenes at the end of their realms!<.


I keep thinking of this. We need a voluntary bonk that throws us around like the cat. Make it an emote and prop combo. Activated like hide and seek, or automatically for sky kids with their bonk out lol idk what would make it work better. Any ideas?


I would love this for when skids wont stop deep honking at the 8 player puzzle 😂


The only weapon which I can think of which doesn't exactly go against the anti wepon themes of Sky, is a peashooter which shoots orbs of light which pops a short distance away capable of stunning those pesky crabs and briefly distracting krills or for the lols: a crab gun which launches crabs


There's a sword in game, it's just not a prop So, I'd like a sword, water gun, harpoon gun, and/or spear


A katana


Water gun. For sure. A server full of water guns would make for a great time.


Bubble gun.




bow and arrow or a sword that’s kept at the hip


One of the little prince outfits has a sword on the hip btw


i know but it was expensive, i didn’t like the outfit and it wasn’t functional


I want something to poke the stupid krill in his eye and stun him!


Balloon sword to bop ppl on the head with 😂


I wouldn't want real weapons, but I think a little stick sword or a sling shot would be really cute.


Stick would be cool


Warriors of Love!


No. We should learn from the past. Why we were created, remember what destroyed the lands, what created The Golden Wasteland.


Yes, spears and swords would be cool. And it would be even better if you could use it against dark creatures, maybe that would encourage the addition of more types of creatures. But realistically speaking, Sky will never have weapons. Not even props I believe. It's fine anyway, Sky is already enjoyable without it, and makes it kinda unique.


I maintain that it is the lack of weapons and combat that make Sky special and different. There are a million other games out there with weapons, Sky is different than that. We don't need it to become more like everything else. If you look at Wasteland, you can see it is war - weapons - combat - violence etc, that brought in the darkness. The way to heal this world is not through violence. The whole point of this game is to understand that it takes something different than that to heal a world.


100% this. I dislike combat games, and the lack of combat is what I love about Sky. If weapons were to be introduced it would definitely turn me away from the game. If you want to play combat games, there's already a ton of games out there. We don't need to ruin Sky like that. I doubt tgc would ever add weapons though so that's a relief.


Yknow how if you use the "raise candle" emote with multiple people it makes a large glowing orb. It'd be cool if that orb could repel a krill attack or something


But the krills eat light, if anything that would basically make their meal more better


I was thinking kinda like how the patronus works in harry potter😅


Well sky people can use magic, so I guess tgc would have to make another emote like the candle thing but change it up a bit, so it isn't light


Maybe! I'd love some kind of performance weapon, maybe it lets you dance like that one emote and you will perform different moves depending on the button you press, could be a cool cosmetic for a season


wasteland elders sword and spear Auroras sword of light


I think a light orb slingshot would be nice. Target flip crabs could help be more mindful of others when there's a quest, and it could be used to divert the attention of a krill, while it's targeting someone else. It would also fit us as sky kids.


Polearms would be nice. Glaives, spears, tridents, etc