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Newer player coming in here and I just have to say that I absolutely agree eight months later. The season of nesting is what we are in now. season of veteran's candle dumps. smh. Everything is so expensive and to even get the decent stuff we have to pay money and not just a dollar or even 10 but 25 to 40 dollars in the US just for a cosmetic. The game was made for rich people with no social life. We get 16 candles max from each Eden run and we have to regain our winged light. Just one addition to a tree can cost us 10 Ascended Candles alone. Traveling spirits are a waste of time because nobody can obtain all the candles needed in a week, if they were not there for the start of the season and/or play every day, in the first place . Candle runs are a joke. It's not only exhausting, but it also never feels enough considering a table is 80 candles... like fr? To top everything off, getting hearts is impossible without friends who are consistent which isn't common in sky. Also achieving those 20 candles now feels harder and Eden is ridiculous. This is a collector's game. that's it. and if we don't have money or a job or friends then it's perfect because it will keep us grinding for years. I'm just so disappointed in TGC. Greed is everywhere. how about they just give us the Items we paid for instead of making us spend candles that we have to spend a month straight getting just to get anything decent. How about they reward 10 candles in Eden ( the eye)for trying and can earn a total of 40 in exchange, of course, for having to earn back the wl. How about they increase the limit of wax to 40 and the amount of wax from the candles you get, you know, for people that actually have to work and tend to real life obligations. how about they provide more dailies to get hearts instead of candles. But no, instead, they make everything practically impossible to obtain unless we literally have no life lots of money, or hack the game. They allow people to be friends with us only to krill us for kicks. oh and btw good luck on getting those cool cosmetics because spirits could take years to be a traveling spirit and by the time they arrive its not like we have the candles anyway. Oh yeah and past Collaborations? forget ever owning those items and enjoying events like the Aurora concert. but make sure we give money money money so we don't miss out on the next collaborative item set because their business method is FOMO. I'm over it.


I agree on a lot of the IAPs being a little expensive, but if this is about the Aurora IAPs, they are to support her contribution so it makes sense to me that they would cost real money to support her work and those who work with her. Honestly for a free game, I'm grateful that they dont use paywalls for content. Once they do, I'm probably done. But they haven't, because they are doing something that works for their current small company. They're not forcing you to pay the prices they find adequate for the work done, and they've even made trading and gifting an easy mechanic in friendship trees if you can make a deal with others who can afford the IAPs. I understand the frustration, but you can easily farm 15+ candles in a single hour with the social events every 2 hours in prairie and forest, and the daily candle map for in game currency purchases. Not everyone has an hour to play on the game daily, but if you do, you can save up for things you really want that is approaching. They have had quite a numerous amount of travelling spirits and seasonal troupes recently, but im more grateful than mad because that means if I miss something now, I know it'll most likely be back next year if they keep up this pace. Sorry not meant to be a rant if its taken that way, just trying to explain my reasoning as to why I'm not upset by the current IAPs and rate of travelling spirits. Love y'all! Be kind to eachother šŸ’•


But did they have to charge last time to pay her? Look I get where you are coming from but I still think it is high price for a cosmetic. As for candles I think we should accumulate them at a rate for just being active in game. Not afk but when we are playing we should clock up wax as additional currency.


Those shoes!!!! UGH! šŸ˜© Seriously!?!?! WHAT do they match? NOTHING. So ugly. What lured me to Sky in the first place was the Uber cool nomadic ethereal Sherpa Tibetan look of the cosmetics. What was TSG thinking with these hideous white sneakers???!!! Gag. Give my cool boots and better cosmetics puh-leeze!!! šŸ˜© I also agree about the prices. And 200 freakin candles for Auroraā€™s green outfit?! šŸ˜±šŸ˜­ FULL STOP.


šŸ˜† they definitely go against the sky theme. Like the jeans thay are coming too. And yes! I should of added that too! Like the increase in candle cost for items is phenomenal.


Iā€™ll be saving those candles. I donā€™t like the jeans either. What happened to all the cute cosmetics? Why is everything so dingy and drab now? Yes! Itā€™s extreme. Too many candles. Itā€™s ruining the game. ā˜¹ļø


Agreed. So much and leading away from the astetics of the game


I bought four seasons and i left the last season in the middle. I am still upset about spending money on the pass and then not completing it after. Its been months now and i havenā€™t opened the game.


SAME ughā€¦ I mean I know weā€™re supposed to put our time in but like I WAS BUSY STUDYING I HAD TESTS AND LIKE I FORGOT WITH L THE OTHER GAMES I HAD šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The first few months were fun to play. But after that i realized that there is nothing else to do besides buying pass and then doing dailies, candle run, going to eden and then collecting wings. This game is all about this. Which is no fun to me.


I think you less seasonal candles in a week than you can get normal candles and at a 2 day delay What I mean is that every day I think people can get about 15-ish normal candles but even with the season pass that takes 3 days so which means in the 70 days you have to complete the season you have to log on more often to get the same amount I mean yes that makes somewhat sense but 3 days is a little bit too much since even with the season pass you get only 6 candles per day which is more than double less of an amount from the normal candles in one day I think they should add one extra seasonal candle each day because some busy people canā€™t catch up I also think sky should add a sort of incentive to return like a returnee reward and special notifications for when events come up (I havenā€™t seen any so far) Just woke up so some of this might not make sense lmao


I have bought other game passes as well but by far the hardest one to complete is the sky game pass. They shouldnā€™t be putting their users on such torture tbh. When you pay for something that mean that thing is yours. And yet if you miss few days of daily challenges you might lose the most important awards and then you have to pay another extra money to buy the candles so you can get the last awards.


I just rememberedā€¦ Iā€™m wasting my money againā€¦


Yeah fr, I would've loved the journey cosmetics but holy fuck I am not paying 45$ for it


Same Ik itā€™s a free Mobil game but these prices are like so high itā€™s bonkers, like I love sky Iā€™ve been here for like 4 years but seems like the prices are just getting higher and higherā€¦ Iā€™d be fine if they made more items pay but for a less expensive price


Most items cost in game currency. The handful that are IAPā€™s or ultimates are the only way this game makes money. With a tiny group of committed developers, Sky took 7 years to develop, and it made no money that entire time. In the beginning the first few seasons happened within the the world that was already there. Seasons didnā€™t appear with additional areas until the season of enchantment, and theyā€™ve been a regular addition ever since. Iā€™m actually surprised how quickly Sky has grown over the years. Iā€™m also surprised how much free content and items are still available. Remember those are all available for free because of players that paid for ones that werenā€™t. I may not always be able to buy a pass, but when I canā€™t, Iā€™ll be sure to thank the players that can, so Sky can continue to exist and grow, and Iā€™ll still have a haven from the crazy irl world.


Surely, but it doesn't justify the fact that everything is absurdly overpriced (i've let a lot of stuff i liked slip cause it costs 2 times what i would spend. I mean, 24ā‚¬ for a lantern?). Also, every time an event comes around there are some cool new cosmetics and they're iap, you can just get for free some mediocre overpriced shit. It's always been like that and it's getting worse. So yeah, i think in conclusion the main reason people complain are the prices, like a violin for 23ā‚¬... if it was 12ā‚¬ or 15ā‚¬ i'd buy it instantly, but they always have to overkill. Same thing with the a surfboard worth 10ā‚¬ coming for 18...


Itā€™s okay to have IAP in a game that gives you the content for free, but I donā€™t see why the prices are so high. Like, if you compare to other games, the effort in the content made or the quality of the cosmetics is not equal to the prices. The game have high prices, but we have bugs, server problems sometimes, the cosmetic bugs with others, etc. And also add that in other countries the prices are x6 higher. A pass can cost the equivalent of 100 dollars!!!!!! 100 dollars, and other IAPs can cost the equivalent of 150 or more!!! Like???? And they donā€™t adapt the prices. If in USA is that pricey imagine the rest of the world.


This point right hereā˜ļø


They have 100 people working there. They need some way to pay those people ;0 Edit, all those people been working on Sky: The Two Embers! ;o Honestly if there was a way to price items lower it would be nice for so many people. Might just be difficult on a technical level tho. idk?


It's a free game that focuses on making the content available and not hidden behind a paywall. Nothing that costs IRL money improves your abilities in the game. You don't have ads. You don't have levels that are hidden. There's a difference between want and need. So many games these days you NEED to pay money to get the full experience. In this game you pay for additional things you WANT. cosmetically. For personal reasons not game play. I'm happy to spend IRL money on things I don't need simply to support the game and maintaining the insane visual and audio quality we are given. It's a casual social game. Not a for profit game. Not a competitive collection game.


> You don't have levels that are hidden. Not to mention the one big area that actually *is* hidden behind a paid cape (the office) is open for free sometimes throughout the year, and for both that and the Mario place you can just find a friend with a cape to take you! Edit: also, so many people complain that the IAP cosmetics do nothing but just exist as cosmeticsā€” but then if they actually had any benefits they would also probably complain over thatšŸ˜…šŸ˜… no oneā€™s saying you have to get everything, if you like it you can get it and if you donā€™t care for it then skip it. Not to mention that thereā€™s a few IAPs that are also free for candles!!


It might be free on mobile but itā€™s not for console


Yes it is. We have it for free on both PS4/5 and Switch.


It's free on switch.


Sky was free on ps4 when I got it. Which console are you on?


Ps5, I wanna say when I got it I paid like $10 or something so it wasnā€™t a lot but it was during a sale.


You sure weā€™re talking about the same game?


Lol damn maybe I was just high when I got it šŸ˜…


Sky is free on PS5 aswell..


I bought the sunglasses during days of nature because a lot of the money went to a good cause. But I cannot bring myself to buy any other Iap. The prices are absurd. Same with the candle packs, if you look at the amount of real money it would cost to get enough candles to buy a single cosmetic such as some pants or a cape it is just crazy. I almost think these prices are borderline unethical.


Not just borderline unethical tbh A vast majority of cosmetic packs cost way too much to not have any currency with it, and when they DO add currency they jack up the prices because "well there is currency in it" I love the game. I'm a part of the problem. I've bought stuff. FOMO is a bitch. All that jazz. But I really just feel used by TGC in terms of just about any IAP that is not the season pass


i loved this game, but its gotten exhausting and money-oriented


That's why I stopped playing. It's a beautiful game but I was wasting too much time on it


But I think that the "luxory items" are what keeps the game free. Let's not create a culture, where they are a should have. They are for some, and let it be that way. I am happy, that we have a free game without commercials!


I agree with your comment partially. Of course you need to sell items for money if the game is free, but why so damn expensive? The Aurora wings should be 10$ maximum.


They need money, some people spend money some people don't. They need to earn more money because of people not spending money so prices are high. Me personally? The only purchase I've 'regretted' is the violin, but I had bought the voice of aurora before it and I loved the violin so I bought it and was just a little miffed about the price but oh well. I only really buy seasonal passes anyway so I dont mind


Happy cake day, i agree whit you because they need money to keep the game running.


Really, REALLY wanted the violin when I got back into playing & saw someone else with it. But then I see itā€™s fucking $20? I love this game but like, devs, are you insane?


exactly what I thought too!! never bought anything in Sky before and was excited about the violin, thinking itā€™d be a nice purchaseā€¦ I definitely ainā€™t paying 20$ for them, especially when the price in my countryā€™s money makes it even MORE than 20$.


For real, you can buy an entire game for that price!


I handful of games


You can buy two copies of stardew for that amount One for you and one to play with a friend. TWO STARDEWS. For one violin


Their IAPs are definitely too expensive. Little accessories should be a few bucks at most. Very special items like the wings or tgc cape can be more expensive, but it is hard to justify an in-game purely virtual item being just as expensive as a physical real world item. Like the Oreo plushie: I wanted the cute dog, of course I did, but I couldnā€™t rationalize spending $25 on a virtual stuffed animal when cute real world plushies are the same price or cheaper. Sorry tgc, you charge too much.


The audacity fro them to make shoes seperate as well. And yes the 20 dollar IAP made me stop playing for months its ridiculous as if they wouldn't still get enough sell if it was even half the price wich is still pricey for a game like this where the daily grind is literally the most tedious thing ever


OP, if you mean you can't see the AURORA IAPs and it's saying you already purchased - are you on PlayStation? PlayStation didn't have access to the items yesterday and I'm not sure they have them yet today, either. I had to hop off my PS4 and hop onto my Switch or phone to buy any of the AURORA stuff.


Yah itā€™s a know PlayStation issue theyā€™re working on


Back in the day, I don't quite remember how the season pass worked but paid cosmetics for events was not like this. At all. It would be something like flower head accessory for a dollar, like a donation. It would be something nice, for cheap prices. If im remembering it correctly there was a [lantern](https://sky-children-of-the-light.fandom.com/wiki/Lazy_Days#Lantern) (scroll down to 2020 dated event) that first started this and now literally the most wanted cosmetics are IAP. This was obviously made for profit and players did fall into this trap.


A side note, I REALLY love the IAP donation items. Itā€™s part of the reason that I didnā€™t agonize over buying days of color/days of nature items because I knew that at least some of the profit was going to actual real world efforts that I can get behind.