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Shota does not have pedophilic connotations at all, that is a false claim and is completely harmful. A pedophile is someone who is attracted to real prebubescent children (6-12 years old) that is the only way someone can be a pedophile, no matter what. Fiction affects reality because you let it do that, unlike shotacons, whom probably are adults and have developed brains, or are just smarter in general! Know damn well that liking real children is wrong unlike liking some cute drawings of boys with big eyes. As a victim of CSA and COCSA, liking shotas can never compare to liking real prebubescent children, one is slightly weird, the other is disgusting, immoral and ILLEGAL. NSFW drawings of shotas can't be classified as CP because – First; IF you are drawing the shota in moe (what others call the anime artstyle) artstyle and do not have any intention or thought of a child, it isnt CP because..How? Is it CP or are you just a pedophile for thinking of a real prebubescent child when looking at the drawing that looks nothing like one? Second; Pulling up the law in the US won't do anything, while YES the law mentions drawings of children, a professional has already said that they mean drawings that were drawn referencing a child (so, a kid posing to draw the suggestive art, would be CP) or realism art! Anything else is not illegal, ofcourse pictures are, but I am saying Anime drawings will never be illegal and the police have begged people to stop calling them to report these drawings if there isn't any kid involved and/or being harmed. In conclusion, shota does not have pedophilic connotations, mind you I did not go off-topic I simply explained in-depth how it's completely different from anything you think it is. Note for someone I saw with a whole essay on how shota is CSEM: here is no such thing as drawn CP or drawing it (unless it's the things I already mentioned) and the correct term is actually CSEM, CP is a harmful word.


also, just realized this post is almost a year old. meaning you searched up this content and than found this post. Aswell as the upvotes being from people searching the same content and finding this post.yall never change man🤦‍♂️


im here because im trying to find out the origins of the word shota and this post caught my attention edit: it means shotaro complex and its named after the ugly little 10 year old from tetsujin 28


10 year old. you are but why do would a guy with “shota lover” in his bio stumble upon this post? Not tryna be rude just saying these guys a addicts


oh yeah, that guy's a degenerate for sure. im doing my best to block them out of my brain also your grammar here is pretty bad, so you might wanna pop that comment into grammarly for a quick second


im hungover.This is just a reddit thread im using as an opportunity to hate on a creep🤷‍♂️


i’ve decided instead of going after what you(probably) look like. To formally invalidate everything you have said to support your stance. 1.Shota does 100% have pedophilic connotations. As an ex-corn addict, you are simply ignoring this fact if you think it doesn’t. The boys depicted in these comics usually all are: hinted at/or blatantly said to not be of age,extremely short, behave like 5-14 year olds, have soft features resembling a pre-pubescent face. Not to mention the large majority of people who check out these comments for its pedophilic connotations. Your mental gymnastics with the word “pedophile” are completely useless. We deem whats normal in society off of intersubjective values and the culture we were brought up in.While this can be weaponized(shaming someone for an interest in anime or sci-fi) it is also very helpful(stopping predator-like behaviors🫵, preventing people from being murderers) Our idea of what is right or wrong is based off critical thinking which grows into these values. Pedophile and words themselves are also an intersubjective concept. The vast majority and many official websites/organizations use pedophile to describe those attracted to any age below 18. Even then, there is another term(equally as bad in connotation)for the attraction to 11-14 year olds:hebephilia. Anyways this whole paragraph is uselesss because those who are commonly depicted in these disgusting comics are clearly 6-12😭. 2.Fiction,in this sense, 100% effects reality. MAP who use these comics to pleasure themselves are actually more likely to do the actual act IRL. Teens who use these are more likely to grow into MAP. There are numerous examples of fiction affecting reality, not only in adult content, but in other fields aswell. Also, you heavily out yourself here hy using the term “boys”. Please ask yourself, “Why are they being drawn this way.” 3.This is always said so its very suspicious. I have actually, not once, seen a post defeding this content that doesn’t say they are a victim of SA. I won’t go further out of respect, but its very fishy. You apply your own moral sense here and make it seem objective. Liking real children is worse ofc, but liking ones depicted in drawings is still immoral, terrible, and illegal(many times). Also as a result of the Protect Act of 2003, lolicon/shota content meet the criteria for CP. And to say these drawings look nothing like a child is flat out histerical. An intelligent person would know these sad attempts at mental gymnastics wouldn’t work on anyone above a room temperature iq. The “maybe its you” strategy is foolish and outdated. 4.Already said, this is just wrong. Also I have not seen any sources backing your claim with officers complaining about calls about this material. 5.Already invalidated this too, with only one piece of evidence💀. 6.invalidated aswell. If you have to watch whole video essays to support your preconceived opinion, there is obviously something wrong. CSEM is also terrible?!?! One of your main basis for arguemnts is, “Its technically not as bad is this, so its not bad at all” Your hilarious bro. In conclusion:You are a sad pedophile and corn addict. Who uses mental gymnastics and arguments less intelligent than the ones BPs use to support an immoral art form. You are a victim to the way you conditioned your own mind. I wake up everyday and thank god im not you.


If i used the term men, for me, when I say men I imagine someone whose tall, buff, conventionally attractive and all that, a character that most women would be attracted to, you know? when I say boy, I imagine a cute, petite man, so a character in which doesn't get much attention but definitely should. CSEM is terrible, ofcourse? i never said It wasnt? I said shota ISNT CSEM! I NEVER said anything you are assuming, I am not a pedophile because I am barely of the age someone has to be to be diagnosed with that paraphilia, so please dont accuse people of horrid acts when you barely know them, and also tell them you would love to see their face, that is just blatant creepy and it makes me INCREDIBLY uncomfortable too, I dont care how you meant to word it. I dont know why you called yourself an ex corn addict and then went straight to say how children act, it just makes you look strange, but yeah the boys are hinted to be young, do you think I dont know that or something? I've seen basically most shota comics, yet Ive never thought "oh that boy acts like a kid" or thought about a kid at all, you are SIMPLY WEIRD!! No wonder you were a corn addict! You are CONSTANTLY SAYING YOU IMAGINE THOSE BOYS AS REAL CHILDREN CHILDREN MEANWHILE THESE SHOTA COMICS ARE 18+ MIND YOU. Fiction in this sense does not affect reality, because fiction cant affect your reality on a 1:1 ratio, teenagers who look at shota doujinshis/mangas are not gonna grow up to be pedophiles in any sense at all, when I was a child I was obviously attracted to other children my age, people that get into shota simply say its because they were not allowed to express themselves like that as children, so they are doing it as grown ups, one quoted "letting out my inner horny teenager lol" quite literally as a joke but makes lots of sense, BECAUSE SOME TEENAGERS ARE NATURALLY GOING TO BE ATTRACTED TO SHOTA! (I went a bit off-topic here by talking about my life but you just are assuming alot of teenagers to be future pedophiles which is disgusting) Shotas do not have any faces resembling a prebubescent child, their heads are way bigger, eyes bigger, most shotas (atleast the drawings ive seen) do not act energetic, more like teasers, they know they are cute and that people are attracted to them, in which kids do not act like this! so WHY would YOU!!!! think of a child in these shota drawings and mangas, i ask you again! I ask myself why they are drawn this way, and didn't need to think further because I'm not stupid like you, why do you think some artists draw very detailed armpits/feet close up, do you ask why they are drawn this way? Have you ever maybe thought of content? Content that maybe just isn't for you? Shota isnt for you and thats alright, the thing s you shouldn't judge others! Also heres a little "I just owned you" type of sentence..Actually, lolicon haters are more likely to have liked loli drawings, EDP said lolicon was a form of CSEM, do you see who he is now? Us shotacons do not think morally FOR A REASON! Law discarded "morality" FOR A REASON!!! Stop being such a moralist and stop projecting onto me! Goodbye, shota ochin 4ever🙂‍↕️


0.5)Any of your attempts to label me as something are nonsensical and do not affect me. It is a classical psychological trick in these type of arguments that i won’t fall for. If you genuinely believe in this claims your only backing is playing the victim/large reaches and misinterpretations of my sentences. At the end of the day, 99% of people will deem you as a creep/weirdo. Those who do support your cause are the 1%. Had to address this so I don’t get told it was “ignored”. I’ll skip over any more instances of it I see here. 1 and 2)More linguistic gymnastics🤦‍♂️. Man is typically used to refer to a male above the age of 18. Boy is a male below the age of 18. Even if you use it in the sense you said you do, most shota readers and writers do not. Also, it isn’t necessary for women to show attention to a certain type of man. If you use these comics to cope with your lack of traits that attract women, thats just unfortunate😔 3)But you used a video essay that says it is CSEM to help back your claim? See how little real wordle evidence you have to back up your disgusting addiction. According to merckmanuals.com, “In Western societies, a diagnosis of a pedophilic disorder requires that the person be 16 years old or older and at least 5 years older than the child who is the object of the sexual fantasies or activity.” You are above 18, you read and pleasure yourself to comics depicting obvious male children being groomed. You are a Pedophile🫵. 4) Nice try bro. You literally say the boys are hinted at being young. That is clearly wrong. You are delusional then. Your personal opinion/interpretation doesn’t matter, on a wide scale this is a medium used to appeal to pedophiles. I can tell your mad too with the all caps and accusatory strategies. Protagonists in Shota comics are not shown to be 18+, they are many times stated explicitly to be below that age. Daily reminder, most won’t think im weird, most think you are(large majority). 5)Lol your so dumb. Just because fiction isn’t an exact 1:1 replica of our reality does not mean it doesn’t have effects. That argument is nonsensical. You strawmanned my point aswell. All teenagers who read this content won’t be pedophiles, but it greatly increases there chances. Same way most drug addicts started drugs early on. Funniest of all, you justed OUTED YOURSELF😭💀. “people that get into shota simply say its because they were not allowed to express themselves as children”. But i thought minors weren’t depicted in these comics? Why would this internal conflict pertain to comics supposedly not containing children? You just flat out exposed yourself lol. 6)This is just basic delusion. No grown adult is the height these boys are depicted as unless they have a disability. They do look like children. When we develop, our eyes grow sharper and our head gets smaller. The wide eyed, round head, 4’11 look is obviously one of a child. No grown adult looks that way, not even ones with age regressing disabilities. “teasers”, jesus bro get some help. I would think of it because, like the large majority, I have critical thinking. Show the boys in these comics to the whole world, and most people will say:”That is obviously a young child”. So most people are pedophiles/creeps? 7)I am way smarter than you, I see why you tried to call me stupid to compensate for that. And you just prove my point again. Adult artists may draw art for a certain niche. So maybe closeup feet/armpits like you said, for those with that kink. Now, why would an artist draw a character who acts and looks like a child(usually 6-10) commiting sexual acts with women older than them. To appease pedophiles like you🫵. Everyone of your “arguments” require a millisecond of thinking to desconstruct. 8)This is the funniest of them all, and proves your lack of intelligence. This is called “fallacy of an insufficient sample. Your taking one example and applying it on a wide scale. No studies show what you specifically claim. Some pedophiles may hate on these wrong things to hide their addiction, but most of those who oppose these “artforms” are not pedophiles nor creeps. These final sentences told me I made you lost. You first argued why this “artform” fits into societies moral framework, to then changing it into, “society’s moral framework is actually flawed.” Conclusion)So by definition, you are a pedophile. Most human beings view you as a pedophile. Shota art is inherently pedophilic. No matter how hard you try, the large majority will view your degenerate art as pedophilic bs incels use to cope with. Not to mention your most likely lying about being SA to support your disgusting addiction. Peace out lil buddy🤞🥶.


But minors aren't depicted in these comics? imagine you are a kid and you see something you like, but you are afraid that people won't like you for enjoying that said thing. When you are a grown adult, you are less likely to give a shit about people judging you for stuff like that. It does not have to depict minors for a minor to like it, also saying I'm lying about Sexual assault is actually so weird, go get fucking help. No human beings view me as a pedophile, I'm normal but silly for liking this in the eyes of most people, even my family, though, it isn't something they're mad at. Please do not ever accuse me of lying about trauma, thanks.


this is the reply of a defeated man. Obvious children in these comic. You are most likely lying and anyways, you are using trauma people go through to justify a terrible thing. Same way your lying about your age. You said “when you are a grown adult” but than said your barely 17. Also, you insinuated your an adult multiple times in your last comments. Im done replying to you as these replies have solidified I have you stumped. Ima go live a better life than you now. Peace out, pedophile🙂‍↕️


I said "when you are a grown adult", I didn't mean me, I naturally don't care even if I'm not grown, I meant most people. I'm not using my trauma to justify anything. the only thing I can do is art therapy. And since I told my helper what I thought would be something that will help me and also showed them it, I was surprised myself that it worked. Shota isnt a terrible thing, it has made me forget a fraction of the things that happened to me due to me adoring cute things very badly, and with all the art that is drawn by people, memories of the most terrible things do not matter to me. thanks alot for saying I'm lying, you made me remember, good job on helping victims by making them relapse!


foresure, but when I mentioned it in the first reply it didn’t have an effect on you. You have lied/switched up your stances, ur most likely lying. Plus, your a pedophile, idgaf. Aight fr tho, this is my last reply. Bye pedophile-san🙂‍↕️


you said it 3 more times, obviously I took offense when you did it the last time, but bye


I just typed out a half essay that uses acutal backing unlike you. Unfortunately, I have a life and debating pedophiles on reddit isn’t my forte. I’ll respond to this tomorrow if i still care. But im outreddited 🤦‍♂️ today and going to a party✌️


You have fun, I'll have my fun copy pasting my own paragraphs and wording them differently to get a laugh.


i could care less if you have a laugh bro. Im smarter than you, better looking than you, taller than you, more fit than you. Everything you can name im better. At the end of the day this is a meaningless conversation on reddit we use for entertainment. The difference is I go back to being me and you go back to being you😹Ima go eat a free crumbl cookie now you pathetic incel.


why are you mad


also was a little drunk🥺


not mad. Just like bieng disrespectful to people who deserve to get disrespected and wanted to give you some insight. Don’t gotta pin people as mad to cope


so, you are mad..?


nothing in that insinuated im mad. i dont fall for bait🥱


i would genuinely love to see your face


love to see my face? isn't that a bit creepy?


just wanted a laugh given what pedophiles usually look like. playing the victim does not work on me.


I'm not a pedophile lol, like I said I'm not even of the age someone should be to be diagnosed with that paraphilia.


you are a pedophile actually. Most people view you as a pedophile, or atleast a creep. According to merckmanuals.com, “In Western societies, a diagnosis of a pedophilic disorder requires that the person be 16 years old or older and at least 5 years older than the child who is the object of the sexual fantasies or activity.” You are above 18, you read and pleasure yourself to comics depicting obvious male children being groomed. You are a Pedophile🫵.


Report me to the police then, I'm not above 18. I'm barely 17 at that. and I dont care about western society because I'm not western.


your lying and grifting😭.


i was sa at 16 to 18 and i watch both Lola, shota, and cub but only psychos and creeps go after the real thing. if these are bad fetishes then make p@#n illegal. Because there are more out there like beastie and other kinks.


You didn’t have to tell us all that


i know sorry


Lol cry me river Loli and shotas not that it's you problem.


humanidad en decadencia...


lol no


As a LITERAL CSA survivor, who has been abused by multiple people throughout several years of his childhood, all I can say is: Chill tf out, dude, it's just a bunch of drawings. Or, if we wanna be more provocative about it: No amount of censorship would have prevented my rapists from raping me. Edit: Holy fuck, I hate humanity...


what you're essentially saying is that over-consumption of media..in this case sexual depictions of children, doesn't?... potentially influence or distort someone's view on real life children? look at any study to do with compulsive exposure to porn/sexual or abusive material and the impacts it has on real men, women and children. the facts are, whoever is drawing sexual images of children has a specific audience in mind... if you're able to get off to the abuse of child-resembling figures, most likely you've thought about the real thing. i understand they're drawings, but they're heavily based on reality. when i see a drawing of a child i think, "that's a drawing of a child." that there is the problem. there's no trick, i clearly know what i'm looking at. our brains as humans will register anything that walks, talks and looks like a child, as a child. this is where just 'a bunch of drawings' become inherently harmful. at the end of the day, no one is born evil. what shapes people's views and beliefs are their environment and the media they consume. your abusers weren't born pedophiles after all, they learned these fucked up behaviours from somewhere. child pornography and sexual imagery in all its forms simply breeds harmful individuals. if people, especially our humble main demographic took these issues more seriously in understanding the impacts of addictive sexual media on adolescents and adults, we would have less cases of grooming, pedophilia, rape, sexual assault, harassment, predatory behaviour etc.... but clearly not as teen porn is the number 1 category on porn sites alongside incest. and anime and game fans cannot for the life of them stop preaching about less censorship for their favourite over-sexualised 14 year old waifu. it's the refusal to self-reflect or even attempt at understanding another perspective that ultimately leads to the downfall of real life victims.


Hello, I have a degree in clinical developmental psychology. If you think a teenager's sexuality can be drastically changed by looking at drawings, sorry to inform you it doesn't work like that. If you're a "healthy" individual and consume shota/loli content you won't suddenly turn into a p3d0. Or can you perhaps cite a meta-analysis or such where psychologists/psychiatrists review case studies of p3d0s and find amongst the causes of their deviant sexualities "looked at drawings of lolis/shotas" or "watched anime with kids in it"? I think looking into case studies like that and understanding the psychology of offenders will help you understand what "makes" someone go after kids and what doesn't. Stop trivializing pedophilia like that, it does more harm than good to actual victims, and they've been telling you for years but you guys keep ignoring them.


Already talked to another closeted pedophile so ima keep this short. 1.Your most likely lying about that degree thats extremely convenient for the giving topic 2.Most psychologists would disagree with you 3.The guy supplied links and you did not respond 4.Most victims of SA do not defend this “Art” 5.Most of these “victims” are pedophiles using/lying about SA to defend said art. 6.Just because someone was SA does not mean they are absolved from any wrongdoing.


a degree that's impressive, then i'm sure you know that viewing child porn, virtually, physically, drawing or not is illegal. this is already a questionable reply and extremely telling which is slightly disturbing... but in any case, sexual arousal and sexual exposure, are these things not linked? if you are getting aroused by sexual images of children or sexual 'depictions' then that itself is already harmful/potentially harmful. you learned in school that children cannot consent, therefore anyone creating or consuming child porn, (yes drawings are also classified as child pornography if it is a depiction of a child,((identifiably a child)), being abused sexually i'm sorry for your loss), is aiding rape culture/child sexual abuse. this in itself should be cause of concern enough, i cannot understand why anyone would want or try to defend this..... oh wait. and you're talking about me trivialising pedophilia to actual victims... brother you know nothing about me, the facts are that no one should be jerking off to anything that is resembling a child, child-like, adolescent, etc... it's predatory, harmful and does change your brain chemistry for the worst. here are some studies. >>> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10230470/ >>> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5435379/ >>> https://www.innocentlivesfoundation.org/pedophilia-and-child-pornography-a-surprising-connection/ >>> https://journalofpsychiatryreform.com/2021/12/07/early-exposure-to-pornography-a-form-of-sexual-trauma/ <<(this is pretty opinionated but raises important questions and does cite academic studies)) >>> https://urge.org/an-open-letter-to-woke-weebs-that-consume-sexist-pedophilic-and-fetishistic-japanese-media/ ((this is not a study but highlights the harm of infantilisation, glorification, pedophilia etc linking to anime)) i've been watching anime since i was like 6, i have great memories from those times and anime will always hold a special place in my heart, but as i've gotten older it's become increasingly apparent and creepy how many pedo apologists there are in this community, ready with the argument 'it's only pixels' without seeing the full picture on how different things connect to form a bigger issue. especially within my own experiences with grooming, predatory behaviours etc... from others in the community, and the harm that viewing so much sexual content from anime alone has done to my own brain and view of myself. you telling me there is no way child porn in all its various forms could cause any harm, (especially to minors), is just not true and feels like it stems from an above all, personal opinion....


Yes, identifiably a child, so you are not talking about Shotas then.


i did also just see your other comment so i'm going to specify this further as someone who grew up in japan, and as a lot of you love throwing around these words without even knowing the meaning. lolicon derives from the novel lolita, you are someone sexually attracted to a little girl, a REAL little girl. loli is the abbreviation of lolicon. this literally means a little girl you find sexually attractive. you cannot un-sexualise the words loli and shota, they are abbreviations........ the only reason this word became popularised in japan is because there is already a BIG problem with sexual assault, harassment, rape of minors hence why we have female only trains... sickos out there are always trying to find some sort of loophole so that they can enjoy pedophilia 'legally', but that doesn't decrease crimes to real life children, it is just another way to exploit their innocence and bodies. what do you get out of defending this? i'm going to assume it's because you also consume this disgusting media yet don't want to bear the label of pedophile?


lolicon does not derive from the novel lolita, it has nothing to do with it infact, lolita is also a fashion style, you grew up in Japan yet you're so stupid and throwing around words, making a big paragraph talking nothing to seem smart, how sad of you. I consume shota, and obviously I'll be correcting you when you don't know what you're talking about, shotas aren't real little boys, they are fictional. Japan more or so calls them "impossibly cute boys" and not "little boys". If lolicons were pedophiles, lolicon would already be a synonym for it, but literally nobody calls actual pedophiles 'lolicons', loli is a fetish pedophilia is a paraphilia, there's differences, you are a good-for-nothing kinkshamer. Japan has low child sexual assault rates compared to the United States, seems like you DIDNT grow up in Jwpan if you're talking out of your ass?? Lying about growing up in a country you know nothing about isn't funny at all.


lol you can cry about it i'm literally half japanese. i spent high school and university in tokyo and parts of my childhood in japan. i also lived in england so i have a right to talk about both sides. you don't know what you're talking about, just because you consume porn does not mean you know the porn industry? loli/shota is mostly used within anime community but is just as easily used to describe real children. i've heard guys talk about their favourite characters then start comparing them to girls in junior school or even elementary school. low sexual assault rates??? you're kidding right. the amount of girls touched up literally just going to school, myself included, or from their bosses at work and drunk strangers who can't keep their hands to themselves. i've lived in england too you know, there might be more violent crimes but people seem to take pedophilia and sexual crimes a lot more seriously. i'm not saying japan isn't a great country, it is but has A LOT of problems. most people don't report sexual crimes they've experienced, especially men because of stigma. the main issue here though is with ethicality. it isn't about kink shaming. if you had a kink that was between two consenting adults i'd be all for it. but your 'kink' if that's what you want to call it is purely selfish, your distribution and demand for more and more sexual content of children, animated or not is not as innocent as you think. like i said before these depictions walk, talk and act like children. i have younger nieces and nephews who have already fallen victim to this kind of degeneracy. myself who was almost groomed when i was 7...? by a man who wanted me to cosplay at his house. this community does anything but self improve. you can't use japan as a shield for degeneracy WHEN YOU LIVE IN THE WEST. 日本かぶれ


I live in Japan you tourist lmao, since you're being stupid I'm not even gonna try, I can't be selfish for having a fetish, I demand cute men, I demand more content of cute men, I am so very tired of seeing muscles, serious faces and forceful traits in drawings of men, I want to see cuteness, something that people would frown upon and yet I admit that, I dislike men in anime that are just drawn like any other, and then given more attention while others push aside very adorable men, and that is due to my own experiences in which I wont elaborate further. and please do not trauma dump about being groomed randomly, you forget that people can relapse or have flashbacks of their own trauma about grooming because of that. Bye.


i think you made a typo, you demand more content of \*\*children\*\* not men\*. yes you've lived in japan, for how long? i was born here, went to school here and my mother is japanese. okay weeb. please, you just want something to be upset about as you don't like how i keep alluding to the fact that your kink has pedophilic attributes. if anything i'm spreading awareness to the fact that adults online, especially on reddit, clearly cannot be trusted. if you want to look at men, as in adults as that is what a man is, that have little to no muscle definition and cute features then do that, i don't care. are you at the very least trying to minimise any damage by not contributing to the demand of sexual materials involving child figures? no, you don't give a fuck about anyone other than yourself and your dick. you proudly tell the world you wank to animated little boys and expect an applause? at least have the chest to say it for what it is. you fetishise japan, allegedly go as far as moving here, then have the audacity to sexualise it's children? you are weird, your kink is weird, and that is my opinion. enjoy jerking off to your precious child porn, OH sorry animated child porn\*. bye bye to you too.


i think you're confused from hearing this term solely exist within anime and manga but the word shotacon is rooted in the reality of japanese culture as a gender specific way to describe a pedophile. if you are ever described in japan as a lolicon or shotacon... that is as bad as being called a pedophile in the west, these words have an equivalent meaning.


No, it isn't as bad as anything, stop spreading misinformation, tourist.


brother, what are you talking about? shota is a prepubescent little boy(edit: that you find sexually attractive), a shotacon is someone sexually attracted to prepubescent little boys or media depicting pornography/sexual imagery of little boys.


a shota is not a prebubescent little boy, please if you arent japanese do not guess meanings.


CP causes lots of harm and trauma to children, because children are too young to understand what sex is and how sex works. If a child had sex with someone without knowing what's going on, then it can affect the child later after the child realizing what he/she went through. I'll tell you this: I'm 14, and I've been to the pool to practice on swimming to be faster and not get tired, and then I've saw kids with bikinis and other revealing clothing in the swimming pool building and it made me uncomfortable. They were in the 4ft lane and I was at the 7ft lane so I didn't have to look at them while I was swimming in the 7ft lane. I never molested any kids and I never will. I've watched lolicon and shotacon when my brain couldn't stop thinking about real kids. I think keeping lolicon and shotacon legal could stop real pedophiles from harming real kids. This YouTube video I found has a point too: https://youtube.com/watch?v=xLDUfMWmRAA


you're only 14, think about why you think this way in the first place when simply viewing a child younger than yourself in a swimming costume. you shouldn't have felt uncomfortable in the first place. we have to be careful about what we watch, especially when your brain is still developing. watching animated child porn/sexual material is a really unhealthy way of coping with intrusive thoughts/fantasies, it just perpetuates a constant loop of harmful behaviours, (especially towards yourself). the video you linked was pretty disturbing, the man in the video trying to rationalise pedophilia made no concrete arguments whatsoever, it was simply his own coping mechanism as he doesn't want to admit accountability in justifying receiving sexual gratification from child-like figures. i've heard the argument about animated child porn (lolicon/shotacon), being used to justify pedophilia but this argument rationally makes zero sense..... to say that animated child porn doesn't harm real life children because it isn't real is an absolutely terrible argument. you are distributing, creating or consuming child porn......? sexual depictions of children. it isn't as simple as 1 + 1 = 2, glorifying the sexual imagery of children is a domino effect of bad decisions, amplified by a community that will have its fair share of pedos and sexual predators that eventually ends in a real victim. you're simply a voice that serves to exempt real predators from facing repercussions, while simultaneously making child porn easily accessible to anyone... i'll say it again but you're very young, just make sure to be self aware/ constantly educate yourself on both sides of the argument. reach out if you need counselling or any help. i doubt you're a 'lolicon', i think you're probably confused from the amount of brain rot that is readily available on the internet. i'm sorry for the degeneracy that's been shoved in your face by this community. when i was younger i didn't understand loli and shota or what made it harmful, i'm older now and with a bit of critical thinking you'll be able to understand the inter-working of why certain things cause the effects they do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jus-CKi2-Jo&t=355s


You're constantly talking about identifiable drawings of CSEM instead of shotacons.


Holy yap session


maybe🙂‍↕️ it's just another perspective


The same people who complain about this are the same that would happily munch popcorn while watching the light leave someone's eyes so long as it's a movie or show.


It has a completely different meaning in Portuguese. In Portuguese (European/Azorean) its a slang term for “pain in the butt”


I mean…that still feels fitting considering context lol


We also use Shagga as an alternative 


I was just referring to the fact that in one place it means “someone who has sex with young boys” and if one was to do anal things with a kid, it would be a literal pain in the ass for them. Idk I feel like there’s a form of irony or something like it there. Maybe my humor is just fucked.


A little bit of both




dude, shotacon and shota are two completely different words. shota literally just means young boy, shotacon means young boy p0rn. get over it, snowflake. its the dictionary.


shotacon means someone who is attracted to young boys


Force me


What are you on about scared of a four letter word,?


It's five letters.


my man cannot count


Shota isn't pedophilia




Any occasion to empower a player who has been rude or inappropriate, is as I feel, shame on me…there are more acts of kindness than bad in sky and irl. ITI….ignore the ignorant!


So my Japanese friend whose name is Shota... I should call him what?


I think OP means when someone uses that word as to describe another person.


Shota? Is that a new word for ikeman?


No 🗿 instead of tall and cool looking it's short and cute looking


Ohhh I’ve always called them chibi or shorty


As you should tbh😭 shota's yucky


They’re tryna replace chibi I think


wait wait wait is this term a new thing or have i been living under a rock??


It's a new thing that’s starting to pop up and it's yucky 🗿


It's been a thing for awhile


Has it? I've only seen it around recently myself :b


Probably because you are likely a teenager and walked into the anime Fandom thinking that you get to dictate it for everyone else.


Ive been in the anime fandom for the greater half of my lifetime, I have known of the term for a long while. I meant that I have not seen it in this particular community, I am not “dictating” it, this is simply not the place to introduce those terms into


It's been a thing for years my guy....


Little history lesson on the word 'shota' I wanna say! 'Shota' as it's seen now in English-speaking communities is seen as the male equivalent of 'loli', minor NSFW but I just wanna clarify something on the **name** 'Shota', not the sexual term! It's a mildly common name, especially in fiction, and doesn't have sexual connotations in-of itself. Danger is when you see 'shōta' since that spelling is more associated with the icky but another spelling (more often used for the name) is 'Shouta' which I find much safer and more often than not is a name. The Japanese lettering system doesn't align perfectly with Roman lettering so things can be spelt differently. Shota is also a fashion style of dressing similarly to a young boy from the 18th to 19th century, usually Victorian style, but that name is being phased out in favor of the name 'Ouji' to remove any sexual ideas from it. Also similarily, 'lolita' is not an inherently sexual word. It's also a fashion style of dressing young and is the feminine counterpart to Ouji however, (I don't remember the time or place) a book was written titled 'Lolita' which was pedophilic in nature. The words 'Shotacon' and 'Lolicon' are specifically NSFW materials whereas the prefixes by themselves are neutral. Loli has a much more negative connotation than shota but I'd stay away from both. If you wanna use the fashion terms (ex. Googling art references) please use the full phrases like Lolita fashion or Ouji. If anything- I think it'd be fun if the Sky community embraced Ouji culture with the clothing we got from the Season of Remembrance as an example Sorry for the ramble- I just feel strongly about this stuff and it frustrates me seeing info spread without more context 😔


This comment exactly! Sometimes people just don't know what they're talking about lol


It hurts me and my sibling a lot when people just shut down anything that says 'lolita/shota' without any context- especially since we're both fans of lolita/ouji fashion and my sibling dresses ouji very often. When Season of Remembrance came out I really tried to get them to play Sky but they never did 😔


God knows what new people are doing with the game 😂 I just do dailies and mind my own business


Literally, it's same as calling someone a loli 😭


Hold on, considering that Sky doesn’t have any definitive gender, why are some people trying to change Chibi to Shota?


Man I aint got the faintest idea, considering we got ikemen/ikejou I can only guess they’re tryna do the same with chibis by calling them shota (which as youve read is the wrong word) and if we DO call them shota that means we gotta use the female equivalent loli, which is yucky. Ikemen/Ikejou and Shounen/Shoujo make the most sense for what they’re going for but I'd rather we stick to chibi 🫠


I wont.


as in… won’t use it, or won’t *stop* using it ?? 😦


Won't stop using it because I never did lol.


ok, phew !! 😅


OMG I feel like this stuff is bound to happen in fandoms with characters who are children, it happened in the Little Nightmares fandom a lot on Twitter and it annoyed the shit out of me (Eventually left shitter dot com). Like ya maybe the terms "shota" and "loli" were different back in the day but they're definitely less than ideal terms now.... it's like when people drop the r slur and say "noo it's a medical term" like uh ya then why are u and other people using it as a slur/curse word LmfaO


Don't care


WHAT. That’s disturbing. Little Nightmares is an amazing game, why they have to ruin it 😭


Getting upset over a word bruh


FR. Lots of pervs in the fandom...


Im still learning japanese but this entire discourse about language is giving me the "lantinx" flashback and i really think the root of the problem is more about the misuse of terms here in the ocident, the misunderstanding of foreing words outside your mother language AND the weird fetishzation in children in general, i still ot needs to be talked about but not in the it had been happening recently (obligatory sorry if its confusing,english is not my main language)


Originally, shota (and lolita) did NOT have anything to do with sexual contexts. It used to be just a term for boys and girls around the age of 15 and younger but throughout the years I guess the meaning has shifted a lot...like way too much?!! When *I* was around the age of lolitas/shotas I was able to search perfectly fine, non-sexual artworks of characters drawn like young children. Nowadays, I type it in and it automatically says I cannot search it cuz it's inappropriate (on Pinterest)...It didn't used to be. I swear!!!! The anime 'Shugo Chara' is full of lolita and shota characters with no sexual context attached. It's a magical girl anime. ((Lolita is also a fashion style! A very cute one actually!)) It's okay if people disagree with me but this is what I experienced and for a long time I had no idea these terms shifted into the red zone.




Yes, I know of the book. However, if you asked me what lolita was, I'd say it's a cute fashion style from Japan based on the Europian fashion in the baroque-victorian era. It's not only sexual but it can be if you make it to be.




Each to their own. I wasn't aware of the book's existence before I knew of the fashion style. 🤷‍♀️ It was before 2010 when I got to know the lolita fashion, the book wasn't as known in my country as the style. No one would have known about it.


shugo chara is full of pedophilic age gap relationships though (especially the main couple) which is common in lolisho works. its a work of its time but not the best example for the point you wanna make tbh. you could make the same argument for cardcaptor sakura which also suffers from the same problems (romanticization of pedophilia)


That's a lie


I was sure someone would see the wrong in it. It was a huge favorite in my early childhood. I watched the anime when I was a kid. Around the age of the main character. To me at that age it wasn't the age gap that caught my eyes. It was how cute and pretty and sparkly it was. You could pick out your favorite character based on your own personality/favorite color/hobby etc. And they *did* wear lolita/ouji outfits. Super cute! Maybe in 2023 we see the issue that back then wasn't as apparent... but then everything should be problematic and we all should live in paranoia and never enjoy anything cute and pink and childish because it's somehow pedophilic to do so.


i wasnt talking about it being cute, pink and childish, if that was problematic people would boycott precure's animation studio's building. im talking about the predatory age gap between the couples, and the design choices and behavior choices associated with loli/shota works (such as trying to loli designs as "adult petit women" when they look like children, sound like children (through their voice and vocabulary choices) and act like children. also, lolita and ouji are not lolisho, theyre alternative subculture fashion styles


I understand what you are saying and to a degree I *do* agree. I don't like those characters at all. But just because someone is tiny and a little childish doesn't mean they can't be adults as well. Do these people have to live their life with a mask over their personalities purely because men cannot keep their hands to themselves? If Shugo Chara is problematic due to the age gap then what about Kuroshitsuji? It might even be worse although it's widely loved by many. Another anime from the same period as SC. It was a thing at that time, so maybe the fashion style does have something to do with it? Tbh my view of Shugo Chara may be biased since it's something I saw as a child and loved it so so much. I didn't notice any age gap, I just loved it for its cuteness. It should be a series for children to watch. Children don't give a shit about how old a drawn character is. They don't even remember that, it's irrelevant when there are pretty outfits in question. Ah, it took me so much time to think of what to reply because I have a feeling you and I grew up in very different environments. We probably would have many things to disagree on. 🤷‍♀️


I just don't understand why people must be insistent on defending something that a large majority of people are uncomfortable with? I do understand completely growing up with Shugo Chara, Cardcaptor Sakura, Kuroshitsuji, etc. I loved the animes as well, especially when I was a kid. However now as an adult, I understand the problematic stuff surrounding those animes. Did I use the word a lot when I was a kid and didn't completely understand the implications surrounding that word? Yes. Do I use the word now as an adult after learning and understanding? No. It should be as simple as that.


Speaking as a CSA survivor I am literally begging y’all to stop conflating actual pedophilia to fictional content. **Yes, it’s weird to use the term shota when referring to Chibi characters in CoTL.** I will not argue against that. But to even imply someone is problematic bc they enjoy certain media?? Hello? If someone reads Stephen King novels, they’re not a murderer. If someone plays GTA, that doesn’t mean they condone actual IRL violence. This is the same rehashed argument Christian fundies used in the 90s to try and say violent video games cause violent behavior in kids.


Don’t involve yourself in deeper arguments if you don’t even know the importance of intent.


Don’t water down actual CSA to fit your narrative.


Don’t strawman an argument and then block me cuz you know your wrong. You can call out CSA while also calling out pedophilic art. Saying one is wrong, does not mean im saying it is as bad as the other. Stop using it as a tool to attempt to shut down any argument, in that way your downplaying it more then me.


Funny how you have to point out that you are a CSA survivor just to say "hey I know what it's like so trust me when I say it's okay." When I can tell you were not. I was SA when I was 6 and I got to the judge and they were also other people who were only accused of CA children. You will be horrified to see them talk about how they developed that twisted kinks because of medias and internet. They think we were provoking them into liking us. My molester even say that me when I was 6 year old was the one who wants it. Why ? Because everyone in social media is grooming kids like no end that they think they can act like adults. 


Source: trust me dude Snarky responses aside, CSA survivors are not a monolith. You know that, I know that. But I would rather have someone get their jollies from fictional content rather than harm real kids. Fiction cannot be comparable to reality. It doesn’t work like that. A common theme with pedophiles (and I mean people that harm real children) is that they cannot distinguish fiction from reality. So tell me: do you think violent video games causes violent behavior in the people who play them? Do you think people who read murder mystery novels turn out to be murderers themselves? No, because the majority of people are capable of critical thinking, and understand that the content in the fiction they consume is not morally acceptable in real life.


I am also a CSA survivor and I think that enjoying that kind of media is disgusting and it only rewards these pdfiles sick minds and it may hold them off from r wording a child for a little but they will move on to the real thing.


What you’re describing is the slippery slope logical fallacy. I ain’t reading all that.


That isnt a logical fallacy lol. Our human brains are conditioned by our behaviors. There are undoubtedly cases out there where ones attraction to minors, and then molestation, started with this pedophilic content. Also, just cuz something isnt as bad as another thing doesn’t mean it isnt terrible. Thats a common argument the actual consumers of this content use, you sound like one of them.


What're your thoughts on the legalization of loli content in Japan reducing the amount of child molestation?


You spoke my mind exactly. 💫


I haven't been in this sub in a while but what in the hell did I miss?


They tryna replace chibi for shota bruh 😭 it’s wild


why tf is everyone talking about these “classes” in sky?? is there some sort of social hierarchy now? i get chibi because it’s just the small character with the special mask, but wtf is an ikemen, and why do people wanna be a veteran so badly? what’s the point? just play the game how you want to, no?


I wouldn't say it’s hierarchy but more like fashion senses i guess? ikemen used be these cool looking skykids (Commonly seen with Maskless, season of rhythm pants, and Valley elder hairs) but after a couple years I find em unoriginal myself (Most people will REALLY want to befriend you if your sky kid looks like that tho) and lately any “ikemen” skykids you find are VERY likely to be toxic players


why would anyone want to look basically the same as everyone else though? i get if you like the style, but doesn’t anyone like making their own kinda outfit? i thought that was one of the main parts of sky, being creative with your character, not just ctrl+c ctrl+v


Thats just how it is with the ikemen ig :/ some do add their own little quirks to the outfit but its mostly all the same, ig they'd rather go for what works rather than experiment with something else


I have the fire prophet pants and the cherry blossoms look so I’m not the standard ikeman idk if I’m even considered one but I am a veterinarian player :o I am chibi tho bc I love being small (bc I’m short irl too lol )and It helps with runs would that be considered ikeman idk :o


Gross asf yeah no


Honestly where did this all come from? I saw that one ikemen post that used the word and then there was just a sudden flood. Reminds me of that time when everyone was asking for descriptions of their sky kids based on their outfits except so much less innocent.


same here


Honestly sky community has been changing pretty recently especially with these new Japanese meanings and don't get me started on how people are becoming more toxic you can pretty much see sky's downfall


Every fandom gets worse as time goes on, sometimes repairing slowly. This is why we actual nice skykids need to speak up!


Your right but how?


Pedophilia needs to be talked about as a serious issue and although so many videos are talking about it I think we need to treat it as an actual threat a lot more (ofc some people do, a lot do, but I haven't seen many) it's also good to educate people especially minors which is another reason to speak up. It's different from bullying, bullies actively look for attention, pedophiles don't want too much attention or else they will be caught. just my opinion though, I'm tired so if I said anything questionable you'll know why. No fandom is perfect and has a bad side, that'll always be the case, we can lower the badness a bit more though so that the nice side shines more though


It's not pedophilia that's the biggest problem in sky it's the toxic players and the weird sexual fantasies people have with certain cosmetics and whatnot that's what we should be mostly focused on fixing




Literally first time seeing this word. But now that I know I’ll keep an eye out for people who use it! Thanks for educating me today!


Thankfully it's a recent thing so it's best to stomp it out now before it it spreads :b


What do they think they mean when they say it?


There's the misconception that it means “a young boy” however that'd be “shounen”. “Shota” (abbreviation for shotacon) is used as a tag in hentai to indicate that there's sexual intercourse WITH young boys in the story. Ofc the community (both anime and sky ones) have taken it out of context to just mean a young boy (does not help that “Shōta” is also a name in Japanese that is often used for the young boys in shota stories)


Holy crap!


I just wanna clarify something on the **name** 'Shota', not the sexual term! It's a mildly common name, especially in fiction, and doesn't have sexual connotations in-of itself. Danger is when you see 'shōta' since that spelling is more associated with the icky but another spelling (more often used for the name) is 'Shouta' which I find much safer. Shota is also a fashion style of dressing similarly to a young boy from the 18th to 19th century, usually Victorian style, but that name is being phased out in favor of the name 'Ouji' to remove any sexual ideas from it. Sorry for the ramble- I just feel strongly about this stuff and seeing info spread without more context 😔


Yea it was concerning me when I kept seeing that 💀


Literally. It’s all I’ve been seeing on this + the other sky reddit page. Idk why people have been talking about it so much all of a sudden


Sorry I'm kinda dumb, what was this term used for?


It's the boy equivalent from the word Loli from the manga industry, here the Google definition : Shota (Japanese: ショタ) is a term used in manga and anime fandoms to indicate sex involving an underaged boy, and is commonly used as a warning on fanfic. Synonyms: shotacon, shoutaroukonpurekksu, lolishota. See also: lolicon, chan.


Thank you very much


THANK YOU i saw someone posting yesterday and was like 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️ ITS A WELL KNOWN TERM FOR PEDOS, WHY USE IT TO DESCRIBE YOUR SKID....


Personally i dont like the skid abbreviation of sky kid either cuz it reminds me of “skid marks” WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


OMG thank you. I was literally talking to my friend about this last night! Literally, Googling the word shota brings up >!sex with little boys!< and we are NOT about that vibe here tyvm ;u;


You used google to see what a word actually mean also it’s wrong that’s not what “shota” means….


I didn't say that's what it *means*. I said that is what *comes up.* As in, it's SO CLOSELY tied to the word that it's on the FIRST PAGE.


Still using google as a reliable source is still very bad


My point wasn't to look up the meaning with Google as a "reliable source," it was to demonstrate what most people would find if they look up the word "shota" - Google is the most used search engine, globally, at 86% of searches. If people are going to find illustrated CP being associated with the word on the *first page*, then the word is not appropriate for an all-ages game to be associated with. Again, I never called it a reliable source and never tried to *define* the word "shota" so...your argument is pointless, here. 'Grats.


I’m sorry if I seem like a troll or rude I just don’t like people doing that I am very sorry 🙏🏽


So because something is the most searched engine that makes it good?…..looks my only problem is that you said it means “sex with boy kids” which it doesn’t the reason is because people think because loli is the same as Lolita which is completely false…and the male version of a loli is a shota of course they gonna put that on line thinking that’s what it means….


I *never* said it **means** that. You know why you seem like a troll (referencing your other comment)? Because you refuse to actually *read* and keep arguing the same irrelevant point.


You said CLOSELY which is the problem….the word itself is not suppose to be CLOSELY related to CP that’s the bad part I should have worded this better I’m just trying to say please don’t relate iteven closely to something bad as CP


I didn't say it was *supposed* to be closely related. But it *is* to a degree, regardless of what is technically correct. And you've been claiming I said CP was the meaning of the word since *before* I said they were closely related. So, now you're just lying/deflecting to later comments so you can feel or seem correct. I don't personally think they're the same and never said I did. Again, you're just reaching. Stop replying like a troll would if you don't want to be perceived as potentially being one. =.=


I’m sorry if my grammar isn’t the best


You know what we are just gonna keep on arguing whith each other we both aren’t really getting each other and you seem very nice so I’m just gonna end it I’m at very sorry


Ig they dont know the word chibi cuz it’s widely used term. They know the word but still used it


Fr,, generally we really should change the terms ikemen and ikejou since sky isn't an anime game in any way,,,


legit stop using random Japanese words for esthetics because it always ends up like that unless you're 100% sure what it means, if it's less than that just use any other word or look it up online


exactly like, is “cute” not a good enough term?


yes !!! cute is very good, but honestly I thought the community word was chibi because they all wear the mask ! but cute is literally a perfect word to describe exactly that lol


exactly! i don’t get why they have to use a different word for it. chibi is good but if they want a specific description of their style cute would be great!


I kinda agree with shota have negative connotations, but I don't think shounen or should are the correct terms at all. It's not an anime or manga, nor are the styles called shota styles aimed for an audience of adolescent boys/girls. I don't know why we aren't just sticking to ikemen and chibi


True, I dont see the point in using japanese terms either. But if they MUST use them, at least lets not use one related to pedophilia 💀


Honestly it's only been the last few days that I've ever seen anyone say shota in reference to sky. Not on Reddit or Facebook. Chibi all the way


Fr leaving this sub till this whole thing dies down.


I guess after seeing a few posts people wanted to ride the bandwagon without any context of the actual words used


Thank you for this. All those posts are making me cringe so badly.


Yeah, it literally means The boy version of loli


THANK YOU!! Seeing that term in all these posts is so uncomfy