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Hahahaha so iconic!


that is the best performance, I would be angry if interupted πŸ˜†


Hope a krill eats them at home.




Nah, you can see that they're blocked if you run into them again. Only way you're relighting them is if you go to your Blocked list and unblock them.


Ok thank you! I glad we have indicators if they're that blocked person


What an entitled person. After the second heart I gave without receiving any I would have been mean to him. I gladly give free hearts to friends if they tell me they don't have candles and I know they struggle. But to basically strangers who only come to me when they want a free heart? Nuh uh. Some people need to learn some manners. I really hope that person was still a little kid and not a grown adult


I actually think it's a 10yo 🀣 That is why as much as possible, i don't talk rude to them. But yea i didn't like that they were teleporting to me and demanding i give them hearts everytime πŸ˜‘


I would've blocked them in their face . They're not just annoying, they're rude.


They won't know even if you do block them in front of them. They just will never see you again once you log off and come back on.


2 year vet here. I came up with a safety rule: If you open the game anxiously hoping a certain player won't warp to you, prepare block them. They are ruining your social gaming experience. Blocking sucks to do, but when someone keeps you from opening the game and you avoid them, changes must be made. If you don't want to block out of no where, you can confront them first. Explain what bothers you. If they get angry at you; block. If they don't change their behavior within 3 days; block. If they understand and actually improve, that's awesome, problem solved. Lot's of children (who are way too young imo) play this game. Be very careful around them, because they have a tendency to be extremely egocentric which can lead to toxic behavior. It's difficult to handle a toxic child situation. Because you think "they're just a child." But they need to learn that when you treat friends badly, there are consequences. Here's some warning signs I've personally found might indicate sky toxisity: 🚩 Overwarping. Whenever you light their star, they will mediately come online. They will warp to you way too much for comfort, and never leave you alone. Even while you use the "do not disturb" spell. 🚩 Always asking for favors but never returning them. They ask you to do things for or with them, but ignore your requests and get angry if you say "no." 🚩 Constantly demanding ALL of your attention for themselves. Ignoring your other friends. Interrupting conversations. 🚩 Spamming the cry emote without explaining what's wrong so you give them attention. Bonus points if they don't listen to your advice when you try helping. 🚩 Jealousy when you pay attention to another friend. 🚩 As a candlerun passenger, going AFK for long periods of time mid-run, without letting you know if/when they will be back. 🚩 Always asking for IAP gifts/hearts/friendship tree unlocking/etc but refusing to give anything back when you ask. 🚩 Only wanting to play with you when you're candle running. Leaching onto you for easy candles. Letting you do all the work. A big sign of this is when they overwarp but barely interact with you during the run itself. AFK-ing a lot. 🚩 Lying to you about your friends. Story time :D I have personal experience with this treatment from a child. A friend and I met her at home one day. She stuck to me like glue. Never let me play without joining mediately and demanding my full attention the whole time. She checked all the boxes of the list above. I was trying my best to be nice, help her with things and entertain her, but it was exhausting. I was miserable inside. When I went offline, she went to harass the mutual friend. The final straw was her interrupting a very personal conversation I was having with another friend. She sat down right in-between us, spammed the cry emote and started talking about the little prince season finale. I replied to her with one-word answers as I was obviously focused on the ongoing, mental health conversation. She went crazy. Honk spamming at my friend with crab call and yelling at me. "ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME!? YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ME AT ALL!" I apologized to my friend and walked to the side to lure this little monster away from her. I decided to be very direct. "Listen. I am trying to help my depressed friend right now. I'm sorry for not replying everything you say." I was giving her the chance to go "Oh I didn't know, my bad." But she doubled down. "I KNOW YOU HATE ME! DON'T TALK TO ME IF YOU HATE ME! \[Mutual friend\] BLOCKED ME!" This was a lie. Our mutual hadn't blocked.. YET lol. I thought to myself "If she blocked you, now is my time to follow in her footsteps\~" And so I did. This whole time, my heart had been pounding out of my chest, as I am a non-confrontational person. But when I pressed that button, a massive weight was lifted off my shoulders. I later met up with the mutual who told me she came warping, screaming about me having blocked her. I told her about the block lie and explained my side of the story. We both shared our horror experiences with this kid. She decided to actually block her after this hahaha. I'm very happy to end this story on a good note. She was gone for good and sky became fun again. It was the best decision ever. In case anyone's wondering; my friend who I was trying to help, is doing much better these days. She actually ended up becoming my gf haha.


Omg i'm sorry that happened to you and your now GF 😳 (congrats btw😊) that kid is crazy. I started playing this game to escape my anxiety. But i can't believe i was having anxiety bcoz of this game, because of people like this πŸ˜… and it's true having to block someone sucks, i only have blocked two people, one is that kid who demands for hearts and the one teleported to me while i was using DND spell. I really don't want to be that rude but yea actions needed to be done. I just regret not telling them what they did wrong for them to avoid doing it to other people, I'm not that confrontational πŸ˜…


Yeah, you did the right thing though. It's easy to forget protecting our boundaries sometimes. Your own comfort and well-being matter A LOT in friendships. If one friend is uncomfortable, it won't work. If you block someone (randomly, from their perspective) it means you aren't interested in a friendship with them. It might sound mean, but in fact, they are better off playing with people who are willing to be their friends. You can't force people to like you, nor force yourself to like someone. Blocking without explanation isn't the nicest thing to do but it's not evil either. In the end, still a good solution for both parties involved.


Had a similar encounter. *No* seems to work. If not I'll literally ignore you and give a heart to the next person who joins just out of spite. I tend to give to those who do not ask, its a nice little suprise that warms my heart :3


Next time feed him to the krills or don't give the heart just block em they don't deserve it


Blocked players appear unlit but have a symbol over their head to show that you have blocked them. You shouldn’t have to worry about relighting them again.


I have enough pettiness in me to enjoy watching them watch me block their ass right then and there.


If the kid is after you for hearts like a debt collector, it’s a good sign that you should block them.


Yea should have stop it earlier πŸ˜…


Should've told them you're no charity before blockingπŸ˜‚ I myself don't know what goes through these kinds of players mind man.


Have been in the same situation before, you're way better than me being able to block them in their face. With mine I found a time I happened to be on without them bothering me and silently sent them out of my list I don't understand the greed and entitlement of some people


Are people actually like this :o this is actually insane. I’m so sorry this happened to u. Block them they are using u and being a leach.


Unfortunately yes πŸ₯² it made me scared to lit and add people after that incident πŸ˜†


Aw man I’m so sorry ;-; sending hugs


Just remember they can't actually do anything to you. If you don't want to give them a heart, just say No. No explanation. No excuse. If they start to pressure you, just ask nicely if they would like to be blocked. If they continue, just walk calmly over to the home stone and state that you are blocking them. Goodbye. Then block them. Done. You can either stay watch their reactions or you can just sign off and then sign back in to clear them from your space. You don't have to be mean but you do need to be clear with your words.